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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jun 1962, p. 7

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ln The Great Dcsys 0f LiverpoozlSeuaport Ihýe seciport of the Victorias Age. ft is true that London was a à1gger port, but it wvas m ore than > seaport. The ships which set4gt Lon-don puished their %low way up thýe deviouis cou rse Df the Thames unrtil they, reach.. ed the narrow anchorage (, below London Bridge, but the craft which were mnoored there h-ad long left the sea behind. London as a port was in f act miergedl in London as a ca-,pital. Then there was Bristol, which had been Liverpool's great rival in the eighteenith century, but whieh she had vanquisbed by the timre that the Queen camne to the throne. In aýn y case Bristol 1Iay, tes) miles uip a narrow and tortuous stream, and was the chie! town of a ricb vaîlley of the West, itsposition in a fruit- fui giulua district gave it a cistinictlyv inland atmnospherei in spite of its old asid honourrable connection witb the sea. Its iu- terestis, too, wvere niumerous, and by the end of the Victorian Age Ils manufactures were mnore i- portant than its commerce. Fromi the beginning of its bis- tory Liverpool, by reasos of its geographical situation, hiad been singtlarly isolated fromn the rest of Lancaster. It had been content with its maritime highwýay, aud It had sot troubled t0 cone into eloser touich with the iland portions cf the kinl-dom. Just *m the Frenc~h Canadian habitant, dwelling in the white villages 'which nestie under the solitary eÀnd impassable hulis which "bor- 412r the St Lawrence, Ioioks on that river sot as an immense barrier, but cnly as a connect- jig-1nk wt the world beyond 1h. s;eas, 50 lthe Liverpudlian has tor tbe last two centurle-s re- Èarded the Mersey. To lm th@ rea unites rather than cllv-,ides, ndespecially was this the case tn h. early years of the. ine- $eenth century, when hie looked )n the river as bis outiet, rather Bxn the mltry tracks whlch lerd frmLiverpool across the ble-,ak- 4É el countrysides to ther cen- tres of population. A. fow tatisties will prove the jsolallon of 1he city in the per- $od immediately preceding the 'Vctorias Age. In 1753 the onîy means of communication with London was by stage-wagons, of which the quickest took ten days on the journey. il was sot until 1760 Ihat the first stage-coaich to London made its appearance; ;t covered the distance in forty- r-ight hours, and was called, "The London and Liverpool FIying Machine." In that samne year the 3:oad to Warrington was made practîcable for carnages, buit even fifteen years later one post- mnas met the requirements of the whole city. In 1784 mail-coaches wene started, but at first they earied onlý four passengens i addition to the guard anmdlte ,coacbmas, each of wo a anmed with a blunderbuss. Goods weno conveyed by, sea for the inost part to the others ports of! the kngdomi.-Fi-rm "The Vic- tonJais," by Sir Charles Petnie. Mcister Thîef Bears A Charmed Life Sitting in bis modest office -in Singapore, -ho looks like amy otiter modern Oriental business- man. But ose belephono cal fJrosi hlm can *et in motion a crime operation so fantastie il maltes te Mafia sind most big crime syudicates- look like cbildneni who steal apples. We wvill cal himn Mr. Lee. An ol-dilling rig anmd machin- ery valued a.t more titan $300,- 000 vSfished mbibm hr.air whll% waitlug ou a dock lu. Marseille& 10 b h pped tb New Guisea. Mn. Lee knows whene il went. Ose -igt Kln)g Nonodori Si- hanouk o! Camibodia noticed that bîis brig whtite elephaut was miss- ing fro-i te palace yard. Buit a few weeks lator, some 1,200 miles away, a whý-Iite oie- pitant tit4. looked like an idesi- tical týwin o!f'te lbt bull was pnesented by lterno m asr)ti Pnince Titayali of Burma b bhis 5aeventeen-yoar-.