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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jul 1962, p. 2

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OIRONO WEEKVi TIME5 TTRSA, MY~b,16 OiaONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawaï E7stablished mn 1938 by R. A. Forrester i-oy C. For-ester - Editor and Manager Subscription payable in advance *P,.blishedl every Thuriday at tha office of publicatias A Job BeingWell Done The Orono Park Board hjve éomnpleted anotherproject at the Or'ono Park and in doing s0 have added a further attraction for those using the Park durin~g the summner months. The project is the con- struction of a Wading Pool wber-ie young non-swimmers may splash around to their bearts content. During the past two years the Board lias added a inumber of -ew features w1hich hias placed the Orono Park among the best in the area. The add.tion o)f the swimming pool along with some fifty new pierti tables and the new wading pool is certain'ly a credit to the Board and bas increased the asset that tiis area ie to the Villag-e of Orono. The five- Board memiiers along with the two tiembers f rom the TownsWp*i of Clar-ke Coi-ncil have set-up and followed a most pro- grsieand rejurvinated progtam wbl-ich they sbouid certainly be (ommended for. The appearince of the Park lias also been on the- upswing to a point that thLs year the neatness and cleanliness bas )iever been better. In initiating ths program à f improvemients the Board hias pas- sbl1y spent wefl over $,,15,000.00O which witb the exception'0f $2,000.00, -cr there about, lias been pa'd. This in itself shows up the eniergetio 'prgramn that lias been cofnpleted at the Park. In adCtlng these further services the Park bas become a more desirous locality for picnics and Sunday visits sa'd thus revenue bas incireased considerabîy. Not so many years ago it was the feeling that the park should be open and free to everyone to use. This day ibas passed and a fee for Sunday picnicking, group picnicý ,an(ï 3vn .ning hias now put the Orono Park in a position of being a paying proýpoSition as well as being a great asset to the Village and the On attending the Board meeting at their last meeting it is quite napparent that this Board is flot finished with its program 0 f work and e fintending to further the usefulness of tbe Park for those using it. It would appear fromi the outcome of the action taken by the OCrono Park Poard that those organizations that are active and keep apace with the timies are the organizations thiat will meet wvith success fnd leave a mark in their commrurrity. The appointed Park Board are: A. E. West, chairman; Miss AiaCuttell, secr-etary; S. B. Rutherford, H. M. Mercer, E. H. Sami- nÙ-ý, and two council representatîves, Reeve JE. Walkey and deputy- feeve J. Stone, Forest F:res Durrng ti and tbe next f ew weeks, travel in Ontario's forest aýreas wiil reach a peak- and so will the danger of fire f rom bhuman cearelessne1css. Blazes started by the improperfly-quenched fires of neg- Ègent cmes by cigarette butts tossed fromn cars by stnpid mtr . ,tis, by beat-m-agniifýying bottles and cans left by picknickîng itte- býugs car we tens of thousands of acres 0f bush land, destroying ritonly valuiab-le stands of tim-ber but also the rLecýreation value of Bybig failiar with fire danger, ratings il, forest areas and- btaking rproper safetýypectLo, traveleraglers, vacationers an-d Cothers ei ca n o u(c to prevenit cosly and ex1tensive bushi fires, the ~Departmnt of Lnds and Forests poin1ts eut. Ratings posted tbroughiout tbe forest fire district during the(- pilte OcUtober f ýire seaý'son iindicatewhte the danger is moderate, hîhor extirmie. Here- is wlhat thie Department officiais miean when teytalk aboutrtig, - Moderate Pie will start f romn an open flamre, burn briskly an-d epread. High -Fr's trapidily from an openi flame, gloing cinders cigarette btttc.,spea rapidlly and tend to cýrowni in suitable tlu S. Extreme - ÉFires sta rt readily froi sparkhs, burn fiercely,crn and spot gener-aly, and are iiu,uualy difficulit to control during the h'eat 0f the day. ANI these foi-est fire dainger warnings demand i ireediate atten- tio,)n. Fïre danger increases in warmi, dry weatber. Miss ( On Fiday eN cellaneou7ýs sov Glenda Cowan. en byv Mrs. Fi by Miss Romý Patsy Jones. 