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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1962, p. 6

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r r- r- r- r r,- r r- r r r- r r- r * r r s- r 'A r r -A r C C r s- r r r- 'A -r r r r A. r A- r- r r r r r -A r r- r-- r '-r r r I g- g- I r e- s- s- e- r s- s- r r A-A r r r r Those Russians Have Their Failures T(oo! At Pie United Nations General Assernbly meeting in October 1960, Soietý Preîmier husce pauinded hîs fïst, called ane of tie deleg1ateýs "a lackely," and f i- niailly-t off his rigiht shôe anj.d bangced il on lis desk. Kliruishicihe-vs behiaviorwa at- tributed ta ils iýnability ,ta have Red China admitted bticth U.N. and ta have- disarinient debat- ed onhils own ternis. Now tie warld knowýs -what cisc e wae aingu-y about. on, Oct. 10, and againo Oct. 141, Soviet mnissile- men -'-la imne d iant, four-stage rackets tawvard lhe planet Mars some 33 million miles away. Boti l imes, lhe ig-ity raPckets, wiich have contributed clsa miuci ta the puýblic imaýge of Soviet scientifîc talbitfaed Thesa two -lmsison Ithe Sovijet scientifîc reputation wcre reporýted lstmonth byJ-, ames E. Webb, chief oýf the National .~ernauicsand Space Adm.iinis- tration. -lie alsci confirmed what had been reported iiofticially: On four otier .occasions the So- viet Union had shot for Venus and failed. On Fcb. 4, 1961, a -Venus probe dlid gel mbt a parking orbit around earth, but tic final firing stagýe of 'tic rocket failed ta send it on ho -tha planet. Anoteiý fail.ure, to Venus on Feb. 12, 1961, iitvolved the breakdown ai-li te spaýcecraft's commnunications af t- or il was 4.5 mllo miiles out. The last iwo camne during the -samie week that lie United States launched ils successful Mariner II spacecraft. In boli cases, ieý vehicles %weraput mb oparking orbit. The-broken pieces are still parked thera. Prom the first, U*.S. intelli- gence knew ah lihe de$ails of the early failures. The US. decision to iold back ils intelligence in- formto wvas made at flhe higli- <tst paitical ievel--by boiti lie Eisnio-erand Kennedy ad- miýnistrations. Thie raasoning ap- parcntly wýent this way: Tich U.S. ELINT (electronic intelligence) listens mi on Soviet countdowns, tracks climhbirsg rackets by radar, tnd "do.ccks" all objecîs in orbit withitis worldwide traCring net- work. But the Soviet Union 4hould net be allowed lmo learn how well ail this is donce, NASA, an, lie otier hand, had .anorduCted a long campai-gn egainst thus reasoning. First, it .rgued liat th. 'basic U.S. moni- » ring teohniques are common kowledge. Secondly, and iost basistently NASA argued tiat ils ôewn "alil"prograin iof huts >-nd misses' suffered grievously by ceniparison with tiie public- Aii'lge of Soviet perfection. Andi Johowingthe f ligit cf Niclayev ànid Papovici, Air Force parti- *an-s. b.d begun sniping ai the A$dministration in genaral and at îh. civiýian- space effort in parti- 4ular. As muchi la quiet domneslîc cri- - -tcisrns as la correct wcrld opin- Ïon, lie Administration lifted tie aecurity lîd a little bit, And bow edithle siasreact ta this revelatïin? "W. have nothing teý aY, " said a Fore-ign .iMinistry xpokesmnan in Moscowf. "Andi we eannot understanti wiy- anybody ¶iniierested lu this . matter." Prom ,NEWSWEEK Spacesbip Coupling Ticklish Business Now Ihat 'Mose5ow ' "eavecnly tWins" have orbited the earthi n 4compý!ihon spacecraft, thie word "rendczvous" is going ta have ta b. more carefully defined. At their press canference in