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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jul 1962, p. 7

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>WsD4arred Face Madce Him A Crook ing fivers wben hee beard tfhe ewjing-dloor o(pen. Ha looked up Witb a1n automnatic can-1-help- you-sir sie but the smnile fr oze as ý he sw the mari's face. Witb biis riglit footlhe Sounid- ed the electric alarm - bell by pressing ftic button utndafr the coa.rter. Two minuites latler-, Charl1es Arain - as we shail cal] hlm- was bý eing questioneci by police officers. They knew lm n as a profassional crimînal. "I wanted to cash a ceu, ha said, andi showed it ta tbemn. "Tre, lidin't try to ,rob tha bank," the casiadmlitted, IbttI was't going to t aRk e chances on a bloka witb a face Aram, bad a bxrsbrolcen nase, a wrestier's foldled r'ight ear sudàc a 'scar fromi the ciar through the lips Lip ta the eye. "Isn't that enoug'h ta ring the paarm for?"akeci the cashier-. In a smnart office lii the City cf Landau( a taîl, haýndsome man with shining, dark hair, gray teml-ples and bushy black ýeye- brows greeted me wt warm sxinile. "Yes, FinCharlesArm,'lie mi,"I useci ta be a crimninal a pr-ofessionalýi screwsman. 1 don't make a, secret of why Il tuirned ta crime. it was beýcause cf imny face." I looked again it the sm-loofhi, wall-groamed skin, the straîglit, aýjimst aquiline nase, the bnUd thick-set eyes. "Not this face. Once, it~a quite different." Charles was s evern. Lie waS piaying, with other kids in a nar- z-ow alley near the London docks. H1e was the cap chascng e couple of rohbers wha had esgcapeci thra'ugh a warehou.ýse door. Hie loaked for them ,ottside tIbhrougli a law-siiied wixndol,, ~ve~blanedand topplad head- jirst twenty f cet on ta a hear 4f scrap maetai. -fa regaincd consciousness in hospital. 'l had a broken lleg, my face was badiy cut and 1 was lucky that they cauid save mny eyae," Charles said. As a resuit (>f the accident ho bnci a scar righit acrass bis chleck. Soon kics ware calliug hlm "Scarfae"" ail avar the dis- , tric',t. Other boys pravokeci hlm. "Let's see how taugi Yau ae Scarface," they tauintec iehl. Ha wiss lways gttilg involvec ini figlits and was often beaten up - because hie was not as tough Pis ha loo)keci. Ta learu ta de- fend hiniss'lf better, ha t0ookup wrastling. Whenr haewas eleven, two bra-. jtharsý of biis own age in bis class jeered i1hlm-fii]li e puniched ore cf theim ln the face. The other cona beg-an ta cry. Next day their father, Fred K c1eey, waited for Chatles to coman out of s'chool. T hi e nrie grabbed him and beat. hlmn with a. tick. Chatlie tan home witb a- bl1eedJing ani broken nase. That ~niht Charlîe's father, a docker, swaý,re to kil] the' m'an wha bnci beateu up his son But Carlie wouDýtldn't tel] who if as Hal would get rev7enge himiseif lise decideci. In order ta gain mare strength and fighting skilli, Chatlic train- 1d hbard as awxrestler atï club. fils coach made hirm tut-n pro -and soon ho had bis lips per- rnanentiy twisted and bisrih c,,ar smasýhal. finving ý,last bis father scoan- HOI STUFF - Jamnes Irono- l,,ne, four months, weors a *toy f îremani's helmet as ai per-1 fect topper for his big smile. ter te avin sohool, Chat-lie - hsface now hidaousýly deform.- ed- applieci for a job at a ftac- tory. Thay turnreci bhlm away. A local newsaigen3t Laughed at i l w'hen ha, wantad to bacome At a diry, thou fo'eman toîci hlim bluintly,: "You'd navet - sel any milk wýitb your face. No, my boy. fiausawîves wouldn't dat-e openI the door ta ou Netni'gbt Chatlie broke intù, the newsaganit's shop, s--tole 300 ci-garettes and £2 17S. cash. fie ascaught witbin twant-four, hours. Bot-tal was no lp teo hm. "Thiere I1 learneci the value of nyface," Charles saici. "The boys acceptecd mne as a leader at on'lc-j ust on face-value. Now, aiIneeded. ,was mare expari- enice. Andi I was determineci ta get it." Soon after lha got out of lBars- tai, b[e dici a small job whiclih tarued hlm tbrec manths lu .