T'e",,hrveOni Heaivy Radiation! What is believed' to bc a newT 1,super race" lias beeni discover- et! on the tiuy island o! Niuie, 2,500 miles east of Australia. The inhabitauts are thriving ou sam ething that has tuntil uow been r e g aý r d e d as positively hîarmnfui - radioýntivity! Japa-nese people are 1il1 ti hospits suf!ering f r a ni t h e rýadioactivity produced by the bk o mi b s dr.oppet! on -Hiroshima auld Nag,,asaki. Yet the Niueans h1ave developed a strange îm- miuuity to it. This is believedt t have corne from seme rnaturai source, pes- sibly valcanie. Just 10w this r- sistance las arisen and wîiether ft eau le passed on teother pea- pie is being investigatedi by Sir Eruesî Maýlrsd3en, the distinguish- edNe Zealaud scýientist. Tlie imrnunity o! the people on lNi e u wans discoveredi by chance early last year. A scieni- tist *ho ~had unsuccessfully tried ta grewT a certain type of plant on tl'ce islanid, sent a soi! sam- pie te Sir Ernest. On examina- tien it praved te be higÏhly radio- a1ctive. As a resuit, other scientists vîsited the i s 1 ai n d and faund that jeod contaiuied radioactivi- ty 100 tirnes greater than nor- mnal; that the sali was twenty timies more radioactive, aund thiat the amount of! radioactivity lui the people was great. The hun- dpIed or so Europeans ou the Islanud, iucludiug doctars, nurses anid scieuntists have to live ou foot specially sent in by the New Zeaiaud ,goveirnumeert. They dare net risk alsorbiug heavy doses 0f radiation fromn iood graWn ou tihe island. YZet iihe natives, who live on noth~- ing aise, thrive on it. They are mucli stronger, cau work harder and! longer tha.n >ýeple on surraunding islands, even thouigli tley eati ess well, They are tal and well buit, niany of the womnen reachiug a >)pelht of six feet. Tley are miueh less proue te a mauy of the eutxayP a e, i f lec island di- Whetler or rot tha imm-unity wh;rllt h e se isianders enjoy eo>uid bèe preadt taother races %s not yet knowu. Mauy scien- fiets are sceptiat But, in any event, a fasciuatîng fijeld or re- z(earcli has been openet! up. Why some people tîrive an zsamething thiat las se far prov- *d deadiy ta thers is a subjeet of reaýliy absorbing interest. How Con 1? By Rob-erta Lee Q. Hfow ean 1 deal with somne dents on my carpeting where heavy furniture has beau resting for a longUie? A. You can usualiy fluff these dents back iute shape by caver- ,njg tlem W,ýith a danrp cloth, then o.pplyirg a lot iran ever this, ?fier wbicl brush with a stiff b-rusl. Q. What can 1I do when 1 have knadvertently added too mueh sait to the soup I an preparing? A Add a few slîces o! potato ta) the soup and ailow te boil for a few minutes. If stiflfo alty, remove the patatees and adid freali sucfes until ail thse sait has bcen ab--sorbed. The potatoes can bhe usat! for some ather dil iter on. RACKET. - Australia's Ken Fletcher relaxes during a pause at a Rome tennis tournament arn self-styled seat._ Was Jack The Ripper Ever Caug ht? Reprodluctions ofiniineteenth century police posters appealing for informration about Jack the Ripper, the man who terrorixed the East End of Lon don and b-utcheredi six womnen in 1888, appeared mysteriously in an East Anlian inarket town recenitly. "Shiould you know of anky peýr- san ta whomn suspicion is attachi- ed you are earnestly requested ta, cammuniicate at once v7ith ihe nearest palice station," the Posters conicluded. After the posters had b ee n taken dfown a police spokesmran Laid: "'This Is obviously the wr of a practical joker, but miiglit aamold people." lt's almst impossible ta keep Jack the Ripper out of the u1ews -- even though inearly seventy- four years have passed since this mass - mlrdPrer rùoinmed th(, streets. Each yea-,r several new theories are advanced by criminologists intent uipn finding the answer ta this grimrmest andi~atis of al m-urder riddies. WNho was J a ck the Ripper? 