-oid rnîstress. Alitouigitteelepitant was well perfumied asd deconated as a bithday gifI for lte affection- ste damsel, Ihene again appeared lte fine baud o!fte super tiie. Fieadquaters of W'Lee, wbich wo saal caîl Mn. Lee's gang, are situiated over a bar sean lte Singapore wal-,,erf rosI. The bar itseîf is owned, of Counse, by Mn. Lee.. If ho looks fat aud slow, don't gamble ou il, for ho cas mnovt ýquickçIy on his foot and la oven faston wilt a knif e or gun. Mn. Lee, now forty-sin.e, began bis career in is native Sari Francisco witene, as a boy, hie specialized in oulwilting otiter Chinese and U.S.A. officiais. But ho tined of thte srnall pick- ings, and decided -Io bave for Hiong Kosg. When hoe got ashoûre iMn, Le. made bis way 10 a bar wbene be met witb Lin :Yusg, leader of a small gang of'tleves viho oper- ated os the India Dock anmd 'lh, Abendeen piers. Mn. Lee was In- vited 10 join the gang wbich then jiumbened osly five mies. He sooni began 10 dtect a lack of skill and imagination'on th, part of Yung, The gang had been steahing anytiting it could find: rope, chains, drums of fuel, andl othler si stores wbich thoy sold Pta low prices. Mr. Lee dec.,ei that more could be close wihh more profit, ,so be waited bl is chance. Il came on a dark iitt witile lte gang wvas loadcing fuel cana mbibt ein sampan at India Dock. "Why do we bother witb Ibis snmail stuf f when theno are mrore valuable goods father down aud onlvr ose drunken wtba? Mr. Lee asked. The others gasped lun Surprise at anlyone chialleniging tbe judg- ment cf Ibeir quick-temrpered leader. "Shut up and get bacuk teý wvork," snapped YungÏ. "But you'ro m-issing -somiething bigge-" 'Mr. Lee tarfted 10 say, then ho saw- the knif e in Yuing's haiji. Theolotibers cowerdil fear ai-d watcited. Mn. Lee drew bimiself down into a croucb and suddien- ly shol cwr like a prize wrestlen. Fils hoad butted Yung's atomavh -wlth such force titat tte sbnocked mnas was upended out of the samupan aud îmb the wTater. Grahbing up a iteavy grease cýas, Mn. Lee waitod for Yung's head ta bob up, ltes heaved lte oas frosi the sampan. it cracked open the flouindering mn-an'1s kull. From then on, Mn. Lee was' leader. Socsoniewas on bis way tb becoming No. 1 thief aud fence o fifong FKong. Amnerican' medical supplies were sold lu Pekinig, Chilsese pongee clotit in New York City, Spanish gunpowder in Tnkyo, Russian furs in Buenos Aires. While most People regardced lmn as a prosper.ous exporter, thenre were three whio n ne Mn. Lee -with cossiderable envyv. Titey'ý were hutzi leatders kniown, as Lou Wang, Foo Siklýo and Chu Tai, and oue dark nigýht titene came lte sbojwdown. Mn. Loe, along witb gang membens Lee Ong, . Mok Wong sud four othens, poled aPama alongside lte darkened P. & RO docks to raid a siipktad of badl- 'bearings aud,1 dental supplies fromi a Swedish vessel. Corning on dock w th a case of, dental drilla, Mn. Lee found himnself surnounded by a dozen) Chines. beaning knives. Leading theuit was Foo Shiko, itead of ose of the othen gangs, who at once ordered bis mes 10 close in on Mn, Lee.. Taking careful aimn, Mn. Lee - hunled bis case of