Thursdlay, Jully 5 - 8:60 a am Apl lb MnaOctober 8th, gM M Wmm W-W-U - W . - -M mm I I v Carls Tambyn, Orno. Dr!am u cultual Ofice, apples nmust lbe -H1 Dairy Club Meig William Dun- nteDprrnn fieby 1:30 p.11. iop DiryBrndiflian willspeak The judging will take place ai 2:00 FOR R1ENTTO PNSON*- - --- ~n ua tyn1k pr)odciet'ýin.> Cub I n1erwl eet at 8:.009 A twobedroom tCotage, Sprmng WthfrOfca pmg0 h p )r .fra h11netn adt pc 1atressýes, hydrlo, fri, b oat. Good Oroo eiclCenrbldc _ eef Club and the ,beeýfsectionis of Phone Orono 1308. ap!C d ro HoPand Millbrook Cl Clubs 'will Potato Club -Thursday(Iý, Oc0(tober ________________FRSL .1eet ai Gloiadl amPort Hope 4Ith, Agric.utural Office. Potatoes toiLlCrCItotatn for a LL joint imeeting. t tiss meeting i nthe offie by 8:00p).in. The SPhoBRRnS FR SLE icc orsle, 4 odU.ndVol. ~hr ilbe judging and talk S o ,n ggwiltaklc eand therýe Wil. Strawývborrios for Sale by Ithe Crae hn ecste43.actElcrcIetn týdk by N. W. Groot, R.R. 1, 01rono. Phonole patuemaaemn. lu e nottak ytu ude Care 1R0.3miles east of Twvin WATDan -eVie TusdyJuy 0,Agicl- S uth Durham Grain Club -Thurs-! Oaks Motel. bp P]lantato)n grown S3cotch Pine trlClubs Bus Tour to Prince Ed- day, Septem-ber 6th - 18 lbs. o)f grlain -CrsmsTes5t er l.Ms hn 1031o wail ouinty,. 4-H club memîber mnust to b-ae oDpaiet0 gicul- NOTICE bc e prunied.May be Jinterýestedl in Ooo naj seýnd in namens und bus fare to Ontarilo ture, Bovimanville by TuesdaSp The Orono Senior Citizens Club will youlnger :lantaition. OrIOnai De-partmient of Agriculture, Box,,:73o, tomber 4th. Sample will bo taken and meet in the Tonsbip Hall, Orono on py rnoekyTimes, 'ox v july 3rd. pae in plastic bag for judging and 1Thuriisdayi evening, July 5th at 8 p.m. Rep, Orono '.)ntari Ti d-c exhit aiOron Fai. a- Wýýedn1esday, July a11, 8:00Fapr.m., Durham 4-H Sheep Club Meeting. NoiLli Durhami Grain Club -- Date S1 HREE Pllace hLo be arxnnounced.i and place to be announced. LOST S AWS LthieSHARPENED adr Thursday, July 12, 8:30 p.m., Junior A steel Flsbing Rod with red Saw mahnLIpnd- ado Farmers ExeutiveMeetig in iSlage Corn Club - Thursday, Sep-, hanidIe. Return, if founid, toA0 th:, F. Crcwe. 102 Elgin St., Bowmn Ointarlo Department of Agriculture, tomber 6th - A sheaf of corn to be in Orono. 0.-O'ville.bpu ALER 'D V g Bowmanville. - ~Ex--hibit Hall at Orono Fair by 8:00 _______0 v iai FiaJuly 1v,, 7:00 p.m., HoIsteJin ..o Tusa, etmer 1h Be the FAMILEX' Dealer> for you Twiigh Metin atlifar o! :r.Mllbri»)(k talf Club - Date and area and earn 40%ý Commission plus:WATE D W MQUY W. Bowman, Enniskillen. Please topac b 'e announced iexr cash bonuses in this- exception- gir wni .ay aj-LTO R -omie and o)ring your iriends. paeaily prof.'table year round business. time. Phone 2212, Orono. a-p0 Fridy, uly13,7:00p.m Duham Hope Caîf Club -- Saturclay,1Sep- For iform-ation wite iý'AMIILEX, fhrhS -H Da.ry Caif Club and the dairy tember l.5th. Entries should come to L.O. Býox,56, £Q 0toO.iario. TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE fl Bowanville MIA. 3-3393 g sections 'o! the Hope and Milibrook Port Hope Fair ai 1:00 p.i-n. a-c TENDERS FOR WIRE FENCING -lubs ill meet ai the farmi Qf Mr. W.________________ AND STEEL POSTS Boýman for the Hostein Twvilight Beef Cal! Club - Saturday, Aug- Metn. s 5th., B13lackstock Fair. NOTICE Seailed-- Tendlers, piainly; marked as Saiurday, July 14, Qu,ýinte District Swine Club - Saturday, August 25, Dr.. S. J. MGrAwbo ;S assisting cnetwI e eevdb i F ield Day will be bl at Morrow Biakstock ». air. Dr. L. Mikios, Newcastle and Dr. A. T19ns2 p Cerk0 UptofeFiday,%viuey 13, Park Peerbrouh. ieî Da in POutry Club - Saturday, Auguast 'Mceze Orono, miay b)e reached 1,fr20rd 0 ih ieee .sfblfield events or square da.n 25ai - dy by phoning New,-castle 341. a-c ~c oe oc n 00eel Bx18M.835 r 5 dtBlcstc Fair. tec Posis, F.O.B., Orono. ýn g. Sheep