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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jun 1962, p. 7

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OR.ONO %VEEN: > TLIMES ýderation Meeting The é,rcgula.r Directons Meeting e the DurharntCounty FederatioerAg- riultulewa held at the rdn Pest, Jrune 7thj. Agncuturl conomic Rsac Council 0 Canada was reported onîi by Grant Wallace. Durham Feden,-; tîun of AgriÎculzture voted to contni-ý bute 05.00 per year for each of thIýe nlexfie eaS. Bnrief ne. Taxation and Assessment asoutlîned by Harvey Malcolnm. AT-ter some discussion a pro)posai ne. thie distribution of Industrial Tax Re- venue will ho submiitted to .F.A. As- sessment and Properties Comittee. sent Durham County in the Dairy Princess Competitipu, finals at the C.N.E. on AuLgust 30th. Directors of D.F.A. will ho on the lookout for a Secretary-Fieldlman. Bill Tomlinson repoi-ted on the act-, ivîties of the Junior Farmers and àsk!- ed for a donation towards the %vork. They hiope- to have a booth at each 0f the three fa,,irs in Durha m Coun ty We are hoping tIo have Some nice this Year. $50.0 was donated to the young lady, married or single, ho- Junior Farmers front the Fdrto tweeni the age of 17 and 26, to-rpre of Agriculture. Fa'cther's Day Gift WRITE SHiRTS Fnqullty combhed cotton sirts, tailoredt by Tok"with button or Frencli cuit.Sies14!/ to 17..PRICED FROM $5.S-54 SPORT SHIRTS Short an'lonlg see intyeslinely wovenl cottnschees ad alvrpatterns - xand- somly tyld fr Da's merfiue Cooling shde tbinige and igreýy. SzesS. . L PRICE $ y9't 5.93. POLO SHIRTS Are4 laegi.Made liCfaaafront fifne knw\ ted ttn shriïik rsat Popular pbilo colliar, Plain s'hades and patterw-inlugold, green,' bine anld witSiZeS S. . L -PRICE $2.95 SUMMER SLACKS CasuaLt Slacks, talloired f rom wash 'i' wteay cctton whàcix requires littie o i r u rnlng, up-to- the-mInute styling. Checks as wl as plain shades of beige, tan, green, bine and biack.. WaiKt sizes 36 to 42 PRICE $495 ti $5.5U Cu Handi bars, stylec I J RICE: Cul *JFF LINKS AND TIE BARýS somie designsluin(kff ]inlks and fie ic b'y"Hck" ti L-liils -$,0 Tîi Bars-.10.50 AUl Day resday Àrmsti -JOCKEY" UNDERWEAR "moniarcli Kuiit" jerseys and briefs of býroad nib finest ,omibed cotton xin ciassie 'Jockey' styling. Sleeveiess jerseys in small, miediumnx"d large. Elastic-waist biefs li waist sizes 30 to 44. PRICFI EACH $1.25 T-SHIRlPTS Favunies ihFth f al ages. AMon- arc Kut"T-Shirts of çlosely lnitted'cotton, nlnreinfor(edl, shape-retaining neck, short slee.White onfly. SizOs S. M. and L. Price $1.5o SOCKS "Toutghiies" by Monarc[i Knit. 100%/l tex- tnred# Antron, gniaraniteed for five year.Ste to fit sizes 10) to 12, A good selectimi of colours. SWIM1 TRUNKS Made fromi durable Lastex, the stretexabie fibre that otlasts many others. Beachi Boy style leatures short leg. Goid, green and black. Waist sizes 30 t0 40. PRICE $295 TIES, HIANDERCHIEFS$, BEITS, PYJAMý- AS, SLIPPERS, anid SUMERSIO . Store open MORE UNRy rojects to expand ýrs of his Constituentüs irliaientary Matters, T-MORROW TA KE EM RUSSELICO. -HONEYy 5 Mlore Drive, Port fHope, BARRISTER DURHAM LIBERAL. ASSOCI TION Âlways keep your n-ospital Inisuirace a rWddell visited " ekwt hrcousins, Mr. and Mrs. Williamn LutAL1 D'rington at Kingston. Mi. and Mrs. James A. Crunerud Mrs. Floyd Nicholson bas acceptcd and Terry, St. Cloud, Mnnesota are a postion as casier in Arm-strong's visitinig ber parents Mr. andi Mrs- IGA store. George Morton. A deinonstration of Water Safety- and Artificial Respiration, fron t thein caiter-ing when their isia lack of Red Cross Branch, Bowmanvîlle, was co-openation. A motion was made bv held last, Friday at the Orono Public Mrvs. Rainey, seconded by Ms Selcoo for noomns three, four and five. Druimmonid that we hold our reguLan' M.Bagneil, Mn. Walker and Mr. metin in July. It is to be held uit Milne- gave the demonstration. Mns. McConkey's and Mrs. Sherwin Mr. and Mrs. Neïl Elliott, W4ston, will take the devotional. Some ladies spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns.i are knitinig squares for an afghan. Nurmnan Allun and Sharon. We sang "Jesuis shahl reign where- Miss Audrey §ïllings, Oshawa sperit 'er, the sun" then Mrs. Drummrond the weekend at ber home bore. ýoxiducted Bible Study, conitinuixtg Mnr. and Mrs. J. 14. Boyd and sons, from- last mYonth. She %vil] carry on Orillia, spent the weekenid wîth Mns. nx month too, and aslked ns to read Ken Gamsby. the lst Book of Cointhians lxi prepar- Mr. Roy Barraball neturned home ation . The meeting closed with bene- f rom n Bowmnanville Memonial Hospital diction, and lunch was served. where hoe undenwenit an operation.' P.S. - The meeting will ho at the L A C Neil Barnabail is now at Mar- home