CARD O0F TIHANKS ',0h othn m rinsand neighours aisoUnit2 0f tU.C.WV. frrd s anld kidi'ss so m wif e a I (dlng ' "et styI teHo)sptal. Also sinre tan t Dr.'A.F. cezeaj ussi h luth'Ier (J. 1'.) araIU Rasperr Picter waned.Applýy K. Rlsapoe1177, Oronio. FOR" SALEI High Sehiool Ya ;ios re stili a- vailable. They can be ipurchased from sule Major at $1.25. Phone 15219. FOR SALE RIaspherries for, Sale. K-. Reitsma, Phoene 1177, Orono. a-c BICYCLE WANTEID £Boy's Bicycle wanted, in good condi- te.ion. Phone 2135, Henry DeWithl, Oron" FOR RENT 15 foot Travel Traier, fully equip-1 pjed, accommodates Up to six persons, avi ie imediately, counterbai- -ince hitchi if required.ý Phone A. Mc:-, Laren, 14811, Orono.a- IN MEMORIAM MARTIN-In loving- meinory cof ourI dJear son and brother Alan Martin, who passed away Juiy 15, 1959. A day of remembrance sadiy re-j 1caleèd. Without fareweil lie left us al. To be with us in the sane o1d way Would be our dearest. wish to-day. Somnetimes it's hard to i2nderstand Why some things have te be, But in His wisdom God bas pla7inedI Beyonid our power te see. Levingiýy rem-embered by Dad, Mutm Aýudrey and Lorraine. a-p PUPS FOR SALE Horder Collie Pups for sale. for maie; $15 00 for females Noriu Hay~s *North Orono. $20.00 a-p HidgLots 1 acre eaho 1~sadRoad, 6100 fi. north cf Tan-ý on Rload - on$y $500.00. Incýome ho,,me - 2 apaý7rbmnts. Bid n~ n opshape. Modemr conven- 1en1es:aid car garage. Oniy $1500.00 ow, asy ternis. Orono, 6-roo bhouse, bath', and cil furnace, garage. Asking $80000 TerMS. Orono - 4 Bedro mBrick bouse, cx- ýi! nt condition, ba)ýth, furnace, gar- ajge, good lcaio .Asking $8500.00, $1500.00 down - $75.00 ,notlily wili carry. Highway No. 2 - 7-roem hiouse, divided for twc famnilie>s, 2 kitcheni, bath. Askýing $8S500.00, $1500-)do-wn- $70ý00 mnonthly, will carry. Kendiai - 8 romn bouse in t6p shape, ou furnace, large barn and hen bouse, large, lot. Asking $7500.00,cny$0. clown bEaance on one mortgag e. We have a good selectien of Build- ingLt in Orono. More inf-ormnation on reuest. Man Duri Wll be ciosed July 16 [0Ssi Phione 160J or Rc --5 a-p TENERSFOR %VIRE 1FENCIN-,G ANDl STEEL POSTS S-~xed Tnder, pl n mrkedsS î contents , xili be received by the' Try 0,Comra up to Friday, JÙY 13, 1962, for200 rods cof eight %vire eveni sýpace woven fenice .anid1000 steel &~ne ossF.O.B., Orono. Lowest or ahny tender flot ,iecýessar- ily atccep)ted. Char~s Sanieon, oadSuperin- 1-1n, . 2, Orono, Ont. î E,7 M Iïsoýn, Townýshiýp Clerk, )~ono, ntsb- ~Barnesad Bya ô ILtJ}IIIINC, I aaIEA'ELN'i- ~ITOR BUY PHOTO COD-OP f sales anld Service f THOUGHOUR OFICE .g21 HOUR BURNERSEIC Of e-A FiN;AN*CINGT y ote itingsb-,;through eIut fiLoW Interest Rates CO 1m outy and shwa A.J. IVcGil I Honamptu on . 