____________________________OUONO WEEKLï TLflES THURSDAY, fUNE 7th,. 196Z 9YEN MOTIý7RVs TOUR Bowmanville so school children and the beach," charged Howard Hursoni, VO PASS THROUGH residents will bo able to catch a of 1U; Cove Road, '"the whole beachý LOAtL IDOMANILE glimpse of this member of the Royal has been iýrovedi." O A N I. Tlhe Qileen Mte ilps hog aiy It was usedi for town streets. jMrýs. W. a. McCullough who r,,é Bowmianville on ignway 401 on Set- TOWN STEALING BEACH1 turii-d to her home last week i8 in urday, June .16 at 9:45 a.m Mr. Hur-son, who acted as one Of the Bowmanville Memorial -Hospital COTTAGERS COMPLAIN the spokýesnfor the 11-.memberi This was learned by town council group, rcle that a petition was, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Norton are leav- by a letter fromn the Lieutenan Gov- An ang-ry delegation of residents sent to town coundcil last year about ing- tomorr4ow-,for a holiday li Néw-j ernor, i letter stated that a car and cottagers from Bo)wmtanvilie the same matter and at that timec fouidland. carrying the Queen Mother during hier 1 West Beach accused town uxc! coun ci ared lootfdstoyt1 Caradian tour, will s1 low vn to Sev. stealing their beach. ground cover of the beach. Mrs. C. A. Cumming of Bowman- on miles per hour as it passes through -The sand wasn't remoûviod rom - ville spent the weekend with her sis- __________________________________________________________________________ tex-, Mrs. Heber Souhi and also called r_____________________________________________________________________on________ on Ms. Bimacmbe -NEW SUMMIER COTTONS ARRIVING TO-MORBOW There are sizes 9 - 24½ý1. If you are looklng for a Summer Dres-î corne in and see themn. PRICED FROM $11.50 - $16.95. ~Ji.AJLREDSHIRTS For snart wornen. Just arrived for smlart ensilai summner wearlng. Fine cotton broadeloths, iconvertible neekflne, short sleeve. <olour whte. Size 12 - M8 PRICB '$2.98 SKIRTS In white Arne], double box pleats. Aiso check ging- hms, Colours blue, pink, black. Size j?, - 16. PRICE $6.95 - $7. 95 LADIES' SHORTS Bermudas and Short Shorts in stripes or figured. Size 10 - 20. PRICE $2.95 - $4. 95 COTTON SLIMS Ili, Twills, Broadlths and Linene. Size 12 - 20. PRICE $3.M5 - $6.95 DAISY FRESH Foýr tfasio's ithe young linos. If you want au alluring new' figure you want Daisv Fresh! This best se1in~Brssirebas elacticized uinder-armi shirring to Sunday supper guests Wîith Mrs. Harry Bailey were Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rickaby, "frs. C. A. Cummning, Bomanville, Miss Audrey Billings, Osbawa, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. M~r. and Mrs. Roy Power o! Scar- borougli were weekend visitors with Mrs, Cecil Power. PETERBOROUGH TUNIVERSITY GETS GOV'T APPROIVAL -A group o! citizens in Peterborough. have been given provincial approval te lbegin a new university there, Cie 14th ,recognized university in Ontario, Prem.ier Robarts announced recew1y. The institution will be called Tr ent' University. It is to start classes in Septembe r, 1964, with anenoet of some lOm. students. Witbin 10 years, enrolment is expected to increatsý te 1,000o. pi c prejeu gapngclasticized staps and wvaistband. Size -jAp'. '~ st te ne" n I ~2 i6 A 32 -38 B.PRIC $2.5 - vi. tv il] o ocf Peteroog- j ~d c E ict~q~ibuildings for til IPANTIE CIRDLE [frtWoor three yas nt~i Ofe ~Whte powver net and satin lastex with embroid.trip'maln ulinswl ou GOTHIC Best seller at S1.75. No wonder tins is our I famnous Bras! Thats b::use ofil efc StriePRC$50 & 11,vsjtYot fteciydntdt upfll!t anid its tiny price. White broadcloth wlth firm cord-.Tect a tex inseurts, Elastized straps and back. Sizes up to. 42. T - (t ar leacly grven $L00,ù00 GýABTER BELTS in hroadclotb elastic or nylon net. *dctbsmn of the univers3-j iPRICED FRO-M $It9à $2.50y ad Iis -will be suppleinented by, Iprovinc;ial assistance," Mr. Robharts ý LADIES'ARýNEj, $SLp$ aid, v'itbout indicating the extent c! î is easy care. Washes easily b>' hand or machine ýprovincial granîs. 'Ji1 iitizens' group, firequires litfle or no ironing. PRICE$29- $3.9à) will seek private flaanci'al supporti LADIES' COTTON SLEEPWEAR t'epoprtrl, Capri or Jxortj1e lPyjanmas, Siortie Nightles in floral, s~ h rprlm. chebck oq.Qi r plain 4rip.ilry Cotton. The premier said the government Pn>IIÇE Y2.95 - $3.95 li~.