ýpi- sýon. 1Haef aund Ja.iia t-cal uni- jersiîty af crime. Ha knew hri 1wouidb have ta go back-to grad- The lang-delayed revenge on the KXels'eys seemned ta bu, a goad 'Pr tu nity ta achieve that. Wh-en ha first broke inta Kc--! seyCý 5' bouse the boys a-nd their iohe saw hlmi stealiing a radia, snecash and a suit. TIhay were sa ta'rrifieci by bis tace that they did not dame stop hlmn-aven whaen ha smashed th-4, winidows andi furniture. For that ha gÈot anothaer si-x The prison governior- wanted hlm Iîta lrearu a cr-af t. Chatlie was gpoci at figures, so thayý let hlmi Charlas tbld moe: "0Of courlse, thay didn't, know my Idea was to becomae boss of a big gang." Wîth bis Cuts from th1e "pro- fits" hae could get bis suits fram' Savila Row, waar bandmnade sha.dine at the baýst places and wtN 1ianly girl. Tc Toattract girls-parhaps, that asoua of Chat-les Aram's stronga(.stmoia for turning ta iu bis teens rno ,oad-Icioking giJrl wvautad ta alk ta hlm ar dance witb lmOnce ha had fap l ova with a (irl callad Shleila. But sha would have rio- thing o do with hlm., "I want ta be proud of the boy 1 gaoufC wih"setolci hlm. Chairies knaw that if hae wag e1ih he %wauld have plenty rd grl frinds. But hoiecould. neyer make enough money lu a job. SO ri e bcarne the main urea incane to hlm. Thne underwarld was 1t'he anly place whbwould accept hlmn, crime was bis only refuge, tI. only way ,ha could tam the miouey that, witlh his~ brain, hte CREATING A SPLASH -- One wa,1 to solve Chicago's traffie problemn would seemn to be to drive right into' the lake. You'd neeç ian "Amphicair," however, which is what is being dem- onstrated above in Lake Michigbn. The Amphicair is a two- ~b'ofu asner cveibe equipped with everything a coir needs, plus navigation light-s bilge puLmp and twin Pro- pellers Buili- in G-ermnony it Iacs a cruising speed of 70 m.p.h. on land cand about 14 m p.h in water. shjouli be getting. Whe-n a girl who refuseci to ita to lm mar- oid nc of the Kelsey boys. Charles broke 'nto thleir hou1se for a second tinec. Then, oniy the ol i mn,-i, Fred, wa1s at home. Chiarlie robbeý,d the house and beat up Frecd. Tho, charge-s brought against h im failed. 1He made uIp a false alibi w,,hich convin:edý the juryý But a few mionths later lie wvas senit to ji-frtwo years. fHe wýas f ound guiltyý of fraudule1nt conv7ersion. fie was irty-twa.O Hie had nine convictions and s;erv;ed seven years in j ail. It %vas the prison chiaplain who rcail1y saved Chlarles Arami-and society-from hiself. At first, hie trled to convin3ce the prisoner that lhe did1n't need to turn to cr,-ime. A a 90od ac- countant lie could earn mnuch more. t Chleýis lauglie1d at hilmi: "Wîth miy face? Aýn offýice job? 'I'm -not pretty enouglit-) make a milk- fiouseWiv(es wouldin't trust me \with thecir mroney. Soý why îhoulci businessmien"11 Next day, the cha.piin rc2turn- ed with another mian. "He's 2a plastic surgeon," the chalan xplind."Perhaps one of the best in the ccoun-try. If you agree, he'l] operate on you, and you won't hve to wo.rry aboutil your looks a1y mr, "Whoc'Il pay for, it? Doesn't it cost a lot of nmoney ? 1 haven't got a penny %," Chatles s _napped. 1'111be donce houhthe Héaqïll Sr the" eicchaplain faid,. Aram 1had tht-ce operations, After the thirdl-he could not When released ii ifilte-osi tai lie wlkds'raight cdown toý thie docks where mos3t of b i Ifriencs-anc-iene(mies--livedl. No one greeted hlmi. No one recognized hlm-. fie wae just a stranger. fie saw a girl wvalking towards hiîr. There was sorYMtng far- iliar abou.t ber. 