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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jun 1962, p. 7

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Hljod1in y Sky .1i:swung imohyround inito the wind and hungalmost sOiaayin sc iinbing 'iliVyupwardis. Ovýerhead a a flat aind rather dîrty sheet of cloud, stretching as far as 1 coui-ld see in ail dirc- tionsî1. There wa-ýs nothing 1,about it to nmake anY 'lidier Pitot or meteroioistexpt hf t; nyr theleýss I found myseif rising Wîth geýntiy ncresig peed cto- wa-rds it, uintil in a sh-orýttm it Kietcly took me i. The lift in- cýýised1- furthier andI quite sudi- denliy I burist forth into a scene that miight have bceen onunte I wasfiyngnorth l nong the easer a1peof a ggnia ness, vailey of azigcod The sun, hc we had rot sýeen, for over ar, ekwas biazing down fom a ky 0fcloudfless dark blue,S tr ik';ýing- from th1e àoundiced walis andflo f the cioud valley awhtiteandinsup for mny dark gaýsd am anagU111ýed ta find thiem and pt them. on, Theee hadi the stark and zplenid gl eometric2alinpict 4f a crtain kind of nightmare. The cloud, valley raý,n st1raight as a rL'er ahea-d of mieasfrs Uhe yCouldF reac"h. I wsiyn aion', in almost utter sle.nce, -With mi y rig-lit wing neariy touching the eastern siope-, and &bout a- third of the a up ta- wards its crest, climbing sýteadily. On m-.y left the shape feil away to the valley floor, -which then «eurved srnoothlyv up again ta the p arallel wester n side of cloud- We did a 90' turn ta the ef , îihe milky chaud rushed at us, the valley behind hesitated and £aded fram view. After a fewz ,nomenits, the rate of~ climb Indi- tator swung fram rise ta fa'i, the cioud lightened and we burst eut inito a valley, the exact Mir- *&r of the one wes had just ef t, Ai we neared. the eastern aide ygaln, the Indicator reversed to , aligrb,» and I turned ta the right *nd wam agalln traVersing9 Up the @5nowy jide o & the bulge, .This extreordi nrary sequence repeated *teJU five tLnes each crest beng eg gxpected, sightly ovyer thain the n.before. Thea ýixth timen Idlved into the chaud wall, I ld inot conne out. As 1 san'k the «Iludgt qlûwly dar.ker, arind tire Iimistakable suiphurous ameHl &e a aýtee-warks a m-ile beiow, end probably several milles up- wind, brougirt back a flash of the seal wcrld I had airnost fargot- îeni in the estatic thrrea-quarters tf an hour behind mie. Thuis ended a flight which epi- tamized thre fascination and the inexpectedness of soaring, and which t aught bath pilot and me- teoroiogist samnething niew about the air aver even aur aid and e-ully expiored country; a flight ,which shawed that you do not liave ta go as far as Everest, but tapn still ericounter surprise and adventure- in a sailpiane as near ta, home as a mile above the emoky roofs of Sheffield-Framr the introduotory essay ta "The Bcuyof Giding," by Phiiip DRIVE WITH CARE I Four Days In A Ship Turned Upsde Downl1 Wirei Capt. Jaimes T. Morse of Bath -lauuicied a 100-tOn schoo-' ner inta tire Kenniebec back ini 1805, and named ber- "Enignia". tiare was a good deal c! head- giraking amang lihe ancient ,mari- nlers off the city of ships. For Saibors, et leai5t aid-limne eailors, set cons iderabîe Store- byr aR ship's namne. Tiere waýs a cer- tain, supe-rstitiîon attaoired ta il A gaad nanme vwas a good omen, "Give a bo't name like tint," irle aca averred, "carn"t wander a nytbling she doas." May'be tire Enigmra fal11it ta wmay about il herself. She was as fbat-bottomned as a skiff, and hnd a ide centerboard ta he iet down whlen tir.e course wax against the wind. This was be-, cause a shailowv draft vwas ru- q'uived for tire purîposa for wrc sire was intended, tiraIa is, oper, ating betweeci Naýw Orleans and Mobile, freigbiting bocal praducý thglstire