GttngRid (Mciybe) 0f Londoný's Pigeons Fi'or nuiny years London's pi- geons and starlings have be-en niakinig a mess of famaus build- ings. The problemr is, how do you geV r-id of f locks of several hun- dred bîrds, quietly, effectively and witliout causing an army of bird lovera o nmarch a n Trafal- gar Square-? The Ministry ai Works has worried about thiis for hirty y e ars. Explosive-s, flash-ing lights, ýalarmn calis and spl-ikýy strips of meutai have been tried ta dislodge starlingsa nd pigeons, but with littie succesa. 'Recently however, a plastic jelly lias ooze-d un ta thie scene and is spreading alang àfflicted ledges alover the country. The hordes oai starlingaý that, se-ek a warm roost in city smoký1e are leaving and it ia causing quite a flutter among the improvised and uofiildoveectesý. The substance doesn't harm th3e- birds but giye-s a wbl sensa- tion underi their toes. In f act, they fe-el th&yý\ haven't a le-g to stand 0on, This off-puitting je-ny la called Scare-crow Strip and lias be-en dlevised aiter coniderable re- search by the country's leýading pest control organizatioDn. *It is not affected by%_heat, cald, rain or snuw and can absorb its oýwn ofgh a dirt without be- e-zhs neffecti vc. Ladders, hydraulic hýoists, de-c- orators raîa scaffolding and steeple-jacks have be-en use-d ta, spread thie jelly around. The mnain servýicing company, Ren- boie-i Laboratories LtId., w;hichi ,lso developed the repellent, hae- ve bouglit a rrerd fire engcine -with a lOOft. turnitable Iadder frùm whichi a man appii1es the jelly f rom a caulking gun. Saerwstrip has be-en used en the National Gallery, Cuvent Garden Opera House, St. Pan- eras Station, and on theatres, h1tels, town halls, churches, banks, post offices, departmrent etores ai-d otte-r prominent buil1dingýs. i's even been used on a liglithouse in tee Orikneys! In Kernt, farmers thought up the idea of making records of bird nuises, and piaying te-m back very loudly to frighten off birds that were filching their1 crops. IV didn'V frighten the birds, but residents are complaining be-1 cause of thie horrible noise! In Amierica, birds seem ta have a special aptitude for getting themnselves sucked inta air-condi- tioning intakes of large office blocks wiLlit isastrous conse- quenRees f o r. t h e circulation pumps. Falcons and muonkeys have beenl trained ta catch pigeons ini New York but the monke-ys soon becaine as big a nuisance as the birds., Bird-scarera range from whistling novelties andreov in~g beacons ta acetylene explod.- ers and expl3oding shotgun sheila. Q. ow tan I remove shoe- leather stains from light-colored stocking3? A. A ablespoanful of borax in your wasinrg water shuuld help ISSUE 43 - 1962 UP AND AWAY - Jase, the hamster, waits calmly in a homemaide spacecraft for the start of an experimental rock- et Iaunch and descent. Tho cardboard capsule, attached to a cardboard booster by a coat hanger, is launched f rom the ground. The capsule is ca- ried to ca box kite by the wind, At the kite, it is jarred loose, a parachute opens and Jose floats saofely down, More Dangerous Thon Even Sharks In the northorn coastal waters of Australia, dfivers seeking pearl-bearing oystors tuil, on tài-e slimny sea bocd, in a twilight world of cural reefs and rock caves. This also la, the hunting ground of the giant cod... the grouper, a f ish whicih div.. ers find maýre sinister and friiht- ,ninig than even the shark. The