Thursday, June 21st, 1962, 01 t Ontarlo ussilC.HonelyElected ~rcet 0fVotes Cast Ballotsý Ruissel C. Honey af Port Hope and liberal candidate for Durham County riing upset the itting meniber, Dr. 1R,. P. Vivian in thc Manday clection wi,,t.ia sliim majority of 209 votes (official). The officiaI caunt will -not bc made until tlhis caming Mon- dyprovtin fic e rmred Forces vote 'as ' en'reeived by the Returniing Oi~eCarrai Nichais. This is Uic second time that Russell Hfoney bas run as Uic Liberal candýI- dJate in Durflam riding. He was de- fetdin 1958 by Dr. Vivian with a maaiyof 3,588 votes. The Durhiami i.ýiîing tfurned -with a number of otheri OnItario ridîngs frami the Consr- tive field to that af the biberals. The Prog-ressîve-Conservatîve-s un- deýr thirleder Han. John Diefen- bakRýer vvill form th'Lle twenty-fifth gaov- i:%--ermt at Ottawa, it being a mn orit y governiment with a slim 1181 scats. The Libjeralý,- are expected ta nil 7 sas Oof WIlichllb1 30 seatis and the NDP 19 seac n onCms Comml-issý1in are ring a totl aiseve -tlisandpheastsýms wchw1 be re leascd !laýter thi, si Iulm- mr ,in the twt7-own p.This policy e-f aisng peacnts as eencar'- rid n foýr a numlber ai yearcs by- the - Grn e Coninîdccioýns wtithe ire- cuiltathuter. success ini the f aIl bac g&-eatly inüjcasecl. The allotmeýnt ai day-old chiekes for bath iClarkne adDarlingtan lias been inereased tMis ycar by anc tbousandi aerthat af former ye(ars. Thisba býeenr made posîsible traýuglt the fact, fliat ther aesha-ve cut back an herdmnds for pheacanits as tbieyý aLre finding it dtifficuilt ta secure per- cons wiilig ta 100k aiter tSe young cck.Mr. Powell lias also tated that in this acait le bccoming in- vracn lyifficuit ta farm out the lirjds whcn tliey arrive. The daty-aidciks arrived early this manth and ita urh augment the phe(asa,nt population 500 miature birJ'cl were released w,ýitbiin the pastý wveck. Later in theli-iieanh -a urther numeraipaults will aIea be braughtj f rom the Codringtan Raisiig Fam0t be reesed hin Carke and Dariingtan Taownships. Mnlries ta raise these birds is ob-ý prywsswept into office with a reodnumber of 208 seats. ln 1962 Wy losing nin.ety se-ats ta the atheri ilhree parties another sucli record was set. The vote in tie Durham County1 ridilig saw 17,915 ballots cast *which records an 82.6 per cent vote cast. Clark Towshipitself recorded 83 per cent af the cilgible voters cast-i ing their ballot. The voters af the' V7 Iag-e) ai ecate rcorded the hýighest percentage vate cast Wvith 86 percent af the eligible~ voters visiting the two polis in the Comrmunity Hall.- were alsa aut an Manday when they gave Russell Honey a sizeable maj- arit aier the Conservative candidate. 1Russell C. Honey ireceived a totalý ota 7,879; Dr. Vivian 7,670; Mrs. Elleen Coutts, NDP, 2,211 and Ken- neth Tomns, Social Credit 155. Record of Vating: Coutte Haney Tomis Vivian Bowmanville. 400 1528 24 1549 Darlingtan.. 565 1453 45 1239 Newcasle .. 36 335 02 211 Hope Township 103 65j5 13 530 Millbraok .. 50 107 04 255 Cavan......... 102 279 12 575' Mtves107 311 13 473, Cartwrîght 95 277 13 399 Port Hope .... 