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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jul 1962, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKL UIMES TJIURSDAV, JULY 26, 1062 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second Class mail, Pest Office Department, Ottawa Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subscription payable in advanoe can&ab 4U kt tu " ê LP fblished every Thusdlty at th office of pub licatta Unemployment Figures In spite of the facUt that Canada's labour force increased by 19ý7,000 in June, unentploymneni fell by only 35,000. The June joblos total1 represented 4.5 per cent of the labour force compared with 5.1 per cent in May. The difference represents largely the number of new applicants for work. The relativeiy sinall drap in unemployment shiows a facter 'wbich politicians wha promise fuil employmnent 0ften forget. Canada's l'abour force is growing ai a steady pace. lt le net enougli merely te Elnd jobs for those oui of work. They mnust aiea be found for ihose comning on the labour market for tic first unme. -Government spokes- mien, naiurally, took this side of the argument during the eloction mrpaign when unemployment figures were quoted by apposition candidates. Althougli unemploymeni - 301,000 in June - stands ai an uncomportably igh level, more Canadians than ever - 6,451,000- are at work today. The governiment's problem le, therefore, ta try te increase en- plovyment in an ever expanding labour market wliilo curtailing un- em.ýployment. Adding ta Uic problrn inl the boom sunier months are the numbers leaving echool and studenis sceking temporary jobs. Theso ah caunt as job applicants ta the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Thus whle the Cobourg-Port Hope branch of the National En- ploymrent Service, ta quote a local example, made 298 placements ini Juno and 292 in May, is best record since 1957, unemploymrent in the are dropped by jus' 2fa ayt ue 1Mhls reflects the national pictu'e -?fmore working thant ever, but jiiet a light drap la uncm-rploymient totale. The figures, of course, are deceptive, sinco those seeoking tomparary jobs shouid net be eounted as applicanie in the strict sense. In addition, some of those3 -who lofti chool ln June will retura iin Sopenhor if ihoy do net get the type cf work they want. One of the difficultieÈ la coping with unempluymoni is that 0Df getting a truc picture of the numrbors genuinely out of work. The Y)BS figures record applicants fer work, although nany, sucli as setudonis ariaIliers seling temporary work, saine marriod womon for ex- ample, are net in fact roally in need cd work. The figures for those drawing unempîcyment insurance do Iiot #ive a true figure either. In May thie average per week was 430;300 cmpared with 33U,000 rogisterod as seeking wark. The differonco le explelned 1y temnporary layette, since sucli people do net have tg 2im.glter if Uic layott period je Ions than a mioxth. An accurate registor cf the numbor ef people whe genuinely, meed work wouid doe nuch ta clear Up the confusion about thc true .atute c& tnimploymnent. Stop Signs Many comnients are being made these days on the piacing of ve.rioyus stops signs an Uic by-ways within the Village. These signe ,4zre govorned by by-law ek'her of Uic Co-unties or of the Township. la the mattor of the four-way stop on. Church and Cobbledick Streots the signe were piaced here on requesi by the Orono Police 'Ti-stees who had been peiitioned ta crect sucli signe. t is quite pas- siýble that the crection of these signes wae more for pedestrian protec- tlion than fer any safe rnovement of traffic. As far as traffic nove- rnent Uic double signing serves no purpose and le a hindrance. The replacing of the sigu ai the corner o! Main and Mill Street iii which ncow Miil Street is the, stop treet le govorned by a County bky-law and thceÏrection other than- where it existe now would be a- gainsi the law anid would not hold up in court. Fron a use factor and1 aIafrein the point of vision ht seenis that the former placing of Uic sigaý on Main Street was more sitable lfowever ibis doe net cenforin wtheUi Counties by-law and thus had to bce novcd. The Village basý repoatedly ased that the sign not be changed however action through îte by-law lias forced Uic change. Il nght be ased. . ,- why the placing of eome signe when nany ot aur oCher travelled stroots crassing tLhe Counties road carry no stop uigns te govorn Uic judgemnent of Uic automobile driver. If a stop s-ign Le, Warranted ai Mill treet tben by the same reason anc le xarranted on every troot jnteroscting with Main Street.. OR - If a four-way stop le warrantod on Churcli and Cobblcdick thon thile should bc aiea, truc 4.4 othor tour-way intersections la thc Village for the protection of ptde-striane. e('nfcr1nlty ie ccrtauiny lacking la the plaiiing of Stop signe. Arlene Neal Weds 1 Charles sStephenson Orono United Churceh was the set-, ting for a loveiy evening wveddîngBrdo- Saturday, July 21st, wvien Ariene Brd -To e bride is the daugliter of Mr. andM s Kenn&th Neal, Orono, the groom, the Miss Caiy obbledick, one 0fOr son of Mr. and Mrs. Ariel C. Stephen- ono's- mosi popular girls, bas been ~ :3ukea~ fhonoured at several showîers recently pirior to her marriage this Saturday The Reverend Basil E., Long Offi t M. iEls Barraball. ciated at the double ring ceremony. 