VOLUME 2 ~, NUMBER 21 THLRSDAY, JULY Mb, 1962, ORONO, ONTARTO -New Wadi n Opens At Tse Orono Park Boï1)ard have coml- 1peednother attraction for those us ue OooParik that being theý faclties 0f a wadsing pool. The wad- Inmpoi, bulîtlu Lthe north-west sec-, tion o! o the park was coipleted over, Jtis- weekend snd on Tuesday was in! use, by the younger set. Landacaping hsyet to be completed lu thia lateat p-oject by the local Board. The ew wading pool is a saucerý shaed pool With water graduating frmno depth to eiighteen luches lu theý centre. It will be emptied o! water adwasihed every evening and re- fledthe !ollowàng mTorning. This w-lUý prsttimie for thie water to iea-ýt up fo-r those using. the pool lu the after- noon r hae mornIng. 1There will be no ch1arge for the use ot ths pool and parents will be able to be with bheir children as they inake, usof the pool. A fou4r foot cemnent sdwakencircles the pool and_ no I egeor step eits around the pool! thu,ýs eimiuatlng the danger 0ýf tnp-: piný,g. Th'le poolwa conistructed uat a cost o! $1447.00 wvith an, acditional cost o>f $1î0 or Land,-scapingp. The Board lheld a meeting ou Tues-ý dyeveýnJing e Miss Aimna Cuttel reported that during thse imonth o! June and up to July 2nd tlie swimi- mng pool hadc netted $500.00 after1 paying the lif!e guards. This,-of course ffid not include the cost o! the care- taking o! the pool. A net surplus o! 4ý200.00 was realized, from Sunday jprigand $58.00 frnm picuins. The Hlourd stili owe $500.00 on the swimi- iug pool plus the coat o! the lsewl g PooleekyaUtMpotae K'illed Rcicing In France O r n P r < acîng driver Peter Ryan who last erates a ski lodtge at Mont Tremblant. U ro rio a rW year wvon thie Canadiain Grand PriN A close f-iuendc said that Ryan was ai MTosport di'ed Mond1ay o! ;inie shy type but alter hie took up driving f ýuffer-ed whîle racing ;n France. sports cars hie gained a lot of selff »e r e o Fo nfidence. He was a adonfie A siy pesonthe0,-yar-rd frei )ot-eleven, 160-pounder with 'blonde skiing star fromi Mont Tr.emblanlt,1 hair and blue eyes. The Orono Public School Field Day Que. was a perifectioniist about racîng In his skiing days bie suffered aevJ saw neariy every child lu the school South Onta.,ri o Set sports cars and hie worked hard at it. eral accidents--some said 'le was tooi enter lu the imany events that wvere He arrived in Britaini just before r'eckiess on lhe -Iopes---but neverthe- ~ h et h rnia !tesho Ope)ýn seasons for hunthi-ng oose and Easter wt a deep desire to be as less hie won several Quebec and East-1 statea that the mleet was a great suc- deer for, a three (3) year period forinCnd .acscesndttcopiinwske. sections o! $outhern Ontario have been g~reat a raeing driver as Stirling Mosa, r aaa ae.casadta cmeiin a en antinoceSbythenOnoraebe Jack Brabham or Graham Hill. But he quit competitive skiing after ________________ annoncü by he onouabl J. , he broke both legs in a mishap lu 1959' Spooner, Mviister 0f 'the Departmeut o! Suinday hie was entered in the He bought a Germau.