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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jul 1962, p. 3

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mnURTnDn *trrn.-, 1m ORONO,, Ontario lrE7r lb 49c SKINLEqSS b eloret-Loin WEINERSl' lb 45c Pork Chops lb 69c For Tasty Snacks Fresh Sie 6 oz. Saran pk. SpeciaIly Blenlded for Barbeques - Extra Lean Cooked Ham 49-c Minced-Bef 2 lbs 79c E-m lM. bag BEAVER CHARCOL with the purehase of Johnson's R AID $ 12 oz. Bomb 1e4ueà Freshly Baked - Regular 39e pkg. Sunbeam Raspberry ]pkg. of 6 Danish Bsuns 6 fL-r 35c Supreine Frrozenà French Fries 2 lb. Poly Bag 4 9c Best Buy! - sa,,e 9e! - Aylmier 2 zTn TOMATO0 JuIC 8for 99c Bes't Buy! -Sv 7 Pimeapple.Grapefruit 48 oz. Tins DRIK elMonte 2for 69e Best Buy! - Save 25e! ' - Freshi Frozenà York Apple Pies Best BUy! - Saveo114- NIBLET1S CORN BestBu!-ae13!- os rd Best Buty! - Save 14e! Xvylmer Catsup-, PLACE VOUR ORDER NOW FOR MOla0N TlmO0RE N CY 0 Q1 E Q * hoseare reshy Pited Redl Sour Cherries Q Chiilled amEushied to you flromr the Gýrower.readcy Q or Cannlingà,, Fréezinig, Preserving. DeieyApproxhnlately Juyoth Q ORDER NOWg 2 for 73c 5for S9c, 4 foeSÇc 3for 49c Feature! - Save 7e: In Handy Tote Bag Kraft Dinner 4 fôr 5 1 c Featutre! Save 2c.;, Smart's 20-ojz. Tht Apple Sauce 2 for 37c Bab-, Foods 10 for $1I Fe'ature! - Save 16e 16 oz. Jars Pickles 3 for 65c Sweet Mi"xed, B»reýad 'N Butter, Sweet 'Relish PHONE 1 1211 a KENDAI NEWS Rev. Mr. Hellebust andl Mrs. Helle- b)ust of Norway are visiLng Mr. ând MArs. T. Stevens. Chuirch service wilI bje at 7:30 p).ml. luringJÀySnaycoo will ibe at SPECIALLY I-SELECTED Foi, TuEFABEU Choice, PlumQp- Guarantteedl Tendler Chli.een Babe ue Sp c A il eso e F rBre ung -Te drsJiy tik o Fewer Farms-' Somie of the long awatedi statlstÀs n O ntýaro agi utr expected from, tho 1-961 Census of Agriculture hiave * ýby spr'bading the dro(ppings, bar- rowing incroa3sýs asturoviils h plants use this fortiltty to0 produce more pasturo. *weeds, bluegrass ani md-top lai-i festati 'ons are redugedc by b1arrowing. Droppings that are floi spoa sinother the plants uindepr *-_.Th roýsulting haro patches thoen becom-eý filled with weeds ani lýow-yioldinjg bluegrass and ) ed-top., * mr uiorngmazlng can bel acbiieved with har'rowing. Cattie do not liko f0 grazo near the droppings ami the pasture becomies unevon. F*codc is thoeforo being wasteýda the areas are grazedi too closelyterb hindlerig plant recovery. Witb bar- rowing the dIroppings are spread and' solective grazing le educed. * if mianure is applioci to pasture, it can bo botter distribute i by barrow- ing. Also, dead plant miaterial lfi Orono Weekly limes PHONC 9r1 JRONO PLAYINGT]I UNTIL SATURDAY, JULY 7 th FRIDAY & -îATUiJOAY - 7 and 9 P.. WALT DSE' MOON PILOT lu Colour SUN., MION., TUES., WED, AT 7:30 .m eourliHorsemen o the Apocalytse" Clen Ford, Lee J. Cobb Aduit Entertainmnt ORONO TINSHOP'0' f'U RNACEFPIPES ETC. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Pho~Le 11816 Orono, Outarjo j New Homle (rowvn, No. 1 Lge Head,, 2for l9C Celery 2 for 29c TastyNe - ýNo. 1 Grad(e PO "%TA TMOlE S 10e lb 55c CORNISH'S R PhoËiý "commercial far ars wta gros inomeof $12009 or more. Onea authority in Otrorecently sae that there were less than 80,00 om- mercial farms in the p)rovin-ce.Ter are mrany who wo l uestion vet, er the $1200 groDss incom-e figure laî high en-Ough to warrant its usage in relation to a commercial farm., Cer- tainly a fariner bas to have a me larger "gross" than $100annIIàuaLly if he is to be able to bhaveenul "Inet" to live decently and raise a famlily upnder niormial cilrcumstancesý. The Farm Economics ani Statisties Branch of the Ontarlo Department e Agriculture in a surmmary ofth "M nm m requirements f a Farru U ni re1leased in April of this ye&-r states, "A farin unit With fewer thani 50 crop acres (60 tillable acres) la- subinarginal for general fariming'findl will ultimately cease to be operated as a separate farm unit." The 1DS release wvill noý doubt 3tir renewed questions