ORQI14 WEEKLY TIES 'l~LÙY PROUCTS Craeker Barrel.- te Off t 6oz53 ci*t y'oe Tur *k-eike, Beet 8-oz. pies 2ee FRU-afo 4P pkgs75 Miracle Whip D LSSN G 32 Oz 59e 2 ORANGE PEKOE . 2 TEA BAGI-S59 IGA ONUSTAPE «ýIFT OF TIE 3MON '3 ki~ 0 Pfuli ounees, ingaig ~ pect cysali-al fr eving yu u mrdif EA; rLY AMECA aj F j ($75.Q0 in rGA Tapes) ($31.50 iii IG~ Tapes) i ~XTR A $0,00In Bonus Total of Tapes io IGrade Delin usSnutern Beýauieés quarti box 19C. Savour~ Tropical Flaveur B a nanas 2 Ibs 29e Souh frca Nve Sileez, Ontar2t Gr n N. rd Ca ze bbag 20fr29 RECEIVEý $6M0 I BOINUS TAPES WITH ANCGEL FOOD CAKE Mix - Pillsbury 15-oz. BRIDGEPORT BUG BOMB lO-oz. Bomrb BAILLET COLOUED TISSU - 2 twin pack RE '1CEIVE $1,00 IN BONUS TAP.ES WITH 1VoRy SNOWV- ]Oe off reýg. prieio - Gt. RECEIVE $2.00 IN BOýNUTS TAPES Wi JEWVEL SUORTEllN!NO (i5 0of 1.'b GENGIANT PEAS Frzn1o. TOMATOES - Noý. 1Gae1o.elo POTATO SALAI) or COLE SLAý7W Roy,,al Guest P12ý. o. n Red oEat Cooked Meats 6 oz Swif t Weinlers l b Virgnias 8y Sets Fast Time At Buffalo VIIlNIA'S-- »:GY tle entrýance chiannel, the inner flar- 1 fiiihaý sBoy, aoun- borse ý,iat1 bour andi thpe ast slip. 'T'le woi'k is r- rceeývgts early traîxpngai SeheOv'-quired s30 that the entr-ancechne oIno tr-ack anrd owneçd by AÀrc1iieGen cani be mîaintaîned at 16 ,eet belov? ey,, irm~ped. to a fat finsh ni- - ,%vwater levelj the inner abora i 2--,--~t in -Buffalo, Th, 1sediv 5 fee t and the eas,,t slip) at 12 'feet. n siby jack Gorton Uite rae %wihý U EMIS.STABiJI OR<NO CILT DERBY SFranilk's bS!c a hiors<e obtined by fMpag1 l ack Rcid tWs iaaote >nndfona 1 ,ftake at thie WgoCbini, lias been regis -enitry fr'om thie stable DC W teIng numerous ins at the bofindon E. Peid caime in second in both ea rïces. On Saaur-day tCe last day of of this half mier. raigin the bondo)n meet , the 1-orse iag-ii took top posiion with, a timie 1. PACE, TWvo lea% (ý 2.10.4 for the mile. MýeadowvîeW This race registered the fastest'lIme ChIamp, Hollywood Richarýd and Flash of the day when Proict Hope,'s Cih Riddell were &lso entered In the fina owned a.nd driven by J. Graham We meet ranging in finishng positinsý a mnark of 2.10.4 in the last lheat. ',-*-the, frorr, fourth« to sith. T!.he Reid stable 1iMst tnp saw a tine 0f 2.14.2 Ma1nb8, has,, no-w eurned to Orono where it 1Leewas 2nid, Glenn Todd 30, and will await the open2ing of the Wood- Briacel1et, driven by G. Robinson, r b,ý nc -rotfa Torýonto. on, two fourths. Its back to Pe--týrborouigh aini thîs Sat1urd'ay eveiilng for the local1 fans j~r akWiim with Happ) Ma ~ndKeth es wih apy Bab399 agan e in ompettie. A t$32,700h'2cnt"c on I)igh, wo ii'1 e nusrisnLoto edof Mbyon W'esdavl fig, r&atdgng theIfe o Por HopverOld mt i wa ant e d sen -x olyhr tesonout i i oavidaJ. Wc1hev ,13 Pqtter ,ot PePlirorouh. he fwasupabrgter n acarwstbd ofAi:,rintreet, Pe troougor pultedersed wniai son"li 30, her.Th bubai, a e'nid ras l Moters wld dau4hter ndtheeyaral sn Ahe$32700 Ctctact s obteenaad Walker, MIiaisterd»of nubli W for 2.12 wa--s set by Svundovn Direct. i the Consolation Colt ea-t!Ure FrI"SkY' Graýtanwa awarded a ake8e. ting a time 0f 2.s8. aarveth headed iwhehrses as they C=NRSEVC LICENSD PLUMBERS ira' Tabierite Sliced PRlndleý,s Side Bacon ibi 1 1 1