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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jul 1962, p. 7

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e Aý-ew Version 0f Mad Monîk's De i-h A Sîbraibrupaattuin- e,d 1mnk, Grigori EfimoýIvichi Ras- putin finit Igaiued tuotoriety by parlayiug- Orthodox commuitnions intoorieHéswlled dowvn huge quantities of liquor, drankl soup hy sur ii off his dirty fiug- ens, and .a]ways smneýied lilke a goat. Yet fromi 1906 to 1916 thé Mad ok"was the clJose conifi- anit uid trusted adivisér to Im- périal Russia's ruling family of Romanoffs. Dozens of court la- dlies adoréd hlm. "You thiuk I ari defiliug you," he toldthm "bt I ar3mpurifyiug yu."He also claiied to haive mysý-tic *heal1ing powers. Just how mnudl "purificatLion" and healing Rasputin accom- plished hs doubtful but his in- fluence was faý,ote terrifyîng. Frantically woniéd because lier fifth - born, thé Czarevich Alexi.s, hadci emo- philia, Czaina Alexandra éap- pealed to Rasputin for help. Hé eomfon-,ted hier and lu timeu gaini- éd the confidence of the czaýr, a-id thé enmfity of the Court. Inévitably hé was marked f!-or a;ssassination. The lure lin thé ploýt that finally' did the Mad Mionk la was Irina, the beautiful wif e of young Prince Yusttupov-. Told that Irina -weuld be pýrisent, Rasputin attendled a mnid'night méaTlu a cellar chamber oif thé Prince's palace. 'As a pho-),ü graph uipstairs played "Yankfee Doodie," was poisouedL. But he did not die immeidý,iately and éxactly -what happenedi af t- er that las often béen copfused In boit history and 1l.ege-nd. Last month, lu pivate papers foound ten years after thé death ef a British guards officer 'a nWacecount of Rasputin's death scène was made public in Edin- burgh's Thé Scotsmian. Thé offi- ,éa, Capt. Tr. Y. Beny'on, a eérved with thé WSElte Russian Âr-my end wrote. that hé had the mtery firsthand from Prince AlIexloff, leýretoifore unkuowni among the Princes who weý,re présént Wth Yusupov. Previous accounits had Raspu- tin réellng fa-cm pf-jo).on but ne- e0vi7rig énough tae neanly choke ITusutlpov to déeath, then crawling »ap a fllght cf stairs before mrore PiS'tol shots énded bis 11f e. Captain Bényon's footuoté to blstoay se't thé same scène but ~eaId if'eent action. Raspu- 4in dld drink poisoned coffe but -e or1y made hlm dizzy. Then once cf the princes tried to shoot 'Mm through thé hesad-but thé zun misfired. Alexioff thean triéd to stab hlm but Rasputin waî wearing a shirt of mail sud the dagger was defîe-cted. This ail took place wî,,thin thé s:pacecof about f ive m--inutes," Benyoni wrote, "and by this timé thé Princes wene full of supersti- tious fear sud convluced that the mnu Wsspossessed by ovthé devil and bore s chanmed life, "Alexioff again maunaged to, get wlthin striking range; hé seized a silver candiestick ud brought ît down with s crash on his kiéad . ,." Thé plan then lad béen to dumip Rasputin's body in thé Neya River, but the river w,.as frozen over. Wnlle thé Princes w4ýre wonderinig what to do, soimé péasants anived on thé scène. Troid that this was Rasputin, they ent a. holé in thé Ice. TIen Pr-inces and peasants togethéer thoed t-hé body into thé water, N _______________ N a UNRULY - Gale force winds in London played Fhavoc with the long