drab brown adudt group- ersý, with their huge he-ads and thick lips are a.mung the ugliest of all fiaIt. Often they are more tItan six f eet in length and weigih between 200 lb. and 300 lb. The largest on record was, twelve feet long and weîghed hIalf a ton. Yet these ugly warriors of te soa, when young, are one of the most brilliant of the gorgeously cok&tirod fisahes of the curai reefs; be-autifully mnottled, with black. Oveor te years, xnany divers have loat their lives to large groupera. Unlike sharks, group- ers are flot deterred by a mere burst 0f bàbbles from a diver's suit. They att-ack, relentlesqly, and, bite off the I'inruding dive's leg or arm, oýr engalf his hel1- met in their great jaws. Not long ago, a diver sudden- ly founid himself staring into two green eyes, as big as saucers, only inches f rom imn. Instinct- iv.eiy, the diver froze. Hie dared flot mnove his hand to pull te rope to -signal the tender,fa- WHO NOSE? - Curious Farnborough, England, schoolboyz stfick their noses into the maissive buibous nase of a tran%- port plons -at the- annual air show. The-y want plane focts, oms above, or the grouper's jawia would have snapped. The. diver sweate-ýd it out in hM3 rubber suit, while te fish chewed curiously . at [the glass helmoet ai-d sniffe-'d Lip and dawn his chest. Perhaps ýtee grouper did inoV care for ,what he f uund, for lie- fînally turned and swamn awàLy wi-th punderausz gravi V3ý; uily thoen cuuld tee trenibling diver signal to the tender Vo be pufled up. Groupera have a habit cf arn- bushing divert r-mthe--ir laira or talking teim from ,behIind, bhen oýharging and enguilfing One of tee few peuple w1ho lias escape-d such an attack îa Tom-itaro Fujii, of Torres Straits. Hie had heavily scarred arma fromn beating off a persistent,' savage attack fram -e big grouper. Another:ý lucky diver was une who was literaily cauglit bend- ing. fle w'as g-athering material when tee monster butted hîmÉi hiard, and h-urled hle-ad first into te hickç, slJrýImysea-bed. The shaken diver stulmbled tO. his feet and saw, trauglite ciuuded, thse lige grouper whiali had bae-ked away and hung there with gills pulsatuing, weaiting o renew the. attack. The dliver did not wait. Héo clased his air valve, an.d sig- nalied' desperately t be haulodl up. In fact, lie rose su fast, that n- moment lie was eutaf thse short-sighted if ish'svion The grouper is a very popu- lac catcth with fishermien. Some hait _large huoka with- stinig ray orrabt and fasten Vthe ends of:- their lUnos Vo soaled ten-gallon 0il-drUiMs. The hookod grouper te-n dragis te fboating drumi arounâd until lt La exihau3to-d. Others, thee more daring, use spe-ar guns. Two French underwatel fishermnen shot f orty sýpears inta a 300-pouinder in a three-h'ur. battie, before it died, 1't ig understandable why div- ers wauld rather mectt sharks' tItan the dreaded grouper. Using Up Those Green Tomatoes Old-fashione-d green Vomtato mince-me-at is surprising-ly easy ta maiee, and rmay be canned or frozenl for making holiday pies says Janina M, Czajkowski, ex- tension nutritioniat for the- Uni- verlsity of Connecticut, whu rec- omimenda il as a hrîftty way v o use te green tomatoes gather- ed before te- froat, and plt'ntiful '"wiindfall" apples. To make appraximar_-tely- five pinta of gre-en tomnata miniceme-)at try this 'reclpe-: GREEN TOMATO MINCEMEAT 3 quarts chopped 'green tomnatoes about ?,0 mediuîm size) liI-" quarts