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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Oct 1962, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TliURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1962 Rexal Original ONE CENT S XLLE STUTT'S DRI ORONO Until St Oct. 27 ON 117ARIO mIl _____________________________ =m unu u u É --Must Learn Toà Create New 'Ideas' - Woodside Teart of thinking and th3at of cre- aignew ideas was brought forth by flacl' guest speaker at the Officiai Op- enng of the new Clarke High Sehool as- two Major points which should be emý,phasized. in Our education of f0- da.The guest speaker, Dr. Mffat St, Anfdrew, Woodside, M.A., LL.D., pxtin- cipal of University College of the Un- iverýsity of Toronto was addressing l o7ver eight hundred in the auditoriuma cf the new school. He was introdued byý A. A. H. Strike and received a vote of th-'anka by J. F. Heyland. Dir. Woodsidle said the opening 0f, theý new school was the establishment1 cfý another battleground against ig- ;uorance. The presence 0if tins Ichool hec said, proposes a daily resposiil Today when applying for a jOb the quesýtion la not what opportunitýies exi-sts with tis job but ratheis i n five day week? how mranyhodas and what are the boeefits? "1We want more ind more for les and less", be said. "Is this practical?" Dr. Woodslde stated that the prob)- lemrs facing- the students c4 thiis new sebiool will only be sýolved with ideas. To emnphasize the. power 0f ani idea he referred to Carl Marx and bis idea which fa today changing the course 0f the world. The only way to correct this dang-er, he said, was with an- ther and btter idea. H-e said that ideas were hardy and tough and that even wars could floti destr-oy them and thîs bas been re- corded throug.hctthistorv. The worldi trades for a greater numrrber 0of stu-, lents. This, he said, was the Robart's plan.1 Mr. Carlos Tamiblyn, chaîrman 0fý the Durham Board, introduced thel Board miembers and in a brief ad-' dress stated that the new sehool wasiý builî't for the pupils who it was boped wVould build up a school spirit secondý to none. hI speaking to the parents hie asked for their support in assisting with the education of the ebtîdren. He aLsked them to be interested in their! sc-hool vorkc and in the activities of thýe school. Mr. Ei. G. Witherspoon, principal of the sehool, intr-oduced the fifteen teach- ers on the staff. He warned of stu- dents dropping subjects during the course 0f a termn. This, he said, often resuilted in a pupil flot beîng able to pursue his chosen profession in Iter years. Educational requirements are ste-adily lincreasing-, he said, and a pupil takes a great risk in dropping subjects which could be ail implort- ant in the future. There la also the point, be stated, that by dropping a LOCAL NEWS. Mr'and Mrs. WmY. Bailey, Toronto spent the weeken'd with MrS. Harr'Y Bailey, Wayne and Lynni. mr. and Mrs. Car, Billings and Mr. Fr-ed Truli visited on Sunday witii the' latter's daughte-r Mrs. J. Canning, Mr. Canning and family, Oshawa, Mrs, Archie Watson, Waterdowni,1 spent a few days last week with Mrs. Alex Watson and with ber visited Mr.1 Watson hin the Bowmranville Hospital. 1 Mr,.s Ri. Thomnas was a patient in the! Bowmanville Hospital following a fal last week.1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Carveth spent the! week-end with Dr. Higbee 0fl Burling-1 ton who cele'brated ber 98th birthday. Dr. Higbee was formerly Annie Car-1 veth 0of Leskard. The Cobourg Bantam Baseball club won the Ontario chamipionship when they defeated Port Coî.)bourne In the finals for Ontario recently. The third and final game was played in Campbellville, m cý te or cc rE Pl I ity for the citizens of the community. everyîýér conuiy;~ e tersbjecet ia pupil dloes not accept the re- H ig Neu s t ce saicd the cornmunity and the 5choc]_ ol dsmît uar nd pactcalthnk-sposiiCiy hesartd wt ttut orktoeter n ne et0fing. The principal urgedi parents te, be- 1.1 a f îery beginning is anyinca valàues. If this is to dîffer the school Education today, cannot be ai fixed cone as familiar as possible with the, tion 0of youthful interest vh $stn ,wil f ail if emiphasis placed upon the bdyof knowledge because this new education-al program iin order and rewarding results, thonthne iootball team are greater than th-ose 1 knowledge can becor-ne outdated over- that they could be of assistance in ad- 1-igh C Group has it made. Eighteen, placed uiponi the aý'cadenmic Stuies. h. Education miust ýonjdition a vising their child in wha-t