sia-lbow rivers and inletsae! thre Guil f&,Meýxica. Captain Morse .was Da m-an ta be reckZOned witÏr. Be wov I0e a fomdbebeard and had a for- midable glint in iris eyes, and toýok nio nonsen_,se froml any'body. Hliring conly tfour n for, bis crwie lioaded tire Ei ml a fashian at wirich îtiewa more iedsrkn among tire experts, Aroostook potatoas be- bow ""and 'l' gi dckoa f Mainle lunaber, and took off for Cirarleston, S.C. Tiray gaItihre aftar Il lda y oid Fatier Neptune baing sur- ýprisngly tolerant af tins af- front ta iis powvers. Hara most of tire patatoaes were diýscirarged,4 leaving an em.pty space la tire afterhald, whicir, as it turnaed out, was &a lucky tiig for tire itIle compan)yaf tire fiat-bat- tomred schooner Enigmla. Sire cieared for treGulf and Mobile and hefore aire got very far dawn tire Florida iiitoral Ét _"eatfiree turned "irewy. " Cap- tain' Mo7rse cl, ose-re-fed and have ta, and for awhlle l.the anirooner behaved vweli. Many z Gel(uce-,ster or Nova Scotia craft Qt approximate tQiaFe 1Waul-d1 ùf cours*e> demnthis *Only pari cf tire cday's w'çork, but tiey are buibt for il. Nor, so f ar as the record goas, is any know,,n tù hirave been caea Enigrna,. which bg 'Io say, "inexplicabIle." Anywvay tire beiravior of Cap- tain Marse's vassal soan graw« did(-edly enigmnatic, especialby as lbe.haavy weaalir deveioped mb to ypicai West Indian hurri- cane. But sire put un a brave ttruIggIEý and seemled in a fair way'ta ride it out, wvhen ane of tha terrific eascharacteristic of thïs kind af wepther camne &long - and bottonssida u p went tire Eniigma! Bottonýiside up, witi tire crew of five pennad. in tire cahin where Iirey had beau getting a bite ta cat. It ailtirappenied i an instant, withi no warning aI ali. Evarytiing was i darkne-s and the wtar kegirnnîng ta flood tiereisiailspace in whîcir tire quintal was imnprîsoned. And now cornes an adveniture wiricir Is perapsý unique in ail tire' far-reachig annais af tire sea. Tire ceiling of tire ca'bin wae now tire floor. Tire higit waî barely six feet, hall tira pae beillg balow deck and inif atbovc. A bulkiread 0f soft pin, a-epaiRaled tire cabin from tire iaflerholdid, now enrpty vwhere tire Aroostook patatoas iia d Captahr Moretlling the s tory afler-ward, si,"First thiag 1 did wvas ta plug uip tire crack 4-n tire coaIpanioýnway v doorliat "Vat lelting watar in fast enougir te fi- up tire cabin lunuo t:ime. Tien, sioshing nround luil, I stepped on aan idliatchaltiraIt irad got wasrecl down someirow. s u DISTORTION - From con,- era's pint of view, this; stur-. geon appears ta be a giant. Actot[y, it is o large one, According ta officii Soviet sources, it supplied 46 cons of caviur Wts being hoisted oboveý a do--ck in Caspian Sea. Caf Trouble ln High Ci'cles For tire second month ina row-, the Acting Secretary-Gen- erai of the Ui ted INations, U Tirant, was plagued wltir apart- ment probiems. This time, it seems, tire andard dlid not t ake kindiy ta tire keen claw o Tirnt'% cal. Tirant suibleases aumnptuouily furiýnished apart- mnent oin New York's East Side from William F. Wiraley.Lst manti tire state rent cammissioni filed suit flor treble damageg after learnIng that flire Secretary- General waS paylng $1,200 a miontir for tir, $402.50ven.t-con- trOhled a p aî r t m e n t. eety Wiroley fïiec îi anaffda thi tire state Supremne Court listinig $6,447 iii daixiges done ta vii iWhoIeýys elglreen-century furni!