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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Oct 1962, p. 6

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Getting Ready For Winter In Alaska The home we had chosen for tis inter was a squat cabin -e"ith ane ten-by-twelve room and a six fot wide outer roam lo0cally referred ta as a "parch." We had rented it wheni we hlad came ta- Unalakleet the springý before ta make, arrangemnents for the present movie praject. WYe had paid $75 for the year. and Our Eskim-o landiord had tried ta re- f1und $5 o)f that becauise hie feit the amouint in excess af value. Our chloice of the siallest cabin in t 'he village was beyond the understandinIg of aur native friends. "Do Hose" anc of themn ,called it. The'e was no douibt Fred "lost face" in bringing his wife ta suich ai plaice, especiajlly with storey-and-a-half houses, copied after the quarters at the nearby Federal Aviation Agency Station, available. Stili, it h-ap)- pened ta be exactly wvhat we wanted. Tt was picturesquel- and, maore important, authentîc. Tt had, in fact, beeri built -nd lived in by Eskimos before its last accu- pancy by a prospectar. 1[t would be easy - much easier - ta h-eat than the larger houise.s. Withi its god-bOankad walls, it seemed not only substantial but harmonious with the cau-ntry. We gave it the name "i-nkro, eaning "'thcssmallest," and moved in..,. There ,%-ïs a table nailed ta the wall under the south ,vindow, a bench and twao top heavy hand- made stools and a wxa5hstand. Ta tuis aur landlord added an aid Yukon stave with a firebox about the size of anc shoe box atap an- other. Missing, howcver, weret the firebricks protecting thc tiny aven framn the firebox. Our fir-st acquisition had been & fifty gallon drurn for holding water. We realized the limita- tions of aur new home whien thie dr-um proved toa wicfar thed door and it had been nccessary ta remaove a wvindaw ta bring it in.I To the drumi we addcd a piywoad cover and a bueket and dipper on, top of that. Next, a bed ha(! been rented for the year for $10. it -wýas a single iran cat with the limes of an accupied hmok but by supplcmeniting the sag with aur sleeping bag we made 't passalbly comfartable. , There had been difficulty get- ting this piece of furniture in, tao. Nlowonder- with six small children crowded inside ta watch. We had sent them aoutdaars where thley hlad clustered at the windaw only ta scatter like quai! when Fred turned suddenly in their direction, The washstand we had equipped with a basin, the neces- sary "catch bucket" and a miýrrar Fred had ta crauch ta look into because af the low pitch of the roof. This was tic extent of aur fîx- ing-up the spring before and thus is what we had came back ta. Naw aur taskz was ta mnake it, as comnfortable as passible for the long narthern winter. - Fram "The Howlý of the Malamute: The Stary of an Alaskan Winter," by Sara Machietanz. SIMPLE SOLUTION An Assaciatcd Press dispatch tram. Moscow repartcd, "The gav- ernmcnt niewspaper lavestia said Soviet citizens must be courteous to each other bccauTse rudcncss is bad for the health. And it de- mnanded an end ta thc practice of dcnounicing people witb anany- 7mous letters.", Hom, much better the Soviet leaders might have put the mat- ter if thiey could have said, "Whatsoever yc would that men shouldi do ta yau, do ye even Sc, ta thjem," and if they couild have ýclinchcd the matter with tic de- i 1~ PRETTY PARTISAN - Posing against ai woil plostered withi cornp pagn 'stickers, Judy McGavoack adds ai universolly op- peoling touch ta- the Republican National Committee staff in Washington, D.C. The stickers were sent to the cammittee f rom local Republican groups ail over the country. r r' r' r' r r' r' atETALItS Peak placcd about a $2,500 gocery order with Gristcde's i£, New York, bDuyviing very ingredi- ent which every rce, speccifed. GrLiede's filiad tic order in ]100 boxes mar-ked "perishables" and 100 boxes ai non-perishables wiici wcre deliivcred t0 tic Waidlorf, writes Marilyn Hait man in tic Christian Science Monitor. As I waridcrcd around among corntestànts, I spotted Julius LiI- enthaiq, tic only mnan in tice Grand National Finals thii yeam. M. Lilienthal, an insurance clerk wioýý bakes an weekends, and camnes tram San rFancisca, creat-, cd ight ncw recipas for tic con- test, but tic anc tiraiadvsnced hlm ta tic finals was for a sand- wich cooky ieatuïring boti a t iiling and icing. eý.chrd Xiecka, .12, thé anlY boy amang tic 20 junior final- isis, -won tic $3,000 first prize. He iearned ito bake tirce years, aga in is Cub Scout work. He entared tic contesi along wti hi mother and iqi 14-ycear-aid sister. His hamburger casserole, with chcase-tiled biscuits on top, won hm thtrip ta New York. Richard and tic other cool, cal- lected juniors, wieldcd their suft- ers and spatulas witha great au- thority and attackcd tiair ci- pes 1hike veterans. I watcicd Mrs. J. F. Hasen- kamp tram Chattanocýga, Tenn., lacing the lattice crusi on her pineapple-peach pic. Sic's been entering tic contesi for the past, tive ycsrs, and althii past wln- tam sic dreaamed up ani tried out new recipes ta subimit tuis spring. Sic sent in seven rýecipes, but Ihe 1fruit 'pie braugit hem ta tic Waldorf. Like many ai tic conitestantsý, Mrs. Hasenkam-p bakes ail hler own brcad, laves miaking pies, and always iras iomc'made cookias oan hansi. Mrs. Richard Wurzburgcr, x "working" wiie tram Scotissiale, Arîz, baked a cherry catfee cake, witl? a dcicately spicy dough (cardamoa s tic secret), whici puits up, gocy and good, and mrakes tirec rounid cakes., Winners în tic Bake-Ofi were: Firsi priza $25,000, Mrs. Erwin J. Smangar, South Bend, Ind., for han Apple Pie '13. Second prise, $5,000, Mrs. Basse L. Gentry, Al. exandria, Ais., for lier Smiokcî BarbeDcue Bans -- a Frenci bar with asi hgitcrusty texture tap- ped.wýiti sesame seeds and brusi- cd figutly ithbarbecue sauce. $25,0()0 RECIPE "APPLE PIE '63" ½ý lb. (about 28) lighit colos-ad candy caramels Vscup avapos-ated imilk or iight eream 3 cups slfted ahi-pus-pose flour 1,4 cup sugar 1/iý teaspoons sai 6 tablespoons butter 14 cup cooking oil 1 unbeaien egg, SCu4P cohd wait Vclp walnuis, chopped M4eit caramels witi evaparated milk over boiling watcr, stîring occasionally; keep avar hat water; Sift flous-' wti sugar and sall ia m ixing bowl. Cut in butter WIhen tlie Pilisbury "Bake- Oift" camnes ta New -York, thé swank *WalCior-Astoria ba&comes, for a few dlays, a homney, aramna- tic saltwiisort ai place, witlî 100 contest-ants tramn 40 states "bacýk-yard'" visiting over ther General Eleccric ranges as tiey turn oui scrumiptiaus-look- ing butterscoici spice cakes, fruit muffins, blacberry bread, and f rosted pecan, cookies along withi dozens ai other delectables. Lasi mo,-nth, the 100 tinalists selected froinithe iundrcds ai thausands ai mren, womcn, and teen- agers ,,who entcmcd tic con- test can-vcrged an tic Waldori ta impress tic il judges ,wti tiair baking skills and ta cam- pete for tic $25,000 firsi grand prize, $5,000 second prize, and tiausands ai dollars in supple- mnentamy prizes. Regsrdlcss ai thc outcamie, howcv c, cach tinalisi won tic, expensc-paid trip ta New York, as wc-11 as a G. E. cleccric range and -mixer, tic honlor af a tcw days i being fussed aver, mneet- ing Mamie Eisenhower, and ai iaving what mnast of thern de- scribe as a "glariaus time"'; also For thii 14th annual Pillsbury, Bake>-Qif, tic tiious-ands ai e- cipes submitted wcre initially narmowcd tta 1,300. These were tien baked by Pilsbury's staff ai prafessianal home ecanornists and judged again, ta detemmiiine tic 10) finalists invited ta comn- pete in thre Bake-Ofi. "Fou-rteen years aga," ssys Phiiip Pillsbary, "whcn we sia- cd tic firsi Bake-Oif, aur ides was ta take tram 1tic kitchens ai Amierica a graup ai favorite recipes wiici we could siare witi tic ras-t ai America." What officiais have laarnad f rom- tic gigantic infiaw af ra- cipas caci year is tirai te Amer- ioan woman bakes creativcly, and frequeýntly, contrary ta mast pcoplc's ýnations on tic subi ect. Thcy have disoovcred tirai sic uses ber ingcnuity ta give appeal ta i amiliar ingredients, clevcrly adaptsa aid f aml y recipes, and îs intrigucd -with exploring tic use af rare or unusual ing-redients, Cakheslhav-e niade iup the lrg- est category cf Bake(-Ofi enitries over tic- VLcars, thoagi t11iey've decIinýed lately, and ccoIakies, long in seco-nd place, hiave inïceased, with many unusual flavors and rçlIever .shiapes. AIahugih breads are third inni-nmber ai entries, an increasinig inumber is bcing sub)mittýýîed cci\ ear, and beads, have acumltc iore prize mnoney cover tihe 10üyears cf tic BaIke-Off than ai nY oier cate- Chocalate istic favorite Bake- Off ingredient, Cie2se i sa Mid- Wcstf fav-orite, andi creani cicese asb eeni a graOwîng source ai insiratlin for new conitestants. adotAstocia crew washcd 2,000 mýixin-g bowls, pans, spoons, and disies twhile ccontestanits bakeid, and Glernn Peak "kept sitore" off tic ballroomi, keeping contestant, supplicd with praper utensils and gracery itemns. Mvr. until parti-clees ar fac. BE1q liesnd e wihegg ani atr rttiill i geth1er. Foras n lito)ai square. RGloîl alui on! ungreased 7x2 iici sieit afi ire-avy dcutyv alumii- inn 'olwithir iiac l ic f cd'ges, Srroth edýges; flute. Fold foôil around pastry to 15x1-iniclt rc- tanglýe Place on aInugesd cooky sheeL. Place tillhing on pastry. Driizzle caramel sauce,. thinnimg wilih a fÊew draps of mnilk, if neccssary, in widc strips over apples. Spreaid' topping between caramnel sauce. Sprinkle with walnuts. Baka- at 375* F. for 30 ta 35 minutas. Serve wvarm or cold. Apple filling: Com1bine1- 1CuIP sugarl with 13 cup al-purpose flour and two, 1teaspocns igatedi lenion rincl in a saucepan. Stir in six caips pared and s]iced 'apples and 1/4cu lemon juicv. Cook aver miediumr heat, stir-ringý1 co- stantly uintLl thickened. Creain cheese topping,: Wi one cup «8 unce package)' rai cheese, one unieaten egg, arnd à. cup sugar xntil fluffy -and smnaoth'. Off-Size Packages Attacked ln U.S.A. C'angress has been asked' ta' giive the irousewife, a great big' helpïng 1and'asslire, goes.d'awý,n the' supermnarket aÎsI e bY 2iiasist- ing the, packages sha buys "speaak This ucth purpose of a "trulthr in.-packaging>' bilil, ïust iniradu-11 ed in the Sanata, which i eliminate the "giant half-qu'aris- and tier absurd and subtîe de-. ceptions that beguaila and con- J fuse the present-day shopper. The careful houscwife would be able ta save hundreds of dol- lars a year in her family market-. Ing -if these propased packaging regulatians are carriad oui, esti- mates tie author of this legisla- fion, Sen.-Philip A. Hart (D) of Michigan. chairmnan of the Senate Antitrust 'and Monapaly Subcomi- mittce. The new bill,wic would af- fect tiousands upon thausands af packages in the modern 'wonder- land," is described as emnbadying the ,most comnprehiensive legisia- tion ever introduced in Cangress In'this field. It would elimcinate the "centsý- of f" corne-on, the "ecanomy-size" sales pitci, and other designa- tians suggestive af a price advan- tage or bargain wiich somnetimes does flot exisi. .Deceptively mrouti-watering il- lustrations alsa would bc oui- lawed under this legisiatian - meaning by tiat, illustrations which picture an end product which cannaot be fuliilled by the contents of the package. Chocolate chips must be as cvi- dent in the cookies as they are in the package picture. Also, net weight must be promn- inentiy dispflaced an tic front panel "with no qualifying adjec- tives." Thèse propascd regulations are the resuît of an exhaustive study by Senatar Hart's sub-com.ittecc during which it heard many wit- nesses on baoth sides afi tus per- piexing fence. -Tiereis no doubi that the pro- visions af this bill would bring about ýmany drastic changes ini mnerchandising, affecting nat. anly -the printing'on the package, but in some cases size and quanitity at content. For instance, it; mîght be found naccssary ta require mnanuf actur- ers of I certain producis ta seli thcm by tic pound rather than sa many ounces. It was disciosed during the lic'rmn tfat Ptatoe nhji4ýS Uae' smldI in,' 6ÏB; d cruintûweighvis< Um- der thlrea' pounrls.To elimiinate- tie l3½]15 an orl'T1_ ouini-ee pakgef potato ehips~ or oltier products, lt m1ay ire found necen- sary ta settie for -a one-poundý package. Under tlieHatbill, this dcci- sclan wouild bha'lLft toftic Fèdcral Trade Com-missicm, (FTC), atter consultationivwiti ti c nustry,. Tice TC woulIr alsa' set stand- ards for "small4","nduV "lre"or "super"'~ packages. It 1milgit establisi, fan. the purpose, if quuantity dèescription, haw imich is contained iný a "tîerving."1 Sometim-res, vh~e i 7eight' afi;a product i ias litite mcaning,. FTC. migit find iL inecessary ta set forth tice contents in terms- of anuls of strength, it iËiexplaim- ucd. In ic case'-0f détergents, for instanice, wh(ieestic package could i ihdhýte icw., many wasi- ings ý,the contents, aould n1, wVr.tes Jasepihina' Ripley,3 in the- Christian Sciencer Monitor. Whiia'th I' lgislationi is d'esign- cd primarilb'.'for tuer _aidi 0fî com- suLmers, it us fautý by tic' sponsors- af ùhe IL-gis1àtion tirat manufat'- "Du,-ring, car inquiiy," Sena, tor Hart ephiat at ipress ronerixc,."%ve fcmniriat maey manufclaîers ere, apolo getie, abouàt pc'kaginig practic2es-buit. e-ause tfleir Conspetitars did7" Tire n'eecsity' ils n Ieislia- ibin, asire secs- it, lfies iti ,60or more itemsi týoday>s supcrmarket eampared to 1,ýïGC a dccade agc.. rit ils uigh t#rle, says thre Sens- tom, thai the package, on which thre shapper îs depandent for her information, about thre produet, shouid "speak trutfulyV, infoýrm- atively, and elearly.'- It's A Whopper - Even For New York New York's newest plusi hotel,i fie Americana, opencd Monday witi a fanfare aio waving flags, speeches, and tic attendance of natiional, international, and city officiaIs. Tic towering luxury palace riscsý 50 stories iaticth sky on tie eassiside ai Seventi Avenue batwecn 52nd and 53rd streets. It was buili by Loew's Hotels, a subsidiary ai Loew's Theatres, Ini., at a cost af $50,00,000, Tic Americana was pl'anned with the convention and ban-, quet-meeting business in qiind. In ahl, tiare are 41 public rooms, seating a grand total afIl11290 dinars - simultsneously if need be. Tice ýxpoýsition area, Albert Hall, is oa-c aiftic largest and nsost complctciy equipped roomsa in the country; Its 30,600 square tact ai iloor spaca canaccammoO- date 3,200 dinars or 4,000 persons for a business meeting. Tic lux- uriaus imperial balîrooni, meas- ing 26,000 square feet in arca, wiil seat 3,000 for dfinner or 4,000 for convention meeting. Tic 2,000 guest roonis in thÎS customcd-oriented hotel range tram modest-sized accommnoda- tions, tentativciy priccd ai $12 for single accupancy, ta suites and mnore elabarate cambinatians ai a considerably higier tarif i. Ail suites have reirigerators, extra phones in al baths, sulent electric switches, wall -ta -waii carpeting, TV and radia, ther- yriostatically controlled iaating, air-conditiaing, a n d clectric heating units in some batis. Phonses are direct dial and are rigged witi maessage ligits and one-dial service for valet, raam service, andi garage. Built-'in parking facilities for HELPING, HANDS'- Sëe'er yea rýoî>-iTerry' ,Hoizwortý' Hri oP'twco arms-ýdéspite, the-woy/ it: boks. aSO, cars are- providert iim the iew~ Am-rkana,. wiltî diicecL sisttx tic lobby- and7 registrstibn dtsksý The l-. iytel. Smp1ôysmrce-,th=-i 2~QiX piicih. vr iit asiiithenn ih~ý11d th emitliffli un foodie puAMI if h iaBiýý Tha' acre aTli ei pae. ir Ib&ve a jooee lie oèn Mie elevatoi 'j'haii Ca l(ltansportt aL visiting dgn Iyst' i tuh Preidet-crallia ei, ËrdiceetIfW from the styeet toa the, diLùîu1e- guished gueýsts> recptinma reona1u adjoining the imperialhan. This would provid1e n-laxiiaune security ta týice Chief Exeasutïveý, or ta any 0oth&r visitLing ebiet of state Modern Etiquette Gy Anne Ashley Q. Would it be ail xight for i» to give au engagement annouflce- ment party In honor of our soi and lts flanoee? Ber parents cannot afford this.- A. No. 'You mray, however, give, a "celebration" party. The announcement mu,.st-be imade by the glrl's parents, and iU they are unable to do this bymeans of a-party, they can do -so very well thraugh the local new- papers. Q. Just what does "bowing'" mean for a woman? A. This does flot miean a deep, formai bcmw. It is a pleasant nod and smile, accompanied by a slight bend forward from the waist. Bowing shauld be a friendly gesture, flot a stiff One. You would use it in greeting friends acrossa raom, and saine naturally graceful womien comn- bine it pleasantl'y withi shaking hands. Q. W h at do youildo wl h theater ticket stubs? is it neces- rýAry to hold on to theni uktil the end of the show? ,A. Yes. Someone else may dis- pute your right to the seats. Or, if you go out during the inter- mission, ,you are'sametimes re- quired ta show your stubs iii order V. regain adititance. Also, if entertaining aL the theater for business reasons, the stubs pvro- vide a record for tax, purpases. Whoev'er it was who f irst cati- 1ed women the fair sex dtdn*t know mucli about justice. ISSUE 41 - 1962 i I "-N OPERATION SHOEHQRN -- Mobile clossroomn unit squeezes ontu bridge in Rochester, N Y., with only anc and o holf inches of clecrance It wcs th? f irst time thita oset of the mobile classrocrms had been movcd from anc area ouf the city ta ni rr ïg ýr. --ý é.

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