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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jul 1962, p. 5

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[Ybumrmer Coloq The Little Charitable Foundation ot Orono extend to you'a cordial invitation to attend the OFFI1CIAI. OP ENING 0F THE NEW ORONO MEDiCAL CENTRE COBBLEDICK STREEET, ORONO, ONTARIO SATURDAT, JULY I4th, 1962 2p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. mi I IL ________________________________________________________________ I SALE 0F LADIES' DRESSES W'e are clarig te blaný c or Sping and lSunmmer Dresses ni reduted lpries. Thlerei' tiiagodslcio fùttons, rayons, silks cotton knts, and 1)ovelty ee-i sizes ranginlg fromx 7 to 24. ow is yirchance to get a bargainlli)a.a dress early hii the season. Corne lin and Jokthem over. LADIE-S' DECK PANTS Sanfo(-rized(ltton PDeck ,P.alts in aan attractive deIsigal. White witb rolse, tulrqujoise oïr orange. predominatiflg. Sizes 12 te 16.Regtlar 3.95, SALE PRI1CE- $2.9F5 Ladie-s' Shorts and mnany Childre's Suttimter Itemts fare nuwslg at Reduieed Prices aise LADIES' SIURTS 2 Onily, fulilskirts of drip dry e<itoni. Pink and wbte hek ndblacek anid wiite eiieek. Size 12 onfly. Reg $6.0t5. SALE PRICE - $,5.b5 1 nl, hlte terylenie Skirt wvith box pleats. Size 12. RCeg. $?.95 SAEPRICE $5 1 Ofly, white Arniel Skirt, pleated style. Size 12,. Rog. $1-M5 SALE PRICE$55 1 Ouly, Aniel ~ad Viscose Skdrt with box pleats., Cream or.Sz 16. Eeg. $S7.50. SALE PRICE - $5.95 1, Only, Pleated Skirt of Anel and Viscose. BIneýk and wbite cheek, Suze.1a. Reg $695. SALE PEICE - $r5.50 ~pen Ail Day ~~1~ednesday N >\Y/ Store Open moneay OltONO WEEKLI TIML5 UNIT 7, U.CA. A treat was enjoyed by 14 miemrbers )f Unit 7, on Juily 3rd at thiehomne of M~rs. M. H. Staples. The davotionai, led by Mrs. N. Porter and~ assisted by Mrs. RobI. All4n was enhanceci by lhe butulsurround1iingS. After the-- minutes wr ed the treasurer',s i reprt wa give, h ite Juneý ~givings as $23.52. Mrs. Hazel FarP kindly consented to be in charge ofý pangflowers in the chuirch for, the mtonth cof Auguist. Il was decided4 to try' for ai speaýker a.t our next meeting. on' Si Sete-mher 4.Thie meeting closed wit pr~ye byMrs. C. Robinson. k Aleranamusing contest and 7, jw gam-jes 0f"lwn owE'jng, the grounp sat.' d1own 1 a b3ounitifuil piente suplper, brinring a very-ý pleasant afternioon ta a close, Cciii ltxÏr licensed Plumbin j S' Mechanical Comm n i who sel/s, Pi i / ç and quoranr~~.~~ CARMAN PLUMBING & HEATING Phone 143 Oronio. UNITED CH URCN Orono Pastoral Charge Mifin iste r Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JULY l5th, 1962 Orono - 11:00 Kirby - 9:45 ?,.n. SUNDAY SCHOOL Kirby -- il am. [I 'I B.Y TUSSY -SAFARI -CONThABAND - OVATION d6 z e$I.25 STUTT'S PHARMACY ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 168J IMrs. I. Nodýen are tkîga tnp 10 uLeI oW,ýst Coast. Miss Mren'Gvaanl ispenit e iieeitènd w'ith Miss SharonG'hbsat Dunhbarcea. ul Cono LIbis week. Mr. and Mrýs. Archie Wasni3etty Anmi.and Larry vof vWaterdown visited on the weekend wti Mr. and iMr's. Alex Watson. Mnr. and Mns. Win. Founc.and Dane of Toonto visited with Mvr. and Mns. Dane Founid over tihe weekend. MNrs. Douglas Simpson and Gar'y are visiting in Windsor for twno weeks. Mr. H. Hayek has resîgned bis po- sition as organist at the Orono United Church to accept a position elsewhere. Mr. Hayek bas been with the Oronol United Church Choir for over a year.i Misses Cora and Evelyn Bailey of Peterborough visited on W\?ednesday, with Mn. and Mrs. Carl BiJlings, prior to leaving for a month's holiday in England and the continent. MNrý andl