FOR SAILE FOR1 SALE ~urip sitbe ortaleusýe. Fric- 1 used CoaI-W ood Furnace, 3 years I 'J$.Oper- busheýl. Apply Kenneth old. 1 conversionL 011 Burneur, 1 year H 1,phione 5),3, 0Oronu. a-pi ld!. Used liandl pum'ps, furnace pipes ________________ ec. Pone 1782, Orono. DURHUAM 4-H TEAM TOPS -w PO0TATO COM-iPETITION ANNOUNCING O' (Cniudfromn page 2) Grahiam's Esso Service bhas moved 0 Ja-nces l3yers. to the, formier Sissons G arage. Hei --H Club memibers to be eligible for Hours 7 arn. tili 12 midinight. Torw bl' 'ibs ompetition must be at least 16 calls accepted day or night. Phone 13 ears of age and have made a good 16211 or res. 11R13. S Ïjob of their project during- the year. Thiank you for your past patronage Rie tU the college they judge four classes and friendship. We'll be glari to see mi _i l"ivestock or pot"Itces as the case yvou there. a-p V --ay, be, giving reasons and also muiLstNo 3ïe prepared to answer six questions C03ME<G EVENT ma -'~lyregarýding 4-H club work andi Reserve Saturday, Novemiber rd tb~poetin which they are enrolled. frSt.Siour's W.A. Afternoon Tea 'Tteamis this year were coached1 and Sale. Particulars later. 0 1y . C. Ingratta, Fruit and Vegetable_________________ z1:eialist and A_ .O.aryp, Agri- the lural Representative. Assistan-ice, CARD OF THANKS AI î's lso given by the club leaders of W is-olatetis oppor>tunitY b O th epcieclubs nam-ely Mc1lý thank aifl friends and nieig-hb)ours for ta, Wooýcd, of thie -H Potato Club- Jamesi the manny floral tributes, cards and Ri roeobes -41 Sheep Club; gev Gray jkindnesses we received during our if te 4-H4 Beef Club; Clare Winslowl recent bereavemnent. Special thanks - to',,th-e nurses of Bowmianville Memior- ot he illrok Calf Club and Glenn- 1.releaderI of the 4-H Swine CIlub. iiRsia and Dr. Mik7los, to Bey. Tli 4- Clb rienibes saye inWoodland for his kind words, and tol one4- Clbhembetrs staed in, thos-,who vsie Dad during bis ~Gu1p o th Turdayevniglong stay in the hospitai. a-p Ci 'wh-ile on Friday in addition to taking Mrs. Bruce Cotter anid family. Pa a'opportunityv to visit about the col-a i7ege and see the facilities thatt a part in the competîtion they are given' CARD 0F THANKS -available for- students. In the evenn We wisýh to thank our famnilyv, rela- nbanquet was hield at wicbi Mr, Ev-ý tives, friends and neigbb,-ouris for the crett Biggs, Depuity Minister of Agri- wondenful party, gifts and cards given hi culture -was the guest speaker, in ad- uIS, which miakes our twenty-fifth wed- t)( dfltîi the announicemient of results and d'n. nnvrsrysucli a happy and ah presentation of awards were miade ati-fmemorable occasion. the banquet. '-a-zel ani Charlie Stapleton. - k, k k j-' k k p k k -'t- k k k k k y k k k k k k k k 1-' k j-' k k k t-' k k k k k k k k 1-' 1' J-' k j- k k t'-' '1- J-'- k k 1- v v k t- t-' k k k k k k 1- k k k k k t- k t- t-'- 1- h 1- k d o t' t) Fi TTAWA VALLEY C APJ~IA 'AL Offering 140 bead cf Registered erefords. 5s performance tested lis, 69 females - cows and beifers, calves. 3e11 Nov. 3rd, 1962 at 12 Noon Sharp!I chmond Arena, Richmond, Ont. (15 iles wvest of Ottawa, Can.) Write Cornlsh Auction Service, R, ~2, Stîtts-vîlle, Ont., Can. - sale ,aager, for your Free Catalogue. d-35-c RINK CA,,RETAKER WIANTED ApDplicationjs will be received by e Secretaiy f the ýorýonoAmtu hletic Association, Mr. H. Best, )ronlo, up1 to Novemiiber 3r'd for care- ker an ice m-aker at the Orono ,ink. puthter information f romf the ecretary.c- NOTICE Ah exsevce men and womefl arel nvited to take part in the Arm--istice ;rvice at St. Saviouir's Anglicaný hurch on Novemnber -i th at 7 p.m. arade will leave the Oddfellow's Hall It 6:45, p.m. After the Service, paradel inll march to the Cenotaph. a-c NURFSING HOME Ly-,nton1hurst Manor Nursing Home- ias warmn comfortable accommoda- on for bed and Up patients. Reason- b-le, rates. Phone Orono 1308. 