-1 ture. Tme oat, lndicated Wholey was tire- cuiprit. "Ho tare th*, damask curtai-ns, rIpped ap th*e carpets rand uphoîstery, We had tao tirow a lt cof stuff out." Tir, cat's- paws have now been nmani- cured, said the landiord, "Tirant is a very fine gecntle- man." Tirant had nothing ta say about etirer tire cat or the con- niptions, brut a spokesmnan for the~ U.N, officiai said it was "al a, pack of lies and distartioa hiawn out of al! proportion." MO0DESTREQUEST A tramp knocked warily on, tire door of a moderatelyý large residence, and bawed mieekiy wiran a powerlfuL lady answered tire summ-ons. "Sure and wbat does a mniserable runt like yau ho cemin' 'round .ta, botirer me abaut?" sire cdemanded. .If yo'd be do kýind," said thre tra-nvp bamily, exhiibiting ak smail otject i the palm of bis irand, I'hlke ta get a coat sew- ed oanto tis bitton." -BêUILDING MATERIALS LET'S FACE IT I'o sheatb sund Insuate the eutsIde or race ad Insulate thahinside of pour liome, Barri, MiIk house, Fruit & Vegatable steraga, etc. costs are hîgis. MIRO-CELL or THERMO-PLY wlill do botb, oe application, orie price. Mire-celi less thia 7c and Ther,- mo-ply less than lie .par sq. ft. for kstandIard. 13ç~ for-v Alkali resistant brn. Refer hinuiries te DUAL purpose, imost varleties, rompgt thipnient fri Bray. DaYold5, als# trtd3-5 week old. Also Ames3. Re- qetlist. See local agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Ham- BOOKS Eduicatioinal books, Drawer 188, Fort Erie, Ontario, EnïglLsh Grammnar and Punîctuiation $ý2.00. Your Pen ad Four Voice -deals wth Banquets, Toasts, Public Speaking, Jifdgiing 1peeches., etc $Z.001 Speechý1 corrections miinimumn BUSîNESS OPPORTUNrITES AUTO collision business on miain hîgis- wav, steax ahast, spray booth. Bear frame and steering service, fully êqui- ped. heavy duty wrecker, gas and o&l e. God aUl-year business. Rtlring. Box 66, Burks Falls, Ont. BUTCHER SHOP ThrivIng retail business, $75,0W0 tur- over, $15,W0 buys ail equipinent and f ood wil, $5,000 down from responsib1e uyer, here is a rare oppartunity te own a wonderful business, to Inspect Please cati 652-2991 or wrIie Prazer C. Browni, Realtor, Lambeth, Ont., for fulier information. BUSIN4ESS PROPERTIES FOR SALI WELDINQ and miachine shop anLd resi- d!ence, Full comnplemient power tçalo1 godbusiness , la ich southern QOn rrmng ares. Box 55, Me1bourine, Ont. MOTEL VICIN;ITY Kitelceer, on busy hlghwey te 401; 14 units plus 6-room m iodtem houise; air-conditioned, T.V, hook-up, telephone. Asking $120,000; 'net profli shiown $l4,i00; annual gross $25,300, STA1RK-Janecekç Limited, 307 Xing E., Kitchener. Ont. SH.6616 MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. MO0DERN floor coverlng and uphol- stery shop. Floor space 40'x30'. Good living quarters upstair-s. Ideal busi- ness, location of any sort. FuIl price $28,500, down paymneint S0,000. Town population and district Â40,000. GýRO. CERY, mneat and confecttonery tore, 3-bedroonihomne and store on, 1 lot, Includilng stock~ and equiprnent. Ap- prox. turnover $40,000. lffiU price $28,- 500, down paymant S10,000. Owner s other interests. Please notÎfy Mr. W. Schwenck, 544-C Princess Ave., 'Med- lcine Hlat, Alta. CUCKOO CLOCKS FINE Cuckoo Clocks shipped te yous from Black Forest, Germany, la an- tique walnut finish. Perfect for den, 2e1cove, kitchen, ideal for gtfts, beau- tiflyliancl carved. Now only $4.95, ceck or money order, Egwood Davis, ýinortExprtCo., 4405 Avenue One, i4, New York, "No sooner mid we got into tire alfterhold," C&-ptoian Morse continues, ta there came am, terrifie crash. We ,tlhoughit the %clhaoner was gaùrg bavk on bier beamendsand. then we would bave been in for 'It. But wohat éid lhappiened was thre going over' togethe-r of both nR-sts, d«eokbaad end galley, However,' she hung- tire way 'sie was and we lay there, penned up about as bad &a. before, until daylight. Tne gai- ley's going overbQard had lef t a snrall hale wirich jave us a bit of ligirt, and the notion cam-e te. m-e of cuitting tirrough the inside 'skin' of the schooner, the samei as we had done througli the bu-Ilhead. Strange enougih, I'd~ kept hold of thre