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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jul 1962, p. 5

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-FALUR 1ýi UYDOGLICNCES ýLEAflS TO COURT APPEARAN Eý A nuniber of Port Hope reidet weecharg-ed in court recently with ngthe hearing cf the c'ases that I 'vwaS the firsit tm ir 1yer ier- Mode[ 2 precs a butfon down ... the Corner automatically from wide-angiýe vi Press up, and the lens zooms bacl finder-see exctly wht you're gf s;ure controî. SuPer'-fastfI .6 lens -from 4 feet Io ifit-o xr yours tor only STUTT'S P} OSI.ONO ONTARIO COIN LAI TERTICMS AV, Excellent I Fufliy Equippled with H1eavy Du1t: 7 Dryýýers, 18 Washers, Waýter Sotl 1!4 Iours dafly,' seven days a 'we Bc, dpedetcon.tact Willlany 72-13t30.Dw amn OILONO WEEKLÎ TIM 5THUfflDAY, JULY 26, 19C,_____ IflPAIHAMPTON 31AN JUDGES pede recen'tly. NLW~~~ 1SHEEP AT STAMPEDEThshewreudd Ayre w'ho assessed the show as "Ivery Mrs.C..Gibon, shaa sent A Hamiptbon area sheep breeder was good in quality and quantity." Sa~urd y i ig t i>t ron Dair, fcdwdays this week visiting former stock exhibitionatth Clay tam- neighbours, Mrs. Bowenl, Mrs. Deanonath lar am WiththeOron Par les tan svenaind .rs. Brani. Lv aswas levied against the wesaa teBadM Drcos 1r. Bob Keane ofEngland an are- now completing the final arrannge-MrSa Ken0f shavite g~trcadens f Port H1ope. omerits for tic two day f air to be held withi Mr. and Ivrs. W. J. Riddell. M- Non Septeober C, 7 and 3. The B'oard a- en i pnigfoi vei 11Bob1Keane1isospcndng lourrw..t. CANAD IN VOCAFTIONA. me o Mndy vnig t hefarvisiting his fail1y andi frientis. C N .A » groulnds to Ve h rutsand L conduirhbusinesin ýfiepo-I Mr'. and Ms.J. H. Arnott- and lfami- T TTTNT v1sC~ ~ \/~r' Motion 0f tic f air. l1ily anld MisBaries aie living .,lTat I G PR I A r E Th -iancial budget for flic gan- icir permianent rasidenec in Orono. ~indsho wa inrcacd iththere- MrsJ. C. Gameýiy and lner sister, Tc Poviceoft hloinco-operation witl hFicFederal vemnt fa,ir wllbe icraIt.irs oper of Toronto aridaýying willl provide training at K O AKJ ~y iser Orhetr hs beeil -fl Capie Codi. K c o h ar ac hc S 11ir. Fred Truli speiitLia week visit- * oeh, hl in fthe OooTow,,,n HlUi ( ý gis sonM.Loy r&0fKn-à ~ IIT i, Mc, THEirKuvINCf lliNiiuu-T !-ê tfriday vevcing, Septemfber 7 th. Dan- 1ston. îilE rR0VUN AL i ST ' cigito cmecea :30 pmj-,. fol- "Y ~~~1in.,thec Tobauccoshow at tne Pair Mris. Robt. A1lin returneti fils week 'roulids. ~~fom vi-siting ber dauiglter, Mrs. FTA.Es New cndstie tics wllbe isalciat Carnet Gamsby, i1r. Gamisby andUF T A E 4<OM O/ ~ ~ egrutirrior ar dayý and «11afamily\,, Kingston. Whule thire she at. 21 INassan Street, Toronto 2B -eneral cleawup wl enlhance tlic ap- teidcd flic weddhig of her graridson, Vpe-arance of thie groundis antiid ng Bill ambyto Miss Cateicre for a limitcd inumlber ef iuaemip]loycd pensons A new feature foyr the fair this ycar Stanlin. CAMERA uwill be a Pîotogrpic contest. TI)e Miad MsBob Toa iie ore sflos ric eye. .. Iocutsing lens are f0 be contactcd in this maiter for f w ays witi Mr. andi Mrs. FredGeeaWT dw k Thoinas Gallt. eeaW odoï assistance and to take part ir thc ra starts, and the lens zooms comipetition. The