dvi]lis srnack thelb open boas of Foo Shiko, a surprise nmove that balted Fço long esough for Mr. Lee to draw a pistol and shoot him between the eyes. in the eusuisg encounten,' Mok W4longc and three of Mn. Lee' s men were stabbed to deatb, aud Lee Ong's arm was slashed. Mr, Lee was able te, shoot two mnore and Lee Ong got three, writes Victor I. Wagner lu "Tit-Bit.sY A ,wcek later, lu what ap- pearod to be a gesture of pea-e, Mr. Lee invited Lou Wang Esimd Chu Tai as bis dinner guests aboard a luxurious floatimig rest- aurant. But before they arrived be vis- ited a "witch wcman" in~ Cal Ai- ley wTho provided him witk two iny rounid pelleta ktiown as ajaýs. An aija is a siender bit of bamnboo sharpened to needie' point at both ends and colled up in a smrall ball. Wben placed in a bowl of soup il appears t0 be aà mushroomn, but wheni swallow- ied it soon uncoils and pionces the stomacit wall, causing painful deatb. Mn. Lee was the perfect, anm- iable hosl at the dinner. Ie al- ready býad bribed a waiter bo pre- pane the plates for bis guests5. Suddenily Lou Wang clutched at bis stomach and collapsed. A Imoment later Chu Tai did lte samne, and both mes died ýwbile boing nusited to hospital by am- It was assumned the mes died fromi food poîsoning, te result of som-iethiing caten, earlier. But other itutzi leaders knew lte trutit, ïand fnomn then on made noý attenipt 10 usseat Mn. Lee. Witen Wold Wan Il broke out, Mn. Lee transfenred bis op- erations to Switzenlasd. Hee was as active as eVer. A trainload o! butter and cheese istesded for Berlin van- ilshed after leaving Copenbagexn end turnied up in Madrid. Car- goes of Amieican nmenchandise vanisbed frosi London docks and appeared later as fan away as Ta- Eves a sbipment o! perf urns and dresses being kept by Ger- masq Army officens for ,vives and ginîfrienyds back homne disappoar-. ed in occupiod Paris anmd showed Up in Caracas. Soon aften the war thero waxs tlhe Case o f te twenty-f lve pianos. The former police chlief of a part o! Indo-China was oporating a chais of luxunlous brothels. AIl wvere lavishly furnisited, buti twenty-five lacked pianos. Mr. Lee was contactedi at Tangiens , and soon ite located pianos in a U.S. Anmy warehouse at Wies- baden, Germnany. Titoy wene in poor shape, but tbey w.ere Ar-ie rican pianos. Wý'Leeý agents, dressedi in GI. unifori, backed a truck up to the depot and flashedl a forged odrto the g-uard. T),iste loadei i the pijanos, 1"T ieyx ,are tobcberemi-oved for n'e(on di ti o ning,." said the O.."said the guard. "Right n0w theyv sure sound like, old brothel pianos" They' vw-re cduly édelivered to the ex-police chiief's establisit- mlents. As Europe seltled to a more -orderly existence Mn. Lee movo<d bis beadcqul-er.s to Singapore. EVery day- audacious nobberies around the wold bear bis mrark. Fie is treated with gýreat res- pect iii Singapore, for bis veng- eance bas becomne legendatry'v. No on.e will admit 10 knowing him witen lte police mnale inquinies. Urntil somneone bas lte courage to give evidlence, Mn. Lee wilCon,- tinue to lead bis charmed ie Howv Con 1.0 Rv Roberta Le" Q. How can I dean a spot ont vy white kid sisoes w1ben tisore k so 1 elailngf luid at iad CARY CHICKS Dayoldsansd tarted 3-5 weeks c.15 duai purpose, moat varieties, prompt ebipmenit from Bray, Aise Aines. Re- urest list. Ste local agent, or write ray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hàrm- Ilton, Ont. BOAT$ CATAMARANS DEMONSTRATORS AND TRADE-IN Outhoards Volve Outdrives Bargains 1 ' Cat as LowV as $1 300 AERO MARINE INDUSTRIES LT». 