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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jul 1962, p. 5

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OI<ONO WEEFKL-L TLIE5 - -~ - - supeo tat of the Port Hope cliub G irls T p T heup a few -oulis in aimosi every frame î ;,ibe gamï-e.Sharon Tamiblyn belted 1ut iwe trples and was possibly the heaviest btter for Orono. Carol ,Tixon et To B D fe ed playung second macle a good diefensive ýoftbail hitting department camne forth wîtl, play catcung a fly bahl on the rua. eague tiwo homne ruas, one by Pýggy Hancock iC aro us1play-nb erfrya !bi er has and! the sec-ond by Carol Nixn. th ,th-e club uîch le Ni roogil iti-ne tn.tin The Oeogirls play un Port Hope ~ oaWednsdayight at the Orono' Vicor .v,,er agin heymet wib suc- vito es5 paynagainst iPort Hp.This conÈLesi wsposstbly one of ihie besi BO Bo-games, ýo!the echedule wiiba coe oti LL en t'le: 7-3. Sharon Willis wvas agala n thù1ei ,hron m-ouind for, oronjo and wib -erat rwMitb bal kepi the Pont Hopers in check.! wlio SAIS lsista l and g-, uarantees CRM iAN PLUMBIý,ÏNG &iI -EATINGý RUS33E LL C. HONEY, M'.P, and GRANT BROOKS, B.A. AN\,NOUNCE THE ADMISSION TO PARTNERSIIIP 0F m. c. J. HARRISON, R.A , LIA. AND WILL CONTINUE THE PRACtTICE 0F LAW I PARTNERSIP AS 71 c' Wat Street Port Hope, Ontarjo S ALE 0F SUM MER EAR- Jodprs r Ovrahs wih Sirtsto ath. Jadouus and Overals are inipli shlades 0f blue, redgreen, god a;ndbrn and the shijrtsf0mac are attaciveprNts ize-s (jfi t up fto>24 mo nthiS. R eg.$98 - SALEPRICE $21.49 isuais for boys and girls o!t wash alid wear <-ltton. Sevea sye and foho)urs. sizcs to ft 6 t0 18 months and 2 to 3x years. Reg.vaues tea$1,59. SALE PRICE 98e GILgSHORTS SETS 4 Onily. Sets ! ;1shorts andà Popi Tops t(e match.1 The shorts are inplaini shades (of rosep green 'and corange antd the popetopt arpelo! huhttd cottonhl atrciedesiguis wthb ringed (1botto(m, Sizes 4, 6 and x years. Reg.$2,95. SALE PRCE 2,49 BAB.IE-S' SLEEP AND 1PLAY SETS Short slee-ved Topis of wash and wear crtton Wth two pair s o!pants to match. The piants are Ihaed wih lasti and twhebutn to Whetop. At- tnuiçLtive de-sigààs on a wlhe ground. Sizes 12 to 2 oah.Rg 19 - SALE PRICE 0AUe9 GýILS' T-SHIRTS T-hr~o! Kiiteýd Cottn Diaatractive wweveWhth cllr nd batnfront. Blue, gold, and bei!ge. 1Sizes Y, 8, ad 12 years. Reg. $21M SALE iPRICE S1.9 GIjRLS' -PIECE SETS a one, Girhs Shms and Tops f0 match. Green aMd mueaizs8snd, 14 years. lEeg. SAE54.95ý1J) GRS'JAMAICA SHORTS Shors o god qullt cotonwith "semi- boxer waist and two slash pokiets,. Brown, tan, renv, and turquoise. sizes 8 to 14 yeurs Reg-ular $2.9f5. SALE PR>ICE ,ý$2,25 c Ppen mq a 'Wdqne&day Arms t! LADIES' SHOR(JTS eealdesignls ami coours tin Shorts aad Shiort Shorts. Sizes 10 te 18 years, Reg. $4.95 FOR $2.95 Reg. S3.95 FOR $2.9j5 Eeg. $?.95ý FOR $2.419 ông's Monday L-ýayu e, The Oroýno Junior Girl's S( temis ejoyin-gsues in the1 sceueand, so far ibis sumi yetto asedefeat and as su h-eading the egue The Orono etry la playing gamces ihi, week bas been tCe in botb intances. The firsi gmewas played in mawnil on Tuesday evening wh, oalteam took a 12-8 vic-tory. 3 Wlis ,was tbe vinningptce Faye Nicholson cuatcbing. The Deer Seasoni (Contiauied from page 1) inclulding Somierville 'Townsbiip, (a) 1962 - November 5tb to Novem.