Mrs. Harold Salter, Hamnp- ton, Mr. and MIýs. Ch-as. Johns of Bowmanville visited on Tuesday wîith Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mirs. Everett Couvier is a patient in the Bownianville Memorial Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and fam- ily, Ottawa, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. Mr. Lorne BoWîns' Sunday .3ehool Class enjoyed a trip to Toronto on Tuesday eveflîng when they attended the bal game at the Mvaple Leaf Sta- diumi between Syracuse and Torontoý Mrs. W. Armstrong, superintendenti of th.e Sunday S'chool sponsored tbisi treat for Uthe class holding the highest average attendance during thie year. Mrs, Jean Barr, Erie, :Penn., is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. watson. M\rs, Alex Watson visited withl rein- UNIT 3 U.C.W. Unit No. 3 mneeting was held at the homie of Mrs. McConkey. A call te worship by Mrs. Logan opened the 1meeting, followed by a hynn" Whnt a Friend We Have ini Jesu-s". Mrs. Wood gave the devotional. The minutes were rend and approved. Aoîl caîl showed 16 present. After thej collection was takýen we h'ad anothier hyn" Count Yvur Blessings." >,rs. Drumminond thien too)k Bible study,, and asked us to rend the lst Corinth- ians bef9re tLhe ne.xt meeting. 1The meeting closed wi4th benedi"c* l ion andl ten ,wns served, SALE JULY 9th to JULY 2lst ilere are more Values wdded to last week's List Dish Clothis, assorted colors, red, green, blue etc. Priced at ... ......... 5 for 88c. C"off ee Mugs 'f .......4for 88C. Men's Happy-Foot Ijealthi Socks, cushion top by McGregor. Regular . ..... 98c. for 88c. Foamn Cushion Cuirlers wivth grip locldng device, so-ft as a cushion to sleep on. Càrd of 10 with comnb for........88c. liron-Oni Patches, p)ackage contains two patches Sale price . . . . 4 pkgs. 88C. Face-Ella Wie regular 33c. Sale price 3 for 88c. Wallets, several numbers to choose from .... 8e. Batteries, Standard Size, Eveready or iRay-O-Vac Sale Price............4 for 88c. M7riting .Pads,. 200 sheets, Kid Finish, 4 pads for 88e. STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS THURSDA-'Y, JULY l2t, 162 i'~a iu n FRochester, Ia-s t week. ADULT WIIN L IA L ~ jMrs. hmsnad rs rw forci of Fort Francis are visiting \with W1 -dyeein tth rn Recent visitors vith Mrs. M. E., rs H. Bowen. Mrs. Thompsonisa Simn olbsbe e sd o Ftutt wý,erýe MrIs. Les. Davis and daugh- sister of Mrs. Bowen. adult--swmming only and aduîts are ter froni Aja\, Ms Lawrence Jami- Registration in the Orono. Red Cross 1 nouaedt s hepola ti eoon Bewdley, Mr. and Mrs. Raîph WaerSa;fety Programn at the Orb i time. This period 'IMan1Ig1in pop13u. SttOItwMrs. Poss Stutt, Bovv 'a b as jumed f rom 170 o pn larity but mnany more could be a(,- manîle ad r.Ralh tut, o-ing day to a record nmrber of 225. ýcomnmodated at this timie. Consider- Jýï L 1g.This popular programi held each sumi-ato is also being given to setting Up Mrs. . Porer 0fSherbooe Que., mer i the Orono pool has this year aouse2 forautswm ngesns iviýSI-ing with ber fatiier iÀr. w., ecr enrolment. The classes are TWsho>wever, is only in the discuo- Davey Iis we'tek. 1411d every morý)ning comimencing at s t[s1A-e 000and ,continuiÈng until after one oistgatbiti. MisJi S 7o'la Noden and ber mojthq er l Oc k, Conigratulations to the TRUSTEES 0F THE Little Charitable Foundation of Orono IN PROVIDING THE AREA WITH THE SERVICES 0F THE NEW Orono Medilcal Centre ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND FIXTIJRES BY ORONO ELECTRJC Phone 129 orono, Ontario' TITS WEEK AT ORONO 5c to $1 STORE Armstrong's 88C ý; 1 - 1

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