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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jul 1962, p. 8

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ORONO WE~IC' ' Tf'fl'~' JLnlor Hockey n.. This Fa I To ObawoIl Boston Brins of the National Hockey C O aw Gnera.lsomie years àgo," BIRTH WîANTED ... Legeare (con-ýliet the can starr an sa ic he lb hlas as goodl, if not better (sha 11entY in the M1etro Junior i)o cg ockeýy players coming Up RUTHn, RFORD -Paul aind l»ao 'rw cth~pilleI "A" ocýkey League -that will do' throughi its f arin system as any club Cook)ý are happy to aninounilce the CrsmsTitees 5to7yer old. MJut h~ Oshawa proud" , Lynn Patrick, Bru- i h ainlLau.ïý~0 hi oAeadrR'et epue.Myb eetdin VI 11V iti bIIon in *i 1 nnager saId rý,eenly- H saïid Boston Bruins have en- Of audyJl 4h l saw ougr anai. Tnle Brujins, lie said, have mrade oe a wonderful assciation ib~,nrIHsia.~py r'~ ~ ie ic~cICoýntracting anefort to get ia may ool yungOsaw.a in years gone byv and the 10,Ooo na~ d lcreIetn plyes s ossi oIe, to replace the association will continue to do every. CARD 0F THAINKS ______ formier Oshawa Gnrl in OHA il~ its power to) make thie returu id evieI Juior" o ckey. ' i fun.r hockey a success. T' D r o f the Little Çbarit- WN~DPoe13 Mr. Pt kradthirin r "otnBruinis are extremnely lhap- al onation of Oroilo wish to ex-'Sa n~turat xei prpOc enter into a partniership _)y about re-establishing their associ- drs hi aytiak otoewi -i 1 anyone to make :ossîble an at on with junior hockey inu Ohawýa," aittended fithe Official Opening of thbe "dpoerc.~ usl Ohwa to eniable Osiawa's Mvr. Schmidt -i. r L Md:alCnreo aturday MsrtTx'ottn. a-cOoo naj nr ilte Mýetro loop to play its, Pe1 op4,0fTrno also to those wbo helped in any i bo aines in Oshiawa. fverothMtrLog, tdway in iiaking tihe opening such a~ Speakiug at a dininer tendered by here bias been only oiie tbing miss-___TENDE____________ the Bston EBruins to more than 150 1mig f romi Junior "A" hockey sinice prmien Oliwacilais represe-n-: 19531 âe rname Oshawa. ~MMRAWWne for~ Clarke High School iative of sporting organrizations, city H ad rnBli eeived theI Black-out Drapes for three roins, ecuiveicommttee and formie? Oshk- when hle submnitted a formai applica-i dear flier William Cornishi who pas- Frseiiain ý'ddyse~i. axva enrals, MUr. Patrick and other tiou for ,ani Oshawa club lu the *Metro sdaa uy1t,195 .WtWson o~M.W .pe- UALE FR N Bruns'offcias otlied he lubs JoP.The world changes year by year, niolds. Hockey o Oshaw ne-xt eason.And friend5 from day to rlay.D .MQA But nover wiîî heonie we loved ~îe r oh nScea~'~gii~LO Mr. fPatr ck sidOshawa is offici1T 'IIw aFrom nrtmory pass away1. hadsuly71t, ox 37, Bwma-t ally entre lui thýe Metro Leaguç_-10 L'iIi UILbFodl r'mmbre b Hnry, Wal. ville.a-I CurhS Jeague.terUth irtfletor, Mîton, lia and Eva. l a-tel-,_____________ Bowmanville MA. 3-3393 H WrnABlignrl Is there a national shortage of razor; DIED FO, AL -manager 0of the Kin-stonFrtea'badsirulCndahsyar bill inucopothagof Osh-1 lMARTINrl and tisyarýAt the Memorial Hosptal, Potatoes Rs ris eeals awa s Junior team. , No, not eýac-tly. It's ail parýt 0f th, vlMoAudaRJTINtR.iinsrpon