pared, cliopped tart apples (about 8 medium Size) 2cups raisins 1 eup currants J/ýIeup diced candied citron, lemnon, or orange peel Z teaspoons ground cinnamon ,j teaspoon ground aluspice %/ teaspoon ground cloves 2 lteaspoonis Sait (about) 1 cupa f rmly paeked brown sugar r4 eup vinegar 1/4 eup leMOn juice Combine ail ingrediei-itsz in a large heavy pan. (OmPit claves if you plan Voý freeze inincemneat) Cooke mixture slowly until it hs tender and Vthick -Allow about 2 hours. Stir f requeitly ta pre- vent sticking. 'fa can, pour bolling mixture îua hart, ateri-le jarsý and se-ai promnptly. To freeze, pack mnince-me-at inta freezer jars orý containers. Remembner toa albw ie-ad space- ýfor exPansionI. Se-ai'and fre-eze DadI Don't Boiher Hecting Baby's Bottie, As a leadîng pediatîic re- "search-er, Dr. Emmeiitt Huiot of New Yu(rke nvriyBleu _Me-dical Conter lias ackled maqny problemïs in infant nutrition. Eut rece-ntly lie decided Vo find te answ'er ta a simple question thlat lias bothere-d himn-apdnd illions of mothes-for years: Doe-s a ARTiCLES FOR SALE HOEA7Edoli' elothes. Gift b" &f ien $2.00 Satisfaction guaranteed.ff CO.D. enclos.e 25ýc for malillu. Enelos. fengils and waist of doll.Mrs. Scrim- %haw, Box 55T, Dartmouth, Nova Scaffa. AGE rTS -oEByar f wr nivnQrper- Fected a machine for threading simalï needles An eye saver for as little as $1, We are looking for, ambitious. distri- butors. No capital required. Gooci prof- it, Write ta Iris 10726, 107 St., Edmnon- ton, Alta BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR sale - Thriving grocery business inAthe beauti'ful Georgianr Bay town eK Meaford. TRIS butsiniesss l ocated on the main, street, aud lhas anl arn-usai turnover off $12.5,000. List of equfpmnent on reqtiest, m-111 seil stock t coat. CONTACT Murray Riness, representa- tive for Leslie M. Adamis Re-al Estate. Box 693, jMeaford, Ont., phone 660. GENERAL store 40' x 60' plfils garage- aud gas pum, les inBarrie district. 345,001. turnover. Summeniýr business catering tc> a wea thy cliüïfntel. F'abulous me-at tuirn- ever. Moern equpment, adeqeete stcr- age space. Winterdled fMug quarters. $12,000. dowýn. %01r1w Idefer psy- meuts t111 Sriïng opeuning. Worlc 7 miontlis aud spe-ud the. winter tes lorida. jInspection iu-vited. Cali Aice.Worthinlg- ton, Stroud 21 R 23, J,. A. Cout1's& COG, Reaitors, 5 Owen Street, Barrie, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNîTIES NEW INVENTIONS NEW PRODUCTS - MONEY NEW IDEAS Wl cevelop. finance and se-l. ANY FPROFITABLE §DEA HU 9-4443, BOX 154, POSTAL STA. K" TORONTO il Write- SCOPE UNLIMITED FOR SALE LOCKER storage & buitcher equiPmeeWnt 230 Keeprite Steel Lockers, waxing tank, 2 Defiance comnputing scales, frozen f ood couilter, lfobbart me-si gidr<½H.P.), Berkel mie-at suicer, Bekper r saw selving, mieat block, kettie stove. Griffith snmoke buuse, Na- tional cash register, Beatty pressure- ystem., Esso oil buruer, Glîonfrnâce. Write Box 347 Tavlstoe-k, Ont. BOATS BUILD A BOAT THIS wlter Wth a Leavenis fibreglasm bull and save hall. Clearing boats, motors. trailers. Leavens Bots, 3220 OufferinSt., Toronto 19, Ont. CHRISTMAS TREE FOR SALE SCOTCH Pnue - Weill 5rued 4' to 8' trees on Hlighiway 5!8 Sp)ruce-dale, On- tarie. Apply John C, Peddie, Spruce. claie, Ontario. CHMISTMAS TREES WAI4TED CHR-ISTMAS trees, ulice, fuil ,bush1y. No- 1 balsami, pruce; also -No. à Sctch pinle fully pruned, Reasonable. Write p1rI-e snd full information to William 14.Taw 879 Nash Rd., North Tona- wanda, N.Y. DOGS FOR SALE ALLniny oubree-ding BIlacli & Tans-. 