courses to Young people gathered in the Chureb0 Hle stated that the school was t1he studcent to think and reason and to de- take. Hie pointed out that a i commiittee on Sunclay evening, October 21. To get ý agency for a better conmunity a ndJ VelOpi this art. "We are ail potential of the Board hiad been set, up which fa theL: newT prograiunlderway, the ex-l country. Its founda',tion is hiowever, intellectuals and mnust keep In con- to provide iniformiation to parents of ecutive arrangedt the devoti'on. But in1 c the home, thle local Chamber of Comy' l- dtioni." grades seven and eight. A numrber of the ue it will bie condlucted by othierX mrce,,h church and al1 ther locl I suppl-orting bis belief in the power meet4ings will be held withini the iiext lipemh'ers to give everyone a chanceF oraiatos f ian idea the speaker referred to n hr e wees and parents were asked to become a part of Ilhe gathiering. Thepupos 0fthie school will not: Yo1,19ungAstrian -who With a meagre o:0take Pvr poruiyin galing Friendship was the m ain topic 0fi bonyto edIucate the(b, liat cr,$2ii nda idea camie to the res- ail the nlecessary iniformnation in con- 1lisso taking Ilhe forrn of a quiz lie said, there is no super>iority,. Each cue 0 f opae children in Austria. nection wvith the -ew cures and a dispute betweeni the boys and -tdnt is", different and in the overal SInc h ol PwPrt resuit - e rsettinjftheyws the girls. Undler the edn"Tng picure cornes into balance. There ingli from the $25,00 has developed int wmde fomthe architect1s to thecn-Wich Destroy A Friendshîp", the osusiuefor, a hulman1 being andi12 ciçle'Villages where care and acortol\rI. Colwýill, chiairmian of 'boys meintionied argumrents over, thej asuhecmsSo impýjorýtanit to so- r'efuge is offered. (.Mh Clake ornte to the pincmi- same girl. The fair opposition was ai-U clt.Inco iheagn referredi to echu- pl of Ithe schIool, MrU.E. G. Wither- armed to discover that the geteen -he imodem wor](,ld, esaid, nmust ca-tion a a meanls to endchie studfents pn.oibe o pesentiations adltte rno intention of giving ithe retmrund more on thinkinig. The '0 think and rao.wr lomd otesho en orgr n choice in thle matter. mechnici must lie able to thinin this________________alctr ,theeý trophies anid aýu-fi The hym-Ln singing is a portion oet wrdof chang e as lmust thi-e voter to ~~u oe.themetin tat we aIl enioy. No re-asolnout, political platoms i IlIJJV ew(ho I Rv. 'F. R. Dewdney, Rector. of mte how different oui-views are on mjust be enduced to think, lie said. Jlaree, offered the dedlicationi prayerienshp we are joîned in flosi Wemust alo each students to be (otiud rrnlpage ,1) an-d the sehool Glee Club undiicer the(by rasîng (1. prctca "Jut owpractical aýre we. S(ehools were beinig geared to poiel ces' fMs htae ag Thblitz ýbfor new nmemb'lershlip t her sad1. enthe UN recognizes couses for th(- other 75 preta h~aporaesn,"ls hs~otn~ n vroehsp2romlised thre 'rnllsladsin hePacfi an wllhesalid. mHere lhe pointed 1to 1the Fos olwhgtecrmnisat n afin t u nx eetinig. do~s otreognzeon-tId f he ( oatoa eho nPotHp o f the new vsi h-ool wals made by On Novmbr t the -comite' worl's ppulaion n Chna. hinais were kils an traes ae taght.the any reset.rLnch0f cffeechare 0fthe eetig wil hoJea ye w fai t rco nie t. ~ ad e ro idemedutionhsils nd'caetr1 . S - s d owad taleon Irr~ .T C A Canaian Farie1! %"yon oe .ndvabzMe,the fabrie ini fuis Y.£LAfl- I I ~nmhrsat'nddandgeerl bs- n~sswasdiscsse. CanetRiekarld, BOY 2PICESNOW _ý SUIT S - e ewlyteecte addtefrL ra 4 ~ ederl) idin, spke entioning, A blond cf 100%NylonWarp iwith 12 pl eombed cottn upe ron %linkth andshin reisan, wte rplet. Co;lour fas'. C(Stn be wýAshd 4or dry eanm- iimany requests lhe is receiving -foi ou.PRCE$1500spakig nggements. Alex Car- ruhrs emiber of the Provincial Hlouse for- Durhami County, spoke of his Wor-k in the local area an d askedý BOY' COATF, Knitted Colars and Cuf f s toepeettepteeys onth Kntd olr and inter cuaff s. Ifs Now% guaranteed 10 machine washablewndruwrkteH.RotMc (Irmntprviesmimu atrreiintpotcio.Cleurgreen, broii.Cale is doing with the "raeCru- S'z 4 6,6x PICE$9~saide,", reminding the nmembers of1 teInduIstry Demonstration at the I RoyalYork, Nov, 5-6, MU. Carruthers ïï ~~also. mentioned "Med,(ica'ýre"', remnark- IIL R N SO EP CESNOW SUITS >ý ing on the timie and thouight expended Tifaieis 100%/ Dupent Nylont. fPermaànenly water repellent,wal-beothsyPrmr John Rob31ar-ts, to Made7 1u Canada. Detathable ollar mid Ofs Rayon quiiltý 11t eue h etpsibepa obn iu~.Colur talrust brwn. ize2, 3 31 PRIE $1.9j!itail. Mr. Carruthers concluded bis address With a resumle ofhiwoko the comnmittee for industrial rehabili- p i UNITED 14URCR4 Orono Pastoral Charge Minister RevB . E. Long SUNDAY, OCTOBER 128thl lOOh Aiiersryof Orono United Church Thte Rev. A. E. Eustace, B.A., (-f Empresa United Church, London will be the guest speaker 41:00-p.1n. The, Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.