Club rdy Septemiber 7,St iod B ihr Tuesday, July 24, 9:00 arn., Dur- Orono Fair by 7:00 'p.m. LOST Loweiest o n tne ntncesr bam- 4-H Poultry Club VÏ'l have a Dairy Caîf Club - Friday,Sptm One dog Collar and niame tag.StfodB thr tor !a outy la ndoprtin ber 7h,'i 10:00 a.m. hoe30,rn.Cares Stapleton, Rciad Superin- Ljted of aPoury lan nd ý)eatins iliole 30,a-c tondent, R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. ii_____ _London__district . E. -Milîson, Towniship CIerký, 38 1 Dilidas, St. E. Whjitby, ont. Wednesday, July 25, 8:00 p).m. Dur- LL' ELJYSOP Orono, On. Mnuacurrs Ia -H Dairy Club Meeting. Place will be a meeting o! the Durham 4- H . Cemetery MemPPEoi a-nd prolgram"me %vill b)e annrounlecd n Potato Club, North andi South Dur- W:lh"losed Ju'ly 16 t0 31st.ClneeyM moit lie niear future. hiam -H Grain Clubs, the Durhiam Poe10 rRc --5 - Dealers in Tbursday, July 26, 9:00, Dur- -H Apple Club and the Durham 4H1D1stc& oFOnRrnie ba LndJugîgCompetîtion inSÎlag9e Corn Club ai the land judging EG EMNnPA TNG-OC AIN G Dmot dhe Eîackstock area. This --omp)etition coxniptition will lbe made Up o! a tour M lr. and Mrs. Harold Cobbiedick BUILDING - U P BA RDS aind MarbIi - Inscriptions Cut is dosignod for young farmiers and 4-10f many farmns in the Blackstock, area, anlnounice tie îforthicoingi. marriage REPAI R AN D FI NISH and Cernetery Repair Work H club momrbors as woll as the fari-l- Friday, July 27, Juniior Farmner's o,i îir daughter, Marllilyn Joan hoJ FU RN ITU RE G ors of the county. The tour should;bUs tour to, the Montreal area, -ifWiisGenBraalonf radGClI start oarly and it should end by noon. eniouigi Junior Farmer's ag-ree to go Mrs. Roy Barrabaîl. The marriage J Thursday, July 26, 9:00 an. There to make il worth while. wvill tako place on Saturday, July 28,G 1962 at 3 p.mi. in Orono United Church, U G IUUN a-cPhone SI08,P O N G MOR]2 aMiltonS Cars ToIN MEMO.A. LEMvIENCar-T 1In loving miemory of a ____________ a ito 1 iea. w feand iiorther, TTanriettC - Th'le Londlon te rgio tour o! Vin- tage cars willibtis year pass tirougi lie Village of Orono and hold an over- night stop at lie Diana Motel. Tns stop over will be beld on Tuesdy July Ath when a tour vill ho mnadel ihrough the Village commencing ai 7:30 p.m. During lie parade the carsý will assemible ai lie Orono Fair, Stre et :noliti telie Cemetery turn. Tbey will thon procoed souti alonig M'Ill Street, oast on Centre Street ta the Fair Grounds for public view and commentary. On leaving ie.Fair ,.rounds the car1s will proceecl along- Park Street te Main Street, soutb te nie DaaMotel. grounds wl.ere they Will ho doscribed The Viniage. Cars are hol,ýding- their as 10 ma1kean-d year and will ho oni annual London to Brighton tour co-- clisplay or viewing. m-iencing.- Mondav, July 9ih lea,,4n-g In lihe tour o! lie Village lie cars fromn lie city o! London. Their !îrnti are io lbave t-ho Diana Mtel at 7:30, stop.-over1,wiîî o i >avieonMo- .m-., entering Orono at, lie souti oni- dyng On Tuesd,,ý,ay ihoy wîll pro- tranco travelling niorli along Main SLireet over Cobb Hill1 10 lie Mtso oed10Orono for their .secon-1 shop. Rload wbviere tboy will cross t10 Mill Wednlesdaiy loy continue 10 Brýigiion -t- t- t- 'j <t t- t-- -t- -A t- t- -t- a t-t E thl" Leamon who passed aiway July 10, 1958. wa uerg { God (1knew liat she wssiei. That lie bis were bard to climb, So ho ciosed ber weary eyelids And wiispored' -Peace be lýine." Away in the heautiful huIs of God. By thec valley of rosi so fair, -Somo day, we know flot We will meet our loved one thore. Sadly miissed by biusband and fan- ily. a-p PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASHIN4G STABLES Bort Tompkins Phone Newtonviýle 4721 for an official coremnony. Tbey wiîl retura-i to Orono on Wedniesdlay'i-igit ' when a banquet wili ho bold in lie o Orn OIfelj,,,,sHall. 