Board are interesteti Mr. Robt.Copr Warren, Muidi. General Metalwork ews to telephoto close-ups. ii n obaining photos of fie Fair. Any'- joinied his wif e and famîily and visitetiGnrlCoceeW r k. You view through a r-efleýX one initeresteti miay take Part in thle relatives hin Orjon-o on the wccke11d. eea oceeW r etting. FuIIy automatic expo-. contest. Mr. Francis Jose 0f New- aniMsCaliligM. Stensusbet at16yrsfaeadmutoteovr1 has acurae scie focusÉg castie is ln charge of thus new feature.1 Mr., _;CaiBlng M .tielZiusb tlat16yx oaeadmsto eovr1 ha acraescal ocsngcAnother new feiafure for tice an- Heber Souc'ýi, Mýrs. Harr,1y Bailcy, Mis $-Sharp zoom mrovies. niual fair thîs year -ll be ani amateur Lynn Bailey, Mr. WayneBieyat yasofaease un 93 dow 0%contcst which is to be heli on, Satur- MissCarole Little attendeti a dinner S a, v. S. hesOw il be helci PaFtyon Sunday a h on fM. Entrancý Iequirerents - t letit Grade 9 of the regulayacademuic, grnis. Tic inncr ilonfti ontesNten Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Gilbart attendeti Length of (Course - 36 wceks. willbe ivenan udltoiifor ic e i Exhibition of Pinitinig>- of Mr. Soble Amateur show which appears Pu oilio o rn oisn ovc CCH VHamltn.andi visiteti withi Mr. anld Mrs. Rodrik Comnmenemrent Date - PHON 16T MN FOND EADwiosc home s5 at Dorset, Ontarjo. IN BEDROOM FIEE Visitors witi Mr. andi Mr. oss VA John Pratt, 82, was found dead lu Gilhart foday (Thur.sday) arc Mr. and N'WN B L ~ 2 I @ hlis bcd in fie Plaza Hotel, Cobourg ýMrs. E. Lo-wc antiMd J. Gîlbart )f Sfollowýing an ea'rly morning fire in, Toronto,.fteaoemnire cusswl et rpr iroomi on Tuesday.i The purposeeteabemetnecorewibeeprae 1K lelm ipMr. Pratt was an. inveterate smnok-. Mr. Pcf e Wallace, Mrs Ml Mor- trainees for entry biite one ef the recog-nized trades. UIN u r A packct of cigarettes, a box of row fr-on-,Pcfterborough anti Mrs. Roy matches andti tre partially suioketiByo rmHmlfo iieiMs butts lay on a table beside his bcd, Ciarles Coope ro Monlday. PO PC IET AN E N E ETD I from whicih a burneti out wiattress P OP CIET AN E N E ET D I )w "as removed. Thursday aftcrnooii, Ju-ly 19fh tic IAn upstairs resident noticed smokerrem-bcrs anti frientis 0f St. Saviour' s THIS PROGRAMME SILOILD CONTACT THEIR 'A LA LEp ouring from ticeticad mani's ro Churci hai a vcry enjoyab-le picnic about 1 a.m. anti callet polc( at at Mrs. Prust anti Lynn's cottage. LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE fremecn. LocationCosal rar e.eOFIE Contabe BianSkilcnscîetia;TiceIhostess ,wclcomnedieveryonc FFCE Brad Aplancs, hanti extinguisier to0 pcut ount tic and ait er caci signing fie guest book Nme1L .ee. tr blazing mattrcss. swimiming anti games werc cn.joycd ten, er, e t., Streqired. gNîo ofler damnage o ccurreti b tihe y tic youing , social cha ia ________________________________ n Borner for interview at building., cards by tiec oldcr folk. tat _______________________________ te responsible purchaser. Deceased TI1wi was boýru lu Cobourg, liveti for many yar i 1e liitcd________________________________ ;A) LUIMITED, REALTOR, States, rctur-ninig to Cobourg about. At 6 p.m. aïll pýa-tco-o f a sumiptu- 728-5123I te n ycars ago whcn -he refired . He î s rps rvtciyfelde.THIS 'WEEK AT 101 IMCE ST N.not believefiti f0 have alyny ucr ra EVE1NGties mn fie Cobourg arca. A luckýy numnbertra in charge of, Medical evidlence s-wd itMr Lyn, w Nifh Mrs. Richard Moýrton be-1à Paff suffereti a stroýke.i ng flieluckla1,dy anti JoRoisn ON Sct11 T R i1los"haneitei rclu oses Pre-Season iSpecial! Men's Cotton Flannel IlShirts, assorted colors. Sizes smafl, med., or iNinefeeni Cuis 0 f fe rono Cub. large. Each ...............