!WONO W~< ~' TBUI~SflA~ .JUNE 2lst, 19 hop for these.. Be< 4Buy! - Save ý24 CI - Fancy Qurallty 4, l-oz. Tins Heinz Tomato Juice 4 for3$1 Best Buiy! - Save ]le! Gem Margarine- 1-lb. Packages 4 for 85C Best Buy! - Save 8c! - Picture Cards Enelosled Red Rose Tea Bags Best Buy! - Save 6c! - Instant Sherriff Potatoels Lest Buy! - Save Se! Javex Liquid Bleach Pkg. o0160 77c 12-oz. Pack-age< 53c 2-z.Plastic Jug 77c FREE! 5 lb Granulated Sugar with the purchase of 4General Electrie Light Bulbs at'regular price Free Draw On TWO PORTABLE BARBECUTES AND FOUR BARBECUE SETS 7Be sure ta enter every time you shop Red& WHITE. Draw to be matie Saturtiay, Jiine 30. BA.B-Q FEATURES! Simbeain Hanburg and Wiener Rolis Fresl Daily . Regular 25e this Week-en»d E19c * Mple Leaf - Cello Wrap - Save12 WeinerS lb 45c *Extra Lean - Fresbly Ground MINCED BEEF lb 45c Bilks - Hamiburg Style and Cii-Bits - large ReIish 32 oz 49c PRICES 4 63c~ 4 29c~ Econiony sizeo EjR 65c~ 49c~ s )NE 1121 i -7 t ath Report iNOï,ï,l MiB E RLAND -DU RHA M HEALTHI UNIT REPORT FOR MAY 1962 Communeable Disease 132 cases were reported thîs month, 74 of these being mumps, and Z5 clhickenpox. One rabid animal - cat i-n Hamilton Township, was also report- ed. Two people were ltreated as a re- suit of exposure to this animal. Tuberculosis 50) persons received x-rays at the regular monthly cheet clinics. Three persons were admitted to sanatorium, and one discharged during the past month. Mlaternlty, Infant and Presehool There were 341 visits to fami lies by public bealth nurses, most of themn on behialf of infants and preschool Those familles in which there is a child i wth stivere mental and physical handicap usually need long-continued. guidance with occasional advice and help. The public health nurse he1lpe by listening to the difficulties of the par- ents, by observing the appearance, gait and bebaviour of the hld h condition of braces, etc., by notifying the family doctor of any emotional symptomn, by helping the parents ini their attitude and care, and by putting thema In toudli with communi ty re-1 sources for treatment and education of the child. Immunization Sabin oral vaccine clinie werýý Leld May 14, 15, 16 and 17 throughout the Ulnited Cotintes, n 241 centres. A to- tal of 48,898eople attended of whom ,14.3 were under sehool age, 19,890 wee choo(l children and 21, 535 wvere' aduits. This represented 60% of the population. This is the first of a ser- les, which should go far towards thel objective of stamping out poliomyesi. itis in Northumberland and Durham, Counties. 1Second dose clinics are to be beld next October lst to 4th inclusive, In the.same centres and following very much the sarne pattern as the .clincs held in May. The use of Salk vaccine, given by injection, will continue as each type of vaccine compliments the oather. These oral vaccine cliniçs were con. d fuctetiali--ost entirely by volunteer workers, and in quarters donated by comnrunîty organizations, municipal councils and s.chool boards: an esti- mated six hundred local women wiork- ed at the clinics, mneasuring vaccine on to sugar cubes and handing thiemi out, keeping records, and transporting- supplies. Audionietry The school audiometer programme for the 1961-62 term bias niow been completed. During the month of May, the majority of the time was spent doing retests of defecte found earlier In the year and locating pupils who bad moved within the area. In the schools with four or more classrooms, aIl the children beginning scbool, plus the grade three and grade seven, have been tested with the audi- nieter. In the smaller schools where ail the children were tested last year, those who indicated hearing defects and those who had never had an audi- meter test, were tested. Children fromn other grades suspected of having a hearing loss