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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Oct 1962, p. 2

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-TURIJV. OTBI~1 ?thb16 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES hMrly J e an King Bride A.thorized as Second Clas mail, Post Office Departmeflt, OttifayBI: Established ini 193b by R. A. Fo ester roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subseription payable In advance - à1.% e -1. t' . Clt 4- Y11 s ri . .I Why No UNICEF On Wednesd.av, October 31sV the cildren ofthVie Village along with some aduits will celebrate Hallowe'en. he tour of Vthe Village will be the order ef the evening and paper bags and sacks will bulge with candy, apples, chocolates, popcorn and wilat have yýou. This deluge et candy and otiler item-s will to a great degree be wasted due te thle tact tilat a eilld can only consume so mucil of it. Also a great deal is wasted when it is aIl jammed intb a bag. The gîving of these emnall tokens is actually a waste et mioney with no real benefit re- UNICEF h"s suppli-ed VLhe answen in giv.lng some meaning in the giving of a token gift at Hallowe'en. mhrough UNICEF food, clotil- ing and etiler necesslities for existance ini foreig1n countries where cilild- ren are net so fertunate, is provided, A gitt ef a penny or twe may ~bring life-gà4ving mnilk< to a starving- child. In many centres tilrougiliout the world, children on Hall'owe'en put-asid 'e Vile candy etc. and cellect pennies for thle needy and tuis gives a wortilwhile mnean-ing te Hallewe'en. Orono at one time. noV so many years ago, oargamzed the UNI- CEF Hallowe'en and. many children assisted by collecting pennies djïùWn tileir tour ef thle Villag-e. mhere is no sign that suici a project ta being planned for the Villageï til year and this is a shamie. It would appdar Va this writer tilat cilkren get as mucli tun out cf getting dressed up in ah Vile old cletils passible and making tileir tour ofthVie Village. hile candy often develops only a good tummny ache -wbile Vile-pennies tilrougi UNICEF could cure a Vummy ache. Ail the plan needs in Oreno is some erganizing and tis takes vry littIe. The Tools Have Been. Supplied The new Cl1arke HAigh Scileol ileld it Ottical Opening on Fnida ~evening wilen thle general public were given the opportunity te view *he school, its classrooms, industrial art and home ecenemie romai. The building and its funisilings im-ipres5sed thle public te even Speint ot amiazement in man-y cases. The gleaming and immaculaLe j)&uerior along with Vile educatonal equipment could de littie otiler tilan be imipressive. he Durham County District Higil Scileol Board bas certainly been supplied the students &t til area wite one oftVhe finest acilools in tee area and fei- teis tehey sghould be commended. Tile guest speaker, Dr. Weedside, and Vtle scilool inspecter Mr. FProatt bell emphasized tee tact tilat knewledge was net static to-day -r and thus tee teacilingus of ta-day ceuld be outmoded withini a tew years. Tiley stressed Vilat within Vile sciloal students silould, train theanselves te think and reason and Vilat tis was Vthe challenge for, education. Exploration ofthVie physical and mental mnust be one means et creating an atmespilere wilere tilougilt and reason becemes promin- eTit and of an every-day occurance. It would seem teat a student who weuld enter tee science, math or betany roomas of the Clarke scilool weuld îmmediately become interested in exploration and teus to rea- son and tileugilt. We etten f roýwn upon, what, we mnay cali, frills in our zchcools but iV must be considered Vilat the wondens efthVie world have opened wide in Vile past twenty and ten years and mucil more explor- ation is needed te satisfy the inq.uisitive mind. mhe history and library rooin could net hellp be conducisive for study and exploration, he -> ools have cee4ainly been supplied at Vuis newv scilo nhiemr te be estabisilqd will be up te tee students tilrough tee assistance ef the staff. 9 INCREASED POWER' NEW 800 It TOWER1 With stroniger powjr(andtaller oer,CH-T von can ne ejoy E-ast Centrai Ontario's exclu-, sive TELEVISION FAR'M REPORT, daily MNonday through Friday ai eteiU e, with FARMI DIRLEC- TOIt CLIFF ROB-B. I Lindsay was Vthe setting for thle cer- emnony whicil unlted in marriage Marilyn Jeanne King, daughter ût Mn. --nd 'Mýrs. Lloyd King, Woodville te John Herbert Galbraith, son flt Mr. and Mrs. James Galbraith o-f New- rnmarket. Rev. RobV MiýcLeon assisted ')y Rev. Basil Long performed thle ceremony. Given in marriage by her father,l the1 bride wore a gown ef white peau de soie with a bateau neckline and long sileath sleeves. Alencen lace en- ilanced tlie slimi skirt of unpressed pleats whlch flowed into a Cilapel train, cauight at Vthe back waistllne byV a large Tbow. A nmatching pilI box held her bouffant shoulder length veil. hil carrIed white calla lilies. MIvrs. James Gamsby of Oshlawa was matron or honour for ber sister and the bnldesrnaîds were Barbara Haugil and Marilyn Hodgson, classmates of tile bride,' Melanie Galbraithl, sister of the groom was Junior bridesmaid and Lesley Anne Vasey was flower girl. Durham 4-il Po'; Club A Winner mhe Durham County 4-Hl Club team with ill Olan, J nd Larny Welsh, Bowmanv he Provincial 4-H Inter-Clul ?ompetition at tee Fedenated at Guelphl on Octeber l9th. 1E ?ad a total score 0Ff 952 out ,ible 1040 wiliýe theesecond pli rom East Canleton had a )33. Tilere wene seven eaui enipetition. Mn. Douglas Par Field Crops Brancil, Toronto; cd Vile tropily o tee winning1 sweaters and creats will be1 at a futre date o tVileibeý A county presentation will at Vile Durhlam County Awa te leeileld on Tilursday, 1 l3til in Vile Oreno Township1 Mrs. Gamnsby wore Emerald green, In the Sheep Competiti« peau de soie with fitted bodice and Coufty was first while the skirt of unpressed pleats. The brides- Couinty Team of John D. maids and flower girl were. in similar David Brent, Bowmanville dresses of siari bold. All wore match-i second. The top team hada ing coronets and carried iuatching' 911, while the Durham Ci muffs with bronze and yellow 'mnims. had a score of 890. There Mr. Kenneth BellI 0f Newmarket was teams, InIihis competition. best man, and the ushers were Gary Bugler, Toronto, James Gamoby, In competition with 43 teai Oshawa and Sandy Galbraith 0f New- Beef ýSection, the Dufferir market, brother ofthVie groomn. team. was f irst while Peel Co Following a reception in Weodville, second. Durham Countv ws Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith, lett for a sented by two teams in the wedding trip to Cape Cod. They will -__________ return to live In Toronto. FARACE - DOOLEY NUPTIALS Tor-onto-Mary Lou Dojole daugli-_ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthlur Dooe ( nee Olive CoçWan) became the bride of Richard Arthlur Farace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farace, in the Ep- worth United Church, Toronto recent- 'y. The Rev. G. Keiondell officiated. The bride was given in marriage by her ftlier. Re-emibroldered Alen- con lace adorned thle basque bodice of her gown of white peau deî soie. Thie curved skirt ended in a chapel train. A jewelled tiarra ileld hier fînger-tip veil and aile carried anorchid with white stephanetes. Shecatil dresses of Emerald peau de soie satin witil softly gathered over-skirts were chosen by the atten- dants, Mrs. James H-utchinson (Bettyl Ann, sistero of the bride) matrons of hoinor, M~isses Cynthia McHale, Helen Marie iooey, Mrs. Allan Bull ýLyn). Theyv wore mnatching headdresses and carried Igold and bronze muums. v. Ronald Smith was best iman. Ushers were Mr. Douglas Dooley, brother of the bride, Mr. Allan Bull1 andi Mr. John Allen. During thie signing of the register, Mris. Jamnes Savage sang ")3ecause", The r(c(eption wvas held at thle Four j Wns.The bide's mothier received guests in Aqua Faille shieath with macigaqua and beie ccesonies. Thie groomis mother assisted in a; 1goAld pur-e silk sheath with g-old and1 rust ac'cessories. Folwgthe reception the bride donediabrownsuit \with nmink coliar and beige acsore.The happyl c ouple left for Floridla and- on their, reunwillreside in Toronto. RelatiÏves attending f romi a distanceý weeM.and MrsCh1as. Hunter,' and Johin, Lakefield, Mr, and Mlrs. Laurence IHooey, Marie and John of Oronio, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner, and Mr-, and Mrs. Murray Dunn of, Benefit Banquet On November 28th The Oronio Amateur Athletic Asso- diation directerate met on Monday evening whien they discussed thlepo motng of 'the annual benefi t banquet î1n order te provide fu-nds o ssstI witil the operation of the Orono rink T'ile Association set Vthe date of Wed- nissday, November 28th for the ban- quet which will be hield in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall comnmencing atl6:3ü are expected o go on saewithin a week. Prepairaýtions arulso being made for hce ths winter and it is ex- pected that four Oroneo teamis Will be 'o be madeof Vthe league formation. Orono expects o ice an Atam, Pee- 1Weeý, Banitam and Midget team. E Petato tion with thie Durham 4-H Beef Club w: thi Don Rickar<l and Rennle BakerJ placing seventil and the Millbrooc 4-Hi Calf Club team of Muriel 'Neals and1 M4arion MrCamus placlng twenty-1 in the swine competition, first Went o Grenville, while