2 feiales I Mâle-, 1ekyrs.. beauties, femnales s'30.00. males $40.00. Reg Bluetlck pupa 2 mnaies, 2 fe-mýAleS, 4 moutha., Sire Vaughans and Piloi bree-ding. Dams side- stroug in 015 Drum breed Brted for coon, wifl make. good tleer or fox $30.00 each. Clifford Symingtofl Watford, Ont., RR No. 3 DAIRY EQUtPMENT 21 CAN .woods buill milk cooler lien- mail vacuum pump snd- pipeline. ail ila ne-ar new condition. Russe-ll Miller Route 1, Markham, Ont. HAM rLP WANTED WANTED ml for large dairy farm. Muet be fully experie-nced. Modern house, or good home Niagýara district. State 'ae Johu Ronyn, RR. 1 Stev ensville, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE North West of Toronto 25 ACRES off good fertile farmi land,.1b ,mile f roma paved htglaway, withiu 35 miles off Toronto City Hall, $500.00 per acre. Also 50 acre farm, 31.0011.00()f il price, clear laud, ne buildings. Cali Mr. Roberts, Area code 416, CHerry I-5205, James B. Glbert Reator, 1495 Kiplina Avenue N., Rexdale, Ontario. 400 ACRE dairy f armi. 70 registe-reS Hol1- ste-lus, machinery. Near Ottawa. Twe bouses. Hy,,dro. iater bouses sud barne. Crie bouse fufly modernize-d. Ideal for rtuers. Box 255. 12_3l8thj Stre-t. Ne-w ~ootOnt. DAIRY FARM Muitbcesold to seitle estate. 230 sucres, 185 plowable-, two tractors and truck, Al powe-r maich'iue-ry.Modem homre and baru. Two silos. Forty mrilking cows, twelve yearlings, thre-e calves, bas fine eau coutracu. This eau easily be iucreased, Farne is tweuty miles niorth off Cornwall sud f orty miles South of Ottawa. $10.000 down. the balauce- at 6% intere-st. Contact Mn,. Anna Van Egmiond, RR No 2, Moose Creek, Ont., phone 20-R-6. FARM EQUIPMENT KRAEMAR FEED TRUCKS HUNDREDS ilu use. Solidly contrtcted with heavy woodeni base sud ides. ()'e- piece 20 gauige gailvaiized iron bottomi sud cnda (no Joints).Moteu0-d1'n tw 2.75 x 10 sei.solid rubbe)r WheeisS f one 6" swivel ruibber castor. Froni fac- tory te VOU. No Dealers. You make the, savings. Two sizes 32" zud 26" wide, both 72" long,, x 36", hi. Ouly S67.50 -ud3.. Cah t orerorC.O.D. MRI SALE - MISCELLAN'EOtJ' Reloa-dbsg lRifre, irS' iShotigma cases. Qualfty e-onporen)ta, "iowest pics. Enquiries Invite-S.J. Molmne% GunshOP,, i Box 156, !Iriglita'is, Ontario.î FOR sale diesel suld portable sawmtill, diesel suitable f or feed mill, both. In excellent condition wlll sel] separate-ly. Reasouable. For details contact: ROY Tokley. Tw eed, ftutario MELP WANTED Medical Laboratory Technician. Required by 55 Red General Hospîtal, Attractive working conditions-. and per. sonne], policles Reply statinrg qualIfica- tions, salary expeete-d aud date avail- able te: Administrator, Sensenbrenne-r Hospital Kapuskasinq, Ontario. H4ELP W-AN'TED - ALE COM POSI110RS LINOTYPE OPERATORS MQONOTYP E KEYBOARD OPERATORS NEW VEngiad's fae.t ead. typographie plantieeda me-n wth 1 sbop exe-iece t andle- greaily lek: crease-S work baS. Goad psy', good w&rklesg conrditions. TIsea are permian. eut aDl-yeýar-rostsd jobs weith a re-alfu- ture for ïe-ompetent, dependable 'mesn %iba can Isoldthieir own sesa afast mos- Iug operatiee. WRfTE: GENERAL MANAGER Eastern Typesetting Co. 433 CHURCH ST., HARTFORD, CONN. OR CALL COLLECT: H4ARTFORD 525-8276 LIVESTOCI( FOR SALE FOR sale 300 choice Heref ord steers. varyiutg in wveight from 700 ta) 850 lbs, IncluSieS