OOûNo WEUIKLy TIMS THURSDAY, JTINE 14t1h, 1 il ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 1782 ~BSTWISHES TO "?ýRMSTRONG'S" on reop)ening of NEW IGA tw'as mrýy privilege to loek -a-fte-r the caIrpenter w-,ork. I aso wiish toexrs the samre wishes from mny co-workèrs L'yal Lowery and',lIff Wnter Who most ably assis ted me onl this project. FLOD.NICHOL SeeON BUILDING CONTRACTOR ORONO -il Il 1 gave the wall aniothePr going Qvýer, and find Fred loney vof Cal,,ifor-la now,ý7 but in 1904 wais ra nc fel- io t-o) mlieet. Hwr MGl,1907,1 known iias (uc).FakStodIdard1 1914 iwent to the war. I1 ol like word( of him, a real Wýce by Harryý Balley, 1948. This covers 62 years. 1I hope the neýt -si7ty years llave the samie kind fmeories for m os PRIVER SEALED IN CAR FOIR FIVE VEAR TRIP' A m tunsa torswith 11ani equally unustual vehicleà, stoppecl t Welcome Court Resbturnt for dinner laet Thursday night. DonHayesOregon, U.S.A., diriverF of the caýr has been sealed i-nsic 19B8, fwMllowingan ap'peara'nce on the ý- "People are Finny'- sho-w, Spn or0f the stunt have offeredî HIaynies $200 for each day he remains, seldin the car. The cdors are weld- ed and bars enclose the windoývs so1 exit is not possible without breakingý or bending some part of the car- n fact, $5,000 is offered to anlyone y, ho can get Haync e uzitbotdo)- ing so. W th a time limit of 60 mlontýhs on the tut Haynes bas completed 441 mo(-nth-s and says he bas evryila tention of coinpleting- the limni, wýhich hbe d-aimns would earnýj himy somiething like S300,000. . Haynes bas cvrd2000mls visiting 48 states, and is now "tour!ingý Canada. He is on bis way to alax and from there will head westt cl gary. To provide every comfort, the car has a- full size bed, chemical tollet, TV, radio, record player, folding- tub), air conditioning, drapes, 110 volt elec- trie system, Ibo-t and 'cold wae, ec trin hea-t, elect'rie c et ieextia- gsercarpets, typewriter, coffee maker, electric razor, motion pictu'eý camneras.z and a dome- to permit Hansto stand up for exercise, Spare clothes, the water supply, the electric 1generator and 'miany other extras.are carried i lich tal er, wbich must be attended tob Others where Haynes stops as he can1- flnot leave the car to reach themn. Ail services mnust be broug-ht to the car to accommodate Haynes. At Wel- corne, waitress, Iyae Sirtonski, had to carry the varlous courses of a steak( dinner to hlm as he sat lun the car on, the parking loyt. Congratulations to Aý idsT NIq1 On The Re-ope-ning of Tlieir MO DE"RN ýFOOD MARKET We had the pleasure of instaliing the Pîumhing' and IIealting in the New IGA Marketeria All the Better Homes Have Partner Plumbing and Heating Htfstoq-Recorded On IGA Wall During the renovation being carried ont at Armstrong's store, history, whlicb bas been recorded on the wvalls la the storage area had to be covered up. Howevér Bill Armstrong Sr., re- corded this history of clerks who worked for the Armstrong.s jlutear ly nineteen hundreds up to thepes ent perîod. Bill reports asiol ws These are some of the clerks that wrote the-ir namnes on the suhwall' of our, store. We are painting tnis wall overi nexýt week,. The odrpeopfle wMil remiember Acdison Rcay o.7, 190,0; Ed. Sou ch-l; Fred Staples, 1907, a- regular f ellow; John Armfstrong and G-eorge at the samne time. Jim Wad-1 dell and the old red head of 11911, Wal- lace Sisson. Sanm Glanville and Flet- cher Caia, 1914 - 1916. Cecil AllUn, now lu California, a preacher and'he bias 2 sons, mialisters also. Clarence's brother. Lawrence Allin was one of the youngest clerks father had. He couid not bave been over 14 years old, and was hie a dandy 1948. Ken Gamsby, alwa.ys had a. nikte smile. Bob) Gamsby. There was al- ways something doing wben be was around. -Elgin Seymour was our cham~pion soft hall pitcher. I don't waat to for- get Clarence Reid. There ïs R. H. Armstrong B.A., 1926. Piert said father made a lawyer out of a daim good imechanie. Did you know oa May 8, 1931 we' had the biggest snow stormi in ;,-0 years. The r0oads were ait blocked. Sc was business4. 1 could oaly find Ern Hmmsnaie once on the wall. No date. A. E. West, the only bail player and hockey player that was 21 years old for, 5 years, 1931. Then along came Neih Hamm, 1934. John Grady, Roy Ber-ry, Ralph Thomnpsoa. Dean West and now mny boys Bill and Chas, oucapaint theu amues out but not the miemories. Father's niame was o n that wall. I can stii hear hlm caln e lu the morning sayling, *Bil[, how d (o youi expeet to i-un a store aad be la bed at 8 o'clock lu the mrug After 50 years 1 have neyer fou'id out. We hiave no more walto write oa aIs we are cbýanigin1g the sore Phone 1031 Orono, Ontario Congratulations ande ARM STRONGS'cS IGA on the open ig tof their FOOD MARKET LLOYD TAYLOR SAMND - CGRAVEL -ECVhG ORONO, ONTARIO I I eCO)NGiRl>ATUILATIONîS TO A RMST RONG'S G A IN R ~OOONO AND DISTRICT WITH A MODERN F000 MARKETERIA BUILDING SUPPLIES AND HARDWARE SIJPPLIED BY RKolph Hardware PHONE 143 ORONO, ONTARIO Congratulations.. .ARMSTRONG0E on thef- opening of thePir NwIAMarket Orvillle Chatterton ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS