ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THtJRSDAY, OCTOBER ilt, 1965! 'i 'I h I BEST BUVI - You Save 9c! Fancy Quallty là-oz. Tins PEAS G3reen Giant 5 tor à9ec BEST BUV I - Von Save ge! Canadian Chees Festival - Kraft 16 oz. jar 'Cheese Whiz 59c BEST BUY! - Von Save SC! - For BrightnQSs oM'"O DETER GENT i BEST BUY! - ou Save 4c! JAVEX LiquidBleach BEST BUVI - Von Save 13e! - Raoyal Deluxe RobInVHodCAKE Rob,ÊJ Hqjo MIXES BEST BUV ! - Yoti Save .5e! LIBB1Y, CATSUP Giant Pkg. 79c (il-o. Plastic Container 43C 2pkgs 73c' 'l -oz. Bottles 2, for 37c ~1~ IVALUE CHECK'D - BRANDED BEEF SALE ROUND S..teak or Roc-.st lb 87& BonelessCholce Rump Roast lb 89ej Sjtewing Beef 59c Extra Leani - Ground Tender Beef Chuck lb, 59c Beef Liver lb 39c Featue - ou Save 20c! - Man Siz'e FACeE-ELLE TI*%S8UES Featuire!1 - Vou Save 6c! - Chleese KRAFT VELVEETA Feature! - Voti Save 16üc1 JAMS & JELLIES Feature! -- You Save 6c-! - Soliti Whte Ment OOLD SEAL TUNA FISH FROZEN FOODS Save 6c!I - Fraservale - 24-oz. Pkg. Fish & Chips A Family Favorite!I Suprem-e 2-lb. Green Peas 59c Economy Bag 49c NdLo. 5 GOLDEN BOOK DICTIONARY ecich 99C 3pkgs 79c lb size 57c b-oz. Jars - with Peeti 3 for 59C 7 oz.tir> 39c- California Iceberg No. 1 Grado - Lge. beads Lettuce 1. for 35c Crisp aznd Crunchy - Gooti Size Cucumbers 2 for 25c Eeo-.lgfl)cal, nutritions Green - No. 1 Grade Large fteads Cabbage 2 or 25c Sweet, Julcy - Gooti Size Oranges doz 49c ýNEW! luj: Floral Sachiet, Fréeh Modemn, Spriug Flower, Evergreen - Jolmson?'s at Redi & White. Reg 79c MIT G L ADE nly os% Save 4e! Stokely's Fancey PUMPKIN *2 £5 o z tin s eZçSic I J OROXNO, Ontarîo PHON'E 1121 Report From Ottawa If one needeti to be reminded of the Support of the third parties. The Lib- rich beritage we have received from eral Party is in the position whiere it FBritain hie need only to observe the cannot dispiace the governmient with- custom anti tradition of the opening out the support of the third parties. of Parliamient. Reaching f ar back into Ail of this adds Up to a great deal of the past these traditions bave inou1d- uncertainty , . but miakes is most in- ed our great democratie and parlia- teresting for one who bas the privil- mientary 'nstitutions. lege of beîng part of our Parliamient The new House of Commons assem- ai this time in our bistory. bled for the first time at li a.m. on Russell C. Honiey, Septemrber 27th. Having been called M.P. - Durhamn te, the Senate the members were in.- formiet that "eis Excellency does flot LAWYERS IRKED BY see fit to declare the cause of sumn- SHERIFF"'S APPOINTMENT moning the present Parliament of The Peterboro County 'Law Associ- Canada until the Speaker of the Houise ation disapproves of the appointmnent of Commons shall bave been chosen of for-mer Mayor Stanley McBrlde as accortiing to law." county Sberiff. The Commons, accordingly, trudged At a meeting of the association, the back to their chamber to set about following resolution was passeti: tbis business. It was an essential bus, The Peterborough County Law As. iness, of course, because the House of sociation expresseti its disapproval of Comimons wasn't really a House of the appointment of inexperienceti anti Comm-ons unless anti until it elected untraineti persons to bolti positions of a speaker. The Government's nom- Justice as evitienceti by the recent inee, MNr. Marcel Joseph Aime Lam- appintment in Peterborough of May- bert, was tbe unanimous choice of for Stanley McBridq to replace Colonel the House. John A. Harstone on bis retirement." A speaker baving been appointed, th Hus o iAU C ii '.,1iÂ4t4iJa VIO t do business. At three o'clock that afternoon the Gentleman Usher of the Blacký Rotiativiseti the House that "it is the pleasuLre of His E.xýcellency the Governor General that this Hon- ourable House attend him immediat- ely in the chamber of the Honourable the Senate." Members of tbe Houise again trutigeti to the Senate Chamber where they hearti the Speech from the Throne read by theicGovernor- General. Returning