as to who L-,aa farmer, and who is not. I h she uauconpuleci or Kenctai in holdings, incroased acreages per unit>, k tepioneer days. This told what t and fewor but- larger farms continues J thriving place it was then wvith a to 9go0on, and it could ho Strongly de- shingle ill, saw mills, cooper shops bt tat the numjber 0f actual farm for mnaking barrels, blacksmnith shops. businless oportations bý as declined to hlotels etc. It gave thoin j-.e .s sme a fa greatr degree than indicated of the oatrly setLer2s and bu sineýssmn. b this table. Luncýh was served by Mrs. Staple- Perbaps in this day' and age we a ton and Mlrs. Manes tend to lean l ttetohaiy n moe s 2tatistics. After ail, a sucbessful The Crcde Fam-ily Picnic Wýas farin operation canniot be measured held in1 the Ocldifellow',s Hall amn1 Oron Pa k o Saumda aforn on. m erely in torm s of acres, or by som e There wre 85meitrd Somje fainû- vy broad and Unralistic dfinition It must be assessed in, toms of the Les came a long distance. Mr. Geo. knd of living 'it affords the farier Carscadden (Mrs. Wes Elliott'sj bro- aibsfml.Wiel 96teCn ther) caine the fathest froi Thoiu- sus 0of Agriculture eported 140,602 bury. Mm. Milton Elliott, Bowmianlville fais in Ontario, at flie saine timo it aloî was the oldest gentlema there. It tteci tha.t theme were only 113,000 Jicensed. Plumbing& is twenty-fîive years since the pienic _______________ was elci bre. Mechanical Contractor - over froin provious years breakswhses>ntai We hope Itho examlination rosults dwnmoe ucky be hefilc sndgurnstees will ho publishled la tho< epaper tbis haow e ikywe tefed year as we seldoin get to the States- arwdanurnte man office window to finc wbo bas- Even though ebain barrows -injure boen succossfuL. the plants less thian spiko-tooth bar-- *" URNER SERICE rows, barrowing witb a womn spke- P A T U E H A R W I G o t'h r r w o r a s p i k e - t o o t h I al o A flexible chaîn harrýuowV is one of 1upside down can bco f valuie to your the miost valuiab lo to ol i1asu e aturo mianagem ent pog an.LCENSED PLUM BERS managmentsaiys foraýge experts ________________ with toOtroDe-part1inent f Ag-1î culture. It- must b foleobei tati manure froin cattle onpasture can ho either ver.y wva a r v eri'ylbami- fui to the pasture. Harrowing makes B w a vle 1 t X, àe m M A. 3- 5589 I Mm. Paul McMackin nd lady Iriond eauof Statistîcs. The DBS report vere ome or te Wokend Ho iîîshwsthat thore were 19,269 less be akiga um er coI'urseat vn'sfains ini Ontarlo 'atl the time 0 f the Jnivmsit. 1% Cenisus thanl there wore in 1956. 1This reprosonted a drop froia 140,602 Kenal ome is nttuto met at fam-1Ins in 1956 to 121,333 in 1961. Tlie h12 ho0f Mrs. Marýtin M'anders on tota'Lacreage in farins ia Ontario also Weneda evon"ing, Junie the 271t.dcli!nod froin 19,879,646 n 1956 to Dur resdentMrs E.Couroux said 1,578,507 in 1961. that we rmujst eie fw wne pidnlic andwhere it W,%ould 1ho ho(Ild. Thiese Census figures employ for After several places wore suggested thle first turne the new definition of a avte was takon. Tt was deiedt farin". In' 1956 a farmi wasdefined go to) Serpent Mouind Park-l at Keeneo as being tbree acres or more, or 'rom on July l7th. ýone to thireacres if the agricultural MI'- i. Býirowhadreqestd tatproduction excoeded $250. The more Mrs. H. Barlte ow adr req ostd hatireceat cdefinitioni, enipfloyed ln the niî intitto onsdergivng trph 1961 Census states that a faim is a to anl actor- in the DrInIla Festival, 1 o n ceo oewt ae who was the 1hst in diction. The la- 1Plot 0 n ceo oewt ae ~~~~es~~~~~ aoedta bysol norg f farin. produets in the previous 12 iliose~~motb -)ft $50 or mplys nore. This redefin*t- thsetaig pat in amaieter plys. iing of a farmnprobably had the effet year thydcodt ie h rpyti f obscurîng to somne xtent at least year.the actual drop In farm business op- Mliss C. W.Stwr read fl rom o11ur erations generally accepted as 'farine 4 r' i)ïiôktî ùïiéiîiýiF ýr"TTR..Q" Av -irny xr e4,1k, ý 11. 'l- .

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