QUONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, O4JTOJIER Z5t1', 1962 rer raa nereit 'hampion At Tri.School Meet OVER 210001000 POUNDS 0F BEEEF WILL BE SOLO Reg. 20% You 4mcmiýPriee Dise. PAY APPLE bSAýUCE 7 15 oz95 'YORK PEAS loz K ET'"'CHU P .2 loz E XTRA A TOTA ýL 0F $28,00 IN BONUS TAPES EBEEF ROUND UP Staning Rib Roast 92e. ,Pimi-e Rib Roast $1.15 Bladle Rûast, bone oui t 75e. 19C. 7.3c.- 23c. 92C. 16C. 59C ShOrt Rib Roast 79e. 16e. 63c. 0 Cross eut Rib Roast 82c. 17c. 65c. g g Rib bonless Roast 89c. 18e. 71C, g Bonieless Shoulder Rst. 82c. 17c. 65e.ý 1 In-ner Rib) Roll, bnls. $1.15 2,'3c. 92c. ÇOuter Rib Roýl Pot Rst. 79e. 16e. 63c. Plate Beef, bone in 39ec. 8e. 31c. R1oiled Plate, boneless 55c.Ile. 41c. g J3neless Brisliet Pt. 89c. 18e. 71c g oeesStewing Býeef 72c. 15c. 57e. Rlib Steak 99C. 20e. 79C. g Qround Chueki 79e. 1e 63t. g ~1 Beef Steakettes 69e. 14C. 55C. G Beef Liver 59e-. 12e. 47c. g S Beef idneys 39eC. 8e. 31 C. g G Beef Tonguces 5e 12c. 47c. g G Br-aisîing Ribs 49eý . 0. 9e, Blc imn he Q olue OIdCheese Stix8o39 Golden Dew - Margarine McCains Frozen Fronoli Cut Green Beans RECEIWE $6,00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH NESCAFE',4NSTANSCOFFE - ITof CREST TOOTMPASTE RECEIV $4.00l ONU 7S TAPES WITH DAINTY RICE AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS RECIV $200IN BONUS TAPES WITH EVAPORZATED MILEK Carnation No. 1 GýRADE ,TOMLATOES SLDBOLOGýNA - Tabherite OAE JUICE - Minute Maid -Foe ocb47 1O-oz. Jar Giant Size. 2lb. Box 2-lb. Box 3Tai! Tins 14-oz. Tube 12-oz. rkg. 2. 6-oz, Tins I - Set Jicy Valencia ORANGE.S sze 3 doz288 $1,00 Na. 1 Grade- Vacuum Cooled LETTU CE N.1 Grade - S9now Wilite CAULIFLOWER (Ji toi- No. 1 Grade Emrperor Grapes No1 Grade - Log reen Siicers CUW CU MBERS each 19c each 19c 2 lbs 29c 2 for 19C The larke 114gh 8chool participated in the Tri-Scbool Tracl< ai-dFil rieet beld in Bwavlels Tus ay.The meet was .heldbtee h 'iho,.wmaýnville, Courtice and Cl1arlie Schools. Bowmnanvil-le topped 'the li 't' with 233 points, Courtice 119 andi Cire98. Terry Graham, Clarke, and of Or- )rno, wvon the Intermediate boys chla- p)ionship and was the only Clarke ath- 'ete to ob)tain such an honour. Ilis mmpionship camne witb threeirt the 100 lOyd., *220 ydi. dashes and thel iiop, step and jump. Te-rr-y Graham Junior, B:oys champion was L. Lilton of Bo(-wmanv-ýille with D. Werrýy and R. -tieards, alsoEomnietin for the Senior honour. 'Cas Main Br~eaks Golden IPough Lodge Part Evacuated "It could have been a terribledi- aster if conditions bad be a bit df forent," said Fire Chief Ken Baird a hoe commientod on a rupture )fth natural gas mnain at Goldien Plougb Lodgo, Cobouirg. Workmon per1fOrinIgladapn recently at the easLside of the LIrdge sniagged a gas pipe w,îjh ihad be laid only two inches bonoaeýth i ground and the pull on the pipebok it adjacent to, the nieter beside o well o et hebuilCiing. Cas rapidly filled the bilding as Lakeland l Naitural Cas men and 1th5k fire chief rushedI to the scene. the shutoff valve at the cornerbeo the Lodge wais rapidly accessile~an "Fortunately", said Chi.ef Bid easy- to turn off, preventing agra volumei( of gas from- filling the woe Upon arrival at the Lodge ie Baird fouýnd the gas -%as by thien quo strong andinii ithe oller ar fJh bu ilding, where n6rm-ai care rosi- dents live, so hie ordered anim d- ato ovacuation to the new -wing. The wîng was evacuated at2 5 p.m.- and'residents were given cer Girl chanmpions were, Junior, G. p.m. as Chief Baird f elt al possUie Hobbs, EBowmanville;lintreit-, danger had passed. M. Pichar, Bovmnviland Senior, 1 1L. Raphors, Coutice.Cobourg- coundil at its meeting on J'. Raplontcoutie.day decided to introduce a y-a C)ther Clarkeýc School winners ,vre: calling for regularinpcon fai G.Simons 3ird in 100 yd. dasb; Stel,' gas installations. 3rd in '220 yd. dashi;Go 3rd 1n 140 vd. dashi; Watt, 2ninc i High Jumlrp; . ýiImp.so)n, st in 440 yd. dlash for nter-, nedites S.Rudel, st,880 "yd. I-un; ýtiapletonl, lst, runig road JUm--p; i -tptn,2nid in Hop, stup and jump; iW'iersrna, 3rini Shotpu;Rgrn 114ï, in440 d. ds for seniors; Re sýtra, 3Ird Shiot put; Simipson, 3rd ân V )p('11mile, In the Junior Grs L. Greenwood,1 3rdl in 10 yd. iasi; C. Ma-artense, rd Softbll trow>S. Gilbart, 3"d in Bain- Shot put. Sha-ro, Cmcrn, liun) ltJ. Cm oro, ~Sofbai thoxv V.Ohad,2nd Runngbradjump; an J. Cmoron das:140 y1"relay Ciark, Isi (C Tyr- rl<eT Bzou lgh, Tamblyn); L W~ ~~î ~Y~sr r aHighju . -u 1862 196k ANN IVERSARY 0.F ORONO UNITED CHURCH ON SIJNDAY, OCTOBER 28th SERVICES AT I m.Guest Speaker: Bey. A. E. Enstae 4 p.m. Guest Speaker: Bey. J. E. Griffith FRIDAY EVENINO, OCT. 26tht - SMýORG.(ASBORD SUPPER Ser-ved fromi 5 p.mi. - $1.25 and 75e SATURDAlY EVENING, OCT. 27th - VARIETY SHOW Admission 75c. and 25c. DURINfi TUE RUTABLERITI ruit Punicb - Orange.- Grape- Orange Pmleapple 3 48z95 i-ancy Hoins Food prices Effective October 21, 25, ý26, 27ý We Reserve The Righit to Limit QJuantifies p. PM ýl