hatchiet ail tire Again, wýorking in- turns, tire men maode a hale in thre two-irnci ir:pianking. Carrying on wihincredible determination, they at ast almnost pierced thre outer "skia? ' Now they irad ta be carefui because a hale entire- ly truhwauid at once let out the conrpressed air tirat so f ar had susýtained them. They wa--rk- ed araund the hale until the wood was so thin they could al- nrost -see tirrough it. Then tirey rested until anotherlaswn, Tirrea d1ays they had been penned up. At hast, f indin-g a beavy piece of scantling, at one blow they drave it tluough tire- decký and wxere aile to crawl out bef are tira air w-as exhausted. They thon w7ere on tiie bottami af the hul1, a precariaus position indeed if the weathpr , wirich irad nmoder- ated, should turn heavy again. "It waàs thre f ifth da3y," CapVýain. Morse said, "and we were bun- gry, tbirsty a.nd tl'red." They -ianï,1ed ta catch a snall sharl< by tire tail and ate it raw. Yet; two d ays morie were spent on tire flat-b-ottomi - and fortunata it was tha thtie Enigm-a -was shaped that way- ere they were discov- ered and 1t-aken oýff by the Eng- lisli brîg «Peerýless," bound fromn Philadeïphia ta Cuba. N N N N N B .~ N - - N PEST CONTROLS51 KILLS THEM BY MïLLIONS Masquîtoes, Btack Flies, MohFlies, 8ugs No arepoisonsý or odersi Harmrs td birds, aiià's, -humanrî Positive 'elecfrïc insecf kdlt- ing g*rid t Onm ts L angs. any- OVERWEIGHT? Try tise effective"WyLs raet Reducing plan 1 mocntl,'s ufp $7m.0. Lyon's Drugs, Dept 32.,471 Danfnrth Ave, Toronito. SAVE 15% ON ALL DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL [niclacding Vtamlns, Cesmnetics, Par- fines, Patents. & Injectables. etc' En- u aiesý bivted. Lyon'F ,Drug ,,Depi 34. 71iDanforth, Toronto PONY SALE CéONSIGNMýENT PONY SALE of Clinton Sae Born ON SATUROAY, JUNP 3e, AT 1 P.M. F'or linf'ormatîon, or coxsigimants ,write .501 COREY, R.4, CLîTW ONTA210 Phone -Huliter 2-98S9 SHAVINGS FOR SALE ENGINES GRAYMARINE Ovr O awad used angines aal able froni stock Inistllation and rebu1ldlng. LARCO EQUIPMENT LIMITED 44 Chauncey Ave., Toronfte 18, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 7'JAR Owan Soanid, 300 acres early laud, une watem, brick bouse, al convnienes, ank barn driTlng sht, ffl acres bush. Prie S23,000. Write or phlone between 7-8 a.m. Hfenmy tai, RR 5, Owen Sound, FR. 6-7524. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR sale '1hreshlng machine, georgeý White No, 6, on stel eapp1wl shedr& grain thrower. [n excel-. lent eonditlon Leenard Harris, R, . Kirkto. ,Phone 33-11, KRirkton, Ont, FOR $ALE MMSCELLANEOIJS ONE CENT SALEIl yon buy&ne top 1 uality men s glnghari short setVim 'laid sport shi,,t e$,9,w spi l~uwit an additionral esht foi 0 1,O 1,ty one arf 'Ladies' seamiesa inylonr haseu at e84ýlrwg supitply yens w1th sec- ond pair for e.T'i4s advertisemnent must accoxnpany your order te rrecelve thesp bargFains. Sendi for free Ilustrat- *d eataldf'e and Pionthly Money 'Saver listlig bundreds Qf Ihues of top quallty mecandise solilet rmeney savirli? f.rics. Postage er 'Express '[aid. a1 maOtion guaralteed Or moneY refunded, TWEDDLE IIEItCHANflISlNG FECOMPANY, N ,rAJO HEARINr. AIDS lIARD of HearlnM? fHear witli astonlsll- psg clarity. Tramnendous break through Iipiefield! OnIy *49.5 vilhguar- antee. Haanrlng Insttute, Box 1351, t. Lauirent 9, Qisebee. HIOMES FOR SALE -BEFORU FOù U B GET THE FACTSi Mtttart Homes Save you mroney Consider se tie featum-es: Mlortgages Llfa-lnsmad tnei addional charge. No mionay down for miost models l1vw montbly payDlents. Easy te assemrble wlth pra-bulît wialls and englneared roof trusses. Miany modela ta choase from. _MU'TTAPT HOMES ARE DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO. MANITO. BA, SASKATCHEWAN, ALBERI A AND B.C. Write for free illustruted brochure t,. Muttart Homnes, Box 295, BranitfrDV, LiVESTOCI< 1 have another liard of registered Jer- s3ey cattie for sala. WIIl finance on terms 0of 36 mnonths, se tliay wlll pàa, l or themnsalves. Apply iinmedlataly te Ross Butler, 742 Pavey St., Woodsteck, or talaphone LE. 7-8155, Woodstocit. MEDICAI. 