rno236 celebration of the Ontario eterînar PBowma -,Orno221 Wrcn l ýlias been connected Col g')tOtirbirthda.Qehnre 2ea M Martin, beoýlovwif e of - with teamis Ithatbave won every titIe,ýie William' Mart- na nni D. In, age 71 years. Rested Bo)x 13,%3mý hoc-key -- with the ex- yerLgi on mnnmc r t the Barlow Funeral Homne, Parl3 ________________ 1ýo 1ý MnoilCup. He isý Siii alet aaani St_ Orono. Service was heldi from-- clim-surivn veduteriary coll ee l NehthFueaSafrdBohr gofing to do a good job liere and ,Voe ddwltba ocm the oldestl Homne on We-dnesday,, PRIVATE SWIý,1MMIN4 LESSONS"ý Saf«dBohr hebring a Memorial Cup ca1 m erc.T-epcllbaetr ca ul 92a iliterment O0-SimngPo iie posbptem toOsaa, hesion, veterinarias crss thecutooCmtr.F 318 Duildas S t. E. WltbO. Bruins geneal manager said.130-20 odyto ia Mu chi.tdsribedl as "one arejo. ,lulg l i ii'r e fun and takcing parti____________of_ cf the greatesi competitors the lu ýinthe Anrew Smith Beard-Groin,$V00fori, mnue ssn ntrc'Moatueso helias eýer kno"uins' assis-thetors: Connie Tyrroîl, Marjorle. Ty- Cmtr eoil -,J i'i cerhnveteriuisassa ryc in uCaruda (there il, adMrgrtMercer. For fur tngneama agead "aîmost The Ontario Veterinary College %vas ir-l,'dMi a i Deniatorpiaersini fndedat tlie r'equest of the Depart- c pnîg olg n ty erifta in hno1682. a- anths, Prov'ince of Quebec), and is Ioetc&FrinGaie me nt 0f dagrîcatur nftittion'on,,, frthe leadiug,nd largost vet- mi Mrile - nsritinsCu and iluttie early cays Dr. Sinl i rnr ntttosl ori mrcadCreeyRp Wo'rk lilaIl the toaching alone. The first grad(- Teclbain0 ielohitdy V T dict)l Litiigc ssl dfoin, studonits. sneceof tilt Ontario Veterinaiy 7Colege will V n r thec sanie timie the Caniadian d 1. terir -orld Itol'elp) protect the livestock i- ar soýajni etn nGep duryfom the scourges of disease.ayAscaini etn nGep ~,&"iO In tlie ely days of course, the Ve- ocryoIisbsnes~d9inlî .. eriniary College< was cn~rie meins Mls ato!Nwcs iy ,ariIy with the disoases of the hofrse, O hsocso Vefcly8u On Highway No. 2 anKaliu a retae ata staff of the O.V. . lok back With ,, dvrctin Aftr il, tehrepme prkle on the history of ths old' instit.a. USED COHIO-SHOES O ~ ~ fro powerto tranporta-tio, and eIt the same tiie look fo- FEIUE-RDO nuac tie,, etrnra ard t o the grent challences ahead Fiinu 3c ervice importianice of tire brs as ninfile tea-ching and researchr of the - WXHN4 1 ACHI1NESg today is an essential person lu th- essalecigordmsîcnltADFrIDGESQQ nialsI conitrol of livesîock diseases, and isi ________________ PUBN ITRS oIsrneiialisBace onle of tle vital persons iu the efficient Q u'IIý FXUE nurnei i isBace Cali yot i icensed Punîqpoucin0 u arnlvsok1j uD I UNES AK, ' Auto, Package and Compositep The Ontario Veteriuary College re-FdlnaFth îwr lcreMtr MVechanical CnIl inr a'inod a private institutionutil 1911 maReal "PoiieFie Fr, i,,' i whichi timo is ýTts taken over byMNIL ih l'xi oiis FrFrn ie Who seUls mliçIta /s iheOtario Deparrmen-tt L0f Ariutr OMNIL otos ib ltt Dishes - MiLsceilaneous QBrlrLaiiy ain, and qa At the sainle tino it. becamfe nffilinîed1Bldg Lots, 1 acre oach onp .ugay LaiiyMrn w,,itbl the University of Toronto and ad Rond, 60 fi. nortli of Taun. STORE HO0UES rlemifts n oday.. Itou Rond - only-, $500.00. 