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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jul 1962, p. 4

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QEONO WEEKLY TIES THURSDAY, JULY 26,1M2 -~ ~., I BARBECUTE SUPPLIES Charcoal 13-oz. Tii' Lighter Fluid 39ce Charcoal 5-lb. Bag Hardwood 2 for 69ec- Charcoal ,- Briquets 5 lb 39c Oven Mitts pr 49c DAIRY DEPARTMENT Royal Cold Reglar or Nippy CHriEESE SLUCES FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT Frozeni Turk.ey, Chierken or Beef MORTON PIES 3 8oz 7 EXTRA a Iota $3 2 ini Bonus Le RECEIVE $6.00 IN 'BONIU S TAPES U~ BETTY CEOCKER BISQUICK KOTEX REGULAR Rl.ECEIVE $4 '0 1N JBONUTS TAPES W~ ROSE SWEET RELISH LANCIA SPAGýHETTI LANCIA MACARONI RECEIVE $2.00 lEN BONUS TAPES SLO M,ýARGCARINE MfACARONI & CHEESE TABLERITE BOLOGNA - slicedl NEW POTATOES - No. 1 Grade Wek- Reserve the Righit to Limit Quaii Prices Effective July 25, 26, 27, 28 Staridar H1alves 20-oz. Tinis Lynn ValIey PEACHIES 2 for3c IGAc FOILWRAP di CheeHros - Frostyots - Sugaýr Jets - Trix BIG 'G' e CEREAL ~ AYLMERS ýCATSUP - Uor 49c pkgs 55C 2bIlsloz 33c% iOf 27 VITH 1crd 16-0z. Jar 92-b. Pkg. 2-l. Pg.ARTLETT PEARS 6 for 29C 2 8-0z. Pk. 3ELLO CARROTS 3 lb 25c 10-11). Pkg. thv e Fresh Taste Best Sunkist LEMONS 6 for 29c ESH CHICKEN CUTS iGS zbor i lu Li:»» pkg 8 WvEINERS Tablerite al C pkg 8 Weiner Rolis Soubeani f oir 5C Freshly Gon' 1 MAINCED REEF lb 41c Bonieleess - AH1faet- No Waste PORK LOIN ROAST lb 79Ce ý 'Round Ab-ut Us A Bowmhnplville4 district farmre,~ in the Bow-lianville MemoriaI 13 piýal with mu'licts zand lpo)ssiblI ratiedback ,-aid ribs' after- he Vwas pinnedc betw'een bis tracter and a mwrSaturIday afternCoi. Russelfi MQid), PofRR3, Bw manvile was ttemp Ito jitch the m1ower, to the tractor, neai, theba- wihth elp 0f bhis 11-yeur-old son "-;i, o was Seated on thle t ' toro F. B. Witeley c0f Kenorla, eOnt, bas' beentranferrI o Port Ho-lpe to; serve as district engineer, Ontario de- partmïent of hgwynumiber sv Hie replaces G. F. Wetherall b hlas mvdto 0OttawVa w e beis, n enginuer for Carleton County. Mrlj. Witelely began b is caïee, u- ith the D)HO ýin Port Hope. Hejin edl the departme)nt in.1929 we bu' worked th-ereu on sumlmer as con- struction einiieer, before being mn ferred to Toronto. fil the 33 years sjine be was last fin Port Hope, 'the size and productivity of the district ofiýe lbas more t-lan tripled, according to Mvr. Wliteley. This district now in(orporates abouýt 800j miles of road. BOARD AGREES TO PAYMENT FOR NEW ROOF The Ontario Municipal Board bias approved an expenditure by the towin of Port Hope of $2,450 for reroofi ng thýe exhibits building at the town park, Councillor J. R. Clark, chairman oI the townl park conmmîttee of couincil blas annrouncý,ed. Mr. Carr said the wokwould begin 'immediately. The exi,,sting roof lias been dami- aged, miostly by vandals, and is f0 longer vwaterproof. TRANSPORT ISETS ENDURAVNCE RECORD Some 30,000 sp)ectators at the Air Shiowý in Trenton Satuirday saw the bugeý Yukon transport that lbad just set a new endurance record fly pasi and land on the runways. The bi'g transport took off from C)-_ tawa at 1:00 Fridlay, flew ov 'er tbe north pole andl remnained alofat f.r a"otl)f 23 bouirs anid 51 mlin-utes before adiga' Nortb Bayfor fe FrmNorth Bay the Yukon fIlw cirectiy tLo Tireit on to appèar beýcfor-e tbe assem-bled Ccwdý0 witb the sainie crew aoard as wens'le 0took of fromi Ott'awa some 2?7 bours before. GADJUNIOR, WA;J)EN ',-ELECTE» The Grand Lodge of Cnaai te Prvnc of Ontario, AF and AîýM, biold:nig its lO7tli annual Comimunica- toinToronto r jecen-tly, annouc ed thýat Thomas L. Wilson 0f O sba,,,,ë had been elected ýo the ffce0 Grand Junior Warden. His app7joiitmlent brougbt Ibighboo nlot only to biÀmself but also tou the crafi in Osbawa and Ontario District. it is m te first timie a Mason from th-,!e distr-ict bas becen elected to offi<ce ini Grand Lodge. New district deputy Grand Mse for, Ontario District is William rJ. Car- ne cof Fidel4ty Lode -28, Bn ' Perry. He succeeds Chales 13. Ry c1o0t of Comiposite' Lodge, Wh]itby. Mr. Wilson wa" ýs iiitiated 1in Leb aunnLodge, 'No. 139, AV ,iaidiAM1 11aa i erur,1923 "andseei aýs mateof the Mdgen[9,57, PLUMINGand HEATING Sales and Service 24 OUR BURNER SERVICEU B-A FINANCING Low InterestiRates Phloes: HMilpton CO- 3-2288 J TyronevCO 3-2650 'Wa.dd ington's 2 yMiles East of Newcalstle, On Highway -No.2 U'SED CLOTHING7 - SHOES FURNITURE - RADIOS WASHIING -MACHINES AND FRIDGES PLUMNBINO FIXTURES OIL BURNERS, TANKS, Bwes& El 3ticMoors Controls, Lighit FLxtuYreý Dishes - Miscellaneolis STORE 1HOUEtS 12-6 P.M., Friday, Satturdiiy f rom 9 AM to 10 P.M. Corne lu And Look Aroufd - - -- M, - U r w- NOTICE!M This is a friendily remninder to our clients that ail car, drivers are nowr -reqired by law to carry with them -when driving, a liability certi- ficate showing the name ojf the Com-pany iin which they are insured, t-he Polie-Nmbr expiry date, and name of Agent. Shouldyo havTe misplaýced this certificate we wvill be pileased to, supply yoCu with anew one ityou wil a at ojur office ojr phone us. FE. LYOET .. . .... . ....................... BRE21STS

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