fi 'i E. IVe have a good prie Siz s 9 to I In h(eked A n lu doîî le box pleat , ] choi e i i diei o mmer 'a dressfies at s reallo Prie hm and from Pric 8l S95 toe) .9 3 KITS M1ST ci ~ ~ (ý andoto, l ht Tmry ee and Arne BL1TWE OSES BOUES o li,0 prin,ýà,-te14otton ad Wite Coosndr Prieedat...................98ta$59 BIES'I DILF 17SI RTS s inCottn wib ebroil d r ri , aloi-ne maL :,ednm and lag...c..1.5.a 2.1 RL'S L S SF )ETS1CKT im Sets, clors 0f gren hn1 mau e,e8t IIIE CTON BLOSE 'S JAERSEYS au TOSET i-o dmlotbcolosbw, f gfoý( al gre binet dhs 14. Fn d a.... ...... ............$.25 RENY'S SUDE ACKET grukS eenack e, olors ad edbe Pried.................. .......$3.95 IILDREN'S JERSEY y~, iff~i'n roks ad stles Pricd 9e e 1. i. l'il - Enrolment And FIy-up HeId For Brownies Andc Guides 'nie Orono Girl Guides and the seven girls ito the Girl Guide Co- ,Orono Brownies held their enrolmient pany. She also presented Bairbara and fly-up services on TuesdAay- eveni- iNtchell wvith a gift in acknowledge-J ingi in the Orono United Church Suni- ment of ber good deeds in the Guide day Sehlatditor.i.Co(-4mpaniy thiroughout the year. Brown Owl Joyce Sinipsonl Former Guide Captain, Ruthx Grad y enrolted [ive new Bro'wnîes ta a recog-nized with R Girl Guide the pack being Dorreen Pelletier,!I "Tliaik You" Pini by the Local As-j Cathy Walker, B3etty De Jonge, Dianie sociation in appreciation ai ber eleven Hazelden and Carol Ana Caldweli.j years service withb the Orono Guides. Margarýet Taggart, rEe-erley Trer- Il wam aleo announced that tbe nant, Dariene West, Carol Mercer Bowi Paýck hlas been divided intol aiso fiew-up framf the Brownies V t rcks it wm the. division beîingý the Girl Guides. ýBevenley 'Tennantirmade at Division Street . We are Veryý waqs commended for a perfect three 1happy ta have Mrs. Lamanq Atkins aSý year attendance.Vais prof.CIcny ,a second Browýýn Owl. Alo he Girl badges ^were awarded ta bathi Brow- Guieill be an-ound this ume nies and Guides. Golden Bar badges taking- orders for Christmnas cards as were presented ta S'hirley tiulop, a mioney-miaPing projeetý. Eflie Kilpaitrick, Patricia Wallace, Heat -her Hughes, Car-olynnii Johnstan, Several of the G irl Guides working Joyce Dinkle, Donna Gilbank, Lindla on their EHostess Badge loaked after B3arrabail, Caroly-n Adams, Linda Me~!- the enitertatimecnt for the evening. Laren, Diane ýNichlolsoni and Lynnie Lunch was provided by the Local As- Suthierland. si> 1on and the eeig isdwith Captain Isabel Hamm e nrolled the Queen. Mr.Doiglas -Sipson is a patient, Mr.Rob"t ooprunc sons spent e ek-ed IthIlMr. and. Mr's. F. 0. Y~~per Ronieand Eobýby are spend. îg heholda sin Oroeno. fhN. . l-,ong ý,is at Five Oaks -atten- a Cga I sia dua Vo orkshop. H. MÏ .Steele '), Ottawa is viýsiting Bý. Long. Mr. Cyril Knigjit of Pa!lmerston visited at die Parsonage Mr.James T. Eew and Mr. Lynn Brow, Nwcasl~Ml% and mis. Ear] Browjýn aniniJfant c-ilaugter Oheryl~ Toroto, ere inner guests o-f Mr. ndMrs. Miltol n amblyn