TRY FOR NIG;ERIA, TweIve gracluate h niversity of British Columba have applied forý teacïinig jobs in Nigeria Those Who are acceptedl will be amng 100 teachers fromi North Amierica -oing9 to Africa in September. PHONE 129 CONTrA$TORS FOIR FARM and flOUSE WIRING Free Estimate.s APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaraniteed Repairs ta ali nds of Electrical Equipm1eni and Appliances Such at Mietors - Water H-eater, TV. - Radios Stoves -IrDns LICENSED 1PLUMBERS PA!IN iN G DECORAT!NG ~T ÛBUIiN-;rG -CUPBOARDS REPAIýR AN',D FINISH ______ FURNITURE -" (~flfM apy to nýno)unce the blrth 0f a sn U 6 sil PSON Mark Fredeick Williami, on TuIly 18, Phione 203, Orono IX2 p tHs ----- CIARD 0F THAINKS Feddewa RealEta. BOWMIANVI LLE Buildiýng Lots, 1 acre each onl l'krd oad, 60-0 ft. nort f Taun- ýoni Road - only $500.00. incomne home - 2 apartments. Build- -ng in top shape. Miodemn conve- iecsand car garage, Only $1500.00 down, eaisy tecrmrs. Orono), 6-room bhouse, bath and oul furnace,gage Asking $8000.00 Termrs, Orolo - 4 Eero Brick bouse, ecx- cletcoitilon, bath, furnace, gar- age, godlcaýtion. Asling $8500.00, $10,0 ownl - $75.00 nmonthlly wAillý carry. Highiway No. 2 - -oo ouse, livideci for tw-o failies, 2 kitchen3,ý bath. Asking $8500,00, $1500 down - $7000C) monthly ,will carry., KedL8 room bouse in top shape, ou frnae, arge barni and hen house, down baýlanceon one imortg-age. We ave a -good iselec.tion of EBuild-1 ing Lots inOrono. Moreinformation on r-euest. THUG OR FFcE0O M'any- other lsig hogot urdnCotunty and Oshawa. Phone 1407, Orono CM) 0F THANKS We wih toexprss or ieartfeLt thans atI pprciaionfor, the acIts of k;riness, messages of syIp'atlýy and floral off erings receivedl from n1eilibours, friends and relatives. Es- pecaly thaning Rev. Basil Long for- his wordf comifort, to Dv, Mc- Kenzie and the staff and nurses of Bowmnvile Mmoril Hospital and to) Heather Rebekahi Lodige. No. 331, Orono. Also the BarIowý Funera, Home for their kind and efficient managemient 0f 'the srvcetor aur late wif e ancI mother, Mrs. Willianm Martin. a-p !William .Martinand falty. IN MEMO11fRIAM SEYMOffUR I lovhI'ng mmory of ai mnour who pasedaay July 21h, 1957. Those whiom w love go out of sight But nleyer out of mind. They aeceihdalway.s in theý hieart 0ftoethey leave behinid, Alwys emmbeedby bis wife. rfluityHosvta, par F erryoni SaIt- urdy, ulyl4t, 962, Eva Gertrude Browndearlybeioved wife h late Normain Alin, Ilovinig nothier0of lovinggrandmther f Wilim A. Consinlber 81st vyeaýr, Service WaS from Pthe Chapel ,0f McDerrmoît-PanaI-: bkrPoteryon M 7ondIa y,' July I6th Intrmen Orno Cemieter'y. RASB~RIESFOR SALE Albert Pos, phone 2=;7, Orono, Ont. a-c COIOEVEINT On FiaJuiy ththeP'ark 17pro- gramwil beheld ifrom 1:30 p.m. to) 4:0pM.Ths c oýsing day programi for those'egiseredwi1lbe ithe PU PNGOUT SEPTIeC TANKS WRtT WASINOSTABLES POeNcvwtonvii!e 4721 I OronoOntario tj gWALTER FRANK g DW. McQUAY D. RALTORg g Chirch St g fi BowmanvilleeNMA. 3-3393 Box 133 MO. 8-3552 Sta flor Brihr &Loimted mitý and ,M i-bles - LIsceriptions Cul and Ceetery epair Work g Insurance BSancies' Auto, Pcaeand Com-posýite Pohi eFie Farmn, Life, fi ý 1urgary-I, Liabiity, M arine,n fiAccident and iSickness, Wind, f fi BoierFideîity Bond,' Etc. SaleHamilton 0 Phone Orono IR16 OFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Building a Ilouse? ane then contact Floyd NIChol0sop Phonie 2191 Orono Electric Motorsg g Wirediigs, ,Switehes, bearing-s il fBrushles, Electrie Tools and Mi o Appliane Motors g g WorkGaate ALi. Heard Phone* .1176, Orono PHONE 1471 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGG ART VýETEt4SIRY SURGEON Phonfe 1%16 Orono, Ont, Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister -and Solicitor BOWMNVILEONT. Of 2eM -5688 MA 3-555j lu the Offices or MIAIN ST.,OON g g~ ~ ME riLD. BROWN 11Ont:iu Land Siïrveyor g BowmanvillOtario g Te!lphoe 623-7251 O AAg MaI E -te MORN ST.O, ox 6 Phone 12516 Res. 11714 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales ConsuIt nme for ternis *and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orono TEl) JACKSO15N Auctioneer and Valuiataor ConduCts Auction Sales of M;l $12" j and at reasonable ratez Communicate wilh, hlm at Pmot Pa-e ontaric. Monuentsand Famly Memoril Our quality and service leave@ noathlng to be desired Ask the persan who bought frbm uS a neighbour, frienci or reTafive The RUJT ER GRANI - COM 1PA iN Y 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Dispiay in Southern Ontario" 4 licensed Plumbing& Mïechancal Gontractor who seils, instails and guaranitees [ r A A r,, A 1 1 1