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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jul 1962, p. 6

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An O0d MMiiTurns "Jewel Mill", - the Qvi sitor, znay bliink tw11ice to 'ne sure, bt that h wllat the sgnIV&-r,-the door say4. No, là isn't out of th pages of Grinm or off the streets of Disneyland. The Jewel Mil! Ï3 on a quaint waterwhl.,, site near Rowiey, Mass., whr for more than 300 yzars a miii hias been in almnos't eConstant operation. The 4jeweis" are smrothly pol- ished stone-is produced by "4gemi tuiibtling,"ý an art perform-red by the- Parker' famiiy, present own- ers of temiii. IfRowiey Miii as if, was orig- inally called, coid taik, the old paddlewhe would have a fas- inatings story to tell. The orig- inal daarnd cican-ai eminjust as theyý were buîlf more t1han three, cenitLiries aglo wheni the firsf filn" ii üa perated there to f inite vwoleiý loifh woven by the townspeOpie of ole.Later tie iii w ýas tused to griind and package vhoie grain flour du;ring the l9th century1. Todav the friothy spiasb of Ilhe water over the gay range miii w'heei provides power, for pi- one2eingi in another field, that of "gemi tumb'lling." By tumbi- ing, a chun-k of roul-h stone may be smnoothed and polisied until ài istsitabie for use as jeweiry or for decorative pu1rposes;. The Parkersý bougit~ the o1i3 iii long ýbefore e w about gemi turrbiing. Then Came the question of wa hey couid do with their purc-hasýe and stili preserve th-e cdean, qtianit setting as it vwas centuries agýo, The idea for >"getutimblinig"1 came from a sMýali broken "peb- hie 1m-iii" wihPaul Parker founrd in a facetoùry' junk shop. Ir) this -;smiýaiEi machine, ordinary pelbbies hadl been ýised to grind substances placedl in the macine. The pebbies had been. constantiy Churned in wvater and were beaufifuiiy poied fo a high, smiooth luster. The pebbles were scattered zround the broken miii, and se,,- erai of M-Vr. Parker's co-wý:orkers commiented on the cirushiiny pebbies. This boknpebble miii ina . factory junk shop, togeýthe(r with an article about gem tu-nîbiing in a lbrtr journal, gave the Parkers tlie idea, for' the oid mlii's presýent use, w rites June Bibb in) the Christian 'Science Monitor. After building -au Of the lnec- essary brri"and imachiiinery, the Parkers puit the old mii Mwhoeei f0useroducing power f0 operatce femcie.As they laughingly explain, -Ail of the cçrmeria1eiectricifY we use bere iN toý operate Ihle e]ectric stove and the fceevisionl set." Sfafin wih lrgechunks o stone sent iirom ail" over thEý word, th!ParkersbreakIlhese itopiece1 , bot the size of y,,our thumb 1by piaýcing ïfhemiin a crushîn'g machiire, The pieces arc thien piaced 'D.atumbier whlich does the orkof an"atfca beah, fubingthe stonies wîi water and an araiuntil fhey are soohand -rounded. Accord'ing f 0 Mr. Parker, this oper-a!ten tkstimqe and1pati- ence A afc ofstoes unsfor7 10) week-and niany -stones have1 f0 be ileff infile fumbler for ai long as two to fhree years before] they are properiy -roundedi and The stones3 are then placed in srmalier barrais where they are gentl'y poished f0 a high lse for a nother 10 wveeks. Tilen the polisbLed -gems are çarefuiiy ex- amiaedforf awvs \hich ma.y mean anofiler trip for retunibi- ingl and f urther po"ïlihing. A picture of constant anid gay activity, the ancient miii attracf- ed almosf 10,000 visitons last year. Despife ifs popularity,' a vis- itor giancing back over his shoul- dan at fthe briglif orange miii ,tvhepl and file splashing water, may feali as if be is waiting fo) See 1a colorfully dressed old mil- 1er corne ouf of file door and placé sackýs of fresiy ground co1rneai onfile back of file donkey wilvo brays from a neigh- bori-cng yard. 5he, Soys Hello In Five Languages if Brifain joins the Cormon Market,file 600girls worln daytimre