OKONO WEFMt.V TINtES TJIUBSDAY. JUNE Tth. ieoe' Save Cash- Best Boy - Save le Save-Ail 100' Roll Wax- Paper 27c PFeature -Save lc Alsweet Margarine Best Boy - Save 9c - Aylmer Fancy Corn Featore Save 19eJel Shortening 4 lbs 99c 15-oz. Tins 5 for 89C 21b 53c Best Boy- Sav e 61, Bcd Seal Faney Cohue Salmon 2 lb tin 43,c Best Boy - Save 58c - 37e off Pack Surf king size 95c Feature - Save 5e lVelchade Grape Djrink 2 for 69c Peature - Save 10e (For Preserig) Granulated Sugar 50 lb $4.29 Best Boy - Save 8z- - Prem ,Luncheon Meat 3.9c Best Bojy - Save -43e - Fard Dog Food 10 tins $1 CLIP' THESE VALUABLE COUPONS FOR HUGE CASH SAVINGS (Expire June 9tlij ~(.) ~C.> ~ON ~ 4 o ce '~ .4-J 5, * s c Q C) ce * - s ce 'I (n 'o S e w- b s e ix 's o Jo ~C) Q w- s c e a' s o Q e o s S Q4 o 4- r«4 KENDAI NEWS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ra]îph MICMackin who celebrated their twenty-seventh wedding annmversary -1 Saturd ay evening; also tÉo f Wmn. GreE,oofd ho had a bivthdayvý knows, we xnighit have a future Prîie Minfister attending Kendai scliool to- NIINEIYEAIROLD DOU(1 RICKARID day. SROSYBRE Ww muelimnpressed by Mr3. SROSYBRE Diefenibaker's fine âppearanèe and gracousmaneras she moved a- Togthe people greeting them and ~lhr pitetakeýn with onle lttie girl. M uo nerandle As the resuit of an accidecnt,Do- las Richard, nine-year$old son of LMr. mind MNrs Iý 3. Richardî, wate is in the Sick ]ý hildre-n's Hospital 4a Toro)nto si rn fromi sever-e buirnsý LU "The Kiiig ut Pork Roasts" - Extra Lean, Bonelese LEG 0' PORK lb 67c NO Waste - Fresh Siced - Not Smekted. HAM STEAKS lb 75c Launchàeon - 6-0z. Va". Pao. MEATS 1 &4 for 89c Swift Premium - No waste - cryovac wrapped Corned BEEF BRISKET, lb 6 Oid Fashloned FRANKS lb c ')c :ello '49çc Save Se 6 oz. Tins Sunkist LEMONADE 4 for 45c Fruserviae.-Reg. 65e FISU & CHIPS, now 59C ~,co ORONO, Ontario Famouis Satin Sonkisi ORAN GES 3 doz 99 c- LuSelous, large, sweet CaMlornila - No. 1 Grade CHERRIES lb 75e Fancy,. sweet, CORN, tender - No. 1 Grade PamGadn lay heb4 for 29c No. 1 Grade- 4oz. relle tube TOMATOES 2 for 39c CREST Toothpaste - Save 18e cash 67c size discounted to 49c PHONE I1121 "Farm c-ash income has reached an "On:ario receîved $607 million infed- ail-t ime record hîgh. Prices are now eral payments this year, a huge in- 3upporred on 23fIàrm products. crease over 1957's $215 million. "Canada stands today at the commencement of a great new era of progress and prosperity-first as a resuit of the action we have taken--second, on the neces- sary condition that the plans we have made and announèed for the next five years are carried into effective action. "Five yeairs from now Canada wili bc celebrating the 1Oth Anniversary ot' Confederation. Our plans for the future are already five years along the road to> fulifiment and they can, will and must be realized between now and 1967. What has been ýdone in five years is proof of what yet can be accomplished in the next five years." VOTE Progressive Conservative JUE1 -IN4 DURHAM C01106PTY TOUR CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE IS N N s N.' N. s N N N N -N N N. N N 4 N N 4 N 'N. N. s 4 s N -4. VIVIAN, PERCYx PHYSICI AN "What lias been clone is proof, of what yet çan,,be,,,,accomnpishedC A statement to the people of Ontarfîo from Prime Minister John Diefenbaker "Five years ago the Canadian people gave me and my colleagues a mandate to end the years of indecision and neglect of Lîberal rule and make a start ini the New National Policy which we put before the Canadian people in 1957. You gave us a renewal of your mandate in 19-58. "In the succeeding four years we carried on that policy and as a direct resuit of the many bold and even revolutionary mecasures which we undertook the recession. of 1957 hias been supecseded by the boom of 1961 and 1962. Eome folks from the area were aint~ c Mrs. Hughes on Sunday. Newtonvllle on Monday to see the Our Sunday Schooi. and Church The accidient happened aLt'the h-ome3 Prime Minister and Mrs. John Dief- ser-Vice on June 10 will be at 7:30 p,m, of WI' Edrchl where th-echls ,tibaker; Dr.. Vivian M.P. and Mrs.' in11ShilOhi in the afternoon. We'ill se2 ren were burning some gras-s. Tijere '%"vlan; Mr. Leslie Frost,' former This is because of a Masonic service were. no aduits around at the timeýý premier of Ontario, reporters, wax You in the evening at Kendal Churchi according to iniformant.s, Eteve, Bar- veterans and others. this week. chard was bilrning the grass wlth the We wre ladto ee owavileý r. ossEllottof rocvile sen'assistance of the injured boy. ro) We wre ladto ee owanill Mr ~ îî~tt 0 Brck~ii i epnt ake the fire burn faster gasolineý School and their teacher in attend- the weekend with hic parents Mr. and was used and evidently some ofth ance. We were sorry that the pupils Mrs. Reg Elliatt.1 gasoline was spilled on Douglas' eo,> of Kendal senior roomn were not there. Mrs. Florence Foster of Port Hope thing and without warning thé- boy s The cost of busing themn would be dif- spent Sunday withi her nephew Mr. A.;cohswr as0 lms ficuit but 1 imagine that American Thompson and his mother.1 ltewr amsoflni. pupils would have been bused eight' Miss C. W. Stewart was down to ________________ miles to see their President. History'her home for the weekend with lier: -when you have met the leaders. Who fiece and nephew. vleck top and the seventh 3stor,3- je niuch earier and more jinterestintg The Sixth line has been given a ceive o)ne soon. "Oui' energetic trade polcies have produced thefirstfavorable balance of trade ini nine years. (M"o WICEK,"-"e T13ma", "OldAge Pensions and OldAge Assist- ance h ave been increasedftom $46 to $65. 0 ther pensions havYe kept pace. Iz 0 9