'Why did ii e kill those won'en in WThitechapel and Spîtalfields wýithi n the spa-c e of three mnonths? T h ese appailing miur-ders Of s t re et womien of the drabbest type accurredl in an area of haif a sýquar-e mile. AH the vîctims, exccpt the last, M\, a 3 i e, Kelly, wýere miJdde-a.ged. Iu eacli in- stance, the nature of the mutila- tions betrayed t h e imrderer'g anatornicai ski]!. Sonie stiilents, of crime have suggested that Jack the Ripper wa s a sýurgeon seeking revenge on a wýoman who led caused hîs, soni's downfall. The writer, George R. Sims, thougit h inm tri hea doctor whose corpse was found in the Thames in Decemnber, 1888. An Ameýricani crime expert bcldiy asserted in a New York paper that the miurdererwa a homrici- dal-mnamoraniac vwha could be seyen every Sundlay standîug, out- aide St. Paul'a Cathedra.l, 11n Lenl- "IWhy 'did the murders ce a s at.r the death of Marie Kelly?" Mr. Leonard W. M\/atters,M., n uthlorfty on t1he Jack the Riper crimes, Iaskéd lu 1930. lii anwcr wax hat he Rip- per wasdetrmined ta. !ind and krilion wcnman whorýn he knew to live somewhere ini the lEast Etd iud that she was Marie, Bel. ut what was the miur- ,deyrer's motive? 11t las aven b e e.rnsuggestLed that the ,murdei.er was Pa wamarh. Fantastie? Yes, but noa mare fan-, tatie, u r ely, than the fre- q uently-propounded theory that te Ripper was a man masýquer- a.dirîg in police uniformi. "Oly a man in sucli.a n3 form could have camne and gene.1 unmspectedl and wlth such irn- puiy"said exponentso!ti theory. As the hunt for thie unknawn womnan-slayer wa'ýs stepped up, the East End sw,ýarmnedwitl uni- farm-red and plaini-lothles police, amateur dletectives a nd reporl- ters. Yet jack the ipper wxent ou c a InmIyl re.igvegac upon ithe dik-sodn r rsî- dasof tenihorcd- a ne rierPut it. lis firt içi ws arh Turner,.whose boy wa nbnd by a matin named Cowati n on August 7l 88,curîed ip in acrnro! thle first 1landin1g of a building set amid the 11-it, dingy reQts and couLrts o! those dy.She hný,d b e e n abe thirtyý-nine t i mce - probably withtw different kni-ves. TIe corpsecof Mary -Ann jNi- chais was fI.snd lying acros a gutter at 3:45 in the n)srning o! August 31. lier throat lad bt-en cut, Fear spread tîou h e neigli- bourhood and police comnbed the area and made arrests, but witjh- out fiudýing the Ripper. About a week liter, on September t3, he -truck aan-lsvictîmn this týime was Aune Camn One particularly odd fa3ct about this i ra that -ta quote a reporter-novelist: "The' miserable rag-taggie cnensof lier pockets~ were found laýid at lier feet ln some sort a crazy, geomtic d cesigu,." The wýhole country wais ow talking about the Jack the p..pD-muLre7u. Angry questions wer-ýe asked iin Parliam-ent. Sonie peciple le-- gan abusing, the police, but there- is no dloubt that they were gro-, mng al eut to track down tLhe _Ripper, Iwrites Norn i ng1is lui The Rippers fourtl v i c t 1inm asElizaýbeth Sriewh as killed lu a bacLk street, and his fiftl wx a s Catherine Eddawes,' kni!ed a-,n heuir later-two mur- ders in one igî,lt, Se-ptemiber 30. MUarie Kelly's mnurder was oni Novemiber 9. TIen therewa silence. The killer lhad ceýsetac o strike. Hiow did Jacýk the Ripper mn age to a v o i d1 capture? Itla been said that le migît haýve