-built Porsche Landa audnc Foresta. Formula Junior Grand Prix at iiear. _sat suniner, and took up car ra.ci.n No coubt this change lu poLcy will by Reims. During a qualifying rûn Soon hne as developing his tochLo a r P b he -welcomied hy nimrods planning a' his Lola Ford Cosworth somersaulted ique ou the country roada 0f the years. crushed under thie car. North Am-erican victories and his huntng acaiou or he ext hre of theGuex tack nd e ws Luc enins the ng cae seeral- Iiu the Lindsay Forest District the Somne of the beat doctors in France qikci' ptercu adr thire, year season will ealcb le tied to save his 14! e, but he died Mon. At Reims Sunday be was battliug' to the «Jollowing areas:-day In Cochin hospitalioo! multiple in. 13111 14055 of Britaini for the lead in a TeCounity o! Halibur, Ptr uis.B a enluacm o 0-lap) heat. While on the last turn OOOPBI CIO ýoioough Couinty nort-h of No. 7 Higlxw.ay soule 30 hus before entering the tagh.ay PROMOTIONS andlupats ! icora Cuny ort A hs edadewhn h ded b~Rya's car crushed Moss' Gemini. Boom I1 and in part of Victor'WCo__________At_________________________ vuGradle 1 to Grade 2-Susan Aslett, fH;ihway No. 503 (MonkRod and his mnother, Mrs. Mary Ryan %vo lF l rin Black, Steven ByJa;nice 'Continued on page 5) !lewv to Paria f rom Montreal. Sh'e op.j7 li Ur Caldwell, Carol Chatterton, Krista 170 The Or program opn Tuesic when onofi r eneirol islie the ever eurC sw-v;imirn )Enrol Ain Orono Red Cross Water Safety Lessons )ronlo Red Cro,-ss Water Safety pl iiin o-wmes hr rine at the Orono Park: four groupsi have had to be set U1p. d,7ay Ilorn4ng at ten o'clocki There are two groups eaoh of Begin- e hundred and seventy child- ners and Juniors. It is also possible llOId in the five divisions. This that the' Intermediates miay have to argest numnber of children to be divided into tswo groups but at the roil in the course at the Orono present rinie they are a111i l one group pe ool. Ohildrèn from all as are the Senior swinmmers. ove the area ar~e enrolled luinthse course this-year and are from as far* away as Newitouville, Newcastle and Kendal. 11t was poîntedi out at the meeting Tefefotangtebss is a týhe sum o! money froxm the pool dur- modeatross00per cg hed w i i ran ing the first month o! operation cou- Red Cross paingivethe reainug a- ±andmany season tickets. This wi onleeelogietelesn.I eut into the nevenue during thee month lbas been poiuted out that the Ononol o! July and August. IRed Cross is 10w on ftinds this year due tIo tise poon response to their fim- The Board plan, to' sod arounci the1 ancial campaign held earlier lu thse .new wadiug pool. T'fey are also to in-I year. itta squite possible that, to con- veaýtig-ate the drinkiug water supply at, tinuje this service in future years that thie park and to-endeavoun to increase1 it wil bo necessary tto nrease the en- the supply. The flowing well bias 1,e- roiment f!ee,. dluced its flow this yean to a point The largeat enirolmeut is lu the Tud- -whlere the fountain does i-ot operate., Conalderation la to be g-ivep ou putthIg a pressure system lun the well to lu-, crease the pressure lu order that au .adequate supply o! water may be a- vallaible. District Fair Dates DISTRICT FAIR DATES Peterborough ......... Aug. 8th-lltbý Belleville .............. Aug. '13-l6th Toronto C.N.EM......... Aug 17.Sept 31 - aw........ ...Aug. 2Ot-22ud ýI l3ltackstock ............Aug. 24-25th Poýrt Perry ,..........Sept. îst-3r*d Orono................ Sept. 60h-thl Port Hopu .. Sept. l4th-15thf Lridsny..-............ Sept. 18-22nd! UKxbridge..........Oct. th, r6th ~oreod......Oct. 5th, 6th1, Sth) Toono Royal Winlter Fir..ý Nov. 9)-171 Bike inner Sets New Ti Scarbo)ýro miotorcyele racer 1vor Lloyd de! ended his Canadian Grand Prix "International" chamipionship ati Atosport Park Monday to become the s;econdJ two-time consecutive winnel lu the bistory of the event. The siender 34year-old native 01 Eugland led ail the way lu the 40lap race around the twistifg 2.4 mile p2aved track to- capture the Kaye Don trvophy. Tony Miller was the first rider tol ~y~ hsevent two years iu a row7 boack in 1936 and 1937. Lloyd's closest rival %vas Fred (liealso of Scarboro who fiuislbed 58 seconds behind hlmii. Jess Thomas, tional" 20-lap race, finishied third in thxe Le2ature race. Lodrode bis "Norton Manx" to al nietrac record withi a lap timie of [ mi.16.4 seconds, chopping more t Lxan foýur seconds off thie old inavk setý 1y)vo Burnett 0f Boston, Mass., lasti ~ 'lhe ridt'r's averag-e speed forý, Mrs. Mlaryý Anu Baýxter la the swimi- miing- instructor for, the program- o! WerSafety and Swimming wltb thel assistaince being given by Miss Connie Tyrrell. Mrs. Donald Tennaut, wbo registerecl the cbildren on Tuesday m-orning feels that the enrolmeut wil increase even beyond the one huudred and seveuty as somte famoilles were not present on the opening day. Chlld- ren of any age may enter the swlrn- iaig lessons in .hiacourse. Lessons in the Water Sa! ety pro- grýam commrence every morning at ten o'clock and continue until one o'- clock in the afteruoon. (iron o Intermediates Win At- Home, Fade In Port Hope Tise Orono Intermediates w-on stiII eig'ht runs. unothon gamne on Tuesday eveniuig Onono scored four runs lu thec first lu the Orono Park when they bad as by Rounie West, L. Wills, Dean West their opposition tise Oshwa lInter- and Kelly Lane. These canie off hits miediate Club. The g-ame was won 'Dy to Wilsanad C. Armstrong along w-lUs Orono with a score o! S o 3. a rinben o! atolen bases and three Osha'wa errons, A furtisen w were Lucky Wlls pitched tise full gude edd-ed lu tise second iningi when B on- for Orono tukinig the wiin. Clif! God- I West and Don Mýerlcer reached enichi was hebind thse plate undl cou- irst on two errons. Thesqe men sconeci pleted thle Orono buttery. Tise OronoJîwheu W'i1s sacnificeci and sngeits picè;ave upr a total o! six bits and wen to Lune and Beaton. taking seve2n strike-outs. Oi,ýrno Wasi Tw1o runs lu thse !ourth framie com- onlly tagged with two errons lu the pltd russo ingwlth ie runs gamrie ani these cam-e ilu the firatý beîug- scoredi by Don Mercen and L. framie wheni Oshawa scored two etjlls he saaern one tisirthre unail this scornug when only on'le bit was -rono1o-tis theradscei fiv e reistered by Oro-no aud thut by,ý Don bts ataing ï.dvaniitage o! somne M1ercer. Osaaerrons filed up their tot-al o! Ater the fiîrat iuniug Oshawa was3 hield scorelesa until the top o!tise] seenýPl1thl w7-on Wi th a tvriple and two singlecs they wer-e able toc catch oise run aVllileada t ise lon-gue in total- *LOSE OPR 1 E rock ecorhen Port Hope Club pouniced on On- k