1 Q arnes and Bvam i s expecied hhat twonhy five Vin-g tage 'cars will take part in lie tourG PLU-MBING and HIEATI'NO G ibis year, ail undor their own sjLcam. als-n orvc 0f lie iwenty-five five will ho frornGSlsad.SrmVC thie Village of Orono. KnAdlams driv - 24 HOTTR BURNER SEVC ng bis 1913 M1odel T Ford, Mr. Adams [ B-A FINANCING G aos bias a 1923Moe T Ford entere.d ~Lw trs ae in lie tour wbich will ho driven by U fwIiers ae Mfr. Fred Murphy o! Rosoneatli. 13ob 13 oe odg HmtnG.328 Braalwill drive is 1929 Dodge, hns Mrbawrvlence Sherwin bis 1930 GTrneG1-25 Mlodel A Ford. A re al 1"pp1r1unityw 'lei tlis __________________ Tuýesdlay eVening ai te Orono Pa1rý that, are mnking thietou-r LondFneddem a Real Estate to Bigilton and liose iieete 11BWMNI L ndoubt find liai a -visiýt 1 lie grounds w,.,,výilI be mosi rewar-ding. dn os 1ar aio PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and 110115E WIRING Free Estimlates APPLIANCE SALES. Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire to ail kinds of Electrical Equipment and Appiances Such at Metors -,. Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irans FOR ALL YOUE BUILDING NEEDS Garage, Kitchen cupboards, etc. Brick, block and cernent worl<. New work and repair. cal JBEOKER Phono: Orono 34R19 or 5R14 Leskaýrd Road, 600 fi. northho! Taun- ton Ra - only $500900. Income borne - 2 apartîmonts. Build- ing in top shape. M4odem conven- lence and car garage. Only $1500,00 down, easy terms. Orono, 6-room bouse, 1bath and ofl furnaco, garage. Asking $8900.00 Terms. 4acre lot near Higiwý,ay 115, good gîqrden soi!. Only $2200.00 14 acres wiii creok near Hampton on new HI-ighway. $800,only $500. down. 34 acres near Mosport, onmal bushi and creek. Paved road. Only $50C0.000 We bave a good slection o! 'Build- ing Lois in Orono. More informationi on rp1uest. LIST OR BUY PHOTO CO-OP T1HOUGH OUR OFFICE Many other listings thi-oughout Durhamn Counly and Oshawa. A6. J. McGilI Phone 14037, O rono Local Representative glnsurance Service insurance in ail its Branches0 Auto, Package and Composte Policies, Fire, Farm, Life, Burglary, Liability, Marine, Accident and Sickneýss, Wind, Q ."'..** I Rnnel- U t, -. Sadie Ilamiltong g Phone Orono 1Rl6 OFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS rprmodelliung your present one tijen contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono S Electric Motors gwnîgRepaired owiifilisSwitches, bearings aivi' BrseElectrie Tools and Small' O Appliance Motors Work Guaranteed ~AI. Heard g [1 Phone» 1176, Orono g A. F. MecFiENZI1E,13M. D. PHYSICiAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:08 to 4:00 pi.m. 7:00 to 8:00 pmn Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointmn--its only PHONE 1471 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETEr~IRY SURGEON 1Phone 116 '/ ORONO LUGÂL La'wrence C. Masen, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5551 gV W. AY LYCETTB.A. 1Barrister - Solicitor gIni the iO ffices o! Rl. q. Waddlel C Q MAIN ST., O)RONO g Telephone I138 orono g M <ERRJLL D. BROWN J o (civil)g g Ontarlo Land Sujrveyoýr g121 Quilnst Box 1659 g Telephone 623,-7251. L. J. SKMIFE Chartered Accountan1 "BY APPOINT1EINT O)NLY"0 Main Street ORONO P.0, Boy, 43 Tel. 13 IN SURANCE General & Lite SEE FRED LYCETT OFFiCE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phono 12516 Res. 11714 JACK Rý'EID Auctioneer, and Valuator Specialize n Farn afnd Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 18 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Condlucts Auction Sales of ail sms and af reasonahie rates Communîcate with him at Port Perey. Ontario- Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to bedesired Ask the person who bau ght from »~ a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPA'N' «- 73 Ontario Street PORtT HOPE 1'Largest Dsplay in 5outhern Orono, Stop At Orono - Orono - I ---- 1 mmmýýl I? 1 y