Sunday. Mrs. J. E. ichard,(s viidla jýin- dnand Lndaylst week. 1Mrs. Vola Abbiott and MNrs. PI0ob. bsof Lîn1sýayý spent Wedni-esdaiy w MYse C.i. nocirs U.C.W Meeings YSN NT SONl there Ys noadequate wiay of exprneing my dteep and mrist Éicr hanks to the Durhami citizens, who -worked so, long a-nd bard on Monday 0 elect me as memiber of Parlian-tent andic thosewh voted bib- era ci()d hope this message will let you 1kno1(w 1how grate-ful J feel, . Nwthat the battie is over,teprrl at least, I will sreail of tb eoleof this' constituL-encey to thiebs fm ability, nomtter what hirpoljitical beliefs are. Agan, anythanlcs for yu ofdne UNITEDCHUlRCH Clarge Mi ni st er Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JUNE 24thi Orono -1:0a.m. Mirby-liv am Caillycur1 U ]uîbnn& Mechtial Cni ffào selis, instais and 1(qii-arnîe, (MLONO WEEKL I IMES I CARMIAN i IPLUMIB1NG & IIEATING! Phone 143 Orono MnI. and 1Mrs. Hurne Kitrnee and family were recent visitor-ser'th Mil and Mms W. C. 'H. M!itchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ros Taylor' and tamn- ily, Ottawa., visite,% over the week- 1end with Idr. and Mvrs. Ca-e Tay- lo r. a d M rs. P. H ayw ar,d Bow- malnville visited w;tith Mr. and Mrs. Raye West and family on TueOSday.' 4x andMs Carl Biilings, accom- paniied b irc!and Ms. Roy Bird 0fý Gannoqe senta couple of days T'e Juine 'mieeting 0 f U.C.W., IUnit No.1, as eldat 'dhe homye of the! le e, M~i.Kaycbapmani, wtth 12 ~'o1ownga hmn ndthe scripture ~edn by ary errytheimedita- -(teJtatwbn e -rt read our text "Lo 1 m wth ou lwas,"we have ' îLcTt n erefiin J"ne ai 'TeC' ywhqnCrsti Jr n'er i 'h'g th S apueierstate- mtiti"l Fc for Thougru who wninll newns c ndute wtb b B rr Btthepno. fbe a c mot.on ofclEpthnd Lycetad u T, nveops Low tetmeetin re o 'eibcight omfo the Srmeet- ing.n .R frsiiins ec I~~~t <-ofioinga nt membnci , sMcay Uniee2 Bairtw inetheeunit mebscto buer homifotheep-f "OS>.ber m.RersetsWr frv e ilyand h12e: M na, social UNIT te2, U.C.W. th Unt2hel telirciune eetng Tunay m iun 5b ate yhoeC Pf fav Mrs. M. Tambll nu f w- Y it clit whp. Sdng ofSolmon, -7lni.Flowdb prayer. M. n tes..e.ra.a.t.....ed I ON 11110 LEGISLA-%tW SML Selecgnt Cormnittee o Ma4 npo 0wc"r T rai ninag BRIePS INVITED On1 April 18, 1962, The ýLe-gisiative Assemibly of OMt.f apoite aSelec Comm,-iftee te intvestigate aiid mËa8 1 . The Apprenticeship Act and the regulationsmad 2. AU aspects of the appreniticeship systimias )M VGy established in On tnrio and more pa.rticulurly sia;t pertains to thetraininU of persons inrItrades orcr-fts re!ating ta the construction indu1str y andIiin 44tïie undertakings; 3. The training of worhers and more particulrn'y F training and upgradlng of skills; and &. Th-e roier, f governmnent, industry and kabourt%ý4o fielId. Public hearings are expgcte-,d ta take place in the Partie.' ment Buildings, Toronto, in September and Octobe,. Individuals or organizalions interested in presenting sub- missions ta the Comm-ittee are invited ta contact the