hoir-like plume on the helmet of this Royal Horse Guard Plume is reelly a mess end, which is more, he 14can't do a thing with it." How They Pickcet The-U.S. White House To 'picket the Whiite HlouLs e just wear a pair of confortable shoes and pick a pleasant day. Tlhat is açivisable, týhoughi not, requircd. Actually picketin-g the White bouse hs as easy as walking to work and miore interesting to rmanyý. Hundreds, even thiousancl.5 of people have picketed the White H o use in recent months.On man was recently muLi ùhnated for picketing the White House in, the morning and dining the;, th-e sanie night, That was Dr, Linus Pauling, No)bel Prize-win- ner, who marched along Penn- sFylvania A v en ue in protest agpain -st United States nuelear testing and latex, partook of prr- iden1tialhosp. tliyalonig wit~h otheýr Nobel Prîze-winners. While picketinig the White b1ouse h oý en of t he f>eedozns hchmay be exerciserd at wlill, there are certain irinor rsre tions You ay flo)t sirig even if you f eel like it, or chant if you wvant to. You may flot pray out ucarry objectionpable signs or block th.le traffiC. You m-nust keepmoig A -North Caro)ina minister who sought to register h4ds pro- test againist t h e imrýprisonmenýt of Mr.. and Mrs. Morton Sobel. convicted atom siýpies, by pray- ing for them in front of thit White b, ouse "g ot lücked up three times," a mnernher _of the lle tropoli tari District Police re- cails. Proibably the oniy'y m-illion- aýire's -wife ever to pîcket thz Wite Ho0u s e%_was Mrs, Cyrue EatQn. Shie, along wi th other -memibers of Women's Strike for IPeace, vowved they would stay on the -job until the rsdn granted them An audience. Sa didn't, and they finàlly quit. i But thie Presidenit la net un- of thepse patrols. Whein z.nme 5,000 students frorm vari- ous parts of the counitry fl, vergd o Wasîngon ast Feýb- rlr or a mapss prot-esýt against resumpl,.tion of inuclear tesýting, President Kennedy dispenised White bouýse hospitality to thie plcke'trs iineth form of hot ct Thisrevovingtraff-ic does "ot go uninoticedi by yýo.ung .Caroline. Mrs. Kennedy told Dr. Pauiliu-g th-at Caroline a sk s wheuever pieketens appéar: "What i has daddy doue uow?" Prés, ientEisenhower thad 5an Opportuulit.y to Put ,a stop ta this type of thing, bu-t refused to do so. be vetoed a blli which would have -banued picketiig in front of the White bouse, claimi- iug that in his opinion to do sa would cu t n te ight to peti- tion. Hlowever, . that igitmay be post,ý'poned, uow v and titn- when the President is entertaiul- in, a foreigu diguitayv, SuCh as an ambaissador or hbead of strite. On thosLe oios, the wholé deal i.s off. Somei 500 feet off, that la. There la a strictly. en- f r c e d regJihtiou forbidding picketiug within that mauy feet of au embassy or auy o t he4ýr place where a foreign \IP may That iucludes the White bous1e, and the Blair bouse across thé street, whien such a dignitary is lu residence. At thýe rate for-eigu visiters are arriving, it is a good idea to cheo;k on who is in towu, aud where, bef-ýore you attemlpt topicket, wýrites Josepliue Rip- ley7 in the Christian Scien)ce ]Mo nitor. Aniother thiug, dlon7t take it for grauted just because it is okay to picket in front of the WVhite biouse, you7 can do any rin.g-around-the-rosy. Try swing- ing