R e no inPort Hope last Wednesday ev- -7L zening -wheu tisey de! eated thle local tise 40 lap race was 81.42 il es 111 club by a score' o! 10-4,.Inu doing go hour, wîvtis an overaîl tîme o! onle hour, ise Port Hope Club registered ton 12 nmutes, 30 seconds. bits and capitalized, especially in tise Tisewinuer is, a former miemben o! outhandi sixtis innlinga, on Oro>no ;le EngIdsis armiy and ha been ru-cing errons. Orono batted out eleven hits silice 1948. Juat as Lloyd crossed tise with Ronule West leading tise w-ay àinish lune to take the cbeckered fia witis a 3 for 4 aver-age. Even thougis teh cian on his "bike- broke. Be ne- Orono out bit Port Hope they w-ee called that earlien in bis career hi ost iiil this feutune faced witb a fine de- a euture race with englune trouble on fensiýve play by Usre Port Blopers volhicb the final .1ap. kept Use locals lu. check. B. Waikey tnd Harrison pitchedi the win for Port Tbe attexidance was tise poôreat 0 o! e tiyear, w-lUs not more than 2,000 Kelly Lane took tise bas for Orono. p)eople paying Vo see tise -otoncy,-cle Lane pitcised tise entire Onono gaine, ridera "nisk their uecks". Tisere were Port Hope uietted six runs lui Use no serions injuries reponted, but sev- foni ilng and three in tise sixtis oral iiders hunled through th fie air wt their single counit comling lu tise w-heu .t*isey bat control o! the. i i. ,tird (lframie. Orono collectediou-e inu Tise St. Johin Ambulance -corps-s 1ýtise firat, two n Usre, second and one in ou hnd V tae cue -o thir' bruiSestise tirid. Iu thse remaining four ilu- aud mno cut. -I ings -tbey wvere atble Vo muster oulyI Ridera came from as fan as Van- o)ne bit lu each inning -w1ich did b oti covrand f nom parts o! tise United ýut uay Orono player lu s;coning po- ,Statea,.ston Play PrografIn Tesummier recreational program ajt the Or-ono Park opened on Tuesday morning, July 'rd. This program is! irnder the sponsorship of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association and i open to any child in the district be- tween the aige of six and twvelve years. The program is a continuation of the programi that lias been held in the park for thec past number of years. Twenty-elght children have so far registered and are taking advantagel of the programi held each mrorning1 during the month of July, The activi- ties commence at nine o'clock five days a week. Miss Mary Lynn Bailey, who took a weeks course in the operationuof a playgrounds programn, la the super- visor of the local park, program.» This year, as in former years, itemis of in- terest for the children will be gamnes, bail, crafts, art and hikes. It is Miss: Bailey's intention to hold a special event at least onoe a week for the' cilidren wvho have regYstered. Local ifolseinllen At Sunderland Meet The Orono Horsemen placed their horses on Saturday last in the events at Sunderland where a Twilight race meet was beld in co-operation with the Oshawa Driving Club. There were ten h(eaý-ts o! racing in ail. Cannie's Pride,one by Bill Hoo- ey 0f Orono won both 0f its heats iu ýts class. The Fanmer's Trot division saýw three Orono horses in the event with David Frisca, owned lby Bill Peid takin.g a first nnd second. Gus Scotti driven by Jake