- berý 17ib, -nclusive. (b) 1963 - Iovenber 4th tb Novena- ber 16th, laclusinve. c) 1964 - Novernber 2nld te Novemi- ber l41th, iluisive. For, thai portion of Peterborougb Gouiy lylag soutb 0of Highlway No. 7 there will bc a one week season for' Cci eonly, Noveinber 5ih to Novea-1 ber lotb, inclusive. Sînce t-his aiea is~ denisely seiiled tbe season will con- tinue to be set on an annual basis asl in reviouis years. Shoigunis only will be permiiiedi during the deer and muoose seasons laý the Townships o! Ennismore, Smiiti,l Douro, Neib Moniagban, Oionabee aind Asphodel, in Pe-terboroughCouty UNITED iIURCII Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev B. E. Long SUýNDAY, JULY 8th, 1962 I ChOrono - 11î:00 am. I 'KXirby - 9:45 1,U SUNDAY &IHOOL Wfrby - il &J (Continuedc from page 1) KENDAL PUBLIC SOCHOOL 1UCly. The Orono team is now sporting a niew set of uniform.s, white with green - -;'Ilw-th a large green O on the - h, ýe ulnformrs were supplied by a, numiber of! the Orono and district -l.-'l lants whoise names appear oni the back of each suit in green '[etters. Wednel(sday v n.ght the fuit team were otl ni fui11 uniformis, inot doubt -wait- :ng, alterations. When the eai-s in pearLiance to coinside wvitli their style off ' l0ay. LOCAL NEWS Wdedymornfflg the Orono Jun- ior Gardleners accomipanied bya i-mm- ber- of mnernbers of the Orono H-orticul-1 tural Society travfelled to Emldly Park nlorth of Omnemee for a cay's outing. Xo yto Lryfv ook advant-l age of fthe trip anud travelled by bus -he -,,-ncial iak Aci:isplanned t-or 'ihe ebjdren1 weegamnes, s-\,iiniiing, picnics and BarB- luchand a talk on )ratuLreý by the oficeli charge of the park. Mi.J. M rrirturnied to her ,ornie last, ek le a mionth's vis il) England. MUrs. RlhEllis Ï1alnci Mx. Pey. nolds of Belleville visited n:Pla \11%Mr.and Mis.Carl JBillings andc cerfriends rm Oroflo. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Druniond of Toronto spenit the weekçend with Mr. and Mrs A -A )rumminond. Mrs. Neil Porter and Miss Audriey%, Billings spent the boliday weekend with Mr- and Mrýs. Jack 'Bail andl f aiyAylmier. MN rs. Oliver Gilbbs, Dunbarton spent the wceeend witb Mr. and Mr. d. Graham and lamily. Mr. and Mrs, Kennetb Foster of Milton attended Cburch services in; Orono on Sunday afld visited with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tiger Norton have returned borne after a tbree weeks Mo00torip to the East Coast. Miss Darlene West and Masterj Barry West spent the wveekenid witb their granidparenits, Mr, and-is Perîcy )3ayward, Bwaville, Mr. andl Mrs. Heniry Le Valilant, Scarlborough spent the weekend ,Witb Mrs. j. P. StevensOn. Mrs. LeVal,1lianlt remind ora 1longer visit with ber 1M]'s. Jacd Arnot andfam ily av1iakenup, wesidence aario-- Mn S. B. therrd lft thisel<n whely re etaigasummer cours.e Mi.Weatnd Ms. Cal enatar vustngther dugterMrs' Jtbt Grade Boy, Grade 4to Griade 5--Brown, Kim; Lar;SwerdIfiger, 1Ken. 3 to Grade 4Geaod thill X/NO AS TO TAKE WITH KODAKEQIMN STUTT'S PHARMACY PROMMOTIONS Senlior Rboom Mr. Lyle McMahon, P-rncipal omade 8 to Grade 9-Brown, Rodger;ý Eloit, Joyce; Poster, Bria.n;Pat- ion, Shirley; Tbertell, Lorraine; Thenicîl, Mro;Thorapson, Mar- garet; Turansky, Kathryn. ýinaIe 7 io Gradle 8--Burley, Sharon; Poster, Reid; Poster, Tomi; Mu- Mactkin, Lynne; Mercer, Bruce; Menuen Do-ihy; Mercer, Shirley; Morion, Gordoni; Planche, Bill; Venon, Cheryl. Grade 6 Mo Grade 7--Brown, Terry; ureBar-bara; Cou)troulx, marie; Fcsiuir Ana;ý Geaclh, Bobby; Little, Diane; Maaiense, Jeaneite; Me- Ma1ckin, Alan; Turner, Mary. Grade 5 to Grade 6-Foster, Bobby; Hoy, Brenrda; Mercer, 'Bill: Patton, Gi;Swerdfigen, ary;Turansky,1 euy. iGrade TII -Roger Burley, Knet Chaliman, Roy Drinkie, Xa renl. GaeIV Rie uly hrot Drinkle, VikbiH~eod ob SaJamlie Sutherland. 