'Then hec-rememn- bý-eec. It was Shecila. He StOPPed her. The girc ldic, not rmme hlm. lie 1had to tel,someon-r s0 ha tolci her ail about himself. To bis am-azemenit, she listened and agrcecli to meet hlmr ini the, eveuing. it was Charlie's fîrst proper date-at the age or thirty-four. And Sheila did rot stand hlm Up). Afew da-,~ Later 'a probaieno officer introduced hlm teo a bDig f irm of accounïtanits in the City. Tho, partners knew of is, criii-nal' record but-in viaw Of thleclrcumstance-agreed to em- ploy hinm under a differanit name H1e got, a job of minor himpor-tance. Two yýears later ha becameaa parter-itba luxurlous office to himiself. When I1 met hhEý iookad an,! bebavaci lke a bus- iness tyýcoon,-and leader amnong meni as lie had always wanted to be. Thiere was a babyboys picture inu a meital faeon, the huge kidniey-sbýaped desk. "'My son, thouigh a bit older niow," Charles said. H1e tooký a photograiph of a pretty blonde out of bis poýcket. And ,that's Shela-my wta. "Anc-i that'sShiam wfe"- by Stephen Barlcy in "'Tit-Bits." Stili The Boy Who Neyer Grew Up it, hardly seamred plausible that actar VMickey Rooney could 'be on h-is ippers. Bouncy as ever at 41, hoe was ste-pping from one featur- Qd role in "Requiemn for a fieavy- weight" into anothier în "It's a. Mad, M\ad, Mad, Ivad Worid." Ris currenit wife (No. 5) sported S$4,300 leopard-sklný, coat. Anid in a generâtion as a Hoilyil'ood sta-gongback- to 1935, when he enc.hanted moviegoers as Puck iu "A Mid-sumrmer N ig h t's Dreamn" -thle pug-nosed littie trouper hias e'arned about $15 million., Yet last monthi Rooney plead5ed bankruptcy,litn lia- o u BABY CHICKS PROMvPTf shipmient froni Bray on dual ~ rose Ames. Also broilers. Request listadvàl-ising111 your requirements. Set local agent, or wIte Bray Hatchary, 120 John North, HailIton, Ont. BO0ATS- CATAMARANS DEMOINSTRATORS AND TRADE4IN Outhoards Volvo Otdrives Bargaina ' Cat as Low as ei so AERO MARINE LNDUST-RIES LTD. 21 Walker St., akville, VL. 4-3381 EUSINESS OPPORTUNiTIES GOOD taity clothing business foýr sale at sacrifice price. Ieason for seli. lng, owner mvfgoanter city For rarticulars.ý please wvrite to Box 121 Port Stnley. Ont HOTEL, i2-bcedroom, 5concrete hlock; exterior complete initeior partisltyý; 11 acres land, 8 cîeared 40' scenicý frontage, sandv beachi; surruunding property value $5,000 an acre. Sacri- ficea quick sale 111 heaith. Investes! $21,000 $15.000) wotird buy it Proxi. muly ot TasCaaaHwy m-akes valuable snvestment for sommiiier huai. ness riow W Stepovik Batcbawana Bay. Ont. BUIL2DING for sale ori, ease in towni of rooreat Sutitahie for sîmoat any kind 0f business. Apprôinriatety 3,200 sq q selling space with aboýut the sîame for storagýe. Air condtitionied. Wil remiýiel to suiit tenant. Situated be- aiide post office and acrosa the street from n ew IGA supermsrket. For more tinform.ation, contact TedRort For eýst IGA. Onmt. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE RESTAURANT & Independrent Service Station Bock ihui(iiag, 2 bay garage, living quartera, 21h acres on- Trans. Canada Higbway. Excellent potential. Opportiin4ty for righit people. MUort. gage arranged. J. lçigbt, BeverleysÈ Re-taurant. R.R.'No 7, lEasti Peter~ haro. VAItIETX .s3tore in ricb tLobacco town,ý no opposition, telephione agency, 7 roomns for owner, 8 moins for rent. $60,000,-toi nove-r. Price $1 2,000 lncîud. lng tock and! fixtures Ternsa; l0w rent, Write P . Box 131. Deii., Ont. --CIICKEN FARM FOR SALE IMODERN chicken f arm, 4 acres, Inde- pendence , good hicomie. Capaclit 14,. 