ýA. 0f unford Unie hunrch will be thte guest speaker The Kirby and Leakard Churcla ser- vices will be wvithdrawn. Suirday School according to arrangements CENTENNIL (Fromi page 1) aiated, that of the Presbyterian, tlethodist and Congregational Chur- ohes in Canada. lIn Orono 'lhe 1resby- terians agreed to worship in the i\,Iethodlist Church, and the former Pireshyvterian Churcli is now tie Ms nîc Temple. The namne of our cburchi ýas again changed and became known s 'The United Church cl' Canada.' Renovation - Tri 1949 the thon Oronio Park Sýtreet United Church was renovated, an,d e opened for service in Septembe at a cost of $13,000.00 At the timie of thel renovation changes were mnade inl choir loft witb the organ being biroughI-t to the front of the chapel. AIl new pewus and furnishings were installed with a centre aisie rather than the prior two aisles. New bardwood floors were laid and a new litchen installed in the basemont. A vestibule was also but at the front of techurcht The renovated churdi wvas dedicated. on Sunday, October 9th with Rev. A. Belleville in the pulpît. Twýýo services E. Eustace and Rev. D. C. Amros of were held with $960.00 being contribu- ed in the morning service. 0 h $13,000.00 for thie renovation only ý1,0.00 was left to be paid after the soervice cf dedication. 1The building- com-mittee for the--rex-ý ovation includedc Rev. A. E. Eustace, Mr. O. W. Rolph, Mrs. M. J. Tam- lyn, Mrs A. A. Drumm-ond, Mrs. M. H. Sais Mr. C. W. Biliings, Mr. P. Cliapmarn,,, Mr. W. J. Riddfell and 4r.1 T. . Tamrblyn. P'rc Destroys (Church Sundaýy afteimnooni, rFdbruary l9th-the 'akStreet Unitedl Church was totally Letoy,ed by fîre ait a loss of over 80000.The Ccngregation was Lowever fasýt to respond and by Feb. 9th a, motion by P. M. Lunn anid il. J.Suh to build a new chunrch .Was omm1itee 0yf Messr's. M. H. staples, V. J. Riddell, W. E. Armstrong, O0. W. Rolph, P. Chiapmian, A. J. Tamblyn, C. Tamiblyn and C. W. Billinga-, wasi During the period of constructiùon the United Church people worshippqeë in St. Saviour's Anglican Church, The new chunrch, Inown as the r ono United Church, was openied ani dedicated on Septemiber 9th, 19-51 in ar afternoon sriewith an-,overflow- ing congreg-ation. Rev. J. E. Gri1fitbh presided at the dedication with Rev- Archer Wallace the guest speaker. The total cost of the edtifice was ove? $90,000 wvhen ceompleted. It is now free of any delit with the mortgage be.- ing burned on May 17th, 1954, A Blitz Campaign for funds wFiý; held on Wednesday, April 26th, i95io? and on the single day a surn of $23,- 017.00 was raised in cash and pledgesý The objective had been set' at $25,û00 In 1962 the Orono 'United Church reacbed another mllestone in its hîs- tory. The need for an Educationalý Building became apparenit and after- numerous meetings the Wells Organy- ization was employed to conidur-t a fln-' ancial campaigni for a Cirstian Edu- cation BuLilding. $53,000 was pledigeo. over the next three years andth building is to be starteýd this conng spring. Sue Major Chosen "Miss Credit union" The Oronio District CredtitUno is plea,ý,sed to announce that Miss ýSuez ajris tis years MàLss Orono Dis- trict CredtU TJi-. ion and viw i ow enter the contesý for Miss Ohw Chapter Credît Uni- -into be held oM ber 27th, 1962 in the U.A.W.A. Hall in Oshawa. Tbeý wvinneir on Satuir- iday w-ill go on to com-pete for the Mýss OntarjoI CredîIt Union to be held at theo Rolyl rk1Hotel at 'a later date, TIR-lS WlEEK ATTIlE UGs N a -~ N N N N -i N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N s N N Bos ,nd inerpats Godquaqlity cord. Mens Monarch Jo(-key BIiaud Therma Undrwer.Tria", warmi air lu.ý Med. or heavy iie i-O iad 8-14 years. FRTCED $2.!95-$4. 95 eg Med. vweight shirts prwce 25 Girl, and Boýys Iinied (Overails yith domed croth. ize 12 mionths - 2 years. PRICE $2.95 Mced. weight daesPie-$.1 HecavywegthrtFrc-$29 odrsadSirt Setcs!ri corduroy okr trýc . cored otts.Sîz MLXL.PRîCE $2.9,-$3.95 Mens lned Smcks laNa\.vyor greeni. Mn ie o Pns oorgen PRE $,ICECE$5-115 OpnAlDay Armstrong Wecfnesday AMofldayn Il ORONO w»EKLY -IIT.mEs

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