Moscow- the two cosmnonauts said they iad corne within sorne three miles of each oier in space, but liaI licre had been -no plan ta join jDr couple lieto spacecr'aft. WXashington officiais, prior --ta that announcemient, liad gener- ally estimnatcd lie two casio- iUtuts had nal been closer ta each other in space than 1IN miles, though sarne inslsted a docking, or lockînig, operation had been intended but failed. Up ta now the. word "rendez- vous" lias covered any dual space aperation, fromn bringing satelli- tes or spacehilps i-n close proxi- mnity ta actually joining thein or locking hein so that fuel, passeni- gers, or supplies could be trans- ferred froua one to another. From here out it would seemn that the word "'rendezvous" would hava ta b.mj.sed b. de- scribe a mneetingý in space Cot two satellites ar spaceraft, and the terni 'dccîng," or "locking," Or "joining" applied only ta an ac- tual iuniting cf the twa space- ships. Otherwise tiare villi be a constant confusion froin now on -as tei just wiat happened .1n double space shots. Obviously spaceships would -have ta rendez vous before tiey could dock, but they would not, cf course, have ta dock after rendezvousing in space. Under The k.e Killer whales W e-r tJ Thorne's biggest worry when h-e fist dived through an -e-hole i MoMurdo Sound, off Ross ]lsuhnd in the Antarctic, tor photograph the effects of a new thermal de- vice for, melting thick ice or pre- venting its formation. This Amierican diving expert, with colleague Dor Johnson,. h-ad to wear a rubberized suit dma ed at the wrists and neck and two sets of thermal underwear, then dive through a fou-foot hole which broadenied beIT-hke towards the bottom. The aqu-a-therm- was on the, end of a fifteen-footimetai pole lowered into the water and fixed ta a tripod anichored on, the sur- face. Dowvn below. it was pitch- black. Thornie f eit cold fwater seep in throughi his rubber gautltets and his suit at the neck, which were evidentlv improperly seul- eSuddenly lie feit, something rub against hlm. Bis first thoughlt was: killer whale! But, looking down, he~ saw that it was only a seal rnaking playful passes atI us dangling Four timies he came up, fior a ne-w flashi-bulb. After the, fourth, his fingiers could hii>dly set off- the trigger mechanisni. BRut by speeding up the trips lia the sur-1 face he maaged to,, make~ the niecessary observations and firnishs the rall of fïlin. ne and Don, hie saya in pation:- Adventure" where the first men lia make a -worklng dive under the Antarctic and staysb nierged for half an hour, j T7heir tests, ha dlaims,, shewed î that the aqua-thermi corad stcop ice formning round piers. DvciC an~d cattie ponds, ri-vers, hbirbours eould retain open water, and boats - especially small craft- be lef t safely all winter in water that normally freezes up. Locks could rernain operative and even the St. Lawrence sea- way be kept open to, world corn- merce. nvented by an engineer, George Cross, who accompanied the exledit>ion, it has a submer- sible motor of low horsepowver, with- specially designed propeller, wlhiih cara b. lowered balow tii. ice and angled towards the sur- face on a compact unît. When switchied on, the propel- 1er drives to the surface the warmier water> which always sinks ta the bottom during the winter montis, neyer mnixing with the cold. None of the warinth is lost as it passes through the rniddle layers, sa it meits the surface ice and provides open water- - or keeps it open if lhe unit is installed be- forehand. Balles