r r r- r- r' r r r r -r r r r r r r r" r r r (. r r r r r r 1~ r r r r r r r r r r r r A r r r r r r r r r r r r" r r", r r, r' r" '"r r' r r r' r r" r r r * Which aznc ofthese bea-r. RemarkaIbI* Story 0f Id Sulivan Royal, Danish Ballet, ýRay -Bolger, the Moiseyev, Fred Astaire, the Sal zburg M1-arionlettes, and Mt got Foniteyni; the D'Oyly Carte Opera Comjpanry sang, as did Bobby Darin, thie Obern.kirchien Chiidren's Choir, Julius La Rosa, Maria Callas, the Air Force Academy, Glea Club, Elvis Pres- ley, Edith Piaf, Cesare Siepi, and the Mello-Larks; dumnmies crack- ed jokes, as did Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Noel Coward, Carl Sand- burg, Victor Barge, YehuidiMa- nuhin, Henny Yonmn0scar Hammerstein, Jack Paar, and Ban Hogani. The list gaes an for 14,000 namres (lhuhnotrit bere), and iluLdas al but a handful ai thosa wha have pre- sentad ther-nselves ta the Western world as performers in the past fiftaen vears, and bieen acceptad as such. And thay have al!, at one time or another, beard th.-eir high-priced namne.ý:shouted at the televisîon-watchirng publie in the same ringing, mnetallic, New York Irish tonres ûf Ed Sullivan, prap- rietor of the iongest-llvad and- cut it hoir you will-mnost suc- ressful programi in television'% brief histor. Sullivan and is varietyv show wiil have bean on the- air for fourteen cansecutive years, ai- thiough CBS, a thînk-big network, refers to if as "the baginning of thie fiftaenth." For the occasion, Sullivan had inaid Lup a parti- culiarly galactic array aofum mers, amang tliem Jack Benniy, Kate Smith Bing Crosby, and Steve Allen, pîus a gimnick: Hei( does nlot knov, hbe says, what any (>f these stars will do on thie progriami, and lie hias bean ban- ned f'rom rehears;al so he canniot fGind out. If the gittary cast of perform,-ý ors is nothing- nei' for Suli- van's showý,,bis own fogginess about their intenided japery is a radical departure. Week after week, sunrimer a n d winter,, thro)ugh 724 shows' tbat have cost bis sponsors about $50 Mil- lion (anid earned him .parhiaps $5 million), Sullivan bas rnhie ,petit Palace as a persan-al fief. Ha books al act,s himnself, wth son-in-law- and producer Bob Pracht, and bias traveled more than, a million miles scauin Australian jugglers, Polish gok enspielers, Nigerian jazzmen, Swiss yodelersý, and Catskill co- edianls. HIe "routines" each show himfsalf, decidas whicih act wili foilow -which, and serves as well as a booster, confessor, assistant director, and a particuiarly bard- eyed uinofficial mremnber of thec Catliolic Legion ai Decency. v,"Al cornics . u2hasalys and then st ops, spreadîng bis arms ta la- dicate thie size of the comic con- spiracy. "I have ta tel themn, this is nol. oly irty, it's vile. That's wbere I g-ot nmy ulcer If the giteycast of peroiünli- ers is natbing new for Sllivan's sh o,'his onfoginiess about thair iiitended japerl'y is aLri i cal departureL. Week afterwek sumrmer and winter, tbrough 7241showýs that have cot is sponisors about $50 mnillion u(arnd earned hlm perhaps $5milo, SuJllivan bhas runi s petit Pa- lace -as a personial fief, He books ail acts hýimsalf, witb son-în-_law and pro ducer Bob Precht, and has traveledi more than a million miles scouiting ý,Australien jýug- glers, Poish glockenispiers, Ni- cerianl jazLzmen, Swiss yodelars, and Catskill com1-edians. He 'rou- tines" ecach show imself, decides whlich ac-lt wil follow ,whicb, ai-d serves as ehlas o'booster, coný- fessar, assisant director, andl a particularly bar-d-e. ed unoffi- cýiel memnber of the Ctboiic 'Le- gian, ofeecy "Ail com-ics he says and thenl stops, spread- ing is s ta indicate thie size of th, eramc conspiracy . 