to the House of Commoins),,, the memb-ýIers were ready to -et down to business of the nation. The Speech fromi the Throne is, of couirse, the ouLtline 0f the Govern- ment's legisiative programi for tbe session. TUe cdebate on the -Throne Speecb will last for ci-,-t tiays. As tbis is written on Wetinestiay miorn-1 ing, we bave completeti two tiays oci debate. Mr. Pear-son, Leader of tbe OfficiaI.1 Opposition, in a mariiathoni speach, de- taliedth te reasons why the House shouiltibave no confidence in~ the -av- ernmnent. At the conclusion of Iiis re- manrks, be nmoved a simple m--otioni "'that . . . the Glovernment does not bave tbe confidlence of this Houise." The Prime Minister, also speaking at g-reat leng.tb on tbe motion on confidence, cdefendeti the Govern- mcn't's record. BotIh Mr. Pearson andth te Primne Minister expresseti soi-e solicituie, for the Social Credit andi N.D.P. Par-' ties. Solicitutie whicb w-as not appar- ent duingi the election camipaigri. Thne Govern.rint is in the position where it cannot govern witbout the KENDAL l NOElWSv Mr. ant i Mrs. jack Stapleton are the prouti grantiparents of a baby girl born Saturday morning, October 6 to Mr. anti Mrs. Jerry t)ost. Mr. anti Mrs. Paul McMackin took a trip throughi the Adirondacks after, tbeir marriage in Kingston United Churcb Friday eventing. Tbey will r'e- side in the Cornislh apartments ini Orono. Mr. Robert Falls was b'orne for the Tbanksgiving weekend. Mr. anti Mrs. Tbos. Stevens bav returneti from a three week visitt Manitoba. M4r. Stevens brought 1his brother anti bis wl e anti taughter balk to visit hlm in Ontario. Tis ý their first trip east. Mrs. George Hamiltonl playedth te organ for the Suntiay morning service. Next Sunday morning tbhere wMl be Suntiay Sehool at 11:15 but the churcbh service wîll be witbtirawn in f avour o! Newtonville AnniversarY. 1 wish to correct an errer in last weeks news. It stateti that "Mrs. S. Gordon bati attentied i ber ri-iece's wetiding Miss Connie Stcliff e." It shoulti bave heati: Mrs. S. Gortion at- tendeti ber nephew's wedtiing Mr. Ronnie Sutcliffe on Saturday, Septem- ber 29 in Orono Unitedi Cbureh. Miss Connie Sutcliffe was niarrieti at 7 p.m. October the Sth in Newcastle Uniteti Churclh to Mr. Wm. AWlin. The, reception was bQlti in Leskard United Churcb anti inclutiedtiite 'immecIiate familles. Mr. anti Mrs. Spence Gortin andi Mrs. Wm-. Mercer were guests. Mr. nti Mrs. Norm-an XKennedy nti Mr. anti Mrs. RlUMMciGary S anti- janet were al', qiusts, at Am,,- 1Dancbuk's wetdin-g tWo eesaon SDelhi. R Iev. W. C-. Picketts B.ýA'ý, Assista-nt lSecretary c0f M,. & MTrnowi our, own ebirinth mrning nï SWe'sleyville chofi--r Inte cen.Theïre i wll b a Turkey upr October 241. MVr. ArthurTomsn ok i mother 'anti aunts to vitis cusnL in Warkworth on Tuestiay. palyur Mechania) Contractot who seils, ibstais and guarantcts CARMAN, PLUMBING & HEATINQ j Phone 143Orn ANTIQUES This fine imp lrtationi of Perioti Furiture, Works of Art, Sterlinig andi Sheffieldi Plate, Enigllh ant Continie.ital Chhina, Choice Gliass- ware, Copper, Bras, etc. WILL BE ON 'VIE W at thie Armouries, ORONO, Ont. THURSDAY, OCTORER i (Five miles north 0-f NewcvastIe) AND SOLD BY Fridayr, October £L2 aIt 7:30 p.m. Sharp FYFEMcGRGOR204 ST. SACRAMENT ST. Auctioneers and Appraisers Montreal 1, P.Q. - AV. 813330 Estates Appraiseti aid solti by Auction Aniywhere RvYALMA.3- 5589 ROYAL CLOSED THURSDAY THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 7 AND 9:-30 P.MNI HELD OVER SUNDAY TO WEDNESDAY AT 7:30 P.M. MATINEE SATURDAY 2 P.M. WALT DISNEY'S "BON VOYAGE" With Fred Macurray, Jane Wyimai andi Michael Callait Fun for the Whiole Farnil:in xColour ORO ,NO TINSHO Sheet Metal Products Made to Order PLUMBINý,,G SUPPLIES -and Repairs f B-H PAINTS etc. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 s 'I -4 N N '.4 N N "4 "-'4 N '.4 '444 N N N '4'. '4 N N "'4 s-' N s. N N N N s -'4 '.4 -"4 N N '.4 4; '4 '4 4 '.4 -"4 -4 '4 .4 s 'i -'4 MI 1 ýl 1 1 . 1 1 1 Orono, Ontario