'Mrs. Ji Gamsby and Mrs. Phil. Mr. Hayek the organist, accompanied Long, both of Oshawa, heid a person-1 Mrs. Everett Brown, the saloist, wiho aI, snower for Lhe bride-to<be on Sat- sang "Oh Promise Me" and "I L»ve uýï,daýy July seventh. Mrs. Gamsby'e You Truly." . home was tastefully decorated with pink streamers and roses. A lovely The bride was given in marriage by u-Lnch was served by the hostesses, ber father and wore a lovely floor-, The following Wedncsday, a mis- length gown of white. The bodice %vas cellaneous shower wae heid by Miss of nylon lace lavished with sequins Joan Alldred and Mise Connie Tyrrell, and pearls and a dainty square neek- About 30 fiende wero presenit. Atfter' line. The lovely bouffant skirt ,vas of Mari lyn opened the many usefu gifts' nylon net and lier sholuder length veàl the girls enjoyed a buffet lunch. was g-athered ta a crown of pearls This past Mvonday evenlng Mrs. and slie carried a cascade of red ros- Les. Aildred was bostos at a mis-' es with white background. The mat-; ceilaneous shower; again the bride- ron of honour, Janice Quantrill was' to-be received many lovely gifte. The the bride's sister antd tebest man, majonÎty of guests were relatives of i Larry Riddeil, was a friend of the the groom. After several àun-'filleçl groom. The ushers were Jack Nea] gamnes, a delicious lunch was served. and Joe Stephenson, A r*>cêption for si4ty guesteo foliorw- *Miss Marjorie Hoidge 0f Toronto i5 cd at the hoeeof the bride's parents. vieîting with Mrs. Char-les Wood. The bride wore a 'lovely beiget sheath witlb a picture hat of orange TLA n i -cz t P rp vq +ts ice and matching accessories, for go- ing away. On thelr return they wrill res'ide in Oshawa. Arlene Neal was the surprised guost at two showers before ber marriage. Thie firsi was given by her aunt, Mrs. Laverne Neal of Oshawa. The second .,s givenl by Mrs. Walter Stapleton -of Oxono. -Mny friends- and relatives gathered to preeent the bride-to-be witli many beautiful and useful gifis. A. baotifl and doudeous lunch was -serveod at each sliowor and $ocial Letter Dear Sir:- £ C hA bM PRESQU'JLE PARK POPULAR Presqu'île Prvincial Park enjoed onc et ils imost succecestful weekends' on July ist sinc-e its opening sex years ago.1 On Friday atternoon, campors etar- 1 ted roiiîing in and didn't cosse until: ,approximatoly 6 o'clock o 'n Saturdayj evening. On Saturday, a one-houIr storin didn't seem ta alter Uic en-1 -thusiasm of me.ny canpers, and as- aie weather cleared, it turncd out ta be a beautifuil woekend for bath On Saturday aftiroon, the storm playecd a practical prank by cutting of! the electrical power to Uic wash- roams for about two hours. In park , ,t ]r planning generally, auxildary pumps to) thie !~I and motors are provîdod ta tako carte of breakdowns, liowoever, there was nf0 alternative but ta close clown the Orono, 18th July, 19462 washrooms until such tlime as power was restored. Sonietimes there je aý iendency ta think that toe large an In the Orono Times of rocent date appeared an article lauding th e chil- ren of Orono for clearing Up the Mai'n Street. t seems a pity that these children are not encouraged ta9 preserve tice beauty of the' village of Orono, hi whicth they are privileged to live; not only onle day in the year, but every day. Mucli could be donc by refrain- ing from scattering candy papere etc. indiscri-minately on the eitreets- and lawns. Alas! the clilîdren are not the only culprits. A short time ago a new mide- wallc was laid on one of Orono'e rcos, attractive streets, this would have been a grand improvemeni, but for the fact that thase engaged Inl the work ef t al thir empty cernent bage etc. scattered on cUbher side of the new walk. What an example for our children! It le liard to concetve of anyone <>f average intelligence displayilig such acomrplete lack of order 11M. coin- pletenees. "Tldy Village" You have toCOIN equipment in safe working orcler with safe werklng habits if you don9t want to harvest a peck of troubil C ~ PARU SAFETrY WEEK -JULY 22-28 C-pom'tors losurac Assechfflo. Iiventory 0of uiose smai 5n x 5' build- ings is on hiand. I3owever an incident like this ehows that a park cannot have too many buildings of this na- ure. On Sunday, besides the resident campers, appro2dmately 10,000 people enjoyed the picnie facililties and beach accommodation. It ie lndeed encouraging for parkas staff to sec so many people taking ad- vantage of Provincial Park facil itie:z and passing out mainy cômplimentary comnmente. GROUSE ATTACKS MAN Recently, a Burnt River man work- ing at Durham County Forest 1bap-,, penedono a lien pazridge and hei' brood. As a rule, a motiier partridge wIll pretend to have a broken wing and utter cries like a distreseed puppy as she tries to lure thc intruder away froni lier young onee; but this olid girl was different. She flew vUp to at- tack the man's face w) viciously and persistently tha)t ho was forced ta pick up a stick ta defend bîmee. He can't figure out why thc bird acted eo "out of character." Did she ro- sent him because ho was a stranger, cr je ymaternal love turning saur? licensed Pliiniblinq & Mechanical Contrii Who seils, insta lis and urr"r ,C AR MAÀN I!LUMBING & HEATING Phione 14.3 Oroii- OURU mPOINT HEATING Service Guaran tees Cowîfc'zrd .--*th Economy!, cil burner, flemove heat-wasting soot and scale front your fiirnace. Scientlfically reg- ulate your cil burner so it wîil run effkliently andl wlith 10w oil con- sumption 2. We urnsti any emergency 3Cer- Year. repair worn or de- contraisof eu cil huer t ne 4Wext k e automatic deliver- les of top-qyality. cil of tbe right grade "youraOP burnt, Ail this for a low cýnnual maintenance c1éý . Jplus tbe cost of the oit you use.. Not only is it the ý'inest kind of beating service, but the most eco- omical and satisfactory. '.. Phone Us Now For Detailb i, à .- Orono Fuel& Lumber Ltd.f ORONO, ONTARIO PRUNE 14816 Your Message Is Most Effectively brought to the attention of the public through Newspaper --Advetisenents Use the columns of the WFIE EKL Y TIMES to convey your message Rates Reasonable Il,

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