'l have ta fell tbcmn, this isle nt onl 'y nionies for aitl hsa Sunaýýoay an fýjle l ev1àcre flic wondar begiri1s ta ple -up lika anc of bis human pyra.mide. Slony-faced, bDaggY- eyed, so tifi thraugh bis bull- neck and shoulders tfl ie hil frequantiy essumad ta fohave brok- en bis back, u mengler 0f thouglit and lenguage, a stuimbling,, bun- gling, fumbling parpatuel amna- teur wbo bas yat ta master the emallast gesture, the sinipleeýt prsSullivan le the mast pain- fuily unlikely, stage figure ln al the bizarre history of vaude!ville. For mýost people, hovar, ha i3 an andeering figure, ernbodying in hie consuimmafe inaptitude ai the sincarity, straigbt£orward- niess, and dernocratic virtue that slicker articles' iack. Par- formers sea in hlm nat oiY a shmaeand paymnaster ( as much as $10000 for fthe biggest names), but a chamipion fan. "He le Se, amare of talent," Helen Hlayes bias said, "so struck with the spianr-,dor ai it, sa altagether st.age-struck ini the true sense af the phrase, thai ana cati lad if. " Borri 59 years ago-alfthoughi ha looks only,, about 45, evenl the '20s, mifli Tho New York without male-up - Sullivan caughit on as a sportswriter in Eveiîng Mail, than ic, Graphjoe. His Broadway colunin, be-gun la the late '20s, 'is naw syndicated by the Chicago Tribune-New Yo_(_rk News Syndicate. SuLhivan organized countiese benefits far sarvicamen and hospit-als during the meri. Ha aiea played hast on the Nas' Iarvest Moon Ball, whPealhe was sean in 1947 by a CES officiai wh-o was looking for an m.c. for a prospective variety shw alled "Toast of tlic Suilivan's firet show went on flic air, cerried by six stations, on June 20, 1948, miflia budget af $1,350 and a cast th-at lnclud- cd Rodgare and H9ammeretein, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, sing-er Monica. Lewis, and flic June Taylor daars. Th-E crftice iiked thie show but howled about Sullivan, linh they saw a certain indeffinable natbing. Neverfhýeless, Liýncoinr - Mercury pickcd up the showv-as did a sizable audience-and Sullivan setilied in for the long siege:, NEC flrcw cvery star it had against hlm and beat hlm for awhile wlthI "The Colgate Comn- edy Hour"; "Mavericl'" c ame along lafer and for fwo seasans crused hlmr in the rat ingg. Neither af them could keep if up. "The turning pýoint for Ed came when be signed Juhius La Rasa alter Gadfrey f îrad hlm in 1,453," says anl execufive an a rival netwaiNk. "That brouglif ,imtrmendous emrpathy, and since theni he's b5een riglit up et flic top."ý Suïivan has elways heLd wbaf ha ai "a newspaparmnan' ey e" for the timelinesai a performer, and ha off an signe up do-notfring guaests-especialy athlete-for mel]k-on appearencas salely ba- cau'se theyv are in flic nems. -But his hast eyc is that ai a sho-w- n. ),An anthusiastie if unfutar- cd operlavj.1,eir icle bis ,outli, lie found thiaf grand opiaawoulid Stop thae sh ow cold "if you put the ibighl-clese stuf in wiilh the pop." (Soprano Robarta Paters, wiili 35 appearanices, bias beenl on bis shw mare offen eny othair performer except flic Canadiein camics Jobinny, Wayne and Fralni Sbusiar.) Just oncelia trîed fa, make culture carry the main laa, iring Celeas, D)imitr'i mi- trapoulos-ad the Mefropolitan Opera orchiestra, for an ighliteeni- minute version ai "Tosca." "The react.ýon to tris singleaechieva- ment," hae seys, "was gbastly. 'd ,rade a deal ta do six aperas. I did flireeared got flic bell ouf." Suhhiva as enarmaus failhl n bis ebilitY ta gauge rpublic reac- lion. "Public opinion is the -voice of G ld e a ses. "The greateet fhling for th1is sh1owis the drase rehea1ýrsi. One acf Can give Sfrengfh 11ltuaenothar, orif ceýn corneoon and go boom. What 11he hall, utilIi 1playiif in fota Laboing forcesý are getting ta be su contradictory we hardly knowt what ta expecýt an-y more. We hear Of strikes ;and row;dy.ism and then we run .into asiuto tatakes us wand'er if wh-ite* collari' utfits will soon be the universal garb for al wor-keris. Tt camne about this way, Townýship -workmnen were dtoing5 a tar-pat- ching Job along the suburban roads. When they stoppeýd Out- aide Our place Once of the feilows asGked Partnlex if he would get hlm P- drink of water. "Sure-," said Pa-rtneér, and he went off ta, the house, put water into a smiail aluminmium potc and .3dded haîf a dlozen ice cubes. When hie hanîd- >ýed it ta the man the 1felow look-. edf rom'heil t, ,aPatne a saici "How an 1supposed to drink it?" Partner just about blew a fuse. "Holy 'Moses," he exé.laimed, "didn't you( ever drink out 0f a tin cani?" Whien, Partnier told me about it 1 re- membered whien the