were drilled in the ice around the aqua-therrm ta rnea- sure the rate of ice-erosion as the ice grew thinner, and il was found that each of the 10 h.p. units was eroding at over four tons an hour. This was ani appreciable rate for practical purposes, and pros'- ed that the device could do 1h, job for which it was designed. One morning Thorne drove out to inspect, for diving conditions, a hale which the aqua-therm had opened ui-, to a 65-fl. ehannel. As h. approached, he heard a loud ,,,hoosh as a killar whale loomed up from the. water, spout- ed lhraugh his blowhiole, then headed dôwn again and vasished before Thorne could get ils cine camiera out of ils case. Frantically, h. thr'ew every- thing hoe otild lay handsonoîrdo ISSUE 39 ) -ý 1962 AGENTS eIsi-a etc. 5h11 CMadr(l" fînest Chrlstm-as vards,. Orer 300 items, inialirg eligioius, lCvexyday ani per, sonral carda. Wraps, toys ani navel- ties Propt srvIcY..,hr olore>d. rata- igeand, samuples on approavaî, Jean, dron! Greetiag Cardi Co. 1253 King St. E. Rmiltor,. ont. BIJSNISffl PPO'RTUNl.TîiES, CANAD'Aé%'S larges( diatrlbutor oi huia type veroiag equiptment and siipplies,, bas for sale in the Toronton areab along wvitb rus'ai' aveua. £lllor pariturne huai' neases. t4' ,,ears of quality service have belpied us. naw let uis belp you Limitled capital neecled For furtiser particulars write or phone Mlr Wayne Hiazlett. 1222 Eglintoni W., Toronto 10. RU 3.6501 DAIRY EQUIPMENT FOR Sale: Craft buik miiik cooler, 22- cani size, 3 years old. W. MRy R.R. 1, Unionvïile, Ont. FARM îEQUIPMIENT K-RAEMAR- FEED TRUCKS HUINDREUS in use. Solidly conafructeti wftb beavy woodea base and ides. One- piece 20 gauge gaýlvaniizeti Iron bottomr and ends (no joints). Mounitet on two 2.75 x 10" semiï-soîi ruisher wbeiels and one 0" swlivel rubber castor. Froua fac- tory to you. No Djealers. You miake the savir>gPs. Two sizes 32" andi 26" wide, boti> 72" long x 36" bigis. Onlfy $67-50 and $65.00. Cash witis order of C.O.D. F.O.B., St. Jacobs. Kraeaaer Woodcraft, St. Jacobs, Ont. Phone Mýýohswk 4-2052 FARMS FOR SALE 50-AICRE farm, forsle, leve1 lankd, good bulidUngs witb' eanveniences, $7,000 down!; 6 il3es ta IBarrie Franak Siack, N!rAR4WG AiOS ON/T P'AY IIGH PRICES FOR: bs iree Information Writza '<tANHEAR'4 Reg.. 24 Catherine St. SMI1TRS FALLS", Ontl. Ail Model-, at Whoïesal'e, - Wr!tt'en, Gutarantees. The «Goïifersa Rleite'lboua Business Guhde. LbVESTOCK AUC1IOl* SAýLE JLIVESTOCK Aierdeem.Aïpua Li»et 'al- ide, ati .sdoî. Ostarir, II& 'lots regis tered »reeding cattie )22 broDa eýnd 88 femalea Sefllng at public andiion sale. i etober OIs andi tis, sponswsed bIl- 011 tarlo AberdeenAngus Breeers A,se clation. Write fe'yr frecatalogue te A. C.'- McTaggaul, Sale Manageg, IWeIintoe% st E, Aumrr Ontawi4, MEDICAL POST'S £CZEMA SALVE BANISI] the torment qt dry eeerm rashes and weepfing skida roubl)es, Post's lfczemna Salve will ot dlsappoisat von itchlng, scalding andi burnlng ocze- ma scrie r<ngwvorm, pimples sud foot eczemna, will responti readlly t(, the gtaInlesa odorless ojinent regartiles af bow stubborn ns hopelesa tbeY seesn. *Sent Pest Frae on Recelpi .of ric. FRIC! $3.50 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto the water blockçs of wood, piec- es of seal -neat, Then 'he grabbed one of half-a-dozen red flags oin poles - indicating dangerous ice - plunged it into the. water and waved it, yelling: "Corne on u! And suddenly the whale did, nat more than ten feet front hlm. Even through the camera-viewer he could see the