flRflNfl WEEKLY TIMES THUR~DAY, OCTOBER 251h, 1M2 Red ]pose -Sv e TEA BA GS 60 for 79c 'Rose - sýave 4c M A RGokA RIN E lb 21c Domestie - Sc off palck - Save 7e Pl,;; SHORT E àNIN ÊG lb 1lc -Yaple teaf Liquid - 12e ff pack - Save 24e 24.oz. Mlaxwell Hlouse Instant.- Save 25e, 10(- off pack COF F EE f6o zja r8'9 c Save -1( pkg. Minute or Instant ,oGILIEQASvpg 5 U m-J E À1A& àcý u Oftorie No. 1 Grade POTATOE 50 lb 99c Creamy Fresh Brnming with Julce - Fiuxey Quai. 6-qt. bskt Mushrooms lb 59C Snow Apples 55C Puirpie Top Wasbed and WAXE..D TURNIPS, pound Sc l'Maple Leaf"l Extra Lean M-Nild (Jured Swe_-et Mapie Leaf" Mild Seasonied l î elleto Cottage ROilS lb 59C Wies1r5 "Maple Leaif" - Vac Fack (Mac. & Chieûse, Chick. "al Leaf" - Well Streaked en Loaf, Piekie & Pimento, Olive Loaf) RKindless Bacon lb 79c Lunch Meats 4-89C * Q lub Des Mllionaire- save 7e, tins Sardines 2 f or 55C Kiam Save 23c1oz ~?IUhTOYS Luncheon Meat 2-79c Mapie Leaf - Tumibler - Save 6c - 5c off paek 160z. {orCirihasChed-R-Spread 61c 6 VARIETIES French Poodie -Pyjama Doli Pyjama Poodie- Panda MLapýle eaf - Mifid - 5e off pacek 1- iSandy iting Dogs Teddy Bears Cheese W edges, 49c M1ale Leaf - lMedîum . Se 5iýoff 12-oz. R LAWHT Cheese Wedges .5 nE HT Maple Leaf - 01ld 5e-off 12 oz. 6, 'hese Wedges 59c ORONO'D, Ontario PHONE 1121 Orono Hydro Now Facing Debenture Issue Aýt thte Orono Hy,ýdro meigo Utna venling MnU. E. Dent,ma ýge,ouitlined the growth 0f the sys- cmover the past fewyesan sted that if the growtli continiue.s3 cnc ommisionwill face issuing le- b)entures. Hle statedl that th3e peak loadI wil ise over, 700 kilowatts this ya adi wihknown incre2ases for 19,6 will be above 8'00 in the coingyear The- loadIgnowth in the past twelve y-ears has gnown five times. rie said the Commission should be- inconsidering2 the construction of. hinown subo-station which %would (ost in the ineighblourihýoo f $50,ü000.00. He feit this station should be "inà oper- atLion by 1964 when the load would bc close 10 1000 kIlowatts. The purpose of oinýiig your, own sub-station, he said, -as in orden Ibat you could purchase lîydru aI a ceoaper rate. M.Dent also pointed out that a new truck ,vould soon tbe needcd and with new street lighting also facing the tovn thal one debernture could be issued 10 cover al the projeets. He said is was impossible to handie the present gnowth out of current revenue and pointed. out that over $10,000.00 will bc spent in capital irn- provements in the systen ibis year. There was a present rieed which had_ 10 be met for foun 75 KVWA transforrn- ens and this alone would cost about S2800.00. The tnansfonmens are need- etd for expansion in loýcal industry and home heating. Mn. Dent stated that in 1961 power had cost the Com'mission a total of, $20,000 while in the first eight monthsi of this year thc cost was $21,000.00. Ini 1958 the total yearly cost hiad been To mcclt the present needLs of the local systcrn a motion wa3ssei aulhorizing the sale of a furtherl KENDAL NEWS Edwardc Carscadden is attendnig a course at M. F. Farms, Milliken, as gue.st of .J. Shinen, Vice President o! Massey Fenguson. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Cooper cele- brated their forty-ninth wedding an- niversary at the home of their daugh-. ter Mr-s. Jack Stapleton on Satunclay evening. The reafi date was Oclober 22nd. Howevei, the $aturday everting suited Mn. and,- Mrs. C. Walken wbo1iý bad corne froïii-carnp Borden for the! occasion. ., -1 Miss Ruth G-r nlefI on Suntday for, Dunniville whiere she will study the OP- erating 0 f a dial switelhboard. This will take several rnonths. There was a good turn out both mnorning- and cvening aI our annivers- ary servi ces. The rnorning allendance was mostly, local people. ýHowever Uic evcningattendance includPd ymany strangens who came to sec Mr. Mcl, Smnith whorn they hiad oflen heard on the radio. Wesleyville choir rcndered somne veny fine music which we ail1 enjoyed. Their message in song and the fine message given by Mn. Mcl Smith made a vcry wonlhwhile ser- vice. Mr. Reg Ellott, Mn. Bill Win and Mn. Wmn. Robinson motorcd te Pow- assin on Monday to