shîftaeat London's Con- t.inental telephonea exchange are ,going f0 bc even busier. Already fila excilange, imount- ed hihUp ini Faraday Buildfing, Queen Victoria Street, iade 30,000 incominig and outgoing calis every day -- 85 percent oI i t he m by businessmens. How much this percent age wiil rise, if Britain dials herseif into Eur- ope is anYone'5 guiess. One girl wilo daiiy speaks f0 exchanges al over EurQpe je petite Mrs. -Nan Graves, ocd Har- row - Continental's ace oýpera- f or. Nan, a "le girl"- in fîvec languages, was born in Alexan- dria, Egypf, of italian parents, and is mar-ried f0 an Eng lish- man. She begp-ýn eaxigE1sh French, ItaliEaiand Arabic at file, age of six, picked up Greek later, niow sp eaks thiem -ail flu- ently and understands Spanish. So, when she came f0 England in 1950, she was fthe ight mra- felifor Continiental "M1y 8 to $4.30 shiftf passesý quickiy, for apaurt from handiing calîs 'mi an officiai guide f0 the 10,000 visitorPs we get1 e v e r y year," she says' "They come from ail over file world f0 scea bow we ,work. W. r 'eni ad a party from filet Bell Telepholie Company of A.merica. Th-ey er iprssd aend when fhey left handed me a 3ouvenir key-ring shaýped ikq a, telaýpione.' We tad somei Rus- sie3ns, f00 -- their part ing giftsg weespufnik b-adges with à peace emblem." Nan f akes lier felephone cali.s in one of threa swîfichioorns, -iocgitile other girls - ail ouf them seciilytrined, many muiti-liguai, teir agesragn fromn sixt>ieen, to forty.- Speakng seeral anguages make Na usfulas an initer- preter, f00. "We monitor calls for a fimei to make sure those speaking un- derstand aach otilar - if fhay don " we offer our sýervices. "The funniest Ca'! I everha camne from ant italian-.i in a Lon- don ilotel. He wanted a dlean shirt! He comrpiained there was no onie on cut y wbo und.e-rstood hlmr and wenfed ouriledep. I rang ileilotel's recepfionist and gave ber the message -- in Englis'il." Caliers pay nofiing for ising Conflinenfal's operators as inter- prafers - i nerely pey for flilacalime.11 Texa: "Sre, cauht afish, but it wals teei)smeli tO bring- home s had acopeffalw help Mm~ throw It back l!tte the Well Dow, I fhought al I wouid af eweke -fomtera Lil- have to write aboiuIthfi week iin' usband wanned us ha would b@ file resuifs o«f fie Fedl- wanted f0 start ouf -af FIVE eral Election. BuaýtI ithat lsn'fal o'èick file nexf, morning s0 as - no by log waytt-ioughl te be in Prescoft by noon. Tilat Ifddcmart That, je -ng file ïmeant getfing- up at four. If is. case I suppose 1I hlad baffer malte a long fime-ý since I gof 'up fiat a f ew 7omiients, But wiat can eariy ini tha mno-ning. But we onre say thaf bhasni'f been said made if , . . 264 miles in -a naw ulread1y? 1 car - wbich meant we coudn'f Naturaliy like mnost oüther peo- average more than forfy miles an. pie we h1ad our eyes giuad te file 'hour. Neither Lillian nor I had. television scraen f rom eiJg h t made ilotal reservations se at 'Ciock onwards and frorn if we Broýckvllle Lillian phonied ahead learnuftilhat whaf w. mocst feared te ani adjacent note! and esked had actuaily happenred __ a gov- îif fhere - were roomns availabie. rnetwithout any one parfy *Tbey had just rece-ived twO gaining an overali majonity. The canicalations! How iucky can eue many useswera intierasfing tuo get? say fle Ieast. For instance file Now I air.nef going fo deel counfy of Peel -whene we now ïifh the historical'angle of our ïive wenf ILiberal for file first 1t rp n filis week's colurnn. In- time in sixfy years, In Hiaiton, stand I1 wiii give you a faw offile our former home ,district, botil sidaiigilfs in connection with our file Libenel and Consarvat ive e utiing. Here is file firsf item. candidate ciaimed te be fila vic- - Tile roomn Lillian and I silared for. Durîng fila last hor1 have iLad twin bads, a silôwer and bleard file