366f 2041 16 157 9 Advance Pol., 17 106 2 93 There is still the Armiecd Service vote ta be rcceivcd wbich in the laet election in 1958 there werc 103 votes cast. 1- 2- 3 4- 5 'T- Coutts Honey TomisVii 13 13"'2 2 18 35 6 1 7 Il lf 83 Ï 7 l 35 -1 80 butntig whn he wa eguac tad edfr temsclvcs. ~URVEYSHOWSFEW fISHIN WILM4OT Conserva1toîiOffic'er Dauiglas 'Pow'- ell~~ inom sta eetcouint ai f ici in the uipper Wilmot bajs bw thtfwtrout xisi iithm rck Thie su v was mdin tje arca iiiuth!an forth aithe rýaiîwa"-y flumne wcst-of Oon.North ai Uic flume tSe Surv1ey ouV e an11y threce trout af any ~ ~~ z sinfcn icandthe-se %were rontraut. No rainbows ai any sîze' werc countcd 1intSis arcaatoul smaîl ribw eenmerauis. The count made revente tche reason for poor fiching rcsults as the ficl are naot in the, stream ta be cauglit. Tin making the survey th- Depart- ment OfficaIs use an ectri dice wbcestuSthe fcfor anly a few seconds cw'Itbleificl omn t h surac aith waerwbiere itca be canc.This methad is eivdt give an accura-te caunthic isli 'n the stream. Investigcuting Plans For .New Ch. nu rcb ueldi The BuIiing Conmmîittec, app,,oinitecd byý the Orono Uniitedl, Church, for the erýection ai a ChristianEuatn Buligwou-ld like the congregation tao knaw what bas been accomplishied: 13 far. Pour meetings ofa the Commnittee have been hcld. Mr. R. Dic( n a been appointcd chairman and-v.R Ti.ýnoc. ,3ecre'tei-v. Otheri- nimbers cutbl as been seen. Wc plan ta) visit other places in the near future.ý It is itIl tat Pvery ýfe4i-n uet beý made ta ',oplan well sa tliàTthe very' best use will 'be made ai the money and space available. -l* PerImiýssion lias beenl grantted by Clarke Tawnshilp Council ta ercct aý b)uilýing attacbed ta aur Chiurcli. We had aonc e eting with anar- tect and have also contacted a second Poli c6 - Poli 7- Poli l Palil9 - 10 49 O 57 4 28,Z 2 5 3u 6 50 162 2 169 175 78 7 il 775 1Fram the Duirhami results it is notedl the Conservative Candidate, Dr. Vivian, carried majaýrities in the north of the ridin'g %hich has always been a stronghold for the Tories. The 'Liber-al candidates came forth in the southern and manre urban area where lie piled up bis victory to represent Durham County. Mr. Honey wae qýom.j inated mPonths before the calling of the election andi has used every op- portunity ta publi-cize the Liberal stand ta the constituents of Durham County. _Mrs. Cout'ts, the New Denoeratic Party clidate -gained ber greatest strength in the Tow,ýnsliip -a Darling- tan. This %vas truc of the 1958 election when Ernest Dent w'as the CCF' can.- clidate. The Social Credit vote was very small as seen by the above tables. CENTENARIAN OLDEST VOTER IN DITRHA-I1 Ebenezer Iw;in, aged 100, cas i ballot at Port Hope Towni-ship Mon« day to maintain bis recard of vating at every federal election since he was 21. Vot, gil heFam ,olii-gst,,tjon Diefenaker1we he opposefi Mc- kenzýie KÇing in Prince Albert in 1926. Graduate~s 'Wayne biaey LB. rmler, grduteaithec Orana HTili chool (196) ecevcdhiçc Bachelor aif Laws Dore i the Jn ovctofa tice OSgaade -Hall Law TSehol. He wvill serve under Articles wïth tic Toronto Ilaw ,Tfirm i ofDay, Wilson,i Capbi and Martin. Hei_-the son ai lMr. %and Me;s. A. L. Su nday School1 Stuclents Gaut bncI Sunday ýv the Ooo Uie CuciSunday Shol eld their an-! 