is Saturday Mpothad its ihg lasi ali - un rntrel4in Orono. r W E. RAId, ay ' utattention will turnto Or- F-chairman 0f the Derby, ifo eius 90ractr tisSarca le the thýat fi>fty,-one horses wiU be on hand m-rti raig of ISe Qrono Chamnber for the day and fourtepen heats 0of rac,- r)of Commi-erce Colt Derby wilI be fe t-1 ing will have to be held to aceommai,- irc.Telatest, reports on the evntdate teis anmer of horses. havL t that it whill wýitnes;s the lmgeL This les the iargest entry 0f horses showing of 'horse fesh 0f any meet' ever to meet in Oro-no for a single ûrono VOLUME e4 NUMBER 18ý Mn. and ,ono. wý ORFONO', f Topic 0f Local Tree Nursery Most Interel The Oroni-o Chamnber of Cmec &dterreguilar mi-onthily meeting oli memt-bers present. Mr. William Buat- ing, superintendent ofte local TrIee Nurserýy, otie the work at t eu nus ry ndpine to mnany of the features 0f this operation conducted iOon.In Outlining Ithe operatlOn,ý Mr. ,Bunting ailso showed sldes of the Nursery hr eight million trees are gwaannually. This address and showig 0fslides waýs a hlghligh t of theeein and foundi to be most ed-! During- the business portion of t5ïe meeting Mn. Dickson hnformned th,-el nmeeting tha?,t authorities from theý postal department hadi made contact with llim la regards to the delivery 'f mail to the Village. It is expectedl that , j sonie actioni will be taken la this mna- te-r and that it is possible that a mail .1elivery could be made la the mnorn mng sonmewîxere arounci 9:3o, Ievelop- ital ment la this matter will have to b- lisawaited. alld The loan to the Orono Park Board le stili under considenation as thie -Boand are unable to accept such a loan under the conditions laid down,,r L-by the Orono Chaanber of Commerce. A letter was received from t Ie - 0110 Police Trustees in- whlch 'they stated that adequate facilities were atnot available for opening thewsh aroomis at the Orono Com-munity Ceii- day tre as publie washr"-nns "hlie Cç,xi-! eratiri noldA Ma oylern In, his ton tlie "Piayer'S 200". U>31uLuj(luuu'ugiu mms These people w,,ho rsem-bled a band mat of gyrpsies with guitar strumiming and' The president, M~r. Harvey Partner, singin, throughout the night were Li- stated that it was now found that tlic wati. the dawn 0f racing day. County Rond Department wýouid have They came in al chapes and sýizes1 to have assistance in the erection 0« and tweaing aIl sorts 0f garments. the Oronoi signs on the Counties RoAi 'Tbese -are the hardy international rac- at the north of the Village. The totald ing einthusiasts. cost of erecting the two direction Twivîc a year this happens at Mos- signe would have to he shared fifty port. The Player's 200 and the Cania- fifty by some organization iaterested dian Grand Prix in September. in haviag tbem erected. On motion 0f The Littie Fo»%undcitionl Reâlceives Le-%tte--rs Patent The Oronor Mediual Centre oc'ated eford and J.. D. Moffat. This Board on Co'cbbedick Street la the Village af lhas now been iacorporated inito "Thei Oron-o will soon open its doors to po.Li hritbe oadton On vide ilis ser-vice to those ln the co11-01n." h il be ibis foundation t-bat is' nunity. The Orono Medical Centre ~ the owner of the Medical Centre and thJe resuli 0f a b)equest lef t by the latewilblacnrlfitmnge nt Robrent Simith Little, a 1f etimie nesi- expansion and continunace la the ful- dent of lankýe Township and flie Vil ture. lage of Orono. who desis, iated hïS Ex- ecutors and Trustees through lis wil to uise the residie -of hie estate o charitable purposes la the Village 0f Orono, The Ex<ecutors of the Estate, Messrs. John D. Moffat and Robent F. Rutherford, devised the erection of the iMedicnl Centre as a basting