arouud to East ExécuItIVe Avenue, On the ide betw,,een thé White bouse and the Treasu;i-ry enud ycou .will do the twvistL, back where you came fromf. East Executive Avenue -- ai- though you caunot teli1 by look- Iug at it - a flot the samne kind of a street t h a t P1eunsylvania Avc-ieue h, uuder the supervi- siou c the city polJce. It la with- lu. the 'National Capital Parks Systean and underth park po- Jjiçe. They are rpther stic'ky albout picketing aud this Wit,' bos ide street îs off bou.nds, as aýcmé eyoung demonstr:ato-il 1earned the ther day. Memesof a band Of paci.. * fistis who hiad arriVed! hère to demýoystrate for peace, they de- rided t-j assemnble ou East Exe- -..utive Aývenue and m a r c h to mieet tl hL i r conirades on thée WaÀshingtou Monument grounds. They got ifito doub-le trouble. They were not only On, Prorý,ýtY w,,hlý2h is barred te parades, pub- lic gatheîngs, or demonstra- ~tiens but showaed up }ust when a foreigu dignitary w-as visiting iu thi-e White bouýse.'1 Park policemen forbade them 1owalk do'wn the street wJth their sigus. Said one of thp dernonstrater s: "I feel I have a ight to walki down that street w-itJh a picket ign. It's public property." Said another: "J thiuk it's im- portant that wé &challenge thia So théy did, and sat downi on the sidewath - - until they wert husfled off ùto court. They were fouid fnot guîîty in a ourlousý decisîin. The judgé ruled t h at the demonstrato-rs had wanted to mv south dowrî thé strééLt ta rendezvous -wît.ýh other plcketera, but bcdbel VPrevéntéd front dolng m .Parxk police, particulariy tho, who prévénted lthem fa-cmdoing ;,, are puzzléd. Sti1, pcketîng théle Whiité llouse is really véry suimpls once you know the rules. How Con I? By Robérta Le e a CATAMARANS OSMONSTRATORS AND TRAD)E-ikN Ouithoards Volvo outdrives Magls 17' Cal as Low as $1 300* AERO MARINE INDUSTRIES LT'D 21 Waier St Okil.VI -38 BOOKS OUTSTANDING BOOKS! C ana dia n Trave-l and Adveture Stories. Free lis' on request. Guardian Books, Box 700, Adelalde Street Post Offic.'To.- ront(y 1, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES iNSTANT Cash for Salesiren - Sea- sýoual Advertisiug -Novelty that Las nieyer been sold in Canada. For de- tailswrt:H ar Printing Co.. 232ù Prichard, Dallas, Texas FOR sale, trampolines, five uirts, used ? mouths. like new, money-miaters If you 1 have site on beachi, drive-in, club, pool. Sell $300 each or $1,250 for ail. Ipper-waah ,ats centre, on display. Mrs Moutigomer, 736-4694 or write Box 70(), .Amihersthutrg. Phone RE. 6, 461,4, AbrtbrOnt. BUILDING lor, sale or lease lu town ot Fore,;t. Suitable for almosi any Ridd ff busineqss.Approxlmately 32,00 sq ,~ selling space w'il about the sanie for storage. Air couditioued. Wl1 ren oe sit tenant. Situiated bFe- ide poat office and across the Street front new TP supermartet. For more Énformation, contact Tl'cd Roherta For. iet IGA Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE DRY cleanling buisiness Iu St. Cathar- Lies, fully equlpped , plus a 4-bedroomi, 2-storey home, suitable for a faumily operation. This business anid propertyr la belng sold due to sictness, for the 10w Iow price of $14,900 wth ternis, For more information write or cal Btob Mrik MU. 4-7428, A. S. Kimn- berley Std., Rltr,., 25 St. Paul St