7ic 3-nda Sehl l b aif-filcd ic MrE. arbtCaC, urie ea ani-d emphasied ta bath'the chiîdren and the adulte the i mpor tance and *[e- ward in wor-king f_ýor thie <hurch an1d Uic Sunday ScIlool. Miss Mrilyn obbled!ic-k'S case uLnder lier direction sang twvoseclcc- tians The Junior S-unday Seb'rool choir. alsa presentcd tanumbers under the leadership af Uic choir leader, Miss Joyce Long sang the sala partsT in the choir numrbers. Antique C'ais To Visit' Orono Park Sunday Mlembers of the Antique Car Clubs of the district are holding a rally this Sunday at the Orona Park, The first cars are expected te arrive around el- even o'c2lock in the marning and will be on display ta the public. 5 It îe understoad that, cars will be jpresent fromi a considerable distance, and their vintage ill caver mas5t, yersa te aly 1900's, 20's and 'O's. On lh majority, the cars aire. in factory condition bath in appearance and operatian and a visit ta view the antique cýar display will be mast in- Éteresting. Pupils Conduet Election On Monday The students of the tbr ee upper g-rades at the Orana- Public ScIlool neld a mock election on Monday to choose their favourite in the Federal election. Their cliaice followed the same pattern as their parents who were aiea goîng ta the poils'at the samne time. The students appointed their de- puty returning officers, poUl clerks an>d in general1 with ballots ran the election as it was being conducted for their parents at the various poli- ing booths throughout the area. At the se-hool R. C. Honley rcie t'ic, top vote with 59, Dr. R. P. Vivian 20, Mrs. Elîcen Coutts 16,')an I Ken. nebToms 8. STUDENTS V'ISIT NEW The P licSeholpui 7 od Sa the Orono F l ->n ahuyora e tourilwî11bc a ttelld - Lcini.-g re Incorporation for a Village (,i Oroo ili be resumief on Thieis- day, August 30%h Theearing whT-ich was star'ted on Jonc 6t bad ta be pmostond as ti i ~ ~ ~ ~ t asntaalbet omplce, th bearvýig within the pcriod ofi thc mor- ning and aiternoon. It s ndcierto'd that piar ta thel Augut reumpton a UicheIeaingIp tht he Twsi oni and the' PoieTrustees a:-re tau nuwýietoadisýcuss the, viewc xresdby thichla-imný ai t'he vMunicipal l3aard. Su~nawnDiret, col frm Spring- brok oah the top bonours in The, Orana ibaber af Commierce Colt Dryon Satuirday ,vlen it taak a comanding lead in Uhc fnal stake race WAtba tîme af 2.12.Tic cotltis owe yWm,. P-s and wvas drivenl ,y D)on 1Heatb. lPinnngthe -Derby Sundown D.irect won airer a field af tenathe colts. GldeElgin W., own- cd byi rwin Warner of Narwood MW 2nid, Lucy Rdelandby For-est Acre FarmsHlro, was .Srd; HpyBabe. owncd by Ký7eith West, Oranmo was ifl, Ludale -pid Heather The Orono Colt Derby whl'ch ls evo and Mrs. 11.Crvt and M'Ss Bannie establi1shed( as an annual event in the jBrolef t, daugliter 0qf Village of Orono, held its fourtb run-j Mrs. H.aLow f Oranio. Bonnie Bar-. ning on Saturday last. As in previous low lias grown up \vith thie Detib, years thle lhorses are headed by the having ridclen a paradle poniy Mn'th3 above parade ponies in Parade past four annual events starting at t2ha thie Grand Stand. I3hiowýn alove-are ag of four years as an equestrian 'a M1iss Donna Catrvethi, daughter 0of Mr.,th yearly event. Orono Win Over Ajax In Tuesday Evening Orono Game - f The Orono Intermieriate E Bi D AtiuOSPor, Club tLook a 7-4 victary over thi tthe Orono Park in a gae ent seven innings. The decisi( This Saturday settled early i h aewt Eleven top Indianapolis 500 drivers, first two innings of play,. Ajax, including twa.,otime winner, Rager other hand beld their -eeoring Ward, h-ave already signed contracts for the faurtli and fifth innîngs ta race at Mo--sport Park on Saturday, June 23, in Canada's