12?-6 r2. Accident and Sickness, W'ind, ~~ lin ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii Income homoe - 2 apnrtmients. Buiid- FlaSaudyfoni BnE loe,\edfomTrotot isprs11ig lu top shape. Modem convelu- 1 A.M. 10 10 P.M1. oIrFietyc Q S eutlcation luilGuelpli where il lie-' came part o! the Campus whicl csadcar argesOlt$he000 Corne la Ai Look Arotund Q conre f at-iityluagrculure~ir ,casy, terms.' g ceteofatviyi grclur o, Orono, 6-roomi house, bath and cil __________________ LICESEDPîuîjiEROntaro lti s the oUlEnglisir speakinfrncgaa'g.Akig$800 -~~ Orono - 4 Bedroo miBrick bouse, ex- ~Sde a iio f colent condition, bath, furnace, gar- OE" UT N agood location. Asking PA0.0, BINTING -I 0BQRD Phonie Oronio IRiO $1~500.00 own - $75.00 nontly w il SU E ALD - Gý iPE H OFI ST M O TO G 0 Hi,ýhway No. 2 - 7-room bouse3, Q ~ iidled for two familles, 2 kitchens G R O W E RS ~~bath. Asking $8500.00, $1500 dowx -Q DU G IIP W 5 ~~$7000 .mouthly will carry. D GSM O W11 WOLflLIK ANKendal - 8 room. Ëouse ilu top shape, ll 2053, Orone t large lot. Asking $7500.00, ouiy $1000. __________________ EXT A I 'lil furnace, re ailn eubus, Buidig a buse? dF 1cown balance on -one mortgage. ________________ f - W have a good selection of Build- o remnocleiiing your present 0F -iug Lots lu Orono.. More infor-mation orues'. PUNIPINGOU one then contact $500 - $2500 yearly I ~SEPTIC TANKCSFlyNcoln Mnny otirer listingp- tiougýhotit WITE ASGSABS PROMU 1 - 5 ACRES NOW LAVINO )LE Durrt TompklnsndOshwa Phone 2191 Orono XNCR.EASE DEM3AND THROUH A. tJ. M cGill ____________ Phone Newtonville 4721 REVOLUTIQNARY 'NEW CROP DEVELQIMEINT -Phone 1407, Orono c- - - - - -Q- - A. F. McKENZ LE, M.D,. PHYSICIAN a,-,, SURGEON Office H ours 2:06 10 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 P.m. Saturdays antd Wednesdays by appintnnitsonly PHONE 1471 OtRONQ DR. Wl J. TAGGART 'V..STEmýY SURGEON 1Phonp 1%16 Oro"o, Of Lawrence C. Masoii, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Phones: Off ice MýA 2-5688 Fi ie MA 3-5553 W. MAYLYCETT, BLA' Oin the Offices of H . R. Waddell Q.C. '1MAN ST., ORONO Q) feiephonie 1,8 ron iM1RRILL D. BROWN g naro (civil) 011roLand Sreo Q Teleýphou e 637 L. J. SAiE Chartered Accouutant "WL AP1POINTMENT ONLY"1 Mai StetOR'ONO P.O. Box 98 Tel. 138 INSURANCE General & Life SEE FRED LYCET OFFICE - MAIN ST., OROMO Phone 12516ý Rem' 11714 JACK fREID orono's Licensed iAuctioneer an~d Valuator Specialize iniarnm and FurnÎture Sales Consu1t me for terms and daites Phone -5 r 18 Oronc TED JACKSON Auctîoneer and Valuator Conducts Auctjon- Sales ç4 ail m. and at rea'sonable rates Communicate with him at Poil P",v~ Ontario- Monuments and Fainily IVemorfials Our quailfly àad service leaves nothing ýto be desired Ask the persoln Who bought f rom us. a ne-ighbour, frïend orr The RTJTER GR ýlýE COMPANY 73 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE "lLargest Display in Southern Ontario,, & '. r~'.-"~----'~-Ac 'A - K -A K K 'A K K K s- A- K K 'A- <A <A K f f a, K f K K K K f 'K f o- K o- K K K 4 'A 7- K o- 'r- K K o K K <A K K IMM-

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