- i VOLUME 24, l'Ur4BÈP.24 on Weokly THURSDAY, JUlY 6, 1962 ORONO, ONTARIO) m mes- ment In Lieu 0f ÉIncorporationi The OonoPoîk- Trustees imet (on, Monday eveng ,wlen approval was given to ani agreemient proposai andý wh'ichi, s now f0 be sent to thie Town- ship Com ùl oi their consideration. T'he propo-_eed agreement is in lieu 0fý" Incororato f an areai including tbýe Police Village of Orono and imi- miediate district. The proposed a- greement was prescnted to the Police Trustees by tbe chairman and on motion of Mereer and Lowery is tL)o ne ubttdto tbe Township Coulicil. in, endeavouring f0 establisli an _a- greemnent between the Police Vill- aIge and the Township as recommend- eýd by the Ontario MVunicipal Board tbe Towniship )Cïuncil and the Orono Police Trustees bave heldi two meet- ings in whicb the matter biac been discussed. The ag-reei-ient on Mo- dywhen presented to Council will no1 dutestablish a furtber meeting be-ý twveeni the t-wo bodies. The proposed agreement recomn- rnends that the Oroîîo Police Trustees shl.aîl exercice the powers set forth la. Sectio 50 0fthe OntariooNMuici-pal. Acf. These powvers allowv the Trustees CI do oad woslIc , intali drains, cul. oerts, construt sidewalks, operate ~trct Igbts fie dparnment and1 enerino greeme-nt for theý supply -fwaenan sewage. In that the Pl iýce Trustees are f) accept tbe se- ep)onsibjiiies of this wr and ais- le finiance thiis wonic they have askedý thtth oicuilaefapyesb m'elîeved cýf anly cuef uf such wo)rk aredout oufside of the Police Výil-' îage Orrono. Thc aguneet aiso provides fl.iaf tic Township mia'y provide tlie ser- vics f[lic Ronad Superinitendentwil soiad machinery and labour under toc3 suprviionof fie Road Supeinteni- i ent providing- the Police Village isý -cbiargcd( for snob services on a rent - a-i si duing fic pcrn of luse. PlJaning- is also a part of the agnec.- menad flic Police Trustfees are as- îng fliat the To,,wnislip 0f Clanke d- finýe tocara skdfor Incorporation I f0 libc, e-pas 'a planing arca andIl- fIat a Planning Board be set-up for'1 tIc a rea su defined. Thiis iïs recoml- memded fo lb ýic oc under flic Pla -- ningAcf0f ntalo.The agreemen aljso kcdthnt in tcatime the T onhi ,f lrlebring int o effectf amd efforcea b-lwprohibultinflic -f useoftose lande îniclu-ded in fllic ad ppictinforincrprtinbu t nof iniudithflicpnesent Policýe Vill- age f Oronio foi.rl amypur'pose ecep Tnu final po'int iniflic agr'eement is j10 li e thathefli ownjhýip of Police Trstesishh egotaewt fie Ontarlo Watcs esou1rcesCo- muission for flic installation cf ).a un-14 icipai Wafen System ini the Police Vi-1 lage of Orono. The above proposais are made lai lieu off Incorporation. The icaring o Incorporation is fo resume on Thurs- day, Augusf 30th in fthe Township Hall,1 VUVZCHASE WATER SITE The Onono Police Trustees ifn ae ing- the accounits passed an am-ounit 0f $ 580.G00forflic purchase of a cit-fo Municipal Watcr at flic soutflio!flice Village from M3.1. an-d Mrs. L. McGCe. ROADS The Chairman pointcdf0 flic facf that toc Police Trustees liad contaçtý-j cd flic Dcparfment of Higbways for1 improvemients toteicenfrances f0 flic Village from Higliway -115. He sug- gcsfed ,that flic Board refrecli flicDc- p)artmnf is 3mimd in fýiis maffes and that .v seek ppo tai-ve uully4hqirsf1aled ciein the ya.The Chairmaný suggested tha,-t if 'he cgnmt se- marin where if. le that fhey then paintý a stopping area on the bigbway for fthc MiiiStreet south bound fraffic, Ail the Trustees werc inagemn ýjtafthe ,sign should