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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Oct 1962, p. 1

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Orono nitdChurch To Celebrate Centennial Programn To Extend F or Three, Days T'le Orono United Qhurch this week- Churceh bondon, being.the guest ýspeak. wvell an-d truly laid. Rev. J. CurI; en ilclbate its Centennial dur- er a)t th e il a.m. service. Rev. E. Roberts, Bible Christia' iiing a three day period including Fi- The Rev. J. E rfih o dpeçe !Ooo n e.Go t aSaturday and Suniday. t was in Dunsford, Ontario and formerly te Lawrence of the Presbyterian Çhlurc- t'eSpring of 1862 that the corner stone inster in Orono in 1919 will be the of Clarke made addresses. ~vas laid for- a new Methodist Episco- speaker for, the afternoon service a! On Dec. 1l4th the church was dedi' pal Chiurchi to accomimodate 250 mem', 4 P -min cated. Bishiop Richardson preacheti1 bers in Orono. This building served After the morning service the cn in the moinîng.Bsihop Smith iii the th~e communîty for 78 years whea' i gregation îs stay for a buf afternoon, and Rev. J. Gardiner lu 150, and then kn'own 'as Park Street fet luncheon which wiTl be provided the evening. The building is of bricýk, UniedChrc i ws esroedbyby the Orono United Church Womien. forîy tby sixkty feet, with a ceihnl-g fire. An historical review ý,of the church' twenty-six f eet high. The syeisGtl past flos c The churc is splendidfly ligited The Cerernoxles this weekend wIll o with coal oil and is heated with stoveSI inclde Cetenial Smogasord ~ et~tis± pisopa Chrch placed in the corners o! the audienice Supr on Friday evening with turkey, 182-Ono irutPacesbrom CrstnAdcte.twa 1-ani, andi fish icasseroles, scaloped Biadel .V aie oa rah osidercd !the best circandti the poao~ and pies andi cakes bein.r, m ilJmeeaactdnH heapest one, in the "connexion", fo-ý sved by thie U.C.W. Bilns .E ctH deMm h niecs nLuding the furnisà- ber-s 250. An imiport'ant event occurýsinwaaltteboW lretiuan Saturay eeningthe rono oup his year in Orono. A new chiurch îi dolars les Club are providling a variety of enI buiilt The corner-stone was laid on OnModa public dinner was gi- ierainent inicluding neats fromi theil' June 25th uithi some attention to cer- en in theodcurhnthrarfth owýn vaiety show along wthe0,ic o, uln the OreiJi ono layes peseningtheir one-aci mn.nwoe n nteeeigata orlo Plaers preentiiHenry Muniroe Esq., MU.P.P. pre On Tuesday evening a concert o-I ply Entertainmient relating 10 an era sided Rev. L. B. Caldwell read from sacred mnusic anti also aý tea were joFý sometenor tent yers pst illthe scriptures. Rev. James Curts of fered. Altogether $1200.Wa tkn alsointeest he~ udiece.Brooklin offered prayer. Mr. anti Mrs. whichi cleared the debt with abot$O Those taking part in the Lancaster, Newwv,tonville, Ftev. S. R,. ono, Rev. . C. Fisher, Newcastle. Tt evcs0 wrhpWl e held nre the ian containing relies. It is anriounced that the fir't meet- Coýrner Stone ceremonies of th 1nw enderson, Bowmanville, Rev. G. top row, W. J. Ritideli, finance, Mv. 1-1, on Sunday, October 28th, witb the Rev, thest United Church in Oronio on October, Telfor-d, Oshawa, I1ev. W. (C. Smith, Staples, secretary Building Committee3 A. E. Eustace, fornierly of Orono and Bso ihrsndcae h tn n fteOtroCneec ilb 4jti, 1950 wýere (I to r) 1ev. D. T Port FIeirry 11ev. A. E. Eustace, Or- Percy Chapman and Carlos Tamblyn n1ow iminister of Empress UnitedJ V .. -......,.4'4..., 1400 View Clarke Higk A[Offcial pening Fric The ew Clar,,ke Hiigh School wvas ouh greetings from the United officially openeti on Friday eveningCounties of Northumberland and Dur' whcn w-ýell over o-ne' thousand were ilu ham-. attendanuce to witness the openingI Mr. R. C. Honey, 'MP for Duirham-, cerenmnes aEd to vicw the schooL. in presentirig his greetngs, pointeti The auditoium filleti to capacity, w0 the gveat dcbt that the citizens owved seateti eght huntireti with many oth- the members of the High School Board ~er standing during the ceremronies. wý%ho hiad spent hours upon hours ini $fundretis hati to forgo the opening' the planing anti the construction of eerenmies as the auditorium couild the Scbiool. He said the school w'as not accommodate them. imo)fre than brick anti inortar buta The Clai'ke Wgh School GCle Club place whcre teachers could wvith the openeti the evening with two numbers: f facilities, teach pupils to think and "'t's A Grand NLIighit For Singing'" andti 1 grasp out for furîher knowledge.I 'No-n Nobis Ddmn-e". Mr. I-in Col Mr Honey said the enti resuit of edu- crill, the Newcastle member of the, cation woulti be to m-ake stutientsa Borwas chairmnan for the evening 1hini-anti make their own decîsions. In his openlng rmrshe atated thai Mr. A. Carruthers, NMLA, stateti tlite Boad as entieavouring to pro tmat tSe Provincial Governament was vide a! type of education suitable for hrappy 10 assist in provîding this new totay and orth future. He also said seîhoofl which -was an investn-t in titat the Board was well satisfied with the futre of the Province anti of the the workmianship in the new scitool cutr.There is, lie said, a great1 anti complimcntetiaIl those who had need 10 obtain ail the education pos-l taken a part la the consruction of the sible. He pointed out tat a great deal building. I c etraýjiing ill bave Io be done in Gréeinga '. 'e etende(teoth the fuituriie 1 keep pace with the gatheing froi i heatis o! Municipal changing times. He saiti tat personne] Govrnmnt,. ~derl ad Povicia e ajorindustries will Ave to b< 'Goverann t ia'-dfro the Depart retrainied every five years 10 keep ment 0f Etiuatn. j ,1 inismodem iiso-ciety. Therej MIr. E. alyReeve o! Clarke a great rn f onsibîLy on the t- Towsh i, ~x d-e geetigs hrom 1 0r 2 1 temtaher in order thatý the Towshp asit Ie' Cunninig- st ýe ýs nîs my obtain ail the edu- .ham irom the Vllage of Newcaslc dn that îhey can asr.Schools Wa 11:1-,h_" ',11h2 Uniteti Counities u1 tmuaeideals anti forge the School14 Look t'or Liberal Candicacy Mn. Clen James, former Port Hope cuncillor, announceti yesterday that la y Ev e n ïng ýhe would standfl as a nominee in the 1io y E ven ibei5ral Provincial Nomr- kysthat students mnay go forth toI ination Convenition at Orono to be golden opportunities. held on N\ovember- 1st. Best -wishes were al1so extended Mr. James is marnied iwith three fromp the Departmnent of Education by children and liýves on Bramley St., 'the local Inspec-tor, Mnr. R. W. Froatcs, southi, in Port Hope. He came to Port ue said the success of the new, school Hope in 1946. Re was bora in Oshawa was assured by its predecessors at Or- n1tedtipbi ni il col onoant Necasle.Man, h sadthere. For two years Mr. James erv- mighit have pangs of regret in seeinrg cd on the Port Hope Concil. At re- the c4d tdrop out but the new sho sent he is the district manager Af. with its extendeti facilities De1 he -National Automoile beague. able to provide opportuatties nt Mr. James is the fourtli contestant' available before. He spokie of lte M-. to announce his intention of seeldng barts plan where education wvas be- the Liberal provincial nom"nation ing extendeti beyond the 25prcn Other contestants are E. Rý. L kn who sought a higher education.,. Newcvastle, Weston Bannister, Camp- (Continued page 5) b',ellcroft and Allan .Beer, Bethany. "Cobbledick St. bult At ACosi The Or-ono Police. Trustees meet onwa I Mo-nda venig'n the Hy1dro office. expe I ,-tdwokfor, the remiaintier o! the wý,eel Iyear was set-up with the hope -LitaIil year wudbe comipleted i thiýn'Lite montlt. neti A Aprvlhas been receiveti f rom part the~ ~ ~ o Dprm t0fHighiwnys bLo -~Vt cedwith the rbitigo! Oobble- ono. i Luck Street. The cost o! titis project brar