3-2288 g Phone 1407, Orono Tyrone tO 3-2650 f Local Repreýsen-tative lets you get awacy ChribmasTres 5Fto-7 years od. M]uSt !)e prne.May be !ierested i;n youngerplnto. Re-piy Orono WeklyTimes, o 'j FOI" SPAI1N T1IG-DEýCORPýTING I BUILDING - CUPBGAR'DS REPAIR AND FINISH o FURNITURE f Phln 21DS, Oronfe PUMINI-G OUT SEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonviilîe 4721 I EletrcalContracting I Elecrie lleating t Phone1031 Orono, Ontario p sO ~ j SWALTE R FRANK'~ D, W. McQUAY f 'fH ---ALTO RU fi Bowmanville MA. -39 Box 12, MO. 8-8552 Stafford Brothers 3183 Dunda(1&sSt.i, Wity Ot C-eeéry Memnorials Dýýeles j,3 Domesic &Foreig-n Granites and arbes -InsriptonsCul ý:a1dCeete!ry Repair Wvork ce I uaneService oinsurance tri aM its Branches A-to, Pakage and Composite ~F Polies Fre, Farm, Life, O f u urg 1a ry, L iab iîi ty, Maie 0i 9Accident ad Sickness, Wind, fi oiter, Ficletity Bond, Etc. f Sadiô Hamitton 0g P'RST MORTGAGE LOANS Building a bouse? or remYodeliing your p)resent one theni contact 1 Floyd Nicholso Phone 2191L Orono 0 Electric Motors ~WnigRepaired ofii ai s, witclles, bearigs n Bruhe,,,~lctiieTools and SaË O Appliance IWotoirs O fi wolk Guanantèlid AI, Heaid g Phoxi: 116, Orn j f A. F. McK.lENZIE, MD PHYSiCIAN aî,d, SURGEON Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 7:0ý0 to 8:00 pm Saturclays and Wednesdays by ' appoifltn1v-.ts anly PHONE 1'471 - OR ON Z DR. R.- J. TAGGART 'Vr=TE:d»RY SURGEON Phone~Wl6Orono, OW* I __________________________ Lawrence C. îM1ason, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOW'MANVILLE, ONT, Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-ffli gBarister -,Solicitoro inT the Offices of R. R. Waddeii Q&C. g MAIN ST., OROINO g elepholle18Orn g L MERIli D. BROW N 4' B.S.A. . S. O.L.S. f fPROFESSION-ýAL ENGI]NEER g Ontario LandSuveof f g]U2 Queen St Bo 1659 gBownanvilIe, Ontarlo g Telephone 623-î251 L. J. SKAF Chartered Acc ouillant "BY APPOINTMENT ONLY"> Main Street ORONO P.O. Box 63 Tel. 138 IN SURANCE Ceneral & Lue SEE FRED LYCETT 1OFFICE.- MAIN ST., ORONO phone 12516 Res., 11,71e JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Siiecialize in Farmi and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 - 1Orona TED JACÏ'KSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of aN i lu and at reasonable rates coinmunicate with hlm at Port P.rre Ontario-- Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service baRves nothing 'to be desired Ash'the persan who bought tram ut- a neighbour,-frienrýi r ratiye The RUTTER Ç,,NT 73 Ontario Street PORT IHOPE llL.argest Dlsplay in, Suthern Ontario,, 4 everything The smaller-than-big, bigger-than-small Chevyli has ample spaoe for, six passengers andl their paraphernalia. You'II findf room to stretch out in, com fort to relax handsome good looks to rejoice in!f Fty Ioaded, your Io w-priced Che vyfijaunts eagerly do wr) the highoway eating up the m7iles without eating up gasl Youk choice of peppy 4- or husky 6-cylinder engine- -,for a ne w, smooth brand 1~,- of performance in a choice of e/e yen mode/Ag,.a Whitewa!î tires oplionaî sai extra cost ROY W. NICHOI S Bowmcanville, Ontario Phone 728-6206