be onl Main St. Discussion foilowed over the po-s,;i- biiity of opening the north and soufi road just east of thc Orono Medical Centre and which ,would be an ex- tension to Division Street. The Chair. maln-i feit thaf if wouïld be more prace- tiaif0spend sucli nmoney on urn- provemnent 0f CobblIckýl street ratli- -n than opening another road. In thisg H. Mercer stated that if any wvork wsto be donc onCobecksre thaý,t i-t shioulid be carsîcdoufrn Manin Streettcf0 hîghwa,7ýy 115. BDoth T. Loeyand H. Mercer feit thaýt cuchi a road east 0faliche ntre wouhldbe of greater service fA fhec Medical Centre than possibly CobbledfickSt. They stated that if was the mnosf log- ical route f0 the Centre from i ce northl. A motion by Lowery aInd Mý,es-1 enr passcd in which the 'secrectary was instucte %to rite the Trustee S flic M~dic 'entreadsng he thiat the Orno Police( Trustees anti- cipated oeningthle rond !east of fhe: Medical Centre. The chima tIl fetthat the m nonley shouild b- spen-tý on Cbbleickstreet an d cuidot! 'mgievlly the DprtetEngin' enlaeed thafthlere, was no need l f rebuilding this section of rond. "It isý far f0 farow, aid tfliccimn TO PU 1HAEFAMEU'MN The Onomo Fise Chiief met writh thie Policet Trustees in the nateof s chasing foami equipmient for the Or- ono0 Fi-e Dpa 011n. nmotion of r 'ùq fBal iJýCIubs iNow ln Playdownsi The mînor basebaill clubs of Orono etant info flic piay-offs wîth fi te Pec Wccýs seeing action Ibis wêek and flic Tykes opening flic firet part of flic ccming Wcck. Tue Pee Wce series wiHi le played betwecn flic Kendai and Orono clubs for thc C an(] D division e!fflic Lakýesiore gsouping. The ceries Will lic a flirce ouf of five gamne ceries. TIc firef gam-e vwas playcd in Kenidalj on Wcdneday evening witli fli sec- ondi gamie af flic Oronio Park flic Fridny evning. Tlincc teamn e ai-emtnd in flic Tyke serie bcing Kendlai, Orone and Newcastle. - The first senies of flic piaydcwns wililibe befweeni Orono a nc Newcastle wAtlifie winner meeting Kendal. Here again cadi ceries wlll lic tii-cc ouf of five wifli the fret game in N11ewcastlc on Tuesday evenîng. Come ouf and suppot toc boy;ýs. Ic ODnooJunior Girlsseili hwnlc fo firet pince i Hir tii-eteati leagu'!e even lliongli theY lave drop pedi, l mt to aes asfThus daýy in tic' Oron-o Park flicPlo rt 'dope girls omoveir the locýal girls liya score cW 11-9. Onl Tne'sdayevci in] Bowmanviil icBow-manviilc - quadi edged ouf a 27-26 vicfory. Two nmes arc luft tf0 lpîycciii fic rcegular ediedule with one naini ouf gaine. if;iexpcctcd fliaf flicplay- -Uls for flic lengue wil commence duhneficsecond ,wcek, o! A-uguet. Locr ad H. M tner(li VillageCo ti s Pc s i opurchase sudcquipmaeen; t ats E cost (f aronnd $200100 pnovidng nelir) Countis sets up ua foam ibamk w\envi ýn yen & ..iCW foamniAn lic sfred for use b A cSeven by-lawiswere îmroduced atf Fie Dpartmc(nts offlTicUitcd Coun-flic meeting Off tellc Unît cd Coutiesi 1tcs. Thé prop(osi, statedfc Fofc Counil Monday anid 'sx scceed Chef, 10,now;)Cure flicmCunt tes fHlri rcadig. The sevento authoriz Council. -img fli issue cf debenfuses in flic ainount of $350,000 for flic Cobourg On otin f J. b. Loweryan .. ndDisttCONlefnew west vo- - ForeeerMn.Roc Mecerwae c-ational eclool Wiinc ee br Bylwc ecevir.thrd cad ing H1 C. Forester pmnstd cssfor rwere as : rmdsws: erefin Ormodirctin sgn onfli Byawappoint img a co0urt cf revi- ~ontie Rod a flc mdli0f ie ienfor flic United Counfies. Appoint. Vile. l ct f0flct Vllgewould ciforvayigterms eircWlla ie ithfic migiliourhlo