esca-,ped the p a 1 i c e cardons, which were frequeutly drawni rounid the area, by using ceilars. "lu Whitechapel at the timie o! the Ripper you could go inîta the cellars a! one street aud came out into a quite different etreet wilout o n ce shawing yourself above ground," recailed one Londoner recently. Hie and other eyewitnesses re- membered how e v en the latt Bernard S h aw had a theory about the Ripper. lHe is said to have declared lis belief th3at the nmurderswve r e committed "ta draW public attention ta, the zhocking conditioins af slumn life lu the East -End a! theose blad old day-s." Criinoogitsare unanimous lu dLscring the Rlipper as the rnost dipabolical killer in the aun- u u BAZY CHICKE BRy eay "u give promrpt shlpmnent, Most varieties dual purpose' dayolds and ,ýtarted! 3-5 week old. Also Amnes. Re- que st list. Sec' local agent, or write groyMtcey 120 John North, Hamil- ton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOOD store, brick, 2 storcy, 60'x28', 2ndl floor apartment, store comipletely eipe.Price Includes property aud $20,000 w>'orth rmeat markIet equipsuent, colf reezers, shelving, slcers,' scalesc, to operatie a going con- cern. Etallshed 25yas records sahow 3.0 weeklyý. Asking $32,000 withi $000dewn, balance I1,open nmort- gage. No superiniarket in town. 25 muiles from ointown Mwetro. Vendors healt!h fa1led. Ramisay, ltealty, TA. 6-2184 GOOD famlly clothing business for taile at sacrifice price. Reason for seil- ing, owner movlng ta another clty. For ýartIcu[lars, please wrte to Box 121, fort Stanley, Ont EOT1EL, 12-bedroomn, concrete block; .exterior comoplete, tuterior pairtlally; il acres land, 8 cleared, 400' ýwenic frontage, saýnty beach; surrotunding property ,vlue $2 000 anl acre. Sacri- fice qul1ck sale. ilhealth. Inveated .$21,00. $15,()00 would buy it. Proxi- nty of Tran!s-Canaida Hwy. mnaIes valuable lnvestment for sumimer buLsi- ness- now. W. StepovJk, Bstchawansa Blay, Ont. NUJRSING HOME UICENSED) for 12 beds, fully equipped, andi 3-year-old bungalow with 3 )bed- rooma lin a village near Linidsay'; ex- cellent returnuon investmient, aqdilted staýtemn'1ts avallazble $32.00q with $10000 dowi4n and balance at 6' . O'Connor cand 'C ir REALTORS - LINDSAY 324-6-,91 BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE WLIGand machine shop and resi- djence. FuIlicomnplemnerntpower tbols, good business, iii rich southlero Ont. frigaresB'ox 5,, ibure.Ont. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. MO])EBN floor eovering sud opîsol- stery sbop. Floor space 40'x30'ý. Good living quarters upstairs. I4eal bilsi- ness location of any sort. Full price $28,500, down paymcent $10,000. Town populaition and district 40,000 CR0. CERY, îmeat and conifectionerv ' re. 3-bedroosu home jsud store o" I1lot, includ(iulg stock and equIpm11enlt "AP- prox furnover 1-,9 0 ni -i' $'8, 500, 1own psymien t $10,00l0. O0ws' r has ther înterests Please notiÈy Mr. W. Shec,544-C Pr-nce, Ave1.. NMed- Iqilne Hat, Alta. a week, - going to le, about tuS- nigît -- my knite is sharp- 1 arn ready - yueu caunot catch me. Jack lýeflýipper." No "'Ripperý" cime was comi- iit t e d pnd the postcard wa" probably the work o! a practi- cal joker. Whieu lu lis seventietî year ln 1940, a City o! Loudon cigar- manufacturer toit! the story o! wlt appenet! Inte eue niýgît in the ummer o! 18880,when hle w asstelg doewrn a quiet Whitechapel street witl a friend. A ut-an six feet tali w,,earing a cape suddenily appeared eut o! the sh-adows aleaýd. Seeing the two yauthsý, the man crossed île rond anti passet! them, witl hea1d