21 Walker St., Oak'ville. VI. 1-3381 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES QROCERY and genleral store Whltâ Rose gas pumip, post office concession. Living quartera. Ideally located on1 î od road, in prosperous community. ýood toutrlat locaiity. Reason for sel. issg, ill healtis. Turnover $20,000. $10,- 000 will hanie. Agnes Rodger, i flier. ris St., Perth, Onit., phsone 628. GOOfl family clothing buisiniess for gaie at sacrifice price. Reason) for oeil- ing, owner movIng te another ity. For l articulars, please write to Box 121, ort Stanley, Ont. ROT-EL, l2-bedroomi, concrete block; exterior complete, interior partiafly; il acres land, 8 cleared, 4"0' ucenie frontage, sandy beach; surroundfing property valuie $2,000 an acre. Sacri- fice quick sale. 10iseaitis. Invested $21,000. $15,000 would 'buy ItL Proxi- milty of 1Trais-Ct.nada Hwy. makeat valuabie investmnent for auimmer busi- ness now. W. Stepovik, Batchawana VBay, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALIê WELDING and machine shop and resi- dence. Full complement power tools, good business, in ricis southern Ont., farming ares. Box 55, Mebourne, Ont. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. MODERN floor covepirng sud uphol- ztery shop. Floor space 40'x30God living quartera upstairg. Ideal busi-. niess location of any sort. Full prie. $28,500, down payment $10,000. Towin popul.atîin and district 40,000. GRO. CERY, ment and confectionery store, 3-bedroom home and store on 1 lot, Iucludinig stock ano equipinent. kgi- prox. turnoverý $40,000. Fui]lý price $2,. 500, down payment $000 Owner lis other interesta. Please notify Mr, W. Schwenck, 544-C Princess Ave., Md leine Hat, Alta. BUILDING ATERIALS LET'S FACE IT 'Jo îheath and Insulate the outs1ide oi %gcacesd inaulate tiseInside of four eom',Barn, Mik bouse, Friti& Vegetables storage, etc. cots are Inhs M IRO-CELL or THERMO-PLY wlii do botis, ne application, o*ïi Drice. Miro-cell leas tissu 7c sud TheÉ- mcl-piy leaýs tliM '~per aq. ft. foer standard. l3eý for Akalirestu brn. Refer iniquirles to Ther'mo-Seaî Inaulation Ltd. e32 WIiam Sât., London, Ont. Dîstrîbutors across Canada DEALERS \WANTED PABULOUS Income for those ablu te, 1recognlize opportuinity. protected gra4- chbia. svailble for qualifieS dealer, handlini our electrie namne pate.- 1Send 15.60 for sample anS -informaiitioft te: Box 608, Medicine Esat, Albert. I nterest Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIF ICATES 3, 4 OR 5-YEAR TERM CORPORATIOFN 372 SAY ST, TORONTO EM. 4-7495 GUNqS SHOTSHELL reloading com-ponenta at lowest price. 11.1055 your o.wn shiot. gun shelas for, as uitile as $1 per box. Mortin Bros. Limiited, Mt, Albert. Carry ful line of Tools & Suppiies. Write for price unIs. LIVESTOCK I have aoth-er herd of registered Jer- sy cattie for sale. WViIl fîinance on termis of 36 monthas, so they wllpay for Ismevs Apply immiieiately to Rosa Butier, 4 avey St., Woodstoe1k or telephlone LE. 7-8155, *oodistock. MEDICAL WANTEO EVERY SUFFEIRER 0,-F 1RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURI-TIS TO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUINRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1 .25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISFI the tonnenýt of dry eczema rashes ,'nd veeping 5km troules, PC)sIz's gczen al1ve wiii flot disappolint you frtchin sýciding and burninge- Mnacnering,-worm jpim,ýplea n o ec'71m- i i1respond ediytots stanie-sa, odonicas inent earis ofl how vstilbborn of hnpelessthLIaem NURSES WANIÎD one Matros i wti knowivedge of X-ray gnd twe Genieral Duty Nuirses required iMmi4ite1y for 15 bed Hosýpital. 