attend the funenal o! Mrs. Edith Cheeney. Miss M. MeBride, Mrs. L. Bun1was and Mrs. F. Foster wene Sunday vis- fIons wiîh Mns. C. Thonpson and Arthur. Several, frorn hene attended thc op- cning of the new Clarke High Sebool. il is a very weli planncd modern building. What a fine oppotunity fori the studfents to obtain know,ý,ledge if tbey will take advantage of ils imany facilities and fine staff of leachers. Quite a conlrast 10 our fir-sî daYs in Orono Continuation School when the staff consisted of two teacher's Miss C. Costin and Miss King11, both fine leach- ens fortuinately. Ono)no won the oýham- pionship cup in hockey wvith such fine athîles as Sandy Summer'ville, Piert Armnstrong, Ken Fraser, the Whiter boys, 10niarne a f ew. Many went on to fi the vanious professions. We board-; ed in Orono ail week. How we enjoyed the week-ends. Mn. Robt. Morgan has spenî the week in bced according to the doctor's ondens and is looking onwnd bbe- ing up one of these days. His daugb- L i j' R O Y' a L Boiwmanvi1Ie MA?.-3- 5589 RÔYAL CLOSED THURSDAY FRIDAY,:SATUR. - OCTOBER 26 AND 2.7 "H1ey, Let's Twi'st" Joey Dee Escape Front Zahraitn Colour SUN., MON., TUES., WED.- OCT. 28 to 31 " LiRght li the Plazza"l Olivia dle Havilland, G. Hamilton, Y, MumnieuL 7:34 P.M., N N N N N N N N N s N s N N N s N s N N N N N N N N N N t N N s NI N N N N s .5, N N. N N s N s s N s N 4 N N 2 ORONO eTINSHOP Sheet Metal Produets Made to Order PLU MBIt \.ýýG SUPPLIES and Repairs B-H PAINTS etc. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Orono, Ontario Phone 11816 ORONO WEEKLY TDM T-ÙUR916ÀYI OCT'OBER 25th, lm ~EDN I.RENICKClarke Tahr Died6 in dad, ai n nu,- M etn foria, Otoiber 6 1962, Miss Edna . Rewc,9 West Clark St., Redlands, iThïe Clarke DistictTecer-Ls Califoria, aged 79 years. Native ofscatn held its monthly metig o ntaioCnaida, and resident of Redi. Mondlay, October 1lSth at Cowa,-n-%î-ll landcs and Mentone for 35 years. school. Miss Edna 1. Renwick for many Mr. Hlolmies, the area inspector, i.s- years a memiiber 0of the staff of the cussed many commoni problems en.- ,ecur;ýt,,, First3 National Bank in R~ed- oned by the teaching professioin. iands, dieci on Saturday after a ling. He urged the memibers to brlng suclih ering illness. Shie wasthyunedagerf the difficulties to the attention of the late MIr. and Mrs. Herbert W.Reic grueain al present to poolA and thie great grandanughiter of Her- their nwledge and experiences for an eùxpedient and satisfactory solu- bert Renwick (1779-1,&69) Who calion ihis family from Durfrieshlre, Sctadin 18333 and settiecl the farmi- Thei teachers are looking forward ing aroa at the junetion of the Grave]lu t-D tjir banquet scheduled for No--v- Road an the Fourth Concession of emnber. We antîcipate for our cl C.larke Tow%,nship and known locally leagues and their guests a pleasant for generations as Renwick's Corners, social evening. Shie was a past President and at the Marilyn Armstrong, Press Re-p. limie of lier eeathi a current member, of the Business and Prof essional Wo- man's Club. She was also a member of Greenspot Womnan's Club and the Amn- enrcan Legion Woman's Auxiliary Un- it 106. She is survived bIy her sister Miss Lena R. Renwický, Dedlands, andý . cousins Miss Ethel Lockhart and Mrs- John Ferguson, Newcastle, Mr. Allan Lockhart and Mrs. John Duthie, Tor- onto, MVrs, Sybil Snell, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McGee and fam. ily, Onono, and Rev. and Mrs. Rudolph Garypie andI famil'y. Detroit, Miehi- gan. Funeral services were held Tues. day, October 9 at 11:00 a.m. frein Em, Callyour- mersonSt. Pierre Redlandu Chapel., licensed Plumbing& Rev. Mark L. Andrews of the First Presbyterian Church, officiated. Mfechanical Contractor Palbearens were Fred C. Honey, . Who seils, instails Gai! W. Royce, Theo. Dienst and Bruce Bushnell. Burial was in HTill. and guarantees side Mernoýrial Park, Rediands.- $2,000.00 in bonds. Mr. Dent stated CA R N AN that he was to meet with the Ontario Hydro on Thursday for a furtiier study PLU[MBING- & HEATINQ in the growth of the systein and ini planning for -the future. Phone 143 Orono