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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Oct 1962, p. 7

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ladies'. Why Not Go To Russia'? Althoujgh ha likes ho quota old Hussian proverba ('TO catch a bedbug you have to pour boiling water ;ntohîs ea",Nikita S. Kbhrushcbev bas studiously avoid- ed tha old saw ,t-bah Russian womn- en know only too wellv "If a womnan waats ho be beautiful, sie mu--st 3uffér.'" And with g-ood raB- son. On behalf of suffering wo- anhoodl, Izvestia's Surday supple- ment, Nedelya, assigned aine newsheas to find out wbah Mos- cow torýfes have 10 offer the glja- mour-starved femnale. They wera, appailed ah what they simply teould not find. Seekîng nylon stockings, ie1 ladies discovered t1iaI govcra-ý mrent planners had airanigeci ho hava onl 'y 650 pairs a day ship- ped ho -Moscow (population: 5 million). This, 1h was aoted, was like a drop of water in the ocean." Ah GUM, Moscow's two- block-long departrment store that akes ia more than $200 million a year, a reporýter, presumnably broad of beaam, asked for a slip, size 45 (comporabla ho size 18 la the U.S.). She was told: "'We biave them rarely, and oaly la fie morming." Stratcýh tights, whîch provide cozy, warntin laheRussian win- tersý, are "la great demand"; but thay are "unavailable-." So are at- tra-ctive gloves ("only ugly lea- ther ones") - Womaa complainad that underwaear tended to be un- inspiring. "Factories producing, thesýe itemns," if was found, "don'h bolier 10 vary the ecoloir sciiemes. Blackt lingerie 15 R big pnoblam." A working girl, Anna Ivaaovna, 25, was quohed as saying: "I've been looking for a good black mighie- with lace since19. Cheap ones hurn a dirty browa." Barbs were also direchad at the beauly salon. Oaa reporter waih- «cd fromn 4 to 9 p.rn. to gel han hnain shyled. Ah closing time, sha was still twelfth in lina. Tien wiy don't the ladies set tiair own bain? Simply becausa tiare are nio suci bourgeois ne- tinemnenhs a sprays, rollers, ints, and rnses. In the. land where the. vise of tic girdie la banaly beginîrng ho equeeze, the coniplaints of tie RuSSian women moved Nedalya's editons ho commrxent: "Ih is not af question of a wqima' s caprice, but a demnand cf our, timre, a de- mnand of incraasad culture." Iluman Thoermostat Goes Out 0f Order A person's built-la thermostat, * whici aormally keeps body emperature ah a8.6 degreas, îs a tiay luster of nervýe cadis In the hypothalamius, a region deep within the brain. Wlen hie out- siçla air is bol, signais fromn the hypothalamus produce sweaing end bing blood close10 Vthe sýkia for coolin.g. Wien its old, thiehypothalamus constnicts sur- fac'e blood vassels and conserves If lie buman thermostat were ho go Out of o rd er, a person would acquire thbe tamperature cf is surrounidings, just asý frogs and othen "oold-blGoded" aniphibians do. An instance of this rare condition -- calaed 49 poikilobiermia" (from the Greait poikilos, vained, and thermos, hfat) - was c-itad ilthie Britllai journal New Scientist nacantly. The patieit-, a 30-yeaa:-oijd womnan, iad been hospitallzed la Oxford, Eagiand, wihi hormone defcincls.To tie i r surprise,1 PYJsicians fouid that lher body tempenatura fluotualed wili the roona tamperature or the (Iothas sAi, was wearig. Ia a aorraliy iaated roomn, it ranged f romi 91 to q5 dagrees, but at a roomn temnperature of 110 it rose 1, TAKING TEN Sonny Liston stands over -Floyd Pattersori ofter knockirig him out in 2:06 of the f irst round in Chicago to win the heývyweight titie. Did Spy Sabotage Wreck Big Zeppelin? "No tragýed1y bas ever witnessed scenes of moDre heart-rending emotion thani those whîch follow- ed the stark draina of the Hind- kenburg, disaster when the giant Zeppelin burst into a blaziag inferno -and plunged aarthwards carrying thirty-six people to hor- rible deaths. Veteran reporter Herb Morri- son was £o distraught by the scenes of terror that tears flow- ed down his cheeks as he strove to fight back the emotion which choked him. Shouting hysterically lato the mike,_ he cried: Il .It's burst îm flames Get out of the way, pleasa oh m-y, this is terrible . ,. -It la burning, buùrsting into, flames ... f alling on the. moorig mast and all the folks we . . . this is one of the wvorst catastrophes in the wold! ..,. Oh, the humanity, the passengers,. ." and then bis voice trailed off as he could ao longer fighit back tha overpower- iag emotion which gripped him. No thought of this terrible tragedy was la t-ha minds of pas- seagers or crewý whea, on the eveaimgof May 6, 1937, the huge airship came down through a rift ia the louds to land at Lake- hurst avlAir Station, la New -Jersey, carrying thiity-six pas- seagers and a crew of sixty-oae. Lights gleamned fromi the con- trol cabia, from the promenade dack and f romn the bow hatches where crewmea worked the ropes and cables. Itva~s 7.25 p.m., Twiliglit. - And iii the nexh thirty-twvo second-, the Hindenburg became a flaniing white-hot crucible which tok ok b of thirty-six in one 0f the mnost 1baffling pre-war air disasýters. What had bappened? A ground angineer noticad a amrnal spark "lîke static lactric- ity' dancing under her, not far from the tail. Crawmen on the lower fin, staring up, saw a fire apertowards the, middle of iie hydrogen-filled Gas Cail No. 1 aft. 171 was like a flashulb's 10w Within seconds fira wvas plum- ing upwards in one muishroom- ing, boiling eloud like " a mrillion mnagnesium flai'es." As the flames reached them and the stern began bo sink, pasý- sengers began tumnbling on top of one another, "a mass of shriek- ing, crying pecple." Oneý yelled: "It is the end!" Naigthe ground,'the Zepp crackedl in the iddle,, her for- ward section reaching skyward ai ýui acute angle and flames pouriîîg from hcer nose like f ire froni a volcano. Elevea crewmen ia il fu back inb the, raging crucible ia rapid succession. HalfC-sobbinag into his mite Herb Morrison managed to ýget out- a fewý, mnore wrd:"I 'can't talk,, ladies and gentlemen - . . I have got to stop- for _a minute, for it's the worst tbing 1 have ever wit- nîesse(d." Onlythe lucky ones were able to sm-ash'windows and jumpout befora lie f ire could devour thein. In thosa thirty-two seconds all was ovr-the Zepp dowa, its hy- drogen consumed, its fuel ohl billowiagý cloud~s of smnoke, look- ing lika "the vast seetnofa f ish stripped of ils flash and eiw'eloped la f lame s1aong îtds lower part,.", What was t-ha cause? Officiai American and Germa-in inquiries gave the "pr-obable"' cause as sta- tic electricity ignîtiag hydrogea gas. But now lan "Who Destroyed the Hindenburg-?" A. A. Hoebling asserts that she wssabotaged. Hitler and Goering gagged the inquiry to prevent the world kaowýinig that enemies of the Nazis had tritumphed. A igger on board was tali, blond Eric Sphel, 26, f romn Gos-ý chweiler Badrîsi, who had flowa on the previous rs trips. 1A nmoody sort of fellow, hée was the one crew mem ber whomn none of his shipmautes seemied 10 know. Yet before the airship set out on ils last fateful voyage ha had been uni-usuailly exuberant and had often been seen in tha cornpaany of a brunette with deep-set, broodiag eyes. Shie was a regular Patron of semni-clandestine drinking places frequentedl by Cormuaîsts and, others of the rasistance mrova- Spiiel, whhchief rigger Lud- wig Knorr and rigger Freuind, iad regular access 10 tie axial catwalk t-bat tunnelled through Ceil 4. Ha was the lasI on, rigger watci, and at 6 p.m. Knorr reliave-d humn to go b ils land- iaig station lanh bow. '-- Almnost imm-i-ediahely Knorr dis- covered something wroag with Cell 4-exactLlywvhat can neyer be known, forlhe (diedla inte wreck, Perhapg il wvas a disar- -rngemni-t of the f abnic, causing hlm to hink gas, was leaking, as ona crewn-an heard hlm observe. Hoebling points out that at lhe end of a flight a1ilthe gas cel are relatively loose a;nd floppy "like a wninkled pruine." A small explosive device could easily be lucked under the fold,, witi bardly any possilily of detection. A slit couivd even have been mnade and the device placed in- ide tht celi, ah Ibii etage la "riding higi" In iL. Be- fore halte-o1ff, bowever, the cel's fiihhiess, would maýke eonceal- meat difficuit, Il is unikely, for several rea- a<that any device was placed &board Pt Frakfurt, for tle. air- »hlp w2as wefl guarded. Had lt been, i4 would doubileesu have M DAIRY EQUIPMENT 21 CAN woods bulk mnille cooler, lIen. man 'Vacuum pump and pipeline, ail la near new Conition, Russell Mller, Route 1, Markhamn, ont. FARMS FOR SALE BANCROFT ares; 200-acre farmn, 190 workable, balance pasture, good cedar gwamp, large barn, would iraIre excel- lent ranch. Large house wth city con- veniences. Fuil price $8,500, An-gusý Cairns, Birds C reek, Ont. 400 ACRE dairy farm. 70 reglstared Hal- steins, machinery. Near Ottawa. Two bouses. Hfydro, water bouses and barn. One house fully modernized. Ideal for r rtaers. Box 255, 123-8tth Street, New oronto, Ont. DAIRY FARM hfust be sold to settie estate. 230 acres, 185 plowabîe,tw tractors and truck. Ail power mnachlaery. Modern home and barn. Two silo.s. FCrtY milking cows, twelve yearlings, threce calves, bas ine can contract. This cari easily be lncreased. Farmin s twenty miles nort f Cornwall and forty miles south of Otw.$V),000 down. the baýlance at 6%-,interest. Contact Mrs. Anna Van Egmond, RR No. 2, Moose Crack, Ont. phono 2Q-R-6. FOR SALE- MISC FOR sale diesel andi portable sawmilll, diesel suitable for feed mill, both ln excellent condition will sel separately. Reasonable. For details contact: Iloy Tokley, Tweed, Ontario. HELP WANTED Medical Laboratory Technkc(in: Requlred by .55 Bec! Genera'l H-ospital, Attractive working conditions and per- sonnel poicies. lleply stating qualifies. tiens, salary, expected and date avail- able to: Administrator, Sensenbrenner Hospital Kapuskasing, Ontri. HELP WANTED - MALE COMPOSITORS LINOTYPE OPERATORS MONOTYPE KEYBOARD OPERATORS NEW Enigland's fastest growiag trade typographie plant naeds men with job shop experience te handla greatly 1»- creased work load. Good psy, good wvorklng conditions. Thase are permnan- et all.year-round jobs wth a real fu- ture for competent, dependable men who can hold their own in a fast mov- Ing operation. WRITE: GENERAL MANAGER Eastern Typesetting Co. 433 CHURCIi ST., HARTFORD, CONN. OR CALL COLLECT: HARTFORD 525-8274 HORSES AUCTION SALES HORIS£ Auction. Our Iîth anual sale of horses wiIl be held Tbursday, Octo- ber lth, 1962, 1.30 P.M., Lachute Com- mission Sale Barn, Highway No. 8, La- chute. Approximately 150 haad. Con- slstlag of about 80 mares la foal, itegis- tared Premnium Suffolk Puinch Stallion, Singles and matched pairs of heavy herses, Saddle horses, a beautiful. pair 3 year old sorrels, Western broke. Farmi cbunks, ponies, colts and foals. D)o not iss ibis sale If you are lnterested la horses. Further Information contact: D. G. Simon P.O. Box 6, Lachute, Que. Phione:, i7Ô. 2-2939 been set to explode over lie North Sea or Channel, ho destroy ahl evidence. Knorr wvas a trusted veteran, Freund also a loyal, solid crew- manl. But whah of the secretive Spahi? At seventeen he had gjone 10, Markdorf, near Friedrichschafen, and worked7 for three years as a saddler's apprentice. Then, unable 10 fiad cemploy- ment, he'd wandered f rom toýwn to towa for-ctwo years doing- oddl jobs and served a year la a Reich labouir corps with its cold Nazi efficiency and brutal discipline. Glad ho be a ,vanderin.g labour- er agaýin, he returned Lo Laike Conýstance in 1933, got a Job at tha Zeppelin works, helpiag to maintain thie Graf Zeppelin and bo build the Hinderburg, and la 1936 joinead its crew. When not flying bis oaa hobby wa.3 pbotography. Ha had a dart- roont in Frankfurt with lime- dlock and other equipment, and olnbrought valuable cameiýras on board. Then . . . his infatuation for tha brunette with ber undar:- ground connections - is ab- normial behýaviour. Hoebuing deducaes that Spehl sacrce d in Cei 4 a small davice comprisiag a l12½-volt dry.-cell battaîy-of which remnants wèra foundl-coninectad ho a flash bulb and pocitet wahch timed ho ex-' plode it shortly after landing, but a short eircuit or otier fauý-lt exploded it prematurely. Ha %vas a tol of anti-Nazi plolters. Hoehli-tgboîshars the hheory with other evidence, and one, trustsilt saconclusive, ohharwsee hedotsý a grave injustice ho Bp.hl-wilo died in tlie disaster -and tho Spehl'.8 tamlly. The , whole %tory la engrossiqngt- ly bcld, the. mystary painstaklnig- W~ probed. .IIII.II~~ LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR sale 300 choie Herefordi steers vitryiaig la weigbi from 700 to 850 lbs. ,acluded are 50 from ithe Cburcb Ranch. Apply WilIard Caihoun Dobbintoni, Ont. Phono 338W3 Chesley MEDICAL I-T'S EXCELLENTf. REAL ReSULTS AFTER TrAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURiT IS MIJNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1 .25 Expresei Colilect -POST'S 'ECZEMA SALVE BANISH thie tormeat of dryècezema rashes and wteeping skia troubles. posi's Eczemna Salve wéill not disappoint vou ltching, scaldlag aand burniageceze- ina scne riagwvormn, pimples aad foot eczema, xill respoad ireaid4i to the stainless odorles 0!oitment regardiess 'f how subom rbopeless theY seem. sent post Fraecon Receipï of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BA HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great 0Opportunlity Leara Hirdlressing Pleasant dignifled poesingoofi WsgeS ThOusqands 0of succesafl MavlGraduates Amerlca's Gireatcest SYstemn Tlurated Cataloguýe Frea, Marvel Hairdressing School 358 Bicor St, W.. Toronto 4 KringSt \W. Haimiltua 72 Rieustreet Ottawav -PATENTS CANADIAN patent foür sale or roalty. Natlonalîy advertised and sold la U.S. Wanted by avery wornaa. Retails at $1L Write Royal Scot, Waterbury, Cona. PERSONAL JESUS la comling agala (this timie) te muzle the %world! Be prepared and re- jolce la confident hope. For fmee liter- ature write box 811 Brantford, Ont. AFTER DEATH WHAT? Reality of the Spiritual 1f. revealed la HEAVEN 'and HEL, by SWEDEN- BORG; pp595. $1. HELEN KELLER, telle the siory of her Christian falth, la MY~ RELIGION; library copy, .85e paper 55c, Send, te Leonard Cole, Goderich, Ont. PONY AND HORSE SALE PONY And SADDLE KORSI SALE DON'T forget McLeI[arud'2 pony and aaddle hors. consigniment ïaile at Bervie - near Kncardine on Saturday, Oct. Î3 et 12 oiclock. Elton McLelland, Route 4, Iincardine, Ont. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 11OUSE for sale la the village of Hol- stien. Just 2 miles off No. 6 Highway. laved road to village. 7 rooms, 1 large bedmoomn plus 2 smiail & den upstairs. Large kitchan, living room & 3 plae bath dowa. New brick sidlag & roof. New eaivestrough & lectrie wlriag. New well & al aawly palnted, large lot. Asking price $5,70 $1,500.06 dofra, bal- ance one mortgage, less for cash. ',ppiy te THOS FERNANE box Ili Mount Forest Tel 136M How Con 5? By IRoberta Lee Q.How can 1 "rejuivenate" a limp and lit eless tape mieasure? A. Pl1a ce between sheets of- waxed paper, and t b an press SADOLE MORSES 7 YOUNG saddle borses. Oaa Morgan staillion. AIl quiet, andi broken. A. WeIr 59 EastbotJrne Cros. Mimice CL 1-0921 SI4EEP FOR safe North Country Cheviot ram lambu born early Marcb. AIso number of yearlings wilth or without papers. James Ilenderson R 2 Belwood, Onta rio. Phoino FerguS 82lW3 STAMPS GERMWANY. 601 different speclal stamps. Send *.00 only. Write toH. Knoop, 520 Dovercýourt, Toronto FAMOUS Americans at $2.60. ARMY and Navy ai .30. WASHINGTON Bicenitenniai at40 R. ShorterRN, Mlddletown, N.Y, ROY S. WILSON 78 Richimond çîStreet West. roronto NEW ISSUES CANADA - BC.& FOREIGN RAPKIN - GIBBONS SCOTT - MTINKUS - HARRIS & GROSSMAN ALBUMS IN STOCK COLLECTIONS ALSO PU1ICHASED 875 assorted Buttons $1.00 33 Bobbins Thread $0 7 pairs Nýylons $10 36 yards Lace $1.00 24 Sewing Machine Needles $1-00 Nylon Selvages-2,5< to 50(< lb. -Ail colors.- Cotton YVaras 2/8 - 2 /16 on, 1/2 lb. tubes. Lb. $1.00 Samples, Catalogues, 1963 Se-wing Clubship 25( PREPAID SHIPMENT postpaid. I. SCHAEFER LTD., DRUMMON DVI LLE, QUEBEC, Canaida This Remarkabloi Home Skin Remedy- Gives Fust Effective Relief This c1ean staln;es.s antiseptie kaown akil over. Canada as a fine healng agent that Eczemn Salt Rheum, Itching Toep, anà Feet, and o ther lrrl tatlnig skia dia- ordarýs are relleved lan a very f ew. days. EMERALD 011L is pleasant to use. anà ao ant iseptic aad pent- tratlBg that maniy old stubbo"~ casas of long standing have yieldeCd M\00O'E's EMlERALD QIL la sold by drugglsts for rtubborn piri- Y)1,e8 Ad unbightîy skin trou'bles. over it lightly with a medium- WarTm iron. Q. Whbat is a 'formula for a good "homi-emade11 ink 'eradkca- tor? A. Wfip up a solution of one p ar t of chlorinated laundry bleach and 10 parts of water. Keep this la an old lodine or mercurochrome bolttie with a rubber stopper to witbstand the desýtructive effect of the bleacb, aad with a glass rod as an appli- cator, Use it along witb a blot- ter, just as with commercial eradicator--and don't, of courçe, expect this to wdrk on typewrit- er ink. ISSUE 41- 1962 LION HUNT -As Johin Deviln, right, was busy tckIng notte, durin'an1iteview wïth wiId animai trairler Borry Whit#- lêt, Tila, o i -month-old lioness, decided ta f id out fthe obiect danglng from John'sorm WGs edible. It oll hoppened when Tula cVlrrived ot a Brooklyn, pier. Ckt ao aliabu-u0q

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