te- niembrance of the LiitIn family and especially of Robent Sniaiuti Little. They saw also a need lu the commu~n- ity where the practice of Medical Arts could be carnied on to serve the needs of the resiclents of the locaiity. In oder that the remenibrance xaay be contained year aften year after a Charitable Foundation wns forrned and la the nam-ce of "The Little Char- ïta ble Fouadation of Orono" bas re- ceived ite Lettens Patent and is now. Incorporatecl. In earnylng out the proposed s3cheme, a Board of Trustees wae forined composed of A:' F. Mcenzie,11 W. E. Reid, W. L. Boyd', R. FP. Ruth-1 The Forundation les, la fact, a (hari- table Foundlatio 111wlth definite ob- jecte. It wili neceive and imaintala funds from which ih may fren unie, to time, if lt eaw fit, support- on donate to any charitable purposee itinth Village of Onono. The Foundation1 may receLve gifis 0f inoney on be-! queste and ies legally set-up t-o do so and also to disperse these fuads as a whote on la part ta amy charitable pro- jet. It is uaderstood that the Little Char- itable Found ation of Onono inll the nean future be setting Up its owa by-iaws on, which Jit wil ocally be goven,-ned. The finst project 0f thre Fouindatîin wns the construction of theOnn Medýical Centre which rÂnow completedl and ready 'for occupaacy. The Founi-, dation will govern, maintain and ex-1 pnnd the Medical Centre services, where and ehen necessar-y. Othe-n piojects nmay be lnitiated la the fu- ture being governed by, fundis arail- a-bbc nhd the need fol- such projets. W. E. Reïd and H. Duvali the Chamber 0f Commerce are- to the Orono Police TIrustees ia thi ter of ha--vlingte hael Df the signs. gtec hr r l Th e president also referred lack 0f Stop-- signs on t1he street inte-rsctigvwitIh the C r-W ad ere memlbesrs madf ti;on 0f the four-way stop sigr Churciýi h and Cobbledick Strecets. felt thiat is was being overdone intersectLion especîally whea ol, tersctions had no stop sigais Mn. W. Reid reported on t Derby statiag that there wol more horses entered la this than e-ver before. Assistance wý ed with, this promotion which i heid on SaturdayJune Iifi mencîng at 1 p.ati. Mr. H. Duvaîl reported th Antique car commitice are t( with this g iupl the nêer fu futher plans for their stay in tI on tlieir London to Brighton to July. He also reported nil e~vIi Neiwcastle ChambrofColi where he outlined 'the stident ant iund whieh--t1le Orono C] tvas setting- up. The NewcastIe ber are to contact the -Ne Ohab i'0 Comnmerce trophy while Co)lt division ter are. four- an eliination event wil aiso be rual 1cses to start off bcehind the todermna-wnr in this group. gate seek<ing the coveted tro1 Four hea,.ts will b,,e rua in the Colt de- iegru will be run i twýo' cld'vision. It is tunderstood Ithlat fivej de-termine the winning divi- I r race,-s wýil be necessary to ac- 1 thie elimination division. Ai commrodate the other thirty-seven f the winaers will receive the / horses who have elected to run at tis MWlie i4tlh, 1962 her Laodge ur mieeting 0of Heather Re-- SNo. 334 wa.s held at the il on Tuesday evening. 9, fLuan, Noble Grand, of- r office assisted 'by Sister reloige oee ccrigto rit- I after wilich the Noble Grand rcosywelcomied ail'reet. Rioll call showedi two officers being ýsenit. The office of Outside Guard- wivas ably filledi by Sister Mabel 1nant lanthe absen-e ,0f Sis-ter U The charter wsdraped for Brotheri wtv'on Foster, Past Granýnd MNýaster o' ýý rand 1Lodge of Ontario, who pas- ci away recently at Klngston. The t, s ini formai dressplfre is ceremioiy with digaîty anid rev- ence. Sisten ladlys Brown assisteil the piano and sang. a solo beauti- ily. rhe minutes 0f thie lasi regujlar