first late model Kelly Lane on the mnound for stock car race af any magnitude. was credited wîth the wxn. Y This was announced recently by however receive sorne relief George Grant, President of the Sports George Jones who camne in tc Car Club, under wbase auspices the but was soan replaced again by Juine 23rd mieet will be hield. It will Ajax- toolt six bits off the Oron< be prese-nted witfi the ca-operation, af ers wAhile the Orono batters theý Uniteýd States Auto mobile Club fiine bite fram the off rnea and bas the backing and support of thie City af Peter~borough and the Pet- Ronnie West, the first Orono erborough Chamber of Comm-erce, starited the round in the firet Len1 Sutton and1r Eddie Sache, WbO ithi a cingle bit. Stone fallowe finished ,thec 1962 ý'INDY 500-, in that a1notherv single and Dean West orderbehindWar the lso se obe Stqle scored on Dean's to ap'pear atiMsprtlOter nre and Dean scored l ater a %val have. been received from iiPaul ld -C-irn )upta C. Ar-mstrong- smith, tbeie 1961 stock ca1r chamipion, sin1gle bit ta Don filrcrInl Nomn csQ, ~ig .LsgZv7 n frame Keitb West reache, Troy Rutman an Dick Rathman. o- avwiJk fllwe b asingle Neotatan ae ndrwywith oherDon Lvcett, aw-iik to 'o. ýïi ,Or Mle ,ffi to pi y L e, Liai- -ewrorulî l m t- 0Il oal an Rnne'est alonlg wiUh Stone Pn. stock car cliamionship and drivers1 ct soc it rsroggvn wýiil vie fOr -320,00i PrZise may. a sit ntescaring withi a Sacrý- hefeatIure wll e ivicdinlota tofee It Tuthenettbreeinings 0e("- e0-lp heats. inn adon, th e pprm aa aretired in order, A cnl wil inlud a 30-lap rae foripot fo Ronie West an( Kelly Lan;e l racing :and iprvd routin asi hý <', eule i nusc'ingfo and several other events.1 it'he lacrw PetrbroglitaMoport CiHiprecede Awak bt, ad~ rn ra the race and te0o(, al Bynaîoe Aa tor îst icfut Pulicity for Onltaria, will act as ban- )rr-,startuer -fo)r Uicfeature evenit. T oflka Pooer get uderayat 12.09 on A ~ ~ ~~o comtteIlte rn Cople mars te oe undredth birthdayýi of thechrchinthe communlity. Present plans are ta hold 'the Cen-! fied tenaUctivities near the end ai of î-ý Co0mmittees tapln he -acti,,tles- and ta ompie he istory a0 tf (-) the 100th ïnniversary,. da.the gam-es and ýlie sale af the prag2,ra--m,aiinicmaunt betwen $00 and $700.00. A net; icabure for the Dcrby Ithis year ws aý%dawfor' n iilly colt wýhicli ,uas won by Mrs. Hazo Faro 0 Qao,. Seven bunl- drcad frytatceswcre sold ab)Le profit for tbc C1aiamber. RACE REIULTS %si lUmniationColt Rae- Lucy P>RIfiddei, HaIiburtani,G.hedn Ludal, NoroodJ.Wanr Hapjpy BaIelOna, J. WesI; Vriskýy Grattani, Suinder-land, Brethour Black Betty,, Linctc, ýiA. Forrcst; Star Mac, ia, J.Grhm Tbne ai Me 2:014 2od Eflimitian Colt Raie- Sudon irect, springbrook, W. Prest; F'lielgin W, Norwaavod, I, Warnier Hleathier Grattan, Lincay, A Forreet Do,-ýnna's Dreani, Uxbridge, J. Merritt, 'ame n seond n bo h Iips race. TFIs race rsgisîered cameý tUS nd 132.Dot rc w - Badswn cme- irsman Aiit a Orono arse owne3) Williamis and criven bTy the taak bath he1ats of Ibis race ,in ai 2.1M and 2.14, Chockoyctte si ivenl by Geraid Rolinson toalk Ulu tesecond beaU aifter 11 vinig cb the 'paper for furtier Thie students will ai grees. classesT when the Sui The, Building Committee! opens in September. a-iu ýe feati ered fori 2.14. Canti oey of Orc ai -tiýe Derby, the van! Cochurane. (Continued Ch~:>ýj ame xTs Clar7ro