$1.69 2,ivdnrlntn l n{n We are clearing ail of our Ladies' Spring ýnd ummer Dr-esses at greatly reduced prcs n'the group are one and two-,piece styes n ottnArnel, Terylenie, Silk and ~¶ÇitedCottonis. There are prints and plisandth sizes range fromn 9 to 24V/2. Cone - and gùet a bargain. S DRESSES IRegular to$S9,9.5 SALE PRICE ,- ., $6.95 13 DRESSES - iRegualar o1.9 SALE PRICE T ,,. 79 18 DRESSES Reg-Ular to $19,95 SALE PRICE ,...,~,$È open Ail Day ~N-,Wedntesday 21 DRESSES 1 Regular to $39 SALE PRICE.....89 22 DRESSES Regular toj $17.95 SALE PRICE ...,$O9 DRESSES Regular to $S24.50 SALE PRICE......$49 Armstrong's Store Open Monday outing fhils pasf week-end. Tic Cui with f icir lac~cmeiat Centen- niai Park at ikfcdon (Canal Lake. Games anti's-wimming ker-pt the boys active tiuring tie. week-end w1hich'1 starteti on Friday a ffernioon when ,bey leff Orono for, tic ew 1ývCounity Park at 1-irkfield. Ticy returneti Suntiay afftcrnoon. Tents -wcVre pitcheti for, tic group andtimeals wverc enjoyeti ouf in, tic great outdrs. Tic group wsaccompanîi. byi thleir leader, Mvr. Orville 7Chatterton anti assistantleader, Mr. Russel Mao.Parents aso aýsist cd durîing- tlic week-end in SujpervîT'sing tic swlmn- miga pipreparing eas Seven Girl Guides of -tic O(rono Girl Guides -arc fils week ai camp wt til owavîh Guiides. ,The Camip is afl Nogies Crcck on ut i iigo River. Tic Guides leftIon SaturI ayý of ha1st wkanti are f0rcturnf-ils Saturtiay. Thiose from ticOrn group at j camp ac ga r let at ar aMit- chel, anie RtieforV, endËly Partner, Eaiîn e Forriest-er, Jo)ycce Long anti Jea,-nette Matnc '~UNITED CHURCI Or'ono Pastoral Rev B.fýLcnt g SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1,462 Orono -11l:00) ,m. Kirby 0 :,15a.u Kirby --.,Ïa.m. Sait Water Toffee, 6 fiavours to choose fromn or Mix Your Own. Lb...........5 Ladies Stretchy Street Shoes -with ripple rubbeî- soles. White only size 4 to 9. Pair . . .. $1.98 Ladies Haîf Slips, rayon lace tirn. Assorted ,tyles and colours. Sizes small, med., large Ladies Footiets, seamnless nylon streteli. Size fits 8 Vo 111/2. Three prs. in a package for.ýý... Special Dish Cioths 12e each 69e 57c 4for-----ý ý4,4,- Special; $1.00 bottle Tame Creme Rinse FIREE with regular bottie of Toni Home Permanent Ail for ,...................$2.00, Brief, Ladies Pi-rited Rayon 2 styles. Elastie or Band leg. Sizes Smail, Med. or Large. .. Crew Socks, iMiAses atnd~ Ladlies stretch Nylon, Soft Spun cotton, rib knit with lastex to~p white only Sizes 8V24 to 92 and 10 to Il. Pair «'... STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS 39c 59C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N tii J N vN~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ni N N N N N Ni N N N N

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