final dacisionwa an- fouJet. Now 1 don't prof ess f0 ofiler vicfory for file LiJpra1s. know mucil about ilofel accomn- In Parkdele wbera nmy daughtcr 1modation but f ilw set-up ilare did and ber famiiïy live, filera aastnike mei as b)eing somiewilat ianother uinforeseen dlefeat wifil uiiquie.'Tile silower cabinet lia~d Arthlur Maioney losîng,, ouf. And to doors - ena lad info oun filat was file pictune ail ovar iroomùilte ofiler inito an adjoining Canacda but priulryin On- roo1 .potildonscoulid be ock- f ario and Quebec. So now l'Il 1cd f1rom file inside buit fiera was leave if t f ilet anld fei you wbat a s a cilain dnîigfrom filhe ilappened for tha rest of file top) Of one doo nhcould hae week. sfneýtcile(c1 UrGss and hoolked into As a memiber of tfile Ontario file opposite door. WbýCii meant Hlistoricai Society!I was nfua- he ile siowr aS in-,usýe lanxious f0 attend file Anii - n- ietiher door coýuld be opened Conventionwilich, this year:, was f nom inside aithier ouf the roomis. being heid ini Prescotf, on file Sf. W supposýed if was ail rigilf Laýwrenca river. A friand and I o1 ewieitwulnt ather1e. had planned te gotgeir but Weil1, thaf niglilt I was re-ady for about fan o'clock M\oniday niigilt b and opena2d our dooür fromn sile phoned mie f0say she hed file inside. e ieveme, I siut devýeloped an allargy and ilad if in a hurry! "Lilliani," I wilisp- be-en forced te mnake an appoint- ered in a shocked voice, "Tilere's ment witil a skin specialist in a mian in our bafhlroom!i" Af first Toronto for Wednesdtay. What sila wVoulin'f, believe nie. " n beppened affer filet would de- sauceu," she refunned, "Ilere, Pend upon bis advice - sile couldn'f ha. Wilat wa,,s lha doing wouid plilone wilen sile knew. Se nwa? filra wa wih m ba "1if- 1I tii neha was frying f0 packed and more or less resigned dou,1P file cniain. An-yway heeilàd te staying at borne. Anid flen blis ba-ck to mie. And fhank-go)od.- Wednesday afferneon cama an. na's liha wasf iiy lotilad!" We other cail fromn Lillian - "The saf on one ouffle beds end lizsfaj,- doctor says filere imcrne reason cd in petrifiad silence unt il there wily I shouýIdn't go. So pack wrene longer sounds coming your beg and,' we willi1pick uip from o ur dual bafhroom affer you up in about an bour's irine!" whlicil wa set oufte investigefe. Believa mie, I finished packing We fouind if was possible for file may bag in a burry, looked occupant of brna room tet openhils aro)und and made sure filera was oir ber insidie door befone the enougil food nile bouse te keap ofiler penson couldi gef file loILu- Parfnen going unfil ï gf home ïng 1cilain ir place. Once we a'gain, an-d then, affer we biad al undeý"rstood ha)( set--up thene w-as had a cup of Iea, we werei on ne furthi l tble-aiugli fle, roed. Firsf of ail 1I was waýs rafilernee-rkng o sqpending file niglit ,vitil Lillian know thaf any ijdgetb ________________________ itiler pantiy, could d te an enibarrassing situation. We fold SAU.YS SAUES file cIbambei-maid wilafhad hellup- pened and sha justi augliled and seid .- "Oh1, you don't1 need te wori \ - file man in the other room was e doctor - ne c',oubt ha bas sea>n women in niglitias That's ail for now- more f0 fell yeu next week. Q. Hew and whien does îthe bridegreem offer his fea to thea clergyman w,îho perforis flhe careimony? A. He enfrusts an envelope "- o--.".