Secretary no later than July 151Lh. Th.e Committee wlI ha glad ta supply a lst of specific questions upon wvhloh comment is particularly desired, as well as background inriformation and advice which mayassistinterestîed parties in the preparation and presentation of briefs. j. R. Simionett,.M.P,P. T. M. Ebere, Chaiman.Secretary, R o om 262, Parliament Bui[d ing ,, Toronto (Telephone 365-1946)ý TWIS MWEEýK AT 1Kotex-,, size reua,1's pca J . fTis sîzes an(l colos. henu -,eLea1ther Soles. . Pr. 971. Win-OKienlagebottle wt FREE Sprayer. Wh Lhe lat Comý-plete........3 C'. Green Oion Bulbs box 140. Cleaingi price box 15e. Ladies'ý andi issess' Cottoïn Socks, WHte and1 as- sorte colrs. Regular 25e. Clearing làcccor 2 for, 29c. Strpe oot Pateregular 63c>-. Mfg. Special 1, 9C. -Noxemaiý Cold Cream.ý FREE 3.jar when ou buy. thele jar for ................89ec. IRan Rïoîl-On Deodlorant, reglar 89c. Thiîs. weeký 77c. Men's Pncy Soks, Strtch-O- atic,ftsses1 to 2. Rua 9.Ti ekpair f'orý.......67e. Child' St~apShoes, plaid tprglr7ê Clarngprice a pair...........59e. Lady Iris Liquid ae-p Shades of peachi, rach-,el, blushing-, natu-ra1lcor pink. Reguliar 4 c This week 39e Ridý Ho u se and Garden Bug Killer Sprayer, tin $1.69' Jiisect Spray ( n ot f or use on plants) 16 oz. tin. 69c. 32 ounice t-ins for...........$1.39 Metal Sprayers, eom.plete.. ............. 37c. p I being 61. aittitudIe toward the task that lies be- LOC L lhi' Moved by Mrs. Gilbart, seconded fo-re us. To woýrsh!p Ced. To watcb, LU 1A n ivJbyMrls. Barlow that Unit 2 look ýteg J ovr an~d care for- ail with her f ellow- rc« rs mnt fo gnerl ý.letiigsljp*topreach the Goffspel to aïiil A week ago last Saturday atternoon Thursday, June 21st. After some dis- ninid and strive for righit rela- thle Sundaiy Schoel Class taught by cussion it was decided ta have a meet- tbons amiong men. ir.Arnoid Wallace, gave a surprise gi paty forý their teacher. The eidren ultobahlga heprsn The Bible study taken by _Mrs. Jean arria'nged the party \V'ielh Was ý Duvalil, was most interesting with' a held in the Orono Coinmunity Parkl Mrs. L. Cobbledi'ck readI a very in- short dsusiaand proved to be a where they enjoyed swimming and teresting paptel 0on thewodru workl very heipful â4u0y period. gamnes. The children served lunch and being dune by Mrs. Tooig J in nec-1 Lunch was MUrved by Mrs. Tamï,- presented Mrýs. Wallace with a glass wih the orphanage in Hon g n.byMs J oyad r.Vl dish in appreciation of ber work and Mn. and Mrm. Tong and famtnly expeet mla Watson. £ ivote of tlanks waa famiy hve akei U reidece n JDevotional was taken ly Mes. Hilda hostess for hm Wnd hospitallty in lier Mlr. and Mrs. E. 'H. Sam-uel and Woý Watl h as !tiloeyhm Chluich?"e Poiïiting- out the rsos. Mrs. Long tIosed the meeting WILIt ber îewinme on K,ýing Street in bility of everyone to take a prayerMff prayer. s N s 'N N "a a, N -a N N -a, k N N -i '-a N --a N --a s N N sa-a N N n-a N N N N N --a N N --a b N N 'N N 4-a a "N 'n N h y a-' 'S -a i