f $50 00n. Hjleig ndm±d . .DvfBw T'îs aleris 1lai-e discussed Wifl maville, bofltlreyerterme; PRend fli Confie dd Engneer whcn lielngcOf Port H1ope, fwo ,yer termi; iceewiftflicPolice Tructeesin fiSDe .Malcc apleifrind .C.L malm ter MfeficStop- cgn.E Joinon, Cavan, one year terme. TIcchirmn nd li sercaryar Enlimemiben Wii reeive$1250 per ID ~ ~ aid teiwflcbd e o lcy ared ayp]lus car expvees of 20 cents a ffonds anc avaHiae work î5 f0 be dnc in imiproving flic Majinand UMii 1Blnw amcnding -the countie~s oaci St-cîýet intersection. A pri-e of $51.M 1 '-ec 0icue od7 cw gras prcscmtd by flic Chairman Sf1o 0PandMan vers fwsis oodn f toc corner. Trutees'Lbnwý- Bianmending flirouigli higllways eny and ivMercer feit that if would be, bylaw f0 ilulde CounfiiesHod 26 lie- miore practical f0 clone flic side bnnk 'we iln 0 n hr ons rtafler f an sodding if. The cluiaian 350f1in SeymourTonhp was aufliorized f0 obtain price in fhis Byilaw appoint ing Gordon WVrigbft cnctoand also f0 again contact cOf Por't Hope as co-ordlinator c f Elner- flic Horticultural Society in flic pro-.gecy ensures at a salai-y o 4, jeet. 500) per annumn plus aine cýents per mile tor car exp)enseýs. H. . Mercer wns asked f0 obtain B:ýylaw autlorizing flic bornowing of pnices for flic roll cusb on Miii St-cet $772,0O00 under the Highiway improve- norto. The Cliairmian aiso suggesfed mient Acf foir couinties nocad construe.. tînt toc Truefees iae one or two 'Lion. loge in flic Milleon Hill Bridge tf Byawautliorizing toc borirowing of hlep bold back liSe fWow f Wter $1500 uder flic Higlhway .vImprovp. north of tic bridge and f0 maise flic menat Acf for dcvclopnf tWork on level offlie stream. The Trulstees areBuna Sf., Cob3ourg, and te No. 23 f0 view,,flichebridge býfore placing tfli eveiopncmit rond betwcen Mý,or'gan.' loein the gnoovcs pr>ovidted' for in flce t on and Cuiff's Corners near Wnrk- norîl side of toc bridge. - wOrtl. at these intersections f0 improve filic1 - aippearance. Forrester feif tînht rmudli j ~G a could be don e Imprtve lc ppear-1 LYany leS s A ance. A riotliin by Lowery and Mi cýer was passeri authosizing flic se-f s to a 0 rite ftic Departmcni f 0 i Hgwasini, c m ratten. Anotheýr y S il moio b Lwcyand Mercer afi-fTIcFasPrizeLiefisndy vo oriz ecdthe secrýetar,, f0 writ'e flicfoi- dsrbuto anci flieDo ci Coicinconnection 'wvitl fiche -cienceection lias one of flice most p91i- g0fflic"Stp" ign ,af H1ill-attractive sections offered by any and Main St-ctDc. If was flic feelingfar.A san xampiàe1 - c Tiel' re S of toc Board that flic recent movingprises of $5.00 Enol ifor n idcco,_rntcd 0fýi flu gn off Main Street te Mij Ii Tanks.givingi Cake. There are aiso Street was undcsiscd. ' In flic pact flic ýpriesof $5,00 ecd for a Banania Trustees have supported fle icv;win C u-i Stp ignsholc reainonCalke with lemIon fillingani icing tha fb Stp ignsliuid~eainon icprise Banna aks Ill lic auc- Main Street. The Courties R._ond En-itnc nFia iiti lcAr- -i ie salso f0 lie contncted in 1o - ýo Fia i-ll ntlc gi haigtecurlb crectcd Bcitr l IildçJjng. Tlhese speci fhe eaf and wesf ide cf toc Mil prizes are aw,,rdied by W. Knay Lyccft, Hill at flic Soutfltfhli Village. This i Mrs. Etta Irwi.n, Ms Audrey Turner, wns iallso recqucsfed of flic Confies Vanstone' Flous Mille, 7Ms. Vipond, Senior Ciâtizens Pci At Cobouig Paîki Sev-,eral of Oronlo's Senior Ctzn ýwent bY EBurley Eus to Cobourg WeýVd- nesclayý , July 18th where groups froTai Orillia at the north to Picton on the east, gatbered for, a hutge picpic. Eachi uit present at the picnicu was askecl to providle a numrber of entertainment Oshawa'su gave a hiosf enterItain- ing? numnber and the Colborne Band anlýd 1Majorettes ,provided an- hours entfertaimnt of rmusic. Gaiesan contests were also held, The weatherwas mst favourable for thie occasion althoughi on the tîpý home the grýoujp dj'rvehrough a! heavy Shlower. It was unfii'ortuniate thaf miore were niot present f0noythe picnic. 