are- 50 from thse Chure-h Ranch. AppIy Wilîard Caihoun, Dobbïnton, Ont. phone 33SW3 Cliesley MED#CAL IT'S PROVEI\ - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA, $1 .25 EXPRESS COLLECT POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the- torme-ut off dry ecze-ma rashes sud weepiug akin troubles. -OstsLeczema S alve wIU net disappoint you. Itchiug, scalding aud buirýng ecze- ma, acee riugworm, pimiples snd foot e-ezema, will respoud readlly to the siainle-sa, odorle-as oiutmnent re-gardle-ss off how stubboru or bopele-as they see-m. Sent Post Free on Recelpt of Prîca PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East Toronto NUJRSES WANTED iuig assistants reqiiired fer 52 be-S ba- piaI - Goods aary - Accommaodation - Nurse-a' re-sideasce-, Appiy SuperintefldCIt - IINCAROINE GENERAL HOSPiTAI. Kîncarcdine, Ont. REGISJERED NURSES REQUIRED immnediately for smalumeS- eru hospfital iu northeru Ontario. Ex. celflent 'personuel poile-tes anS working condition s.Reside-uce- accommodation aud usual ifacllitie-a avallable-111 progres- sive- comnitnty.* Salary '3346.00 te 3422.00 mouthly. up te $50 00 alloWa anlce- te- wards travellinig expenses te Senooth Rockfalls afier satisfactory employme-nt has be-en established. Ple-ase- give tele- phonenumber If possible. Apply To Personnel Departusent, ABITIBI POWER & PAPE R COMPANY LIMITEO SMOOTH ROCK FALLS, ONTARIO OFF TwmmiWEs FmR M", I' A >WOMENI BE A HAIRDRESSER J01lN CANADAS LEADING SClqO. Great Opporteenlty L-earn Hairdre-ssiuig -Pleasant Signifie-S profession good véages. Thousauda off suecesfutl - Marvel Graduates America's Greateat Sy'ste-m fllustrated Catalogue Free- Write- or Cal] Mcirvel Hairdressing School 358 Bioor st. w.. Toronto Bra nche-a 44 King St. W., Hamuiton 72 Rjikfe-u Stre-et, Ottawa PATENTS CîANADIAN patent for sale or royalty. Natioually advertised sud sold lnU i.S. Wanted by every isoman Retails atiSiL Write- Royal Se-et. Waterhury. Couse PH RSONA I JESUS is. cem--ing agalu) -thls tiuee- toý ruleihe- werld! Be pre-pare-d sud re-- i'n'isconfIde-ihope For free liter- ature write Box 811 Brauitiord Ont UNWANTED HAIR VANI41SHE]> )awsy sehSACA-PELOý SACA-PELO) fa iiere-ut iL 50e-s rn-i disso4ve eor reenov e- air lrom- thse-sur- face-, but pe-netraites aànS' erd growth, off UJWAVýNTED 1RAYE. Lor Be-er LRab, Ltd. ,Ste-. 5679' Granille- St., Vaueu'l ver 2, HC PIfEASARTS AUD~ WATE'R'FOW2 I'HEASANI' bre-ede-na . 315tli. te birds, waterfawl. iEgs-aidtqlts MNatherr Pheasant Faruse,. Hîilton Beach, Ou'anfo' FAMOUS Aeriasat 3-O ARMY sud tNavY at .40. WASHINGTON Bwceute-uial, at 4 R. Sharter, R.D.Nô 4, iSe-oa N. ROY S. WILSON 7& Richmond Street West, Toron'tc NEW ISSUES CANADA, B.C. & FOREIl'GÏN RAPKIN, GIBBONS, SCOI MINKUS, HIARRIS & ýGROS SMA N ALBUMS IN STOCK COLLECTIONS ALSO -PURCR.ASELIX VACATION RESORTS VACATION IN FLORID'A RENT mnode-rn 40 fi. traîler, quiet Pari, avallable- October-February. R- Cuitte., Il Batursen. St.. Thomas. BATTLE ZONE~ - Renewed figliting has, broken out be. tween, Indian and C hin es e troops inu India's Northeast Fr'ontier Agency ('"X'"oin r isde of map). Each side dsues the otlier's boundary claims. Earlier hils year, clashes were reported iu the Ladakh area of Kashmir, alou iu dispute. China lias océu- pied 12,000 square miles here, CAVES IN - O ne-block 'îrec. in downtown Son Frcrucisco3 was blocked off as resuit af rain-Cuused-( cave-ins an siteý of new Federal Court Building.