000. Sultable f'or isying hens, pulliets or broilcra Contract avallable Blick bifdin, everytbing automiatie On higbway one mite ta City, 45 m1iles fr.omTe ooto. $3.500C downi. easy terms. EarrlOExmnr Box 67, Barrie, How Can î? "By Roberta Lee Q. How can î improvise a "stický-proof", glule-boitte cork? A. Try uising the stumap of an. old candle. This will flot stick the next timne yor want tD Cuse the glue, and it will stili prevent your glue from spilling or bard- ening. Q. flow eau I akethe job of cuttng foam rubber casier? A. Press the fom rubb4cr downr hard -with a fiat boaird and cut it whý'ile it is tlgh1-tly compressed. Un-iless thîs is done, it i.s very dfi tyet cut foamru ibber neatly wvith a knife (or scissors. Q. How e7 an I get imore 111 e out of a broom whose end hlas be- corne so orin tat it d1oes ntio seecfficienily ? A. Square the straws byfoi- loigthes' treesteps: F;irat, wrap twoT banLds of tape close to the bottomn with a lîttie space between themr. Thie tape should flot b,,e s5 tiglit asý to cause bind- ring. ýThen nail two boards over the tapDe, one on eachý side of the 'broom., Last, sawv the boards long- itudinally with -a fine-tnoothed saw, and'1 finally remiove the 'boards and tape - and behold, a good broom again! ROUGH SPORT A skintny lad, weig-hîng 150 pounds or less, turnied out for the first football praqctice at onre of the Big Ten coileges last f ail, but soon thouglit better ot bis, imus."I didln't inidajthing," he rýeport.ed, "tii] une br'uiser grabbed imy left leg, apýother my rl-ght leg, and the first one said to the th-er, %Make a wishF'" JUST released -June 6 ediltion of "Cash for Your Caniada, Newyfoundland, Great Britain & United! States Coins». 56 pages, 500. Now paytng $11.00 for Cdn. 1923 cents; for 1925 cents: $7.00. For Cdn. 1948 dimes $4.25. Countiesm others The Guidebook of Cdn. Coins, î24 pages, 2300 full illustrations, 2n1d Revises! Printing, April, 1962, with lateat prIces coliectors wii1 psy foi- Canadian coins in ail conditions, $1,50. RE-GENCY COIN, 157 RUPERT WINNIPIEG, MANITOBA FAR-MS FOR SALE WE haýve several 100 to 200 acre chuice farrns for sale, with good buildings, hydro. etc., in Mtl. Forest and Arthur ares, on .ighw,,ay or year round open r oads some wth c-rop tnclude!.- Priced from $6.500 10 $20,000 wvith half down, tarly pseso Phoine or write .lame4 PMcbonaîdl, Kenilworth, Ont. Phone ARthur 784W3, J. A. Willoughby & Sonm Ltd., Realtors. FLORIDAN PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIDA Orange Grove; NEWLi planted, $1,150 per acre, 'A~ down. Capital gaoin opportunitv. Excel- lent for retiremnent inicome. H. SNOEK REAL ESTATE BROKER 4930 YONGE ST, WILLOWDALE, ONT. 222-2581 HELP WANTED MALE AND MINIMUM OUALIFiCATIONS AGE 17 TOU 35 W/EIGHT-16Q LES. EDUCATION - GRADE 10 APPLY IN PERSON TO METROPOLITAN TORONTO POLICE Personnel Office 92 KING STREET FAST OFFICE HOURS: Moniday le Frîday, 8Oi a. te4p, IINVESTMENTS 50/ I nterest Poid On GUARANTEED T RUS T CERTIFICATES 3, 4 OR 5.YEAR TERM $10 MNIUMAND UP CORPORATION 372 V4AY 'ST., TORONTO FM, 4-7495 guin shlîs FOI as ittle 'as $1 prbx Morton Brýos Lwiied, Mt Alibert. Carry tul iiUne of Tools &, Supplies. Write> for price list. FOR SALE - MIISCr=LLANEOUS $$$SAIG $$ 25 diferent A\mericani spini cast fising litres $,,i195,- reg. $.ý22 70 Worid te.- nown'ed, baýttery portable trsnslstorized talpe re'>ýcrerS34.95, reg $49,50 Bat- terylesa rechargeable flashiligbt $5.95. Superla aattery razor $1495. Amazing ne-w pocket ighter, men, ladies $295, 7 day mioney back ïguaïrantee. Postpsid. Dealers inteýresteci send, $1.00 for par- ticulars Onltarlo residents sdd 3% sales tax Se1d cheque or money order. Trans Canada W',orld TFraders. Box-21 Station O0, Toronto !6. MIEDiCAL DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHE(UMýAA1iC -PAI -NS O- R NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MtJNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1 .25 Express Volleci ISSUE 27- 1962 a u MEDICAI. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAIHtho torm,ýent of drv eczemaý ;rahesýjr .eïppîing -sIU troubles. ps' cema Salve wlll flot isa."ppoint you fitchinyg, scalding and burning ecze- tr,,a, enriê- r, iplsand foot eczemna wifl respond re-adi.-Y to the st0neaoorle-ss ointMernt regarclless of ïhow tubboirn c o hpeIe-S-9 teY eeDc- Setpost Pree on Reccalpt of FPrîce PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue Ecist OPPORTUNiitIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN ûE A HAIRDRESSER LOIN CANAOA'S LEADING SCI40L. Greai' Opportunlty Learn i{airdressing Pleasant dignied profession. gou wages, Fhousands of SuCcesýsful Marvel Gradulates America'S (Greateqt SYstemr lllustrated CtlgeFree- Maryel HGirdres'sing School 358 al0cr st. W.. rocronto Br1anches: 44 sn 1S, W LHamlton 72Rideau stee. tta"wa OLO COINS WANTED COINS WANTED! Paying $1 00 for j1942 b rsss i(Tomibac) Nickels. Buying oher coins 'jeci me wbst you have. Colemnan Coins, 545 'E" Street San Bernardino, Csllfornia. PERSONAL A tmodern way to help yourece Es.,t 3 mýeals pa day. Lose rounds and inch-ea, fast. ciicalely tested Siim.MInt helpa satisfy your craving for food - SlIm-Mint planmsikes reducing essier thar, you ecver drea,ýmed possible $2 00, 2 weeks' su'Ply. LYON'S DRUGS, 471 DANFORTH, TORONTO proPERTIES 'FOR SALE CRYSTAL Besch. 7 rooro bouse bath, gas furnace, possession nmdtey Price S4.995.(00.'M Lamonj-t,285 Lan- casterWKthnrSlilerwVood 2-5"55. $3,250 - ea-run .cttage, bath, large hligbiway frontage, le0 acres, lalie aeücess.A. _Killins, lucucOnt, PONIES FOR SALE Poniies, saddle mares with foals, Year.? llng fillieg, showy Shetland stud, etev. Write to' John Street Rldxnlg SkýtablS. RYt. 1, Port Arthur, Otro FONY HARNES& FOR SALE pony Harnesa $29.95 up. tt ie ()rLdeýrs fiiiedi on receipt of Moniey rdr.Lngs Harniess Sbopf. Box 2.'7, aevieOntario. TE.ACHERS WANTED A Protestant teacher for S.S 1 and! 14. tiser and! Aneliasbur DUTIES to commence f~. Sept. APPLY in writing,, ststing qcualificas.- tions and! salsry to: C. K. BLAKELEY, SEC..TREAS. COiSECON, ONT, RR.NO 2 VACATrION pRopeRTIES FOR SALE s$UMMER resori for sie Osk lSIan4 Lodge on 2a/4- acres of lsnd wýith goo0d sans! beia nd dc ifaciitiies. Calb- ina are fulîy euipe îwtb electric îtns!gas ightfing Oas (prop)ane) fridges ranges and lbesitiri. Pressure wates< s-ysteni and 2 ligbting lanlits. New boats and niotors; 10 mnuesby boat froni Lavigne snd cmplsamotcotu- pletely reserxýed for se'ýson Write Mr. P. Merchant, SugenFalls VACATION RESORTS WONDER GROVE CABINS flOUSEKEEPING cottages; accomfimo- date 2-6; alcneiecs cabins for 4, $40 wee.klyCentrally lncated. Write or plione ,24 M. Duls rn ed PAIGNTON PHOUSE s Motel anid Cottage Units Lake Rossesu,Mukk Open June 23rd. For compieet normatýion on summer çacation write for fe olored foider Phonae Port Carliing, 165-3155 NTHE L'AURENTIANS, P. QUE. MOST OUTSTANDING RESORT IN FAMED STE. ADEL-E VILLAGE t. LARGES«f SWIMMING POOL IN rHIE LAURENTIANS; 3 DIVING BOARDS, BLIDE. 2. 9LLUMINATED RUBICO rEI4NIS COURT. 3. MEALS SEYOND COMPARE 4. RIDING, BOATING, MOVIES, GOLM AND ORIVING RANGE NEAR8Y. REASONABLE RATES WRITE FOR FOLDER T. S, COUiLLARD LE MONTCLAIR, STE. ADELI, P,O, AT (CAMPAIGN> 1RAIL'S END - Following the Canadian generail e Minister John Diefenhoker cotches .a rnop on a plane taking hima to orn meeting. CLASSIFUED ADVERTISINO

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