BOWMANVILL.E Pasture Farmn, 200 acres. cree1k and some bushi. Asking $6000, 00, 'ierms. 5 acres, 6-room bouse, gooci well, water on tLin, near Leskard. $5800.00 Termis. 4 acre lýat near Higliway 115, good garden soul. Only $2200.00 14 acres with creek near Ham~pton on new Highway. $2800.00, only $500. clown. 34 acres near Mosport, amal bushi and creek. Paveci road. Oniy $5000.00j APARTMENT TO RENT On the Main Street of Orono, avail- able July let. Apply to Mr. E._White, phone Orono 1181-5.ap IElectrical Contractingf 1 Electric llteting and Servie I 170 acres, 7-room house, 2 barns, 100 Phone 1031 acres under cuitiv~ation. Loam ypn soul, 2 creeks. Asking- $14,000.00 terns Orono, Ontarîo Highway 2 at Bowmanville, 8-room j house in good condition. Water on tap . garage, larg-e lot. $8,500, Qnly $1,000. __________________ down, Easy Ternis. LIST OR, BUY PHOTO CO-OPg MayTHOUQH OUR O -FFICE WA LTE3ý FRANK Mayother listings th uho:tD.'V. 'i1-QUAY Durham Çounity andi GObha g .AL'TOR A. J. M~cGiI1 -1g Phone 1-407, Oron',Bwavil A Local Representative I I{OW MANY FAY THEIR BILLS BY CHEQUE? Nowadays most people do-because almnost everybody lias a bank account /Writing a cheque is safer than carrying cash and a time-saving and convenient way to psy bills/ Every banking day Canadians write t hree million -cheques. an increase in the past 10 years of more than a milion a day -in the nu1uber flowing througb. the banki&g systein / Thia up-to-date cheque hiandlUng service makes possible the convenience you coç,nmand every time you use your cheque book. THIE CHAR TERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMvUNITY 1951 Dodge car, reconditioned motor soi body. Clean interior, $135.00. Phone 160J, Orono. a FOR RENT A two bed-room eottage, spring mattresses, hydro, frig., boat. Gooci fishing and swimniing at Kosh Lake. Phone Orono 1308. a e FOR SALE A nice choice of annual flowers and vegetable plants for sale at William J. Leamen's Oreenhouse, Station St., Orono., Open 5:ý30 each evening and ail day Saturday and Monday, the holidJay. Phone 1406. d-C; SAWS SHARPENED Saws machine sharpened,< - hand ior circular, F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 1- PUMPING OUT I SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASHING sTABLES Bert Tompklns Phone Newtoriviile 4721 BOX 133 M.8-3552, Stafford Broiliers 318 Dundfas St. E. Witby, Ont. -Manufacturers of Cern tery Memorials Dealers in Doete&Foreigi Granites and arbîs -Insciptio-ns Cul ind Cmtr Repair Work gî 1 Insurance in ail its BranchesO Auto, Package and Composite PHieSÂ FýreFrp L if o .9 gLiability, Marine,0 Acc-Icient and Sickness, Wind, ~ oler d ety Bo nd,, Etc. Sadie Hamiltori g Phone Orono IRiS16 SFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Building a lieuse? or rernodefing your present one thin contact Floyd MIsou Phone 2191 Orono DR. VETEU phootqUh Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones, Offi'ce MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 gW. KAY LYCETT, [.AI flarrister - Soliciter R. R. Waddell Q.C. g MAIN ST., O1RONO ' Te1eihoite 138 Orono 0 L. J. SKMFE Chartered Acconmiant "BY APPOINTMENT O)NLY,, iMain street oRoNO Pp,.. og Tel. 188 INSUR ANCE f Ceneral & Life SEE OFFICE MAIN -T., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11714 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auictioneer and Val1uatoýr 'SPecialize ini Farm and Furniture ,Sales Consulit me for terms and dates Phione 5 r18 oroin. t DJACKSON Autioni.-eer and VaIuatoe, Conducts Auction Saleï of ail lu and èt reasonable rat,, Commi«unicate with hiîm aI t P r rj ontarWo Monumients and Fam41y Meniorials Our quality andi service leaves nothlng to be desired Ask th e person who bought f rom u* a neighbour, friend or reiat'we The RU¶1TER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Southern Ontario" Orono Electric,., PHONE 129 -t 2