-'confaininig ile f,,eate bisbasf *<Ju-dghxng froni youl' fea Y0,1,11 man, wlo tnesif f0 file b. gEtting teflic any iiyi- cegmnsoon affer file c(e- fadof rme." mony. They SUPPly Bible$ By The Millions *Wha-t kind of devoted wr has if taken f0 ptIace 50,000,000 Bibles and Testaments in hotels, mnotels, and other secular spots3? Thle Gideons international, the, orga--nization i which a cbhie ve d this recor-d disfribution th is year affer mnore thian a hall century of effort, can -ive file ans%wer. It took oniy fwo Christian tra- veling saiesmen f0 starithfie organization in l89ÜA9. John H. Nicholson, who shar- ed his ro orm in the crowrded Centrai Hotel at Boscobel, Wis., on a Septemfber night in 1898, and Sanuel1 E. Hill, the benefi- ciary of bis hospitaiity, iunch- ed the world-encirciing organi- zation, simply by faiking over witH eacih other fthe possibility of estabi'shingý a feiiowsip for those businessmen who hieid si- milar religious convictionsý and a desire to Serve. Joined by William J. K-nights in a Janesvilie, Wis., bof a, fihe ,nexf sumimer, they founded The Gideons. Object: '<f0 w'In mrein and womnen for Jesus Christ." If was nof until a decade latfer thaf this group ,vas led f0 focus ifs -work on file distribution of fthe King James version of file Bible and theNw Testament. They believed that hy p 1cn the b o o k in public places it would corne te ftle attention of persons wvho mi g ht not lind their way into, a churcb or who Tacbulations on U.S. Teen-Aers- - ~YAKETYA-It woWt be news to parents,> but teen-agers- ~EENTRENS-Wo ba wlit u, ten-ag end pretee-ners amcunt for one4Oftb cf aU Tr"E TRND,-Wh*baswha lnteanageandis howii CaJIs. Tbàwis fixe resuIt cf a survey conducted by the Bell ln chut above, based om a survey conduCted bY thO BP-1l Systemi ý hart above shows the percentaý,e of people in 2'ystem. For intnctbe.fu t ho la the UIO wvey *ach age group who màke fibrei Or more cails a day. Usage owned a wrist',watcbh. Booming teen-age markoet liaU11 Id rises rapidly throughout teen-age y aursreaiches a peàk ini of gOOda I s an W1portant factor in the,, natiOn's eCccnoml, early*àdultliood sud then dwlnidlea gradualliy thereafter. Fash ion Hint had drifted awfay from rlg Their first step was fo rIj-u 25 copies of thie Bible ia tqi tana 1hotel. From thant timne on the work grew. Thiis spring. at ai conference of the or aniza- tîofl'5 staf e presidents, 'Venon Herndon, past president of .the American Hotel Association, re- ceived a token volume ý senting the 50,000,OOth copy ouf the Scriptures pIaced by the Gi- deons. -Re received if from H.1 S. Armnerding, Gideons' pres-ý dent, writes3 Dorothea Kahbn Jaff e i the Christivan Scièiece Monitor. Writing of the event, the edi-» for of the officiai magazine of t he association recported: "Mr. Herndon g a ve assurance that, from the point of view of hotel managers, the Wordi of God isr an indispensable itemi in transi- ent hotel and mo tel gujest roomeý." A continuai fiowë of letters of gratitude from persons helped by reading the Bibles provided by the Gideons serves f0 kceep tip enthusiasmi for the wAork andc win supjport. From herbad some new he-aquarters buiid- ing in Chicago the Gideons pub- lislila bookiet cailied Refurn s.'> If contains testimonies frtom men ancd womnen who fo un d the!nselves in desperate situ'a- tions bu-t were regenerafed bnd strengthlened by reading a Bible picked up in a boitel room, jail celi, hospital w a rd, or sorne ether place whbere Gideon vol- unteers had beeni. If is this fruitage wh vich l-keLtpsý the mnovemnent going stetadiIy for'ward, said Robert E. Sýa~- ney, assoceiafe editor of The Gi- deon. The organization conckictâs no fund-raising campaigns. Members - Christian 'businesa and prof essional men, - contri.- but e generousiy and1 receive add'ed support fcom Protestant churches. Why the namie Gideon? The name came fo the fond- ers as a resuit of prayer. If re.,- fers to the s t udy 0f Gidleon (Judges 6, 7, and 8), a judige of Israel, uwho vwas wlingto de the work God gave hlm f0 d (o, in God's owp wayý. The law of compensation ai.- ways wo(rks aithlough isnimetimee hl a rathier mlysteriouis way. Ase an examnpie: The joy you tae in making amateur movies la in- evitabiy equaiied by fthe suffe-r- ing of the friends you ttforce ,te view them- Slxbit Critie.

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