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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1962, p. 4

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gRa'%Zn WER'Y M iLIS T1~tJI~SDAT, ~sEPTFlMUER- 27,. l$li2~. - I I --~i1~~ R'! 1fj Il LOIN PcOUK SAMË! LOIN ROAST O'PORK' 31-b 1hR4ION average aAP -e*w LOIN ROAST O' PORK Tenderloin Portion 3lb l 5 average i llospitality - Availab1e Thurs., Fr1. and Sat. Oiily CHERRY PIE ea 45c RECEWVE $10.00 IN BONUS TAPES with Bridge Mixture; Lownes, 131/2 oz. pkg. Regular Modess, pkg. of 12 'RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES With Nesties Quik, 20(k% Off, 2 lb. tin Paste Wax, Johnson's 8c. off, 1 pound tin Aspirin, bottie of 100 Fish and Chips, Fraserville Frozen, 24 oz. pkg. RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES With Powdiered Mqilk, Pet Instant, 3 lp. pkg. Marmalade, Silver, Gold, Scotch, 12 oz. jar Vankî-irk Chipits, 12 oz. pkg. Omno Detergent, giant size Royal Gold Ice Cream, hlaf gallon Loin Pork Chops, centre eut, any pkg. Table-Rite Weiners, 1 lb. pkg. -No. 1 Grade Carrots, 3 lb. cello bag Ceoking Onions, No. 1 Grade, 3 lb. cello bag RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES Green Beans, Green Giant, 21- 15 oz. tins Sliced, Bologna, Tablerite, 12 oz. pkg. Ontario 1,Potatoes, No. 1 Gradle, 10 lb. bag MARGARINE Frozenl TurJ<ey, Chicken, Beef or Pork YOR K PIES 2 l45C 3,pkg'S 69 U Faraunt Cbe Red Rose Orange 1ekoe SAION2 tins 85c TEA BACS 60 tor 75c Lashs - FarmIkist Breatkfast JELLY 3 pkgs>25c P RU NES 11 lb pkg 39c CI Swee Juicy Valeia OANGES large size Sedes- No. 1 Gr'ade GRAPES 2libs 35C Brussels- No. 1 Qxrade SPROUTS lb 29C. doz 497c Garden Fresh CELERY 2 large stks 29c t n Clcarke High School News Students Eiect N"-ew Council Frepare In Track And Field The niew Clarkýe 111gg Schiool JsCENOTAPrH COITfTEE ELECTIS month of operation f inding studeflts settling, downr to their studies as Weil as planning and taking part in other, sehool activities. The flirst social evening of the school term was hield Friday evenmng September l4th when a "Get Acý- quainted" dance was held in the gym at the sehool. Music for the evening was provided by records and a good reprelsentatlon of the student body was present. A novel arrangement in setting the admission to the dlance wasýý conducted when each student liad to draw a ticket and pay the price ap- pearinig on the ticket, The price of admission ranged from 5c to GOc. TI ' the whE ".T trm RP TO STRATFORD1 This Friday seventy studeats fr'oin eschool will travel - to Stratfordi here they atternd the production of lie Tempest". The students will avel to Stratford by train. ACT]iVE UN SP~ORTS Sport activifles are taking many % spare moment at the school as stu- dents prepare for three track and field meets. A squad, of boys are also shaping Up a football teain. In te I track and f ield divisions the Clarke Sehuol held their own track meet at the school onz Wednesday. On Octoh- with Bowmanville and Courtice schools with the meet being held ut the Bowmanville Training School. Oc- tober lth Clarke School agin cou-. petes la a meet with the Bilakstock' and,. MEi1hlnrkScoonfTi~his latter1 CAMPAIGN A meeting of Newcastlevtean was held inrIthe Community Hall i- ^rdy evenýing to form a committe whuleh would organize a campaign o funds to erect a cenotaphi. The