littie pig eyes. The deadly-loo)king, high black dorsal f in flashed in front of hlmâ, then the whale dived and dis- appeared. He got his picture. ' Another day he and a colleaguu saw a ,sehool of penguins in the iniddle of the channel, leaping in and out of the water in a panic,' iwith. the killer in pursuit. Fast asn penguins can swim, the whale overtook them and they disap- peared for good. "Luckily," Thorne says, "we had not been spotted by tl e whale. "Eye-witnessý accouints tell how they've tipped over large blockcs of floating ice, and devoured whole the seals who had climbed there for safety. in the next hour I counted fourteen killer whales." Then the testing had ta end because a large crack ini theie b made the area unsafe they had enough information to proveý the su'ccess of the operation. REGISTEREID' NURSES FOR general duty aind operatiiig eoom; lu modern 52-bed hospitai, good sý,aas and pronlpolicies. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT KINCARDiNE GENERAL 1403PITA- KINCARDINE, ONT. OPPORTUNITIES FOR' MEN AND WOMEN BE A HIAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great ppotutyt Leamo flairdresîng Pleasani îgiie rof,,sion good waýges 1rboutsantd, c0f uesf MavlGradpates Ameriua's retetSvstem fl]ustraltd VIou ree Write om Cail Mçiryel Hoirdressinq Schoul 358 gloor St W. Tornnto 44 KngSt. W. Haiiton 72 Rideaui Street Ottawaý PE RSONAL "FAMILY PLANNING- WIIA't' DOES IT REALLY MEAN1ý FRE of char ge, over 100,000 copiles of this hlghIy informa3tive and thougblt- provoltlng 37-page bookiet, covering vir- ttially ail aspects of busband-wlfe rela, tionships have b)een ditrilited ta miar> rled couples in ail parts of C;taaà This liookilet has received the hlghest' praise frossi husbands, wves, doctors, leaders of the Cburch, and a world-renownecd blologist The, bookiet is available. FREE, upon personai reqiuest, by mail, 0111Y, tO any inarried couple, unider ne- obligation, Write t' RSTG U(RUG) PRODUCTS 1LTDI., Box 513, rërminisa "'A ý Toronto.. A nmodern way to, hellir youi redticeeý Kt 3 meals a day.. Lose, poknds aid IBei s, fast..Ciinîea1ý rtested Slim, NMifl* bel'p' sati'f y your cravin-g for food - Slillu Mitit pIi-ni. maRes> retucing eHssie liban- you evel, <freamedi possib1aý $2(0é RweekIss uappfy. ÂFT'ER DEATtI WfAT? .Itality <if lir Aritua'l, llli' evealLdl t. 1IH7A'EN arlRL! lt 1E1 BBýOG; p5fTýs$T'ELEN7 KLFLLER, tele thse story of ber Christisan, fattinXI* RELIGION, ibrary eopy ,85c' p-aper 55cý. gendIot.Leonard Cote,. #oderfclt, Oit poNt V D fOt SALE PONT And SADDLE HORSE SALE DONIT for pet McLelland's ffl>lan caqddie horse consignment sale ai Uervl# - near Kincerdina on gaturdoy, Oct. Il et 12 o'clock. ltes McL*ilandi, Route 4, Kincàrdine, Ont. ROY S. WILSON 78 Richmond Street West. Torffost NEW JISSUES CANADA B.C. & FOREIGN RAPICIN - GIBBONS SCOTI' - MINICUS HRBIS & GROSSMAN ALBUMS IN STOCK COLLECTIONS ALSO PUBCHASED TRACTOR TIRES FOR SALI Cash & Carry BARGAINS New FIRESTONE Tracter TIRES 1'we't-24 Ail 'Fractiton Cisnp . ............ 79.00 palr Two 1024 Champion Grun GRUl rip 94.00 païf Two 1244 Ail Tractiont Chaump. .11»paîl YW12 12-44 c4amp. Two 1028 chamffion Two 12.4-28 Chlampion~ Groond i ig1100 pair Two I1-84Ait Traction Champ ....... 