second was Vie- :orla Co)unty in competition with 18 Cluzb Team was tied for tIwelfth and teains. The Durham Oounty 4-H Swlne the members were Grant Yeoc and (Continued page 8) IF YOU M"adTRIS Yeu nove DEMONSTRATEI>- IT -PAYS TO ADVERTUii,-- ville worn ib Potato 1Clleges U A L W 'i The team IHE et a pes-' A L W. FE lace eam score et rk o te MASQUERADEDAC teani and presented Spnsre by Orono Firefighters be mnade iand Night ORONO TOWN HALL on Perthl Duram Frlday, October- 126 Allin and e, placed1 ROU-ND A- SQUARE DANCING ascore etf! rnty team i4ax Lycett and His Orchestra were 1011 IICOSTUME >RI ZE5 - FUN FOR AL mns in Vile in County i Admission: $2.00 per Couple as repre- beef sec-! The Council of the' Municipality ot the Townshïp et Clarke NO10T IC E The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke hereby giýves notice that it intends to pass a By-Iaw to close or stop-up the Road Allow- ances in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durhpm, following, that is to say: 1. The Rond Allowance betwveen Lots .14 and 35 in Vlie Fittli Concession ofthVie Township ot Clarke ex- tending f rom-1 the soutberly init of the said Flfth Concession Vo Vthe northerly lunit thereof; 2. The Rond Allowancebten Lots 31 and 35 lu thie Ninth C'oncession ofthVie Townsip ot Clarke ex,- tnigf rom ,thle soutilerly limit of Vile said Nintil Concession Vo the northerly limait therepf; 3. The RZond Allowvance b)etwvee5Ile Lighth and Nintil Concessions of the Township et Clarke ex- tendlug from Vile present eaksterly h- imit of provincial HUihwa'y No. 35 and 115 Vo the production sm1tl1cr1y ofth Vieeasterl Umit ef Lot No. 23 lu Vile-aîdNîntiCnesin 4. That part ot ant unopened and unnanMed street lunhe Polic Vilag of Orone linVthe Townshlip of Clarke acc odn te ioan thVie said Village mnale by C. C.Rann P.L.S. lying and running ad- jacent t thie ensterly uniit et Block -FI' extendlug tram theicuorthenly liUitfeCobbledlck Stre-et Vo Vile Production easterly etIle southerly Ilimit et Victoria Street, ail according te Vile said plan; 5. Part efthVie Rend Allowanice between Lots 12 and 13 in Vile First Concession et Vile Tewnýisip etCorf extendin]g trom ile present southerly beundary e o vicafHgwyNo. 401 te thee otlnybotud- ary of Vthe said First Concession; 6. Part erthtie Rond Allewvance between Lots 28 and 29 ni tile Fourlil Concession etfile ofuilpe Clarke more particularly descnibed as folews: AIL AND SING-mULAR tilat certain parcel or tract et land aud premises situiate, lying and being lunVile Towushlip oft larke, County et Durhaxri and Province of Ontario, being composed etf part efthVie Ronad Alowance lying betwveen Lots 28 and 29 lii ile Fourtil Concession et said Townsflip and part ot V-1ile taid Lot 28, said parcel or tract being more parttctilnrly dles.Cribedi as fehiewxs: OMECN at a point lu tile easterliy unit et said Lot 29, said point being distant nortil 17 degPrees 36 minutes West lu said limit 1096 teet trom its intersection W1111 a post and wuire f ence being Vile line between tile Nortil Halt and the SouthilHaIt et said Lot 29 as silsown on1 Highwvay Plan No. 16260 deposited in Vthe Regstry Office for Vile Registry Division of heg West Ridlug of Vile said Conty; THEINCE Souti 58 degrees 01 minutes East 7 teet 10 luches; THENCE Southl 62 degrees iSminutes East 14 foot i/nlchl; THENCE Souih 67 de- greesl 51 minutes East 12 foot 2 inches; THENCE Seth 76 degrees 53 minutes Enst 17 foot 3 luches, THENCE Seuth 89 dog-reos 36 minutes East 22 f eet 7 luches; THENCE North 87 degrees 14 minutes East il feet 8 luchles o a point lu a curve runnlng seuth-ensterly and Is distant westerly 75 feet f nom Vile centre efthVie pavement of Provincial mighwny No. 35 as shown on snid Highway Plan No. 1626q-, THENCE SonV-asterly in and nlong said curve -iainlg a radius of 2q39.79 teest ad parailsi VoeVile easterly Iimiit ot Hlgilwny No. '35 according Vo sald Highwny Plan 281 foot more or boss Vo Vthe inter- section of said curve with Vile sald easterly lmit of Lot 29; THENCE NerVh 17 degrees 36 minutes West lu and along said lmit 318 feet more or less te Vihe pla4qe of commenceîment. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desiring to make claini or to oppose the said By-law, will be heard in perso n or by proxy at the .meeting of the said Couneil to be held in the Town Hall at Orono, Ontarîo, on the, 6th day of November 1962 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, East- ern Standard Time. D-ated this 2 day of October 196-2. IH. E. Milison, clerk of the Municipality -y c t 1, S"EE CHE X TÏv e/ta u>j 2 PET 0BOROu G H p ORONO WEEKLY TDM tI w -Pl 1 ý

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