eting were reaid, approved anci MecÉ TheveeYere no accojints. A full report was given by Sister ice Hooey for the Visiting- Commnit- of Chanl that ag made ini refered t( to seet be given June l4tb., Sistei wita Sister ladys GUarnsby Vw111eave O rono T ro ~to attend Rebekah Assembly Sessions ýO ron Tyr s ttthe Royal York Hotel, Toronto for TeHost Leskard tie as Tt was agreed to enter to .1 wedding TeOrono Tyro and 3Explorers in on July 7th in the Oddfelloweal 'iAf)dny nfternoon, wene liost to tie Sister Alice Hooey' as Con^venor 0fI Leskard gnoup and a total attendance tItat Comm-ittee, ofi sixty was registeredl. Tbe nmeeting, was-ýî, held in the basement of the Grono Tt wns announced that the Annual United Chiurchi where after the me-Ojrifellow and Rebekah Picnic will bc ing lunch -was served. This le to becfroId Julv th at Sisten Co)ra Cnntrell's tefinal mneeting of the Mission B dCoag e, Lake Scugog. As ay a th-)r.psile were requested to keep ibisl The afiennoon meeting was opne late open and try to attend this pic- wvithi the siaging 0f the Mission Baad ici c hymnnanad othier favourite songs leà On motion it was agreed that the by Mre. A., A. Drumaiond. The m.iný last meeting 0f this tern, JuPe 26thi utes 0f the prerlous meeting were 1 eledi hdïn fapthc read by the secretary, Dale Challice supper followed by a short business, and tetesrnsrpr ie meeting. Each mrember present a the treasurer, Mangaret Tag-gart. Col- askeId to brilng a member and tr, and lection was talten up by Donna Ou' mnalçe ibis lat meeting a successfUI baak and Donna Challice. oe Mrs. McLaren introduced the film v for the afternooa and sbowed the pic- »fruLIny titeetinge 'werne exterided tures. This was followed by 'the- preýsi- to, Sisters% Maude Cooper and Julia' dent of the gl-oup, Vnlerie Me-cen, oep- Jackson. enlng the wonshîp Service of the Meet-'1 ing. MrsI B. Guster read thq scrîp- A rery impressive, MemiorlaI $er- 'tures a' xlle h ae~svice was pianued and conjted- by read. Elaine Forrester rnea poem iSister Nfae Allen witli ail officers 'aki- eattle "Curces" Tw Lekatd îg part in a cincie aroiind the altar.1 mexmbers.also presented a vocal allai- T srvt a l enry0 i ber as did Linda McLaren, E laineI'h Schmiiid and rovce Long with pan Sisters of Henther Lodge wohov sols. veln Bownnlog wth licpassed on int the Great BeyonM, doi- tols.eeallicn strownprovg ided aMo0alng Our fifteen yenrs. Sisten GIadys '11LI ee halicesisersproide a spent. The dnaw %vas won by Sister quartette. Another rocai numrber w.asi Brolwn.i accompa-nied at the piano simgby lieUM2liso, Gke e Jagewhlle Sistez* Cora Carrtrell and Elsie Elaine Fornester, Valerie Melrcer, Joyce Long, Margaret Taggart and sn eybatfly l~n Da-le Challice. yns At the close of the meetngMr3, l5rummond and Mrs. Loucks of the- Loilge closed after whilcb lunch w'as Leknr yrsni xpoeala served in the Hall and a social h-our the childnen ln corne familian songes. y -mbyo uie 3 High School Publishing Year Book The Orono Hyiýgh School is this yeaý,r publiffhing a year book which wil be thl-e f irst suchi pulication forque corne number Of' years. The ppl earlier in Éth,-year decideed it wouid h-1- a ppropriate Xo p-ublishi a year bookî aIt this timie as his would be the last vyear ta the Orono High Schoo-l woulcl exist as such. The year boonow ii the process 0f b-eing printed covers the yeav(,--t îvity 0f tp he stuent body ait the school ,Iland , a o0f itsvalsafiati 'rous an bodies. Furthelir thie year' book carnies pIctures of every su dent grouped li their grades. The)( book should be on sale thiswekn. The yeaýr book comminitteeo is headed., by their editor, Miss Sue MajIor. Pool Opens The Orono Swimming pool