139.M0 pair Twe 1.4.38 Champ Grounci Grip.......4 0pair Twe 12.436 Ait Trafen hamp.......59,00 pal? truckc tires, new ........, UO.00 cft *ZOXdO tubes-new.....1.50 eath E. P ABEY U'MITED, 444 Wharneliffe Rd. S. London Ont. GE! 2-7597 To Rellovo Torturing 11CR 0F EOZEMA Yry This Easy Way Tonigh* Stop in at youir druggist andi asic for a amull orginal bottle of MOO0NE'S EMEIRALD OIL. Apply Ilberally at bed-ttme and get real relief i n dauble..quick Urnle, Ne mnatter what you miay have trled,, tliere'.s notblng quite Ilib r EMER- ALD IL, 1In(expenslve and sold at ail drug stores. it wvill involve more and mure varied opcrat.ions. First there will be liie transfer of fuel, of] supplies, then C0f pas- sengers. From that ilfw .- o on ta the assembly of major c>m- ponents into a larger sýpace struc- ture. It will inc(ude repairing spaccecraft in space, the possible rescuing of space crcws in case of an abort, of relievîng and rotating space crews on large space stations, writes Neal. Stan- ford in the Christian Science Monitor. There are saine interesting sidelig-hts ta rendezvous. For examnple, if fuel is being trafls- ferred, it must be remembered it will not, flow f rom anc- ship ta another by ordinary gravity as is don. with refueling air- cra4t. Wheré is no gravity. A special pumnp willl have to b. used, with power ta force tie transfer. Also it rmay not 'be wise ta Jet spacemnen mnove about outside their spacecrafft in space suits, clam-.berijig around the outside of their ships with magnetic shoes, safety lines, and gas baties for Pressure suita -nay prove ta b. too rigld a-nd the. range cd temperatures on each side of lhe euit mnay prove too difficuit tai cop. wlth. Mic-ro-meteo>roids aiso xway b. a problemn for a suited man, whereaî 'they -would haveý ia effect on a spaceship.- Il could well be that space- 1nien, doing space station assein- bly work, wilI have ta work in smial, ane-man space, tugs oper- atirtg from 1th., mother ship, Tii. spaice construction worker niay work remnote tool-bearing armis similar ta, those used in handling "hot" nuclear ii-raerials, Rendezvous, or cou-phng, is basic ta alnaost every space (oper- ation cf lthe future. That is why this; subjcct has suddenly be-. corne of prime importance and interest ta space scientists and pilots. It is the. technique ta be exnployed in a lunar landing. It will have to be perfecteýd and practiced many, many timaes, however, ta be sure of1 the pre- cision liaI is essential for re- peated successes. How Con I? By Robierta Lee Q.Jow can 1 go about c1ean- In-g My al-fbegasluggzage, whlch is of the type that has no1 additional covering? A.This ty p e of luggage la cleaned by wiýping with a dainp cloth. Any scratches can, be smoothed out by tlic carefulf use of sone' fine steel wool. Q. IIow eca nI improvise a good movie s cr e en for somie home rmovies? A. A, car(- table will miake a .very fine screen. Open up just two legs of thc table, and use thiese tao hold the table on edg-e on top of another table. Then, if the.oc-rd table is dark-colour- ed, you can caver it with somne w,ý.hite paper or sheeting. Q, 110w <an I remiove finger- nail polish Stains f rOr fabries? A. These stains car, be remov- ed 'rom. ail fabrics (except ace- talte rayon, plexonr, and vinyn) with aceýtone, or fingerniai pal- ish remjover, pure amyl acetatec (bnnoil) can safely be used on raya-n and vinyon. Satura-te 1le spot first with ca'bon tetra,- hirdthen aplya dra'p or two of i a my1 a c et a telath0 e staiin. Bprusi lilhtly uwr wlth e sùfi clti ta pck p tii. lssaveduo'13IL BACKFIELD IN MOTION - Although the obove looks more tike oi football Qim -i- bosebail ga-me il is the latter. Twins' Bob Allison got caugh:t in.a run d; ý nCil o "A r--- r- mýU

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