cidrnand 1 used ta run out ta, the field in hayingL time with~ a can of fresýh, cold water, straight fromt the well, No one asi-ed thenhow he was suipposed 'tq dtrivik -- nor in the army eithes¶1 FParner said maqybe- this felloý vwould have known better how-to da with, Weil, tin move-d so,s last iweei< we could haril'y keep Pace eveytin -col)d wa her ot "ether, thunderstorrns... and even ram Eeryting inhe g1,ardeîcn jum-ped about thr1me inchLes. More of aur shrubs ha,,ve corne into bjoioo, îcuuga climibing houneysuckle. As a re- suit we niow havehu in-rd ta visit Lus. Sociaily, lthere have been teas, gýarden parties aLnd such likeye in somre casýes they aýre awloealternative ta poitical eeinsand tele- vised racss Now at long lâes-t they have corne ta dn end ari thlis wekWCshalh know, which party' vthe people have choseni to guide aur destiny for the r.ext few ýyears. I1nlyhope there wvill be a working m iajority of sonme kinid so we are flot faced witb anothier electiar. isideof six ironiths,. Tfiat would be awful. To, me )ana of the most inter- esting events last week was the running'ý of thie Queen's Plate wvith her M1ýajesty, the Qujeen Mother, aadigthe' prize ta Mr, E. P. Taylor, owner of the winning ùhly, "Flamning Paie". W,7e bad visitors here yesterday who h1ad] been thiere and tbey said the, uenMaher oung- ooiganacihairmning, ias stili be gacau elf and (ýquite obvioCusly m itereted in thýe set- up for 1run1ning the r 1ace as cen- P ared withsiiarent in nand. Asofena stsh must hiear the Naîtion)al Arthem I wouid imaigine thllat aven the Queen Motheri must be covnsciajus cfacrtain thrill every. timeL she hearms it - ta think, the Qiieen referred ta in the Antblem is hier awn dtaughtar. Young l-members of the Royal Fail.yý are also in the news these 'days. The latest is Princesýs Anne speniding hier first weelk-endý in a 'GuI Guide camj-p, helping with 'th.e coaking and washing the, dishes. Girl Guides everywhere will be praud of the fact-that Princess Anne is now one of their mnum ber. Well, in My last CoiumnI1 was te1llirg you 1 haýd been making, ISSUE Z7 - 16 Pyjamas for sani cf y granid- sons. Thet meant a lot of cul- liige lait over so I ment ta mark and made up mosl aiflice places int four-inoh blockis until I1lied enouCli la makea etop for a ingle-bcd quilt. By Selurday I lied the top finishied. The next prablam m as setting up flic quiit - hem and wliera wae I ta iEnd room for if? I thouglit about aur, big roome etthfli frm o- nc roam sixtean feef square- in which wmc ihougil nothing aof setting up f mo quille et anc fime. 14are aven anae single quiltitlea prc.blecm althaugl aur roome are by no means emeali. Parînaer wantcd ta shif t things around in flic liviingroom and put if lIera. But I wouldi-'f conidar if' hap- cause I- knem axactly wliat wohdaippenc - I would be, w4orking atitif vcry epere minute tu gel il cuouf aielcay. I finaiiy set if up down linflic basament wliere there isý plenty aM room and if is aieao cool. Now i find aur nieiglibours are vary intareef- cd la my quilh. "Oh, I remaimber mymofliarusad la hava quille like that!" "ahfor goadnass -sake, is hbat how quilting le douaýî?" But flot ana ir oftbem k-nem hom ta quill! Il ls e baom- ing e. lart. If Ibis quilt marc for camte organizafion I could jnviteý a faw aid-timiers in ta' help mie. But Ibis quilt is b--einig mabde for use et the cottage so I don'f feal 1 sloild ask lialp in doing whef b atuelly my 0own woîik. Sa flriroil' s - lascinat- ing Ark for anyone but I expect I shail mwtd Lup doirg most oa. the ma0rk m_-ys-eif. I shah aenjoy doing il - but it doas faka lime. Goodbye... Partner is calling me , . , e ara n ur iway la vole: REALLi 'UAKEN At a tsiobenightclub. a girl-ebaul-towýýn boastad toaa friend' in tha powder r-oom, "I lied my, nase hbbed for aiglut liundredl dollars and alreadr 'y 'va been 'talken for Kim Navak." "You'va bhean taiken ail right," sneered the friand -- "for aighft hundred dollars." ,Beutfui Models Appear At TIhe Ex Toranita's ,prattiest girls did a- promenade on the stage oi the Queen Elizabeth Th'eatre at the Canadian NationalExibtinaý models were cehcsen for the