opened on Friday 0f last week and the chilt-I Pen of the Village were first to test Che water finding îit much to, their d- strong Top ro Arnist annuial event in Orono. Ini ail it mea-ns a full day of harness racing inOrn withi fourteen heats of racing. Other entertainment is being pro:- vided suchi as gamies of chance anJ gaines of skili. Thie races on Sattnrday will start At 1:00 p.mi. sharp at thet Orono Race2 Trach. Former O.C.S. Gd blo]d Re-linion A group of former O.C.S. g irls i.'t at the home of Mrs. Carol Wigg4ins (Staples) at Don Mills iast week, to) renew acquaintanees wvith Mrs. EnA~ Campbell (Bowen) who left iast Fr- day with bher family for Israel to join iher husband Major William Campbell. Those attending were f romi Oroinio:, Mrs. Rt Grady (Goode)'; 1Mrs. Eicl Cam-ipbecll (Bowen); Mrs. Jeanne ý Staples (Forrester). From Bowma- ville: Ms Anna Stnike (Staples) Mrs. Kýy Byo (Ard); Mrs. Mýurie'l H-ately (Tennant)i. From Osbawa:- Mrs. Ruith Dionne (Lunn); Miss Aud,- rey B,,1iiags. From- Toronto: Mrn.. Gwven Darch (Tennant); MVrs. Ma- jonie Ewing (McLaren); Ml-s. MTa- garet Connelly (Flintoff); Miss RuthI McLelland. The foilowiag planned to be prcseatI but were unable to attend: Mrs. Kath- leen Gray (Simpson); Mrs. June M- M'vullea (Goode); Mrs. Lenore Mdle Ion (Wood). light. Friday afternoon the teachers nit the school noted that most everyoneý was,- equipped with their bathinag suit ready for the first dip rig-ht after, school. Needless to say al pupls wverc on their best behaviour durlng the af- ternoon session at soliool. Religion In S'chools Should FProceed In Graduai Steps 1'c19 iniistruction for public Discussin,- the basic reasoris for schools prepared to comply with the hiandllng x religious' instruction oveu regulabtons that it must io1 cover to the state, Rev. Michael aske4d if issues of côntroversiai or sectanian this was an admissioni thatthe Chure'ch nature is of littie real value, as s t had faiied to attract and hold Pts would be me!llowed to a point where youthIr, and if it sueested a- tottali- it- would fl to~ stirn-ulate the des'red ure of the averaganadian homne. ttývýi-: t e u ;t e oution, lie s a M, This was the vlew expressed by "hienot ilmmediately available, Rev. D. L. Michael, of Oshawa, who needs to bc kept ln view%." addressed the Durham Trustees' and "Let the home and Church be pni-- Ratepayers' Association at a banquet arily responsible for formnai religious,. hield in the Legion Hall recently. training. Let the public schol systeni Mr, Michael hlas b)eenl Executive concentrate upon its primary task -~ Secnctary, Department 0f Public Af-eucto for proficient and good citi- faire, Seventh-day Adlventist Chlurch ,zenship. Utilize the private g-choo) for ln Canada. dance 1952. Prior to that. the f ew WbO insist on comibinin- both" - Atprsen , n have ob)jectedl to the given, their cilidreii the hiall or to the during the dlase. Th!t- also ti ergto reasoas Is quiýte unfa ren." hmentj j ce ia the s'aggae a ly not- olhours, ta prece(rveth Le;ir re. r these ious henitage(, aaid seem to hav l,,,e lit e ch1ild- toulelngttn tei outh Io tedie coacluded. Lbore le the staff of the Armi- Lewis, W. E. Arnmetrong, lownr Deaa 'A and Dry Goods Storýes. West, Mabel Nicholson, Margaret to r. Lorne Bowine, Chanles Linton anad Mabel Tennanat. ~Bill Armstnong Jr., Bob This staff will aIl be on dutyr for the re-opening of the new store to-day. I Your Doty T o Vote On Monday Junte-I 8th MissA n IMs. E ïR Tent C-ityîIr loêtms For A city nmushroomed Mosp , Fridiay, but 3wbo c: Staff Ready For OIpening T-o-day '4' -4- 'i '4' --4 4 4- '4. 44 ~1 ~4~ -4. 4~~ 4' s ~1 4' '4 4, 4 4. '4 4, 4, 4, 4; 4 4; 4. 4. s i '4 -4 -4