W., St Cýatharines BU 'SINESS sud l'armas For Sale: 12 lanýEBowling Alley near St. Cath- armes, large Nursiug Home near, To- ronte, Lree Canuling Factorisa, Serv- ice Stations & Motels in several loca- tionrs. Dr'y (leaning businiess lu, Strat- ford ais,, one ni St Catharines, se- eral fruit sudd alry farma lun Niagara Peuinsula. Sorte of these properties couîd be worked on a trade. What banve you to oiffer? For more informia-, tion wvrite or caîl BOB MARWICt M1U, -7428 A. S. Kimiberley TÂL , Rýe- altors. 25 St. PulSt W St. Cath- COINS AND STAMP5 JST released Junre 6 edîtion of "Cash for Tour Canada, Newtouudand, Great Brtaýin &2United States Coins", 56 pages, 50é'. ~ow pay ng$11.00 fo-r Cdu 1923 cents; for 1925 cents $7.00. For Cdu.ý 1948 dîmnes $4,25. Countiess othera Thte Guidiehook ùf Cdn. Coins, 224 pages, 2300 full illustrations. 2nd Revled rlutngApril, 1962, AIhl lateat priceS ColletorS MwllI psy for Caniàïaincoins lu ai] conditions . $150. REGENCY COIN, 157 RUPERT WINNIPEG, MANITOBA Tirps On How To Care For Your Car Chýronie trim ou a car can be cleaned with fine steel wool. then -protected with a coaf of To remnove tar spots or sap which somnetimecs fails on cars from tirees,,use a rmild, uv t such1 as varso.. Pa-ste -ilar be more eaýsi1y applied to a car if thle cloth you ar.e usingl is slighl1 wt a ay et When washing a car, thé dbor hin-ge area shouild not be neglect- ed. Dirt collects here and dirt holds 1moîsture which may cause ruLsting. ,, 1 Hlaving a dent in a car repaired3 isn't just a matter of appearance if ngetd rust m.nay set in. A simaîl repair nqow mtay prevent a mijor job a, year fromi now. A car is a big z'nvestîment and when it needs refinishing the~ -work should be entrusted to a refinisher with a reputation for good work. It la possible to do repairs in a slipshod rcanrer ,which wii Ilook fine for ontly a f ew weeks, e e Madigthéec 0', ofa car, whether 5t be brand néw or a 20 year old Jalop, Lqa as l ?-attér tûdayr, thanka to moderr paint tlnting systém7. Theé oolor *an nouw hé 4tpllcated wlth lab- Wheni washing a car, neyeýr tua-n 2a hose against thé windows. Water mnay run d.own bétween thé glass and. thé door frame tto t-he inside of the door where I't can cause ru1st. Instead, use a e-pongé and no m-ore water thanI CLASIIED AVERTISINO FARMS FOR SALE 100-cre frmfor sale, good bildiîags And water; 1 mlleý south of No. 7 1 lighwýay imu Hastings -Couinty, Marmora Touhp pp1y Charles HIleo11nard1, R-R 3. Marm-ora, Ont F LORICA PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIDA Orange Grove NEWLV planted, 11,l10 Per ace.A down., Capital' gain opportunlty.xel Lent for retirement inconle. Hr. SNOEK REAL 'ESTATE BROKER 4938 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE, ONT. 222-2581 FOR SALE - mISCELLANEOUS WE only sel top quality ecanie ma,,ny named brands aud at moue2- ,"avlng prices. W'e offer: mien's, womn- en's, boy's, girl's and baby's wear, el- ectrical appliances. Sommer furnre'1 and hundreds of thr ines. Seind for, new free lllustrated catalogu1e. TWEDDLE -MER1CHANDISING COMPANY ONAI FER?.GUS 11,ONAI $$$ SAVI1N GS $$$ 2.5 diffc-rent Amiericaýn spin cast fishlini l ures S11 95,, reg. $22 70. World Ï re- uowned iyaittery portable trauisistorized tape recorder . $3495, reg $4950. Bat- teryless