aver' ted, on, tîe o pposite pave- nt. Th',e ]ga'Cnfatrrsait good ight te lii compalsioli and tuirnet! for home. LesVlan a minute inter the other yeung man wns lroughit te an abruPt stop by the Sigfht o! a dark shlape an the grount!. It wvas the ladly o! a womrau, -earf' ully mutîlated i- nd it was evident the mnurder lad eniy just ben cammitted. After this flipper crimre, die twevc youing men joined the corps o! "'vigilantes" wlo -were nssist- lrg the police lu their hunt for the murderer. Arrned witl f1ares theyý spent nighlt iafter niglit looking far the ta'l man lu the cape. But Yneither of tle'r ever saws, hlm agalu. SSIFUED ABVERTISINOG-- PEST CONTRQL£ KILLS TFIEM BY MILLIONS Mosquit0es, Block Flics, s'Moths, Flies, Bugs Na geos, poIsons or odorsî Hermiess te birdt, aslmes humansî PoitIve lerlc Isect-kill- tI-hangis aty- where! Low priced -fuîly automatic s daay for about 100 uffer tram insrcts a day longer[ Send fnr ,iîustrated cîrcular novw te A &F. ILECTRICAL CONTRACT ORS 60 staffley Ave., Tranto 14, Ont. BUILDING MATERIALS LET'S FACE IT fa sheath and i1nsulate the utalde or, face sud iisuilaýcte he isie of your Homne Baru, MUk bouse, Fruit & Vegeýtabiie storage, etc. ,osts aire ,h MIRO-CELL or TH ERMO- PLY will dlo both, one application, onue price. Mr-eUleas thani 7c sujd fTher- mo-ply eqsa than jil> per sq. fI. for standard l11 Cfor AIkahi reýsistant branid Reter inquiries te Thermo-Seal lnsulrtion Ltdi. 232 WIlliami St., Londen, Ont. Distributors secrosýs Cpaca DEALERS WANTED FABULOUS jucomc for thosa able to raçoguiza opportunit.v Protected tran- cjs-e ;available foi- qualifiad dealar, baïndling ,Our elýetrie inme plate. S end 5.00 for samPle sud 1informýation to. Box 60,'jMeidicina Flst, Alherts, FARM EQUIPMENT ALLIS Chalusers mnodal G tractor, ex- canlent condition Nith fuît lina 0f equipmlent J. W". iatehlett, Ri 5, Lenl- don, Ont. GE. 9-5288. TRY 'tis inexpanaiv' Kylo mllk cooler. Made foramî dalry tarma. Free fol- dar. A. MILLERl, 276 Conk--Iin, Pentic- ton, B.C. GUNS SHOTSHELL relosding comnpouants &t lowast prica. Beload your owui shot- gun shelas for as littla as $1 par box. Morton Bras. Limited, Mt. Albert. Carry fui],l ne of Tools & Supplies. Write for price list. LIVESTCCK 1 have ariother bard of registered fer- sey cattle for saýle- Will finance on terms of 36 mnouths, se they will psy for themselves. Apply imm!ectately to Roas Briler, 742 Pavýey St. Woodstopk, or telephone LE. 7-8155, Woodstock. MEDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF -- EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS 0 R NEURITiS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MJNRO'S ,DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.23 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE. BANISTI he tornnent of dry eczema. rabe nd weepln,,g s5km troubles. Post's Eczémla Sa'lve w Il not isappoilnt you tcinlg, sca.1ding sud b 1ýuuluýg ecze- Ma' acne, ringworm, pfimples and font eczoma wifl respond iresdlly, to the stainlesa, odorles iniment regardiless of how subborn or hopeless thiey seem. Sent Post Freê on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue Ealst Toranto MONEY TO LOAN, MORTGAGE LOANS Mous valalefor immédiate boan on Flrst sud Sec-ond Mortgages, and Agreements for sale, onlVacant and improved property, resîdlential, induLS- trial, city, suhurban and country, and stiulmer cottages. Forty vears exper- lence SUMMERRLAND SECUItITIES 1.liMITED 112 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWVA, Ontarlo(,. Plione '25-356,8 NURSES WANTED Onie Matron wtb knowledge Of X-ra>y