- as agreed to a recommuYendation by LADES WIT ~Trent Uiversity be eligible for both I Inl Banloni, Terrycioth, Kroy wool and nylon, Poodie t, eebruhognzrs ta Sock. PRCE FOM 6e - 9e capital and maintenance grant~ III ALF SLIPS Present plans cali for capital ex- lIniT Arnel or Ctton1. Size S. M1. L. PRICE $1.95 - $2.95 0Ii i61 nu~~p pcnltures cf about $2,000,OC0i 94 À. 65, $1,75r1,O00in 1965 66 and $,0,0 Opt' AHlb> taeP in 1966-67. prvd 'r woi M Trent is expected t jvvd Wednesday . 'ood range of degree courses. in the tI ____________ arts and sciences." ~Itt ,- * -. l-o he nih p itv fol-i The Man who wiIIserve the People ~-PRFESION AL1-RPARED FOR PARLIAMENT ENIER(ETIC ATTE.NTION TO LOCALPRBMS ý- WILL1 REPORT REGI3LAILY TO H115CONSTITUENTIS SYLVESTER GIVES HL -CI'T 000 as the total, and subtract1ng ail ON HOSPITAL G4Ný[PA T I' ;ther knovvn sources of !uinds, $60,0ff Organization o! the campaign to will have to be provided by the oin- raise funds tt hbuild the new Port munity. Hope Hospital is well under way, L. T. Sylvester, general chairman of He said a survey conducted by the campaign, told the Hospital Trust Brakeley and Company., prof essional at its annual meeting at Dr. Powers ftund raisers who are, working, on thîe Sehool. ampaign, indicated that the task is Mr. Syveste said lie regretted thke [ uite within the resources and abi11- handicap «, noot knowing final costs ties of the people of Port Hope and untiI' August, but that taking $1,400,1J Estriet to accomplish. r le~preli mnar:jy work by a CitizenIS 'rnimtttee xhIsch irihdes i-. Kli< . 13'asr.chilrn c-f 'the university',- ~ewildWhyt,vice-pr-esident Rev. J. C'rok. reasrerReginald R. Fayefl,) anrd poperty carmnS. R.Aamoî Dean Thomras Symens of the Eni. verýsity cf Toronto hieaded an aca (ItOde frla sI ,vek; Thc , eg lpc îi cf the CAG.T wa edcai l ondaIy, May 28 in thel 5ua, chool JlAuitor-ii. There were 9present. SThe meeting openred by repeating the C.G.I.T Purpose. The cail t wripand the( Devotional weroie thenl given. The secretarys and treasurer'5 repors were given aud te collction t aken up. During the business we discused plans for, ile-grad(luation servie of four cf the senior girls. This is tnh -Z eld on Jil rngteregublar Chrbservicýe. -For our last mneeting we decided to bave a hike and acok ! eut yon Jue 21. The gils are te meet at Cuir at 4:30p.. iThe mreeting clQsed Nvith laps after' a ight Wlnh was served. U UITESURCH Orono Pastoral Charge PAMi n iste r Rev E.. E. Long SUNÇDAY, JUNE 10th, 1962, Le~krd -1:45 pm 1-7irby- 9:45 a.m.ii SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono - 10O a.m. * Leskard - 1:15 p.m. Kirby -- Il am-. mnate this yearl1ý hazard. THE MILILER'S Snack Bar ROAST BEEF' Salad and Bolls Gliazed Sirawberry Pie and Fruit Torte 'f li Whoe Wo lin Bloomn with A quamarine TLE- Class-e o! Florial Fragrances by REVL1ON Spray Mist regularly $3.50 ONLY $2.OO COLQRKINS 10 Demi-Lipsticks in Revionbs "Super Lustrous 11" formula $2.95 1~ STU f"T'S PHAMACY TH11 IS WKYE K JAT i e' WieDress Shirts,' sap' f-rizveçlfr1 m sed colla, wash 'ni wear-, litte or no ironing 2 to 6 2 EaCh .... ...........29 ~n'sSnot Sirtssanoriedshort slee-ves, ~soi~'ted pttern-s adclos Sizes smnall, med- ium r lage. rice............... .$9 Men',-s Ties->Va Wood(1Ensemnble. assûrted pat- terIs n oos Cello wrýappedI complete wîth Mens Plo hirsSportsm-an Style, s leeves I Siesmarnedi-mrlarg.ach.... $19 Special'r Mýen's SrthO-ai Fancv Socks, Regular 79e This week's special........ 67C. SMen's Fine beather Beits , assorted patterns and cùooS. Sze 3 to 40, Eah. ..... $.O Father's Day dard, priced at ........ C to 25c. DishClohsour regular lIow price I19e. Special thïis week. ý......5I for ........ ... 89e. Giant Beach or Bathroomi Towels, 2 sizes Priced ...........Each $1-77 aýnd $2.69 Chocolate Tasty Buids, ello wr-apped, 7V2 oz. bags 2eua 9c. Weeki-End ,Splecial, bag fori,. 29c. STORE OPEN FRI»AY EVENINOSf N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N * N N N N N 'N N N1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N t- 's. N N N N N N N N A tadVoTEro URUSSELLO. HOEYX DURHAM LIBERAL ASS ýiATION il I fl-- 41