1Venda C ow an Onitario Departiment of' Lands and with the dlStrict offices of the Depaixt-. Porests. Personnel of this Depart- m nent of Lands and Forests _-i ment also will assist thbe Commission sary, and as field investigatiorii mnue H on oure d Wi th Sho wèrs wit veig Jn 9 i-issued. weeks in advance 0f the propoedi nverwas eldfor Miss) to b, or f rom any district office of the It was pointed out that as liaison treatmnent dates. [.MiPhowe hnn imi 'rancis Cowan assistedl a Glaniville and Miss Around twenty-five friends gatbered n tbe living room 0f Mrs. Cowan's home whicb w-as suitaly decorated with pink and wbite streamiers. After opening tbe nmany prettily wrapped parcels tbe bride-to-be expressed bei- thanks for the lovely gifts and good Wisbes. Gamies and contests wvere enjoyedi and a moÊt deliciouie buffet Juncheon was served by the bostesses. Prior to ber m-ari-ae Miss Glenda Cowan was entertained at a miscel- laneous sbower given by Mrs. Howard Moore at the biorneof Mrs. Harvey ýsborne, Port Hope, on Friday, June 22nd. Friends and relatives were present fromn Peterborougb, Cobourg, Port Hope and Orono, Mfany lovely gifts wvere i-eceived and an enjoyable evening was broughlt to a close by a dainty lunch. LOST BEACH TROUBLES OWVNERS Tbe Bowmanville West Beach cot-1 tagers are still '-'Up in arms" overý their lost beach.1 In a letter te council, H. T. Hurson, of Glenllake avenue, Toronto, and a cottage owner at Tbe Cove, said thai the m1ajority 0f property ow),ýners ai the beachi would iiot aeccepi dýate- ments front town representatives that repair to the beach cannot be donce. Couincilor Roy Nichols, chairmnan' of' the roadts and streets commnit tee, commented: 'We tried to convince! them tbat we could go back 2n feet and give tbemi a nice slope, but thiey seemn to want the impilossible." Here is what Mr. Hurson suggest's sbould b'e donc to alieviate the situ- atin:sad holdbe rugtIn fromi the laike and preperly graded and packed V1 o pult bcth, beach. -ver effort should, be made to replaete neach te the 1961 wtelne, asim bas preed that suebýl a beacih willli o suffer from erosiJon, but grýow in INTO LBOWMAN VILLE The town cof Bowmanville lias a- new: indfustry. Holl1andia W ýooworkin1g complfany, formuerly located in Ajax, is mnoving. into the ..idl Smith Beveýrag-ebidn this week, The announcement cami-e from ConilrGlenholmie Hughels, chair- oa f the industrial comitteef]- lowing Tuesday inight's ýcouncil mneet-ý ing. Mvr. Hughes sald the company that makes kitchen cabinetswilpsiy emiploy Up to 10 people. There are now four of theslesim11a types of businesses eperating in PEow,- manville. ONTARIO WATE R RESOURCES COMMISSION SEEK'TO PROTE(CT WATER FROM CHEMICALS USED TO FIGUT AQUI',rCNUISANCES As, a resuit of aniendments to the, Ontario Water rýesources Comission> Act which we2re passed at tLhe recent sess,,ion 0f the OtreLegislature, it is now illegal te add aniy qublstance toi the water ef ny wll. ake, river,, pondc, sprinig, Stream, reservoir or other w'tr o watercourse f or the purpose'of killing or affecýting p)lants,ý snlails, insects, fish or other living. m-atter, without a permlit issued byý theComsin At a recent OWRtC briefing of tos e primarily interested ,in blgis- lation, it was explamned such control wVas necessary te ensure the presencel of a safety factor 'whenever cherniscal control of aquatic nuisances vvas un- dertaken. It was pointed ouit that pub- lic water works intak'es, fisbing areas, publice swimming areas, stock a--, ing ai-cas, and water used for irriga- tien purposes must be protectdf o posbecontamination b iprpe SEND YOUR NEWS TÔ THE Or-ono Weekly Times 4 THE NEW MOTOR VEHICLE ACCI DM1 CLIIS ACI Und er theA new law esta blish in g the Motdr Veicle A-cident Cfaims F'urd which replaces th e Unsatisfied Ju dgment Funrid with effect fromp JuIy Ist, 1962, itwiIl be an offence for an owner to operate or permit the operation of his mioorWr eile on the highway without. being able to produce either: (a) Proof that the vehicle is insured under a lîability policy for bodily injury and property damage. OR (b) Proofthat the $20.00 uninsured miotor vehicle fee has bpen paid If your vehicle is insured, be sure you havean insurance certificate. If you do n2t have one, see your insurance agent at once. If your vehilcle is flot insured, make certain your motor vehicle permit is endorsed to show that you have paid the $20.00 additional fee. If your vehîie becomes uninsured, atany time because of cancellation or expiry~ of the policy, you must pay the $20.00 additional tee immediately atyour local office of the Ontario Department of Transport. THIE PENALTY FOR NOT BEING ABLEý TO PRODUCE PROOF 0F INSURANCE OR PAYMENT 0F THE FEE, OR FOR PRESENTING FALSE PROOF, 15 A FINE 0F $50.00 TO $500.O If you have a dlairm for damages as a resuit of an accident with an uninsured driver, mnake application for payment to the Director of Claimis, Ontario Department of Tran3. port, 10 St. Mary St., Toronto 5. You may make applicatn personally or through your solicitor. Claims wîil be deait with promptly. For further information ask for a copy of the pamphlet explaining the operation of the Fund from your local office of th e chitario Department of Transport. SE SURE TO CARRY YOUR LIABIL1TY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE OR PROOF OF KAVING PAID THE ADDITIONAL $20.00 UNIN- SURED MOTOR VEHICLE'FEE IN YOUR VEHICLE AT AIL TIMES. ONTrAIRIODEPARTMENT 0F TRANSPORT Nion. MLL. Ro wnfree, Q. C., Minisa'er G. MacNab, Depufy Minis lot We have ail . .. Tbe Necessary Supplies and PL n Books for the Most Modern Kitehen Oroîio Fuel & Lumber Ltd. OEOSO, ONTARIO ]PJONE lui$ TOURSDAY, JULY 5tli, 1Wýl

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