rechaýrge-able flashlight $5.95. Superb "attery razor $1495Amzg newI pocket llghter-, men, ladies $.5 7 day monjey back guru.PostPald. Dealers iuterested sýend $1,00 for p1ar- ticulars Outario residents add 3% sales tax Send cheque or money order. Trans Canaida Wýjorld Traders Box 217 Stto0, Toronto 16 HELP WAVNTED MALE AND AGE 17 TO 35 WEIGHT-1601.B3. EDUCATION - GRADE IC: APPLY IN PERSON TO ' METRIOPOLITAN TORONTO POLICE Personnel. Office 92 KING STREET EAST OFFICE HOURS: Monday to FrIde&Y, 8 .m. to 4 P.M. HORSES FOR sale: Percheron stallion 5 yeir4. Premlumii A - black - quiet, suire breeder, Sired by La p ou. Peg lacli, 'Route i, Brenmptonî, Ont. !'lone 43- 290 ______ HUNTING KNIFE RTJGGED hunting kuife' One f01 pound, finest tempered Sojengeni steel, 15¾" lIong, leather sheath. Money back guarauitee, $7,95. Grlys108% ~teoStreet,-4,lorth fllplywood' CaR. MEDICAL PROVEN REM,,EDY -- EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMkA-TIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMÇDEY MUINRO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWA $ .5Exprest Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 13AýNISHI the tormieut Of dry ezm rashes sund weeplng akiri troubles, post's Eczemna Salve will not dîsappoint you. ittching, scalding sand burnhig ecze- mace, rlingwormi, pimples and fo eczemia wll respond readlly to the staInless, oola itetregardless of how stuibborii or hopeles3s theyeem Sent Post Frot on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue Eaust Toronto MiSCEL.LANEOUZ ,AMAZING! Any grind coffee brewed lnstantly. Resuit of extensivze r- geas'ch. Free literature. Carte'e 8Glft .3North Lacy DrIve, Waco, Texal, NUSSWANTED REGFSTERED NURSE AND -Certified Nursing Assistant WITI$ 1962 registratlon), for i'ctive Oz- thopaedkhY ogpitil Plasse Phone MRS. 8. CARTER 921-3'l06 4'-ZWELLSLEY I TORONTO 01.0 COINS WNI COINS WANTEDI Paylng * Ufor 1942 brass Tomrbacl Nickels. Bu,,yIug olther coins. Tei mne What YOU haývé. C olemjan Coins, 845 'El' Street, tan Cernardino, Çliforinia. - u PERSONA£. Recelvt) %g Mail! Free Semples, Cate- logues Mgzie,15C. Get lhated. P.O. BOx 246, Sn#>wçôr, Montreal, A miod,'em way fo help you reduce. Tîat 3 meaiýs a day. Lose pound ansd luches faPst. Clinlcally tested heljps satlsfy your craving for food - S l l m . Mý i t p l a n mx i a e s r d c i g e a s i e r than youý' ever drearned possible $2600. 2 weetfs' suipply. LYN' RUOS, 471 DANeFORTI-, TORONTO PROPERTIES FOR SALE CUYSTAL Beaâch. 7 reom bOuse, ba-th, gas furu1ace, psss iouimedltey Price $,95.0.ML emout, 285Lan- caster W., Ktch-eneir lerwood 2-5355. RECORDS pUBLIS'i RECORD yu ouSong,, lu. exspensivelY. Fr-e information WI vth Or- der for jur recor,$i 0u. BîlyRat mran YMusic oaCP,- OrauoFlor- Ida, USA. SOUTH- MEIA PROPERTIES FOýR SALE Onk $1 0'ù Pier cr 500-ACRE FAIRM, 500 LAND %where vgeabes ctfe, ri-, cotton, wheat, cu, o slostauhinig pianie thrivetý. Exýcellent caýttie cOunr- try. Streama th lrough each farm. Plenty of grass. Virgin land. Nexv un- lmproved roada to each farm This terrltory Just opeued. Located 100 Ilesnortheaat o1 Brasilla, which is newest aud naost modern capital ity lu vorld -lut State of Golas, Braizil. South Amiericai. Not far frmr ew hy- dro.