of Mrs. McConkey Tuesday, nil1e, France, where hoe will ho sta- JiXne 26th. tioned for three years. Before- leaving a family party iii his honour was lteld at the home 0e f bis gnandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Y-. Barrabail. Mrs. Hairold Snell, Danny and BobToronto, spent the weekend * R m n e witht Mrïs. Kn.Gamsb v and attended Mosontraes on Saturday. O T RO H S U1 CW.Meetings Unîiýt 4 UC.W. imet at tti ýom1e of hysvrlmem'bers of the Unit- T're--fminutes 0f,)reviouis meetingj and Tesrr report wvere readan accepted. Business was deait with and an- noucemntscorcerning June and July activities wvere discussed.Unit 4 to be responsible for flowers for the Church I-!dring Septemiber. The leader had made copi S f the first chapter of the new study bok o Faîl "Th-e Word and The Way" and thpse were given ont. Dora McLaren and Ruby.,Forter shwdslides of their trip to Flonida. Lunch and a friendiy chat was en- joyed. Forenladies wex-e present at the hom ye oi Mrs. Isabelle Challice on Jun St wtenUnit 5, U.C.W. Met at their rgular onthly lneetn~ Isabele opned te me0ifl with 1a poors ànd the hymn-For the Beauty ofhu ; &t" a sunig. Psalm 96 m'as ren-d usn and the medfitation Sgien y Jan ouv-ier. Betty N"ew-, rin ldinprayer. Hyn Now 7Thank ýWe al our God" ýii sng and Iabll ead an article 'Bridge btenthre I's". Mrs . Dionin a mlost Interest- which Ws -aken from lst and 2nd Coruhian, Pal'sletters to the Cor- intian dalig il t te Chu1rcýh atý Co)irth A discuission period followed. Isbiethanked Mrs. Dixon for lier splendcýcî id handlîng of the Biblje stUdyý. Misses Evelene Brown, Dale, Doret- taý andDon Challice sang -very sweetly three numnbers -I Love to go to Sundayý School", "Angels" and Hes otthe- Whole Wold in His Hafds. lays >rwnaccom-panied thlem onji theý piano and also favoured witha pano solo. The rgula business was deait %with and itwadeid to continue tbro' the smmerwithour projeotfoth St. Christophe's Homeic in Hong Kong. Annoncemntswere made re. Gen-ý e rai etn on June 21st and cater- ing to a p-icnic on June 25th. Luncha served by the hiostess and sOCial- time enjoyed. Mrs. Etta Ir- win thaýnked Isabelle for entertaining the ladies In lber hom~e again. Thie June mneeting of Unit 3 U.C.W. vas h-eld at the home of Mrs. Taggart. Mrs. Loganu opened with prayer, and a hymui "Ivory Palaces" was heard on thriecr player. MIrs. Armstrong took thýe devotional. The minutes wvere re-ad aind approved, and roll eall showed 1î4 members present. The treasyrr' report shiowed $22,40 col- lectioý nrnd'50c membership. IvIrS. Raney s orofthre difficulties UNITED CMURCII Orono Pastoral Charge M inister Rev B. E. Long' Oron Sunay School Aýnniversary Ouet seakr, r.Eddie Warbnrton ofCourtice, Ontario Spetàlmusn -Junior and Primary Choira Leskard -'1:45 p,m. Kib-9:45 am. ,UNDAY SCHOOL Les-d -1:5pm. Kinby - 11 am I Callyour licensed Plumbing& Mechanical Gontractor 1 who selis, instals and guarantees ,l CARMAN PLUMBING & IE ATINGý Phone 143 Orono ,s about you! PITAL INSURANCE EEP» INSUREDI I ne remllm@ WarcàsnuireA for your Insurance from now on. Obtain applicaýtion form at a baWk, a bo-s- pili or the Commission. KEEP INSUREDI The, Famnily premium must be paid to couer husband and wife. Tell yout group OR, if you pay your preiuma direct, notify the Commission. KEIEP 'INSUREDI Foiiow carefully thc instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment Formi 104, which your employer is- required to give you. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO TRIS WEEK A4ýT O RONO'eSc te $1 STORE SIUNDAI JUNE l17th' Make Dad Gladl He Is A Dad! Men's White Dress Shirts, sanforizedl full eut fused collar, w ash 'n' wear, littie or no ironing. Sizes 112 to 161V2 Each-------------$2.98 Men's Sport Shirts, sanforizei, 'short sleeves, assorted patt-rns and colors, sizes small, medium and large. Each for---------- $1.98 Men's ,'Ties, Van Woodl Ensem-ble, aý,sscorted pat- terns and colors. Boxed, cello wrapped, comnplete with lighter--------------$1.49 Men's Boxed Ties prýicedl at-------,$1.00 Meni's Leather, Beits, assortedI patteris and colors sizes,34 to 40. Each priced at--------S10OO Boxed Chocolate, sniowballs, fudIge, peanut krisp, etc. Weight 8 ounces to 1 pounid. ReguiÏla '39e.1 Week-eùd'Speccial, box f or-------19c. TLumblers, clear squiare base. Th-is weelk. 3 for2'. Silvo SilverPoih regular 49e. This week .. 43c. Duraware 'PlasticDierae Cups and Saucers as,,sortedi color's, regular. 45c. 'This Week Sale Pice. 3 Cups and Saucers, for only........ STORE OPEN FRII)AY EVENINGS * Krat 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N * 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N -4 -J N 4 n t', 'J- NS mmmmmmý

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