Pr1esenrt Key To Pxincipal 0f Clarke Sçhool Mr iwi ViwlNewcastle, anti Building Commriltee is shiown pressa-, ci pai Mr, E. G. Witjicrlsp)Oon, B.A, h a o - Ca eHigit Sûctol -,ig trie key tu ie achool 1u the pria Courtesy Port Hope Eve-ning Gide To Be Re- An interior view of the Park Street in 149Ciariy in 1950 the church Wýqz Uaiteti Chuncit afl-er the renovation tiestroyeti bv fire. iheld i n this -,ney çhurc). Titis fine 1 'builinhig will be an exa:,mple tpovutrers9 Great credit is due the building com- mnittee composeti of Messrs. Richard! Rutidock, J. b. Tucken and B . Thorn- ton, Ontario Conference A great event +ccunred in lte if!e of Orono when lte Annual Meeting ot the Ontario Conference of the Meth- otist Episçopal Chiurch was helti in the newý, churcit on May 13, 1863. 'T'he folwing- noltices were sse -pnior bth le meeting anti are o! great O f $17 5 M > interest now, partlculanly the hist of bles(3) as it furnishes us with the -~~"" estimateti at $1750-00 Work ta names o! the Preachers tantte Con-. eteti to Sat early titis comiigifereonce, anti with thec namnes of thel È,The strýeet is to be rebuill thia hious!4holtlins 0f the village o! Orono rwîth curb anti gutter being plan- anti somie oUtside the village in the for 1963. year 1863. letter was recietfrom the De- The homes throwan open to the Coný mrient o! Education la connection fenence wvere naturally chiefly of isetting up a public library in On-1 Methodist Eisoal fmle u Representatives of the bibnanY others were also na the list such as V.BSJ L v icit are to mccl witLh the Trustees b. A. Gamisby, J. A. Gardiner, Wý .w. Mntro!hernoUteiGuct the Libnary Board on November1 Truil, T. Hall etc. The c1iairman also statetliaNoce!Metn Township councîl bati been invtt he meeting as lte Deparîmient fa- () heOtariîoAnnual Co7ernc '5 langer aesunden witich a 11h-! the (titodisi Episýcopal Chuit in Canamda will be conveneti 'D.V.) a letter \was alsýo rcevei-om the- aiment o! Higýhw-,ayin wiftih bcMy 3ht16,ah1e'okam artentstaetitha thy wuî Byore 0fthe CGeneral Coinf.eece LttrfIcanes n lite iitwI-ay at atithe spBeevleAr.0 entanes ! ho Vil1lge anýti (lwoui 183 reoaethe Oronio sigras. Thîs JmsGrieScyGC i. Th-e letter asostai th ýýat e ()Tecr ilarv tN ieî ! urin lte entranicesu ies tation fr-lom h w I 4 oM b)y thc 'jTsus sha-d been sent a . :1 pm,lanil»rom tihe cast ai he enigineeing de anmntri anit li d 3:0 .m Crnageý,s ill be I itin k wvas 10 ho donc In titis !malter il 1 cilvy h e preachites froin the 7id! bica(' t ouI in the spririg. stto 10roo ottieaivlo M.Uercer rprcithat lte ea co!the abo4venmei tri, o nuswerc 10 ml esontie improve- u~a h 2hat ensa h ils aIlie MilI Hill at the south of31' o My Village.P.S.- Pre'aciterscoing îtt it asreporteti that lte rol-curb at'w, ovyne iî encsîae nrho!fliteVila-ge ou ili8. - ae tm hos in titeconr ai cst ! 45uMO Mo'ewoi'k Jsdat I nem in h tw. eC 'ectcd la ttis area t his '3year bl1y W av esrebillets sfîin IOI~tX' VteSn~ ou iîng anti laing ore asphiaîtla 0acomoae inlt pechr w> 'V'. may ~~~visýit tcContefrenlce.~W ~ Mt43t Cu 'e PlcTrsesare 10 attend Ooo pu,16.I'a 4diitlniim I onNovmbe 6tt, Tc Tustes reacihen aI Orono. hvebeen l!Mi , M onDr. anti Division Sretwater systen.m. n 1, 1884 th, Union o! M1etioil at 'u"til ~î 'IMs Goode -on Churcit St. tati askc-dl hrhsin Canada took pla e. la 0,- Bnlw. heBbl ftistian Metit e t tilswater system. Con-i ono the threMetitodist Churcites ois hrc a ot 10'tteAng-lican m)s o! the sstmwlien Set-up \Were ,vere uniteti anti agreeti 10 wonsýIiilnChuîrch, ant]ýi o konas St, A onlly one house woulti be ?llowed the Methiodist Episcopal Churcit. The'Svors nlcnChurcj-(h. each conn-ect:in into the water1 adjectives wei'e now droppet ant il(he li 1925 anothen union was consunm- n. niame became 'The lethodist Citurcit.' (Continueti page 5) 1

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