women's division fashion shows for, the 1962 Cý.E. Mare than 100 girls arrived ta com-pete for the nina available openings for senior female modale. Judges were Wm. Wheeler of Gardon MlacKay Walker, Elsa Jenkins, Manager of' Wumen's- Activities andr Pearl Varay, C.N.E. Fashion Co-Ordinator. Mrs. Jenkins reports thera wili be mare, than a dozan daily f a- shion shows on the stage af the beautîful Queen Elizabeth Thea- tre this year during the Ex. Each will be like a capsule musical comedy, wijth- iavish setsý, stary thames and musical backgrotunds. The shows wilLiuse ance senior mal i mdal, ana matran, and 14 child modale af the Estelie. Mod- elling School including three pre-teans, in addition ta thie nine senior famnale models selected in June. Thara will be five comn- mentators. The nine beautiful girls who were selected are: Ulla More- land, Marianne Lenchak, Barb Ellis, Quata Robinson, Christa Matt, Alberta Haw,ýkins, Jean Williams, marij Cartýer, Bey Clarke. _____ Being Different in Hollywood 1 was flot quite four when Mamma moved al af us and al aur wardiy goods ta Hollyýwood. Mammï.-a's sister's husband, Uncle Trax, f irst arrang-ed for my sis- tare, and than for me, ta -gat work as chid-extras in motion pictures, and Mammya ta open a Boerding House. Wliat mje kids earnad at the studiome very welcone in the famnily kitty. Mamma mas as ce- lectiva of her paying gueste and eas solicitous of thair comfort and conveniance, once they passed ber Kentucky -bred standards, as though thay were lier b.ouise guests, and in no wvay connacted mit h anyane's livelihood. Sa vie neyer hiad mucli moneyý. But wa always Ihad a ricb abun- dance ai aIl the things money ~can't buy. Love, trust, -discipline, raligious training. And me had lots atnd lots oi fun2!. . 1 remamrber irben I1transi errad from the first schroal ta the other. At the firet ana e b ad ta weer tuniformes, naic.hesecond one me dlidn't. 1 bad the uniforme Our funids being whaf thay mera, thlic-ast af the uniforme mas enough that, haýving themi, 1 .had no dresses. Na probleme, I fhauight. 1 simplY ware my uniforme ta the naw school. They miarked me as dit- fiarent, set mie epart. Same ai my classmates made me realîze this facl anid then I did have a prob- lem. The day thet ana of tlie girls asked, "Haven'f you any dresses at al?" lier fane really shriv- eled miy pride and 1 came hoIý D_ cryç,ing-. I 'i; sbbed my stary ta tfýtama. She put her arms around m-e, but withiout any axcess of sym-pathy. She said firmnly: "Na)w se2e here, Gretchen. Whatever you wear ie always neat. It, is 'always cleain. The other children may have very fine clothes, but they cati- flot be more immaculate than your uniforms. It's nice eta have fine clothes, but it's-not import-. ant. It le important ta be clean. 'Cleanlin pss is next ta ýGodîl- nase.' As far as M'amma was concerti- ed, that was the end af it. 0f course ber arms were com- forting,, but there was no? non- sanse in her attitude. She expec- ted me ta adjust ta thefact that the uniforms had 'to be worn. She made me feel praud pl tbeir cleanliness. She made me proud ta be different. And i know that gave'me, an indepandence wbîcb has, helped me in my, work and i my lîfe.-Fram "The Things I had ta Learn," by Loretta Youngas told ta Helen-Ferguson. When the boss says: 'il think it over and let vou know," you kne w. PLAY'S THE THING - For- mer Miss Americai, Sharon Ritchie tests mater tampera- turc of o rooftop pool ini Chi- cago, where she mode har in- itial acting debut, Miss Ritchle represented Coloradoa'in the 1956 Miss Amrerica pageant. Plhotcb Courtesy LUFTHIANSA German, Airlines AIR FARES COMING DOWIN? Less thon hoîf a cent pet mile wus the fore for this cQW "Bonzo" for o quarter trip around the globe. For- $25 38 f rom Vcincouvar tu Berlin irtclud- inig o refreshing drink of" milk sarved by Lufthainsct hostess Eksi.uiRoos, during a stopover in MOntreal wos the trovel tbrgain for this tiny possenger. MONROE FIRED - Lee Remick, ledt,'was slated ta repiLce Ma-rilyn Monroe, right, in a new movie ofter Miss Monroe's studio fired her and sued her for $500,000 for breach of controct in Hollyw-cd