Middleton came up with a first and a fourth wbile }Gýng Nibble, ownied by Keith Wood, rau 'n second and third position. The Orono horsemnen are now pre- parIing9 for the events, they intend to enter at the 01ld Woodbi:)ne, Toron-to. Jaïck Reiý \was the first to see action ait the Woodbine aind on Tuesday evJ- ,i-iig drove Hollyvwoodl Richard to a, fo)urthI position. Other local hiorses ;w(." seatOn eithecr at thuelend of this wek ],,or the fore part of this coming Sona;bove are the chamipionis o! the various divisions. Top -,rw,1 i L> r Bruce Mercer, Wencly Partner, Glenn, Haase, bottomi row, J4m Partner andj Margaret Wilcox. Ruth Sharron fa- absent fromn the picture. lic School I DnElainieFreseGlenna Hiase, JohnHo", ul.ons ca t2 i', i d. Grale 5 to Grade 6 oce Alexander, Dent, Nico DeJoege, Joan Duvaîl, Anne A-inott, Bill Caldwell, Harry Randy Flynn, Kathy Gustar, Shielleýy De Jonge, Susan Goode, Pamnela Hooey, Shieila Kennedyl, Deborah Hardy, Clive Johunsoni, Fe ws Lumibert, Larry Ln,1ivdLu- Dnl crexe aù lercer, ton, Steven Mlercer, Deborah Moore, Mar.gareýt MddetnEle ilîso-n, Randali Nixon, Honnie Pnrtuer', BraaMthlBbNoD Donnie Prescott, Teddly Robinson, an atigEan cmd Lisa Samuitel, Laurie Scmid Ge- eGry msoi, UM1r-arŽt aggrt aldline Van den Br*ink, Bilhy Yakýe. D ga Taylor, BvrlyTennautý, Griade 2 to Grade 3 Arthur DeWithi, Donald Tod-d, Patriclu Wallace>, Wesley Knapp, Craig Tennant, Rtob. iren et Fred Bunting. bill Winter, Mrs. F. Lunii, Teacherc Miss B. Cain, Teachier BomV Boom11 Il Graýde 7 to Grade 8--Sharon Allln, Grade 2 to Gracde 3 --usauii Barberai De Joisge, Dorothy Dunlop,. B3etty De J)Onge, Billy Gllibank, John Grady, Patsy Haýr-dy, Terryý, Kathiryn Grady, Barbara Gustar, H-ardy, Cecil Kennedy, Peter Kloos, Karen Hardy, Tomm-y MacDonald, Robert Luxtou, Wayne Mercer,, Bruce Mainning-, Heather McGiIi,. Ricky Morrison, Richard Neal, Car- Donald MfcLaren, Shelley Mercer, ol Nixon, Bea Vanderveen, Doug, Stephien Mitchell, Biaine Moffat, Walker. Charmaine Newmian, Valerle 1Part- Grade 8 to Grade 9-Lynda Bowen, ridge, Kay Prescott, James Teui- Bob Beat, Cheryl Cooper, Gordon nant, Robent Tennaut, Rouda Ton- Dent, Coleen Flynn, Carol Gilbacik, nant, Paul Todd, Catherine W-alker, Susan Gikbart, Bruce Mercer, tioug, Margaret Wilcocks, Richard Bunt- Mo!! ut, Ross Morris, Put Partruer, sng. Craig Rogenson, Ruth Shanron. Grade 3 te Grade 4- Randy Adams, Sha-ron Simpson, iMary Teunant, An'. Christopiser Aslett, Deunis Co)bble-. nette Vanderbrink, Fraser Wallace, dlick, Wayne Couvier, David For-: Mr. A. G. McGceo, Principal rester, Lindla Kilpatrick, Wendy' Mercer, Kathleen iddi(leton, Jim LESHARD SCHOOL PROMOTIONS Partner, Kenny Partridg-e, Paudy, Teunant, Hobby Yake. i Senlior Boomu Mns. W.ý Reid, Teacher Gad 8 to Grade 9 -Joy Ball, Judyï Boom 111 , CGreeii, Kuvrn Lee, Ranciy Thomnp- Grade 4 to Grade 5-Larny Adams, son. Lynda Blarrabaîl, Carol Caldwell, Gradle 7 to Gradle 8- Donald Aimas, Michael Carmnan, Doretta Chiallice, Lindca-Almas, Garry Beecro!t, Kur.. Harry De Jonge, John Duval, en Green. Taniyn Estabrook, Nancey Forrester, Gracde 6 to0 Grade 7- Donna Hall, Donna Gilbank, Gordon Hlooey: Teddy Bahl, George Bellamy, Biaii Heathier Hugh;.Ies, Caroline Jonon uckley, Terry