40 houir ,Yeek statutory holidays and reg- isiar vacati.on. 110cm and board $40.001 me iths Beautiful location. Appiy %with deta)iu, aalary B.C. Standards. Adminîstrator, Arr*ow Lakes Hospuel F.O. BOY 87, Nakulp, B.C. OPPORTrUNITiE£ FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE À HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADAIS LEAI3ING ÉCHOOL Grecat Opportuuilty 1Learn Hairdreossing pleasant cigmfied îprofession. go00d wýages rbousands of ucceelful iarvel Griiduates Amnerica'5 Greatesi Systein llostrated Catalogue Freo Write or Cali ,MarveI HairdeSsing SChOOl 356 Bloor St W., Toronto 44 KiJng S1 W Hmlo 72 Rideau StEreel. 0Ottawa OLO COINS WANTED COINýS WANTED! P"aying $1L00 for 1!142 bras.,;(Tombac) Nickels. Buylngý other coins Tell me what you have, v lemanl Coins, 545 'T' Street, San, ernardino, California. PERSONAL ENTER: Elvis Presley theýme song con- test Stamp Conteaýt, Fan Club Con- test, Book Contest, stamnped addressed envelope for blankýs. Chaw Mank, Box 30, Stauinton, Illinois. Tise MAGIC POWER of Meditation! A key to the mioat powerful Influence in the univers.. This littie book telIsý how te takce your problemns direct to thse Holy Spirit and get an answer through tise subconscious mind. Send $100 Frank Hendlrickson, Route No. 1 Box 1090, Pîscerville, California. PONY SALE CONSIGNMENT~ PONY SALE at Clinton Sale Born ON SATUROA'Ç, JUNE 30, AT 1 F.M, For information or cornignmnents wxiïte .10E COREY, R.4, CLINTON, ONTARIO Phone HUnter 2-9e89 PROPERTIES FOR SALE 04,200- Bancroft ares, near lakes, w mfortabIe year-roitnd living, 5 roomaw atisroom, large lot,,. out-building, per.- I(ect for retiremnent. George Es n, ýybla, Ont., 702WI,__ TEACHERS WANTED, fEACER equredfor September to teacis intermediate grades In three- room sýcljofliJn North Cochrane Dis- rit. Mfiniumalary $3,000, annuai icrement $200 te maximum. Stato experience age nind denomination. A rthur G. Sties, Sec -Treas- Clute, SPORTSMAN4'S CALTAOGUE ZANADA'S FIRST'q Cati]- Ilue.Ha1dloan allistiis 1Hunting FihnSkin Diving, Camnping. $1,04 itefunedable. El-wood Epps Clinton, Outarlo. VACATION RESORTS WONDER GROVE CABiNS 1IOUSEIE ' PING cottages; accoimo- 4te 2-6; ail conveniences, cabins for e,$40 weekly. Centrally located. Write er phone, 24, M. Douglas, Grand Be nd. MINNEHAHA CAMP Ifouselceeping cottages on Pickerei Ri.ver wýaters. Running water. refrigera.- tion, showers, beach, boats, good fis:s- ing. Write Hartley voore, Loring, Ont. PAIGNTON flOUSE Motél anatitge Units Lake Rosseau, Muska.ka. Opený June 23rd, F'or oplete, information on summner vacation write for free , oe folder or Phone Port Carlinq, 765-3155 Le Monîclaîr' ïTHE LAURENTIANS, P. QUE. MOST OUTSTANOING RESORT IN FAMED STE. ADELE VILLAGE 1. LARGEST SWIMMING POOL IN TH18 LAURENTIANS; 3 DIVING- BOARDS, SLIDE. 2, ILLUtilNATED RUBICO TENNIS C OU RT. 3. MEALS IBEYOND COMPARÈ. 4. RIDING, BOATING, MOVIES, GOLF AND DRIVING RANGE NEARBY. REA.SONABLE RATES WRITE FOR FOLDER T. S. COUILLARO LE MONTCLAIR, STE, ADELE, P.Q. ISSUE 25 - 19621 STRAPS WEIGHTS - Chicog*o Cubs slugger Ernie Bconks, ex- perimenting with th-e idea thot w,,eigh)ts wiII strengîhen hi15 wrists, sIrops îhem on prior to workr ,ut. C;LASSIFIED ABVERTUSINO

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