4rad V JyceDrinkle, Menno Pien- ~,ia ynSutherland. GaeVII Brenlda Drinkie, Susar Grade VITI-Marilyn Hammi, Drienkeý Van Hattim* Gradle IX- Bonnie Bail, Laurna Br ley, Sandria Ferren, Idska :inta NE WTON VILLE PUTBLIC SCI1OOL REPORT To Grade 9- Ha 'rvey Burley, Tbomas Har-tfoclý Paye Haithierly, James Howý,ard Tr-ans- fe;Earl Huggins, Transfer; 'Bary Là,ane, H4onouirs; Dianne Kimbaî1,l, Mar ilyn MacDonald,Ilonours; Uelrï-ut dar, Hnous;Donna Porter, Rbr SiaplÏeto)n, Transfer. To G'radfe 8- SzneEydlen, Honours; Bi!) Cil. meJudy G'ooin, Honours; Donna Hiaiherly, Robert Hendlenson, Hn oulrs; Jan,ýie Sijacey, Gary Stapletlon. TlO G'rade 7- Patsy Hatherly, Bruce MacDonald,ý Honours; Donna, Sedorko, Doreenr Sedoinko, Betty Skçeldlingl, Lynda Sta,- pletonl, Honlours. To, (,rade 5- 1Arlene Aichison, Honours; Karer Bickell, Janet Hartford, Grace Hol- siege, Honours;, LindaMaDnl Honours; Debbie McHolm, qonours--, StephOen Searle, Honours; John Van- London, Terry Worral, Henours. To Gîrade 4- Rickey Briand, Homiours; Katýy El- lieut, Honours; Brenda Heniderson. Honours; Vaarie Jones, 'Wayne Jones, Con.; Judy Stacey, Lois Staplýe- ton, Suzanne Worral, Honours. iTo Gradte 3- Jimmiiiie Clark, David Henderson, Honours; Billy MaeDoaald, Honours ýBobby McLean, Jiinmie Stacey, Hren. ny VTanLondon. TVo Grade 2- Jiniie Atchison, Honiours; Judy Bro-wn, Honours; Liada C-oxm, Hoýn- ours; Mary Gilmner, Robert MHia B>illy McLean, David Oudshoarn, Qe WoodI. .T,,ior oomTeacluer - Mrs. Ba11 Principal - Mrs. Elliott Public Sehool Resuits- Brin Mrcrirene; Michalski, DiÎana; Menlton, Marlyvn; Thompson, J erry. Griade 2 to Grade 3--PosterPC"gy GecBonnle; Manders,Da; Micbalski, Edad Patton, Cieo; Swerdfiger, Wanda; Thompson, Susan., Gradïe 1 to Grade-2- Henderson, Day- id; Martinell, Alan; Mac(Donaild,l Roy; Paton, Pansy; Swerdfig-er, Anna. LNTRPRSESCHOOL REPORT Grade VIIL Slharon Perdue H., Dorisi Alldread H., Pauline De Smit H., Gordon Alldread P., Linda Francis P. GRADE V-Kaye Alldread HI., Donna Cochrane H., Ro'bert Voigt H., Helen Knapp H., Nancy Francis H. Grade IV MýNeilie Voilgt, H-., Nancy Perdue H., Bruce Fr-ancîs R. Grade III-Jim Francis Rh. Grade Il -- Bill Ransberry H., Crajg Cochrane H., Joanne De Smii H.,, Paul De SniJt -., AIa Knapp HI., Ronnie Franchs R. Grade 1 A-Ruby F rancis. KIiMi SCHOOL ,SS.INO. 14 Promot()ed te Grade I hrnLow-J TuS EEKAT Bath oes solid color, heavy quality, assoirted colors. Regu-Llari $1.00 for.......... 1....88'e. Novelty Towvels, size204 inches. Reg. $1.00 for 88e Haif Slips, Ladlies' Acetate Tricot, size small, medium or large. Regular $1.00 for----88c. Ladies' Blouses, assortedi, regular $1.00 for ....- 88eý. Brief, assorted collors aInd designs, regular 4'9c. ,Sale p1rice now................. 2 for 88c. Gloves, Lde'Dojuble Woven Nylon, Wrist leng,-ýth aorted c~rs. eul $L00 for......8e Brassieres, white rayon satin brocaded front, lace timeadjustIable elastric straps, A., B. and C cuips. Sizes 312 to 381. Regular $1.00. Sale 88e-ý. IabPnts, plastic i-ie sizes small, medium larIge or, extra large. P-egular 25e. Salle 4 for 88c. -Pyjamas, Children's 2-piece interlock knit, sizes 2 to 6. Regular $1,00 for...... ,ý-ý..... 88c. Oxfords, Women's -white canvas Tennis Oxfords, size 3 t'o 8, Regular $1.45. Sale price....88c. Fancy Ciips and Saucers, regular 25c. Sale prce ................4 for 88e Toys, a large selection to choose from- including Rubber Balis, Toy Pistols, Boats, Farm Animals Farm Equipment etc. Your ehoice.....ý ý...88c. STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS N N N N N N '1 '~1 N ~1 N N N N N '4 N N N N N '4 N N '4 N '4 N N N 'h "4 N N "N 'N N -4 N "N ORONO, - ONTA-RIO PHONE 168J

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