-electrlc plants Toc.antmus River Basin. We have 2ýO famis 'to sel] at $500 each, 10%' discoult for cia sh or terma, $50 dowun, $20 mýouth (no finance charges), . Ahl land auirveyedf end staked. Tities guaranteed hyvi mapa Abstract lîda.i Send down pa ment or fuil purch1ase, price to Selig Bros. ýeal Etate Company lcne Real Estate (je alrs by State of ludi- ana, nmembers lndianapoli' (hah 1ro Comre.Refercujceý, mosti'any in- diaua bank. Address: 42 W. SùhSt., Indianapolis '25, ludiana M 11E. -81. AT. 3-1256. 10 Acres Land-$75 NEAR TOCANTINS POWER PLANT 10 acres of fine farml.and lu Tocantinsq River Basin uearh)y one of world's largeat hydro.elect'rlcpoerplauts il illion kilowatts). Locaýtedc in State of Golas arproximately 153 iles uoth of Brasilla Brazil,' S-outh Am.,,emica. We have 3,000o farin at tbis location to selI which are g1reatidstilsites but, for the presentý,,a-re being offemed ouly as farmr lands aI $,750 per acre <$75 for entire 10-acre farrm) Fully sutrveyed sud staked, reglstered at Federal Cartorio Office, Belo Hioriz- onta, ,,razii, South Ameirica. Tlt1le guarauiteed by Gomapa btrcLtda. YVou get coplpesfille for' onîy $75. Taxes leFas than SOùc pe-r year. Send cheque or moniey order to Stanley Seltg, Seilg Bros. Real Estate Co. (uembers Indianapolis Chamiber of Commerce, lcensed Real Estate dealers by State o f indiania). Referen.ces .moat any Iu- tiRas au, Adtlress: 4 W. South St.. udIanapolîs, ýIndiana. ME. 4-8328, SILOS CANADA SILOS Acl,üd Iesistaut ~io Lszy Suisan Ma'ngers AtmicFee ding -Saves 1fime sud liard Work Feed Mechanically WthThe SILO-MATIC UNLOADER Scrui-Feed'r Bunt Conveyor e nd Pro-metr Cocentrate i5ipenser. Proven Equlpment Guarauiteed. Free Pictures sud Plans. Write To: CANADA SILO CO. LtID. Box 10, Ingeraoll, nt TEACI-ERS WANTED iAMALGAMATED Schoel ]Board of Cen- tral Labrador (Protestant) require hlgl3 achool -teacher to- assis- vlth Ihreý* ligh achool rooms lu North Westý itver, Labrador. PRINCIPAL subjects hito r sd geo)g. rsphy. SýALARY - Provincial staýndards plug, bonus sud travel allowauce accor.dine, to qujalifications, Accommodation ii teachers' residence at local rates. APPLY Chaliman, Norh We'st iver, Labrador. A Protestant teacher for S Sý 4 sud1, Blliplr sud Anellashurg. DUTIES 10 commence lu Sept. APPLY inuïwriting, aaigqualfica- t1i nud salary io: C. K. BLAKELEY. SEC,-TREAS. CONSECON, ONT. .R. NO 2 TYPE WRITE RS OOVERNMENT SURPLUS T Y P - WRiTERS! Re-blît sud guaranteed, aI 1 22 up. Real mioderm machines for e- o. sud homne letter writlng. No risle, aan rettsrn if not pleased, Write tçp- da or full details. RsymnondPnce py212Clemneuts Stret, Detroit8, VACATIýON. RESORTS WONDER GROVE CABINS ISOUSEKEEPING cottages; accom1mo. clate 2-6; all couvenieuces, c-abins Ire' 4, 84ü weetly. Centrally located. Write orv phone 24. M. Douglas, Grand Bend. WHITE PINE LODGE FOR a mYost delghtful hoilday 0% ?audash Lake. Le su,.ued you, folder descrlbiug our veellnt Rsôi6Fý eomifortable accomjmodation, witheýý vt@ Wah, sandy beih, ,Ood fishli1t, Sports director $42 6p P er Wasic. Write 0e Sner Ont. honeBieroft âbN, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Si N N N N 'N s' N N N N 'N N N N s N N N '4 N N s N N N N N N N '1 '-1 N '4 N N.) N s N N N N N Si N N N N '4 'N N Si '-4 s N N N N N N N N i.' s .5 N N.

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