ORONO WEEI.. hvE THuRSDAY, JUNE Ilth, 1962 OÎRONO WEEKLY TIMES Authoie as SeconidGls mail, Pest Office Departnt~, Ottaw. Esabl ished lin1938 by R. A. Foi-rester romy C, Forrester - Editor and Manager Subsripionpayable in advanice Transqport M ~trwt ree ,iscees to have resisted faryWei" the prýess7ulre to s riunOnartos deerit point system. While the point to5tal, for suspjension oflicne a been raisedl, new, poinit-maing 0lef- fenzcea have beenaddled. Teinitial suspension of one rmOnth for a 1qornter is wol ndqae but at leaýst it is not applrecïaly fe than the ormer he-ot suspension, since it boegins when the li- cec studi n rand 1fot, ais formierly, when the cr oialnt total wlas acieved. B3caýuse of the time consumed by dJepýartmental "pro- Cessing" ofAheIlfeer-srecord, the actual seuspenlsion timîe wals iuess than three rmonths. l The inîister-'s Ëpurpose is amral:To persulade drivers ,ro rquiding thede rt points rather thjan quîetly let them au- cumulate the cponts and then puniish them/. Mr. ýrowntree say tat the increatsefro 12 to 15 points wijl "extend the opportunity to sen j adviory ettrs ad coduc intrvies,"botbi of which hv apr etl-y lhad the effect of' reclucing a driver's tenden-cy to have further accidents or violatiïons. This is backed up) by the neýwsrglainthat ipssaseven-point han ia ona driverv who bas ad a first sus- Ir eea oge orahi en aI towards traffie oenewîtb evr- p"(.,les dddto thle list a îd poits in- crese fr scbofencs s p~edig ndfollowving too coeyThe lattr ofence pro blythe ommnestone n te rnand the one that is lj hc I~ h s to eayefetv cio gis hae or neninmoe atolcas;just the peece0 oliecr on thehb" asipsscuo on ries éHappy Bt fkC i ýMasten Greg.ury Wixis Players 200 At Mosport On SaturdLyý Wbn he 1roar f cmighty engines u-rrFacs Bradley, also driv-1 had sd and the dust n'ad setled, lrPig a Lotus 1i9. His car spunilLout in the a new vinrei 0f the gruelling 80-lap Tcn lap and he was forced to mi-ake 200mie Plaers"spectacular cm-, ' pt-stop). EButBradley did flot giveý erlgedl Masten; Gregoüryý. p. He b-ilimbed fr.om-- 25 spot to fiiuth Thenae M senGegramt in the first beat and capturedl thirci uflnow b th etirate 4,00 sot lu the over woltrsclass. Amreican zo om toe itr, eae Anothier Cndinto finish was therboletoýpîco cnesain Ludwig Heimrýatb, aGem -or Greor hd is megeeM.5I'rntnanwo pusbled bis Pors-'be Litre Lotus l19 in peýýrfect ruingor-,1 61 intoý the se-ventbover--al osi- d'~, aq h w~ 'cn a a ucumiber' 'on iandclaimed fourtb p.osition in copetn he 200 les in tW(-hours x, î,,class. The winner of tie tunner! 10 minutes, 3 cons'.olirsclass was Bob Hoiberi of A ntiv 0fKanasCity, Moc., Pe-lrrntn a., ina RS 61t2, plaoi ry makeûS his boirne n Paris, Frace. lr in the overal rce Mocss, En-glnd C'sî uegend iar1y racing ThPlere were some lixnioal magcia, cptuedthe'Plyers 20"amous drivers ilu the àrace(, icl'udingt 1,1sty ear. oliver Gendeýbien 0of Belgiumii- who fin- Greor loke moe ikea nivr-~he l lOh osition, tre-iewin- ashesepe fr om bis cr;no- mre lorio; FRoner1-Ward, ninaoi tha:n 5 fýee nestlaot10 5wierthi-,s year aýnd in 19,59; Tbe uM bgtrecrv"sLofoio Ibe~~~ racnwreDa7G Sy. Givr M d, CIfr',a" " ou 9 Roger Pnake 0fG'adwyn, Pnny 40-lps.dregry ook the le-ad onl the 1:xt11-, 1but fumes frýom -an floh rd ator àin the front of ibis car sielkenedi le2ad ,,ai tebi- on.Hwvr Tý-_e Peterborougb H1-arness r aies iird event of the evening 1-and hln Ibe ( b"oy hl' ontjiihs edi agýain cdrew a good crowd from- the two eats camenin tbird posiýtion1, Th-tL frs!bC 25 secondls in io Vlaeon Saturday eeigwe i ei sed wce2t645 éadnS!