1iebovah WtessT Atted ASSembtli y AIl! emerof flic Orono saudy grOUp)0f Jebovahl's. Witnlesces ~lb ievngfic area sho"rtlyf0atn the "Coragouslvinstere District Assem biy"uafCivic tduHml ton, ~~ Aud to 0, if aL none recnl by Mr. HbPl ,pesdn minister of the groLup. "Anl atenldance of over1,00l anticipafed,"setafe i . obrci "Dlgate wiii co'me 'f rom Ont ario, Quecc and northenn eates 0f fli Unîted States. At fLic time WhcnL' there le such fear lu intie world, ifl e imnportan1tt f0rcaffirm conifidence>(, or humanLikh'Indu1rChrist'sXiingdomi. Thec 'Courageous MministersDitc. iAýýcembly' is an expressýion of our faith i the promises of a corming ,governimcnt wh ere people cari live Pu thîs earth in bappinese and scecuri ty place cf the ex istinguceait" Thiýe keymofe o o nventeits pcillecture f0 lic heldSndy Auguet 5 at[ p.m.enied"Tk courae -GdsKingdo leAt Ha nd(."The speaker will boe E. Ji. lRosai, Jr%, cupervisor of ,the vwork 0f éliVal'sWttneseeciCanada. Everyon is imv tedf0attend fIle: 1 ýins btheflicpblic i- especialîy (red1 0a" ten7fic ubielecture. Recutsh le Durliam Ce-ntrai Ag- tbfn were reeied this week, by fne Far ecnetary., The recuits cf flicý ju0dgimg are as foliows: points! -. GLnay Bros., Nwafe 9. 2. G. B. Riekard(ý, Bomnilic . 96. 3. R. Morton, edl....93.;j 4. Huseil ebore, 1Necwcastle 93, George Careon, Orono . . ....5 E.Gilinl, noo......... 92.1 . Tmln rn.........9. BTink, Solin.........89. 5 9. A. i. Blffiac, Hamptom.- 89. !0. J. Hickard, NjeweýaetiLe......85 1.D. Stapr',-S.Orono. ....8 12- F. Jose, Newcaist'e .......85 R3 . Chater-, Leskand. ,........3. 4.J. W, Boyd, Osüoo..,...... .0. Intermnedjate Playof f s The OiýnnoInitermiedliates efnthe league plnl-ydowne fý'lu hse week"witlh fe Ajax Imitermiediat'es. At fime of going fo pi-esc no de-finite date bas been set for flic opeiiing gaine which will be playedl in Orono. If is, liowever, feif '-f lic f irsf game wili be piayed 'il fthc Orono Park this Saturday affer- nioon wi1htheflicseon.d game in Ajax on Sunda"y affernoon. t Orono Fair hhi Which !ay Be ïRewardied With Cash P'rizesý Maýssa-y Harris DenIir ndBeraid' Service Sttion,Necsl.Dnr for' 1 popi thflicFireside Barbecue is flic 1sf nz for a T.V. supper fi-ny for, 0.,! pOensoi. The -ucual prises anc aw%.arcled for bnc,ýAd, cake and pics and specinle by CaaaPacilçers for apple pie, white cake. The 1sf prize for eci le an 8picce Pyrex Oven, refrigerator and f.üeczcr set. Aiso is given a 2nd and .,d pnize ie. Cannister of Domestlc Shortening. Standard Branlde m-akers cf Fleischimnnn's Yeast give prizes cf $40;$3.,00ani$2.00 for wbI.ite breadJ, bown bracl, Milil Roue)I and' Cinna- m.on lune. Also a one layer white cauke. Lake of flic Woodls ani I 'a Hoodl Flous give pnizes for wbJitc- brend, clover iceaf roils, layer cake ainc p-ic; MeGregor Hrwr gi'vc'AI $5.00 prise for 1sf prise layer cake judgedà for icing; l3owmnanvilic Friegid bockcr give a Cryovaic Butf, 6 lis,, for f lei mosf entries (ahl woithy). Apply ait once for yous prize i-t if yen, arcmot alreadly on flic mailigý Eist, f0 Mrs. W. R. Gilbarf, 1963 or to iNiember