971'S PROVEN - EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Coilect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH 'Île tOrMaýt of dry ecZamal r ashes and weapieg skiu troubles. e'st 5 Eczama Salve wtll flot disappoint yoa Itchlnig., scallng and buruiug ecza- maan, ringworm, pïimplas and foot eczema willi respond readlly to the sti ces dorlass ointaxeut regardiess cof how stbhornl or hpls hyseam., Sent P6st Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE LOANS Money ûýavailabia fov munmadiate [eaul on Firstt sud Second Motags)ndi A'greeamants for Sala, on vacant sudc Improved prepe.rty, residential, Indus- trial, clty subuirbniian sd cour, sud suninier cottages. Forty vears exper ienec- SIJMMERLAND SEC URITIES ITE 112 Si.coe Streetcl North. 0SIiAWA, OtriVPhn 25-3568 NUR~SES WANTED Oea Matron ,,.,th knowladga ofXra 4nd twa Genaral Duty Nu\Ttrses reqjuirad imnmedlately for 15 bed Hlospital, 40 heur week, tatutor-y helidlays and eg- Vlar vacation. Rer and board $40.001 par imthi. Èeautiful location. Apply with fuldtis salary B.C. Standards. Adlministrator, Arrow Lakes Hospital F.O. Box â7. Nakusp, *.C. 1 CLASSUFIED ABVERTISINO N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N NN N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N SPECIAL SALE BALED SKAVINGS Quantits of 10m te 200 - 5~k enstites 200 ansd ovar -34bale' ted rime çoniy, Stock ap uowvTH CANADA WOOD'SPECiALTY CO, LTD. OIJLLIA, Ont, SALESMEN WANTEO ýPOIRT-UNITFY eissfori prlne .sayemarte joi n mjor Ughtlng comn- ay'cblh-lnrg an schools esitas ,i sugxyad stores, etc. Thea hetter tlxa1ý verae oincomne on ecom-mission anýd ouswiths high volumne repeat ;busi- p-ess'Aeqae traning gîven. Foiý wirite D. R. ak,.salesA m ar n, Lustra Lapalu., 473 B'eli- wo eelOskvllle, Ont - TEACH-ERS -WANT-EOD ï &AC HER re-q tiÀr edJ ftor Saeptamr.b er -ta teacli initermediate grades n ibr toovri schoal se North Ccrn i tnlct. Minimaum- salary $"3,000,annuial JIncramant $200 te axmu. tate expariefsca age and dnolntl'i A rthur G. Stiles, Sc Tes.Cue chreibnr separate schc.ol Board re- quires 0ena lady teache&r fcer Sptemn- bt rterm. Salary schedule h s tios evl1-$3,200 tc $5,ü0(0 Level 2- $3,400 te $5,200 3 $ 3,600 te $5,500 Levai 4 S 3.800 te $6iffl Inrleents $200x5. then $300 per ,ear te maximnum 'for ail levis. 1Frayions- F expaerianca uintare 200x,,5 for il levais. Applicarnts please write te Ms-s. G. Muli, Schreiber, Ontarie., Stating qualifIcations sund nae f -2vious inspecter. TARENTORUS Seporajte School Boordi <suburb cf Sault Ste. Ma7rie, Ont.-) REQUIRES TEACHERS COMMENCING SEPT., 1962 CATEGORY system luncefet, minli- icremnent $f200 to mnax-imumi, Slck Itave plan in affect. ApJPIV glvieg namie of last Inspectes-, If apicbeto: A. J, HUCKSON, SEC.-TREAS. C.R.C.S.S. TARENTORUS R.R. NO. 2, SAULT STE MRE ONTARIO SPAIGEQUiPMENT ALL PIJRPOSE JE'T $PRAYER Covars up te 50 foot swýath Inscludes band gun sud ibroad ilt, pressura Eýhead And hases Coroplete ;w1th-,Haho115 gl Ion Var ïss-Lnte slf-primnig pup <150 tbs. n rassure> For use lu field spra)"y- iig, feucee rows, ivestock. , ihing buildingps, etc. $12()0 0 1comlete Spray1ý- ers for evaery purpose. Wrile- Central Spra ying 'qiuet.RR 4 o n. Onitarlo VACATION RESORTS MINNEHAHA CAMP Hoseeein eott ages on Piekael. River waýters. Runulng wa'ter, eriee tien, showers, beachi boatsý good lsi lng. WritHartley Ybora, Lorlng, 0Ont. ISSýUE 23 - 16

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