wvere also checked and in somie communities several adults requested and recel' ed tests for themselves or their preschool young- sters. Siinitation One outbreak of food poisoning re- quired investig-ation. Laboratory test- ing samples of two items of the menu failed to show the causating organ. ismn. The source of infection was not determined. Semi-annual inspections 0f the 15 pasteurization plants anti the prepar- ation of reports to th~e Envlronmental1 Sanitation Section of the Provincial 1 KE4ID A L N EW S fl oor-length dress of white nylo, ,>n finger-tip veil. Her sister, Mrs. îR. Rev. El. C. Woodland of Newcastle Carruthers was maid of honour. He1r vill be the g-uest speaker at Xendal youni-ges sister Mrs. J. Fonk andth Sunday Echool Anniversary onfltils 'gioom's sister Miss Donna ByeiËs,. unaJune 241th at il :15 a.m. Mrs. were.her bridesmaids. They werc We,ý'hpuser is tr-aining the choir. We gowned in -similar dresses of yelLviw are hpn li fr--Or a good a:ttendanceorgandy. Sunday morning. The best man was Mr. Jack Byers, A pretty weddling took place in Ken- bohr fte groom. dal United Church at thiree p.mf. onl Atrtecrmnpcue~wr Juine l6th, when Miss Carolyn Fo-ster, taken* by Mr. T. F. Rehder and othý,- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.1Fos-1 ers. The weddiîig dinner was served, ter of Kendal, was united in adoubleb the U.C.W. of, Kendal to eighty-five ring ceremony, to Mr. Geral d Byersgus. Wbile the register was belng signed Mr. Laurie Stapleton of Newtonville sang "Ilil Walk Beside You". Mra. Allen Foster, an aunt of the* bride, played the vedding music, The bride looked charming ln aa Water Resources Commission and the Ontario Departmnent of Health on' May 3 and 4tb. This conference, at- tended by Dr. Horner, Medical Offic- er of Healtb and Mr. T. H-. Waters, Senior Sanitary Itispector was very worthwhile because of the discussion of probleme which exist in most Flealth'Units in Ontario. The annual meeting of the Canadian Public Health Association and the Ontario Publiec Health Association was held in Toronto on May 28 - 31, 1962. The theme was Change and Challenge in Public Health. Dr. Char- lotte M. Horner was a member of a panel on The Prevention of Illness. The meeting was also attended by other miembers of the Healtb- Unit staff. Shiloh Centennial on Sunday. They ar-e to be congratulated on the finea renovation to their church. SMr. Wm. Geary passed away on Tuesday in Bowmanville Memoria Hospital after years of illness. Syn- pathy is extended to his wife. There was a large turn out to thec polls on Mondy. We regret tl'at no> party lias a worlcing mnajority. Thec New Demnocratie Party split the voteý badly. Unîted States s to have good government with only two par- ties. England lias three but Franceý has several. Twogroups have to um- ite- in France to câV&y on a govera- ment with the result that there are, frequent elections. In Urne of trouble they give a strong man like De Gaul dictatorial powers. Surely three parties le en.ough. Fouir naines on the ballot is confusing to those in the lower income bracket. People like those ' in Regent Park who voted for Rolland Michener orc the Liberal candidate who l3 expectedi to win the seat when the soldier vote is counted. Mr. David Loftliouse is visiting is, aunt, Miss C. W. Stewart. RO0YA L ,Bowmanville MA.3- 5589 FrL, Sat.. Sun., Mon., June 22-25 Matinees Sat. and Sur.., 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9 p.m. Sunday, and Monday at 7 :30 Next Tues., Wed., Thurs., 7.30 p.m. EDGIAR ALLAN POE'S "The Premature Burial" Ray Milland -Clr -Aduit NOW- "Fix the Mix-Up" Contest Slips Here ORONO TINSHOP FURNACE PIPES DUCT WORK AND FITTINGS CEMETERY VASES ETC. MADE TO ORDER IR. E. LOGAN, Prop. Poe11816 Orono, Ontario TUI't',nSDýý*0 JUNE 21st, 194 (MONO WEEA 'ý, /xtEg