la charge, Mss. M,'J. Tamnblyn 2228. -t. Orono Intermediae Win Lakeshore Pennant The Orono Intermecliate Baseball club won the Lakeshore Pennanf on Sunday when tbey ciosed ouftoch regular schedule with a win in Osh- awa. Playing in a four fcam league witli Ajax, Oshawa and Port Hope toc locale am up witli toc pennanf ifi thc regular achedule of play. Port Hope took second place in the league eschedule, Tsailing 5-4, Orono Orphans explod- cd with an cigiht i-un parade in fthc 7tfi inning af Lakeview Park, Osh- awa Sundlay affernoon f0 wallop Oshawa Lakesh'-ore 13-16, ili a Lake- shore Intermiediate Leagu-Le basebail fixtUure. Toronto Bus Driver - Wins At Mospfrt Toronto bus driver Francis Brndleà,y drove bic WbTiz-Speclnl lLotus 19 f victory twice at Mosporf Saturc1ny, flic second fime copping toc 30-Iap Grand National. ',T le c a r w a s ru n ný'i n g b a nifu ly " , Bradley said affer !lile race. The only scal trouble eut there. was flc trn Orono got the f irst run 0 f the M Yoss bairpin.-That slojwed mee clown game whien Tim Cox tripled in the a lý ot."' opening framie, after there were tw,ýo1 out and lie scored on an error throw. Bradley mentioneci that hie Lotusý Ili [he fourth inning fhiey got to Clav "'Monte 'Carýlo" hlac undergone a Hichardson for thiree more runis om oiplet e overbaul a fe Sweks a-go three hits andc three errors, Tecd.Stone and11 the car that bas a top speed ct fini Beaýtoni and Ron Wlest, doing thie 180 miles an hour and can reach a hitnal csingles. speed of 100 miles an hour from a Ia the mieantime Oçsibawýa gained d(eadi stop in 10 seconds. one runi in the thiird framne on a single -lhe races were good- but th.B b)y Russ Hall, to centre, where theateanepo. ny330proa ba"il was bblefor an extra tbase pi o dùtac 0teprs and a cingle by Bob Beers broghl wichle ,ft an impression that there Hal",l to 3:rd an-d lbe sc-ored1 on an in were more peopfle in Ille infielc a.nd field ouft. P'its thar-Il there were oýn the o1utsideý, Ini the,,fourtiiniýg, TdWhliteley ifencesL .If wals lnota prýofitable daty waJs saýfl e;on an error, f0 oopen the for the Graind Valley CrClub wbvichri frae ad Pefe Bledek ollowed ponore the mieet, but accoýrdirig t withoneouI wih abore-sn bowone officiai, "wc broke ee. to0 make if 4-3Lakesh1ores went a- head ' ti two moe unishin the fiffh), Bradfley's ime for the featuire race scored on an infield error "lifeý" f0 was 50 minutes, 25.1 seconds for 3 Hugli Fraser, Wl-itcley's single, an noni-stop laps over the 2.5-ilJe course er-ror- throwv and a long single by almnost 30' seionids better than i s Johin Brancb. niearest rival, Ludwig Heîimratb ofÈ Tbe !roof fell in On Lakýeshoreýs lai Scarborougb, driving a, Porsche RS6O.1 the 7th ining. Cox singled and ad- vaniced anta baise on an outfield Herb) Swan of Cleveland, Olo, in a error on the drive, Dean West grýiound- Porschie RS61, took the checkered ed and Qox was trappeýd off 3rd base.1 flag tbîrd, more thani a minute after Jimi Pipher Relce ichardson on it lhad been waved at Bradlley's ots the miounid. Kelly Lane w-as saf e on These were the only ,drivers to com- a choice ply, Tedi Stone o on via plete 30 laps. Baly crdtuei îinterfýeènèe. CukArmistrong tnp' 1fastest lapfine in tbe' tentb_, 0foneji", ldwthtebalseýs loacled iand lcame mnuý1j1te and 39 e) ndor cïan average homie next ý1on .Jim Betonsisngle. I peed og 87.27-miles ainbu. Betnstoie second and scCred eas- ily wben Jimi Miller doubied. Tbenýr Bradley took the lead rîght fir VHon West e-ingled and Don Mcer stant l and