Stclif!e, Lindaý Julie Joues, Arthur Kilpatrick, Thomipson. Edithi Kilpa1trický, David : a1nniug,, Grade 5 to Grade 3--Diane Alimas, David Mc(,Gee, Lindfa Mcao, one Battaims, Donald Benry, JJia1 Neal, MOlIY Newman, Diaunej Gail Brown, Debbie Green. Nichlsonl, Nan',cy Nixon, Harvey Jamecs R. Polklard, Principal Partuer, JulieScmdRcySioJnor om so, lenda Tennanit, Alan Walker, CGrd-o Gradry Cr.t ata Raye West, Ernie Wilcoc, CEdward Gro Bry W dadSuzanne Bunting, 1 rd 3 Vo Grade 4- Debbie Beecro!t,1 Grde3toGad1- -Donald Allen, Gary Br1o-wni, Pebekah fLee. Honie BrlwNancy Barrabal, rd oGae aiBiay Evelene Brown, Donna ,tChallic, NKil.HckeShe1lleyBattamai, Mrgae Santo.EgeeBaly Mr.E. CntoTeachlenrad oGae2KmWhau, Cli!- Bom uord Fee, Brenda Brayiey,Mihe Dal Gahice GkeDe Jonige-, Dy Mrly 3. Cobblediclc, Toacelir (Cniudon page 5) Orono High Schoocl Pooin ORO'NO HGI COO ESULTS Promotedl to Grade10(uapbe- cal order) Bonours: Brucýe AllUn, Lynda dreen-ý wood, Douglas Hummn-, Malnbeo Pelletier, Ross Wanuau. Pnlomoted: George Cisard, Jack Cisard Gordon Cowllng-, Terry Cox, RIch- ard Dawson, Ingrid1 De Smnit, Judy' HaccJoan Blutton, Sandra Johuston, Marie Little, Christina M1aurÉeuse, Robert Parka, Garyý Pattenson, Lynda Peurs, Larny' Prumer, Dune Rogerson, -Gor-don; Simpson, ar Lee Simps'on, Bnyan Tumiblyn. PrIom-oteci witli condition: Russell Gib-ý sou (FVrencis), John Mf3caclkin (Fr. ) Horold Rieustru (JInd. Ants), Fred Saman (Bus. Prnctico)ý, Shiela Siat- frasfered with conditio: ui týieuhamp EgigsBrian Ishii htry), Donald Runsberry (Eng- lias> Buce Tod(-.c Science) Rich-. aird l-2,cimko (Math.),1> Prmtdto Grade JIl(lui aiphabeti- cul order) Hlonours: Donina Carvetis, Terry C'ru- hans, John Hlilîs, Kelvin Newman, Sharon Tamblyn, Lynda Tyrreli, Arnold Wulluce, Jamies Wilsonl. - Plromotod: Leslie Campbsell, Vickil Chard, Peggy Hancock, niy Hutton, Wayne Kennedly, Bon Kon-ý oputwa, lau McKeuzio, Faye Nich-j 'olson, Chanrles Reid, William Reid,. Howard Stapleton, Troy Taggart,1 Idso Wier-sm-a. Plromotod witb co1iditionî: Ronald Beat (Lutin), Aune Giibank (LatinI) Glenn Grant (Frenchs), Marie Hooey (Latin), Joan Rauaberry (Latin), Qayle Willis (Froucis>, Stephen Withersnoou (Latin). rrans!erred wvlth condition: Robent Barrabaîl (Fronch), Cathy Ferron. (Frencisad logRonald Harris (EngiIah),- Rulpis Kennedy (Hiat- Ory). Promiotedl to Gae1'2 (luaiphabeti- cal rder'). Hlonours: Losie iBopper. Promioted: Gail Ajlun, Mary Lynu B3ailey, Mr Janle Broug-i, Donzld Buckley, Frances Curnan, Mary Pound, Dennis Morcen, Wayne M/ii- lin, Shirley Sisurron, Keith Swan-. 'brick, Carolý, Vagg, Catiserine Wil- son, Grant Yeo. Trans!erred witis condition:Rge Baïnlow- (Frenchs), Sandra Bowins (Pisysica), Diane Burley (Geog.), Bonnie Couvier (History), Donna. Couvier (History), . Julia Hawke (HsoyPatricia Joues (Histony anc Geograpisy), Gary MlcMackin (Euglishj), Helen Mulda (Frenchs). Promioted to Grade 13 (lu aiphabeti- cl order>, Boueurs: Suzanne Major, Margery Tyrnell. Promnotecd: Linda Allen, Douglas Ban- rubal, Shiela Barmubali, Willia Bar- rbî.Vici CotIon, Gerald Gibson, Grant Greehw-oodî, Thomas Bonder- son, Pisyllis aet4in, Sandra Mercer, Aun Parka, Fennu Rienstra, RGbent Ro.binson, Judy Tamblyn. -t t~ - 4