çe. 4lwo7 local horses w c' ntered l in t2,15 -5. Jack bad plenty of lborse lef t T attescn et rgr eight beais of racin.g. j (-Ilihtheventls an(!was a real tbreat d a haCdkelchiefwrapped aroundc Keitb West had blis horse, Happy lui the final beat wbien lie losed 'LIelebis moutb, Babe, entered in the first îsa raceu ho te utie.w-1 aisoftk bis- brother Junior dlriving. Yutefri itn~ orho h.olie one a ihnsxlp ftk leat HpyBae1, tidplc uL-o lounJack Reidl's stable of lng third place over:-al1 i we ca bossbsseen plenty ofaction dur- clinereorcd hm akçea wi*th Sheila Hal sbowing the way inu 'ng the past week. On'Wednesday lasI listpfor' more oi1. The stopi caused 2.19. Iu the second beat there was nlo F rank's LaSaile covered the mile iu hlm 10o drop back int fifth Siot, Ilow- doubi as 10 the winner when Junior 2111to win its feature of the nigih, ever, he laiMed second place lu the -West~ gave Happy Babe ber head and Saturday nigbt HollywQod Richard under 2-litre class. a me ofn2.19'4-decOsive friacg' e 1 camle fiftb lu a race of 2.07.2, Flash The fna l heat wa aeartbreaker' a tieoouw45.O ecite Riddell, third, lu a race of 2.12.2 and for one of the world's hesi drivers,1 _Ilrst quarter Happy Babe outpace Meaowview Champ capped a fourth'Dan Gurney. Gregory took the lead ber competitors 10 head the pack, aý 1 po. afier tbc second lap of the last 49- position s'ne bn fortereqti got Vi rLA race ending with plenty of spec-d. Happy Babe w7ill make ber ntext ap- pearance at the Colt Derby in Oronoý on D aturday afternoon. Happy Mac, owned and driven byI Jack, Wiliams was entered in thel TIhe Reidi stable will leave London ibis Saturday and rmove 10 OrOno wbere tbey will await the r*e-opening of racing for the standard bredsata the Old Wood'bine in the uext two ANIQECAR iïRAýLLYIJ ÇRONO PARK SSunday, Jiuse4t FO l.ALL VOUR 1BUILDINg( 'arage, Kitchen cupbaoards, ec Bricke, block and cernent worl<. Nwwork and repair. call J. BECKER Phen: Oono34R1 or5R14 PHON0 IJE 129 CONTR7ACTORS FOR FARM ai îHOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs -to ail kincls of Eleotrical Equlpmeint and Appliances Such at Mietors- Water H-eaterg TNV. - Radios Stove - Irone licensed J> um~hiij k ïl(echani .11 C&ntractoî wlio sU' , j £sso rSEIcE laps,' but ail Gurney had to do wvas stay witbin 30-seconds of him fo Win the over-all event, lhaving built Up that much of a lead ln the first heat. But il just wasn't in the book for atop is Ltus eigninthearphstfor' Gurney. s hussleft the prkaitingr fans, a slightly dlejected 1ook on his face, he said, "I could hear tbat piston and gasket going right fromi the fir-st lap of tîhe lasi 40, but there wasnt anytbing I could do about It." Aniother drýiver whose bad luck camne early in'the race was Toronto FORo LPAINTING -DECORATING BUILDIG -CUPBOARDS R-ARAND FINISH C FURNITURE ý Cali DOUG SIÎIPSON Flhone 108, Orono TeamFouid~ok The younger set of boys areno well. into their basebaîl] season and it bout forty beys turninig Up forl practices is bas been necessary ta forrr m o different groups. A Pee Wee team bhas been formied and is being- coached by âfarvin Luini and Mr. Bac.This egroup will 1play exhibition games dlurin'g the seýI- son with the possibilityv of enterrngjý rhe OBA playdowns luter in the yea),ý. A ounger' grioup )than the Pe e ecS is 1,,so in actioni and ibis local ta ow nville durinig the summrii. The " ~eamis emgcoached andmnac Boys a ounga seven years are >see- îng ctio inthis group). Theýii i, jt Tuesdy eveing. Tewasle vrturr rnoTykes. Th-isgae ileil r be pIsye a t -COon Par.k or at I e Da wul lokreal sha-ýrp i n"ro"short sleeve Siport Sit Ail sizes gnd varlouls colours ava-ih-ýbIe PRICE $.0 OR AN "ARROW" Summer 'fie ini the latest colour and pattern. Tery- lene Guaranteed Washable ............... $1.50 OR A pair of McGregors Happy Foot Socks. Colour wine, blue, white, gold. Size 101/ - 12-------..$1.00 OR ~ A Pair of Rush Puppy-Shoes size 71/-11 . $7.q5 For further suggestions we have Mens Brief s and Tops, Pyjamias, Dress Shirts, Hand- kerch ief s, Cuf f Links and Tie Bars. Dad's a swell guy, lie oiuld appreciate any of the above items.1 e fTlltü MS & SONS LIMITED, Fcishion Store for Men and Womren N EWCASTLE JOHN G. DIEFENBAKER gThe Man For A'LL Canada -ONTARIO PERCY VIVIAN The Man For YOUR Rîding Issued ky the Progressive Conservative Party 19--' - ýe- ýý 0àze