and two General Duity Nurses required immyediJately for 15 bed ýospîta, 40 horweek, statutory bolldays and reg- ula vacation. Rioom suid board $40.00 per mth. Beautifuil location). Apply with full detals, salar-, B.C. Standards. Aclminîtrator, Arrow Lakes Ilospitel P.O. Box 87, Nakusp, 8.C. a s NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES Staff pos0itions wlll be(,available for nurses lth special itra in rebhabil itation sud imedical nursing. in 517 bed hospital. Starting salary, 112 epnen pon quallificationls and cexperience. Exc- lnt personnel poýlic!ies with opportt' tics f or advanceinent. Apply: Dîrector of Nursing, The Queni Elizabeth 'Hospital, 130 Dunn Ave., TORONTO. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MFN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA-S LEAOING SCMOOL GreatOprunt Learri Hairc.ressing pleasanlt lgniied profession gooi wages. rhousa"nds of uceeu Majrvel Graiduaýtes America's GreeatfSystemT illlestrated Catalogue1 Free Write or Cal] Mcxrvel Hoirdressing School 3,58 Bloorý St. W., Toronto Bran1che(s: 44, King St W.,. Hamîllton 72 Rideau Street. O)tta!Wa PROpERTIES FOR SALE A 7rGoom f amnll home il, twn long9 M'twaRvr; ideal for sumnmer or year-round residence, ln hesrt Of fishl- ing and huntingé ares; 2-room co vttage albo on property. 57,000 cash. Mrs. M Teninisco, Mtaa "XMAS TREE PLANTATION" 100 ACRES; 48,000 scotchMpines; pat ad 1955 îsnd 1956, ready to euct tlh [ail; near Minden; smnali lake- border- ln.g property. W. B . Reynolýds, 68ý centre St., Bo,inuville, MA. 3-5942. PONY SALE CONSIGNMENT PONY SALE' ut Clinton Sale Born ON SATURDAY, JUNE 30, AT 1 PM. For informiation or consignmlents write JO)E COREY, R.4, CL.INTON, ONTARIC Phone HUnter 2-9889 TEACIIERS WANTED TEACHER required for September te tench intermnediate grades lu tbree- r0oni schorl ln North Cchkrane Dis:- trict. inimnum salary $3,000. nns lncremeu.t $200 to mnaximum.ln StatO experience age sud deonain AJrthur G.- StUcs, Sec. -Treas * Chute Ont. S'pRAYING EQUIPMENT HAHN ALL PURPOSE JE7 SPRAYIR Coesun to 10 foot awhl111cludes haud gun sud broad jtpressure. head sud hoses. Co"plete .wlth FHahu 15 gal- io-n per rminute sef.pilriming pumrýp l150 ll>s pessure)I For' use lu field SpOraY- ing, fence rows, iivestock, vwsing buildings, etc. $12000 comnplete Sp3ray- c-rs for every puirposi. \Write C Çentra>l Spraying EUqipmýenlt. RB B l London. VACATION RESORTS CAÀMp CHIMO0-LAKE TEMAGAMI FO'(R information on thie north's besýt in flsbinig, food,' comfort sudrea- tion. Write Bill Gooderham. -phOnle Te- iagami !Itî. L,0 o(ff-sqeason suid tamL- ,ly rates, AT..O., Dncan Ifines MINNEHAHA CAMP- hl.uekepln cotage onPicerel River waters. PRuninin)g wte.efrigera- tion. showers, beachbat, good fishg-, lng. Write H-artley Moore, Loring, Ou;.- PAIGNTON HOUSE Mofel snd Cottaqo Urits Lake Rosseau, muskoka. open Junie 23rd., For complete iniformlation on sme vacationwrtfofraclrd ode or Phone Port Csýrîing, 7535 IN TIE LAURENTIANS, P. QUE. %JOST OUTSTANOING RESORT 1 FAMED STE. ADELE VILLAGE 1, LARGEST SWIMMING POOL IN TtlU LAURENTIANS; 3 DIVING BOAROS, SL.IDE. t, ILLUMINATED RUBICO TENNIS COU RT. 3., MEALS BEYOND COMPARE. 4. RIDING, 13OATING, MAOVIES, GOLM AND DRIVING RANGE NEAREY. REASONABLE RATES WRITE FOR FOLDÇ-R T. S, COUILLARO LN MONTCI.AIR, STE. ADELE, P.Q. ItIGH DRAMA-Pcilice .and fireman prepare to lawver Edward Mullen, 29, after h. tried tc scale a 125-ffoct-high crane in Boston, Mullen repartedly struggled with hils rescuers ci anbout un Fiaur bafare th.y were able to get haonccuffs on hlm a t the 75-faot levai.