mem'- orial site wilI be on the groLunds of!,lie weest lawn of the commuinity hall ad would honor the mea and womïeri of the village who gave their Iives un the service of their couatry. RED CROSS MNAKES PLANS FOR BLOOD DONOR CLINIC NOV. 7 Bowmanville and District rnl of the Canadian Red ýCross Societýýy miet on Wednesday evenirig, Sept. il in the Cotuncil Chambers, Bowmrýa- ville with the president Mrs. W. MI- Ruddell in the chair. Mrs. Ruddell re- ported that the aext Blood Don)or. Clinic will be held at the Lions Cn tre Wednesday, November 7th. Plan.s for this clinic are to be finalized a.t. lhe October meeting. HONEY FAVOIJES GREAT BRIT-- AIN ENTERING -3OMMON MARKET Canadian trade relations and tradc- patterns will require, dynamic re- adjust-ments but the eventualbne ifits to Canada will be great wheni* Great BÉitain joins the Commun Mar- ket. This was the main theme of an adâ- dress given by Russell C. Honey, M. P. for Durham, to the Rotary Cubof B9wmnanville at their luncheonmet ing last Friday. meet as becomne >ani ainual event. Qutliing. the history and treniad- This afternoon in Whitby the Clarke ous trade expansion of the Europcýaf football team will test their ability for E coinornlc Cotmunty sïnce itso- the f irst this year as a new -entry ingPnal organization followiag the Trea- this area-. ty of Rome in 1957, Mr. H-oney pit ed out that "If Great Britain staqya ELECTSTUDNT CONCILout of the Commiron Market, she ýandý ELECT lSTUDa eET COUNCIL hethe, countries of the Commoa-wealth Fro vida ast as lietioniay at therisk losing the great potential mar- te-col wichcnlde oe s -ket of 170 million peuple witbia the te apigning for the counil s eat. ~Cnd h te omn Bob Bro!ffýjwn ws elected president of EC aicu ntrteswoî s!er om- tbe Studfent's couicil with linc weaýIlhonre oldsfe rn Hughes, secretary; Donaiild cle fiercer competition fro.m the Cmo tesrrand Mary Jane Brouigli pub- i'kc nale onre lic relations. Form1i- representatives were also el- ected by iidividua,,l !ormis withi the f followng gaiingte form re-p. pos E (- ', j Iions: Grade 9A, Janet MrMackin and Robin Taggart: 9B, Candy Storks and Douglas Wadle! 9C, Kathryn Turansky andc Barry Watt; IDA Gamey Lycett and Christina Maartense; l0B Brian 5IN 600Di EA IN Ishi and Donna Ferguson; 10C Bar- THEPE /$SN AT bara Keast and D aivid Glreen; 1lA , I'N Mr KOU 1T H t I / Faye Nicholson and Terry Graham; 11B, Linda Tyrrell and Wm.r ape, ton; 12, Brent CoaCes and Linda West- heuser and 13, Douglas Barrabaîl and Marilyn Falls. ç1 COU~RTICE SOUCER JES. WIN ITLE , Courtice wa1lopedI Hampton 5-0 re-, ~centlY to win the Ernest Werry Faini- ~ily Trophy and the jupior soccer championship. Regular schelule lead-ý ers, Courtice took the sertes two strà±giit gaines, gaining a 1-0 decision ip inte opener. j - fi' Durhctm County Distrist High School Boaird EVENING CLASS Monday. October lst, 1962, ai CLARKE HIGH SCHUOL R.R. 1, Newcastle TIME: 7 :30 p.m. te 8.,30 p.m. Ifsufficienit registràtions are received, classes wiIl bc held lu the folltew;ing subjects: 1. Art (<011]Painting) 2. Woodworldng 'l. Commercial subjects or Others. Registration of t5 people is necessary for academniecIcassesý others: registration et 10 is nevessary. SURNERSERVICEI 'I qj àtâ 44-- OBI 1-1-= il ,ýIllilt-Pui-pose 1 ý 1

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