neyer relinquishied if. At doubled, Cox was slafe on aninfildtbe half-way point Of the race, Ba error, Dean West walked, MNercer levwa leaduing Heimruath by 22ec was~~~ iiuidwn(etenjr ac ondel,, and wifh only four laps tLo gi hiome, then Cox1 and West pulled 9n he had built 11p hie leaed to more .',thiar< doulestelwit Cx coring the 30 seconds. Their Cees id no,-t faîter eighith run of the inning. Colin Calir11s anld Bade baedoerthle fns cam1e in to pitch land ihe etruck Ountma es inr banc( to finliy end the aoy John Br-'ancbi's opcincins gleianadRueHleahadaai0fbt infield oult play and Hus HLl'sing-, le wi%-th fwuouot, pgavýe O(sh<ýa thifoOhaa fia nin thie 8hingadPr_ Ooo H Wesýt, 3b: McerC, if ; addelthei l3thin te 9thon awad ox, f; Weeýtý cf; Lame, p; on2b f0 Hon Wstind two erosinuc rmtong, lb; Beaton, c;Miller, cs, cesion on0ilDonMrcr' aife bunit.saa ae, cf; Ficher, ce;, Hon West, Ted Stoandfl Jim lBea- htly h rnhl;Blnu on eaýSh 4had tirnbits, to lcad, Or-. ;Mebean,2f Hall, rf; Beers, if;ý onmo's 15-it atalM itihTim Cox bav1<- cadop; Caîrns, 1p in7th; Wo ng wo e Wheley, Johin ]3ranc1fl batited in tb. Durham FarJlMe%=r s Warn-ý e d 0HgCholerp Farmners ini Durh-am County sleiuld watcli flicis swinc lierde for, amiy cigns of siclçinese and h- liceevent cf amyý unusuai conditions contact flicir local veterinari'an., faf cd A. O. Dalsymp-le Agicuilturai Representafive, Ont asie De)paýtmcn.t of Agriculture, Bowmian- He statecdtinht a news report fi-on 750,000. Wbcre if is- neccssary fe cas- fie Canada Dcpartmnent of Agni-cul-i y ouf, a elaugliter programmire, toci turc pointed ouf that Hog Choiera is swinc ownes le pîa,1i a na aket vl prevalent in Ensterni Ontario and ne bas. WVestern Queliecewito 1100 bge bav- !LIf eSugcstclfatnal swine ewn- ing been slautc-,-rcd on toreien-ersc probibit anyonc looking, affer ises. ewine and fIat .fhey lkw s ta-j bocaml Heaili cof Animais Vetenini- away from ail breeders. anans for flic Canada Dprte t 0f Mai-ehi- ogs rWill contine ta i A'griculture ýira Bowmiianillc cf af cd soid in Onf',aro blinongliHog IPnod).uc- tînt boge bave passed fînougli cales crs Assemt1ljy Yardis on tflic ýudr- b)arns in flic general area fron m own standing flic hoge arecucneigncd fi infcctd. premises in Eastern Ontaro saugiltering estabiihnments opera!'- andi Cluclic. Aifbougl flie s nof0ing undr-enfederal mient inspection. Hfog Choiera Jfnow,ýn af flic presenf In conclusion if is suggesfcd fbat in Ibis area at haset flreici-de arceinc breedens carry on MAîto liir undergoing quaranfine in Durhan opyations ina tle normal mnanner, County because o)flice pocsibility contactlng flil veterinarian in case s;wine ini those herde inny bave been of cnnergcncy andi being selective in in conrtact wi Nfecfed hiogs, their purchase of amy feeder stock. Il If bas been suggested tint farmierei hoped thaf fliese will lie no eut- nvoid buying hogs if possibe for ait breaks in Lbis area, but every pre- lenef flic next fhlrty days. If you are caution ehouir- be faken by e'veryone purchacing bogs, buy froi-c n in flic swine iflductry te prevent ïty' local farnierswlio have raiseci toc outbreaks in flic asea. logsî:on flicir own premiseand whn iliavcm-'f mid swinc br ouglit on to file premîses recentiy. If le itercsfing ito note fiatii f.i-e last serions outbrcak e1HegCliolera& f0 lic ondclrcd selugbfencd. C-ompen-. N -s s, S. -- 's s-- 'N -s -s- N 'S. s- s- N N N S. N -s '1 -s s- 'N N N s- s-,- N s- -s N s- '-s N -'-s '-s --s N s-,- N N s'- s, N N N -i a- N '-I N s- N 'i SI S N