51-p .loin the Teenis-with an invitation teo dancing on Saturday night at the Or- n)io Restaurant. S o'clock till --1:30. Escorts please. a-c COMING EVENT Open House, Ontaria Departmenit of ~griultre,14 Frank St., Bowmarnn- v île. Thrsa, October 2,51hi, 1962. :305:0 &7:00--9 :00 pm.Corne nýdse the new, building and, meet ý!iu staff of the Durhami- County ranch of e, 'leOntarie Departrmnt of giuur.Ahl Welcomie. b-c T he C hainS îea 18 HIere See the New W963 MýNodels SOLO McCULLOCH HOMELITE CADIEN Saws at Baulch Air C1,oIed miors Where Service and Parts are Always Availab)le Lakeshore Rd, Port Hope TU. 5-2760 HN E 129 CONTRACTORS FOR, FARM "Iand, HOUSE Free Estima-tes APPiLIANCE SALES Prom-pt aInd Guaranteed RepaIra to ail kinds of Clectrical Equipmieni and Appliances Such at Metors - Water Heter TV aio tve rn WALTR F1OU 177 Church St. 1300D FOR PERIOD SEPT 15-OCT. 3.1 Bowman vile OronoDistIctl edon ung1alow, 0urna, btgnvellrelt Orn-Bedroomeý,, new fulrnace, good well. Oly $6;500.00. $1,000.00 dw,$60>00 imlonthcaes Pastre Frm -125 acres nelar Mos- - prigod cee, amebush,20,000 NearMospri -New -on broue on 1i~'-cJroj- $7)S00.00g only$,0. rî0oo down ou le.ý e^ býu s Pigeon r:ver lows throug $1acre.0 Oenly$.0.Tr. LISýT OPR>BUY PHOTO CO-OP THROUGH OUR OFFIICE Many other listings throughouit Dur- hamn'Oouinty and Oshawa. A. J. McGILL Phkone 1407, Orono Local Bepresentative AUCTION SALE1 Hereford Cattle, Tractor, Baler, Threshing- Machine, Truck, Hay, G(7rain, Furniture etc., the property of Percy Farrow and- Son, Lot 4, Con- 1kcession 5 Clarke Township. Firsti fa,rm inorth 0of SilohCurch~ o',pli,nz Sturda1~v. Otc-bhp - 27at12:30.--- - Ternis casth. No reserve. L, Clysedle an J. Reid, Auiction-1 eers. CANADA'SLAG T ALL BLACK CATTLE SALE 1150t) HEAD" AUl Black Fýeeder and Breeder Sale. 100 Breeding; 400 Feeder and Stocker At the ,,Sales Barnis, Linds-ay , Ontario. Saturday, October 27. The Sthi annual sale sponsored by iihe a.ssociation. AIl sired by an AngLis bull. The feeder and stocker cattie, ,00 of themn, will be calves an-d year-' ings, both steers and heifers. There lwill be 100 hlead or more of breedinig cattle, most ef themy regtstcred. Many -ows with calves at foot and re-bred. Sale will start aI il1:00 a.m., with the breeding cattie, and the others Will '0110w. àcdditiomal eintries from any amrin Ontario %will be accepted up o salIe lime. Lunch available on the )ru1mises. Easterni Ontarlo Aberdeen-Angus As4sociation Y. C. Cliff Hall, Pri'sideint, Milibrook,! Mal0colm aîey Sale Manager, U- ridgOtario); Tel. Port, Perry 985-i Gordon Pbey., Unideroo-',d; Reg. Callyour licensed Plumbing &. Mecchanical Contractor who selfs,instailf and guarantees B1J, FR VICE. LICENSED PLUMBERS Monteith, NMonteith Riehl &Co. CHARTEL-RED ACCOUNTANTS 135 S im S. Nrt, sawa Whtb 942-0890 PAlNTi NG -D ECO RA-r'N Gg gBUILDING - CUPBOARDS f RE PAIR AND FINISH g g FURNITURE f IP IBardes and Byan g 0PLUMBING anid HEATINGg Sales and Service f 21 HOUP, BURNER SERVICE BAFINANCINO I Lowv Interest Rates Haumpton CO. 3-2288 'Tyl're CO 3-2650g Orile ChattertonI Box 133 Mo. 8-355-2 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. ê'es o&Foreign G1ranites' aid Mf-i - sriptions Cul and CemetercRpaitr Work ~ IsurnceService g) Insurantce in ail its Br-anches OAuto), Parkage and Composite gPolies, rire, Farmn, oe f3 Burgaiý1ry, Liability, Marine,J Accident and Sickness, Wilnd,g oerFideIity Bond, Etc. g Sadi îe HKa Miltonil 130 Phone Orono 1R16 OFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS o e.Heling yourpret one then contact &Jd Ichlo ~ DOG ~phone 2191 Oronoe PUMPING OUT g.dnsRpie uBrushes, le(ctrie, Tools and Smial SEPTIC TANKS Appliance MNotors U Work Guararmteed Bert T*,npkins AiHe d g Phone eWtOAleIlO4721 phon Newonvlle 721Phone: 1176, Ormne ORONO MEDICAL CEN~TRE A. F. McKENZIE, -MUl PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phione 196 Res. 147 31ARIAN A. KILPATRICK, Regk 1>hone 193 OFFICE HOURS 2:00 to -4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:D00p,.mt. WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGGART VETEfdMRY SURGEON Phone 1.866 Orano, Ont, LEGAL Lawrence C. Masonu, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonies: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5552 g F AY LYCETT, B.A. 0 CI 0 g In the Offices of R. R. Waddell Q-C. g MAIN ST,.. OR[ONO I G re1ePhone 1i:jS rono g0 B .S .A . B A Sc O. S. 1 o (civil)U g OnltaIro Land Srveyor i fi BowmnvilleOnta.riu g Telephlone 623-7251 LJ. SKAIFE Chartered- Accountant "By APPOINTM1ENT ONLy- Mai SteetORONO P.O. Box Ot Tel. 138 Ceneral &Le OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO ! Phone 12516 Res. 1ý114 OrOno's Licensed Aucioner 0ndValuator ConSUit ine fcr term(s and (datles Phone 5 r 18 0 Or or.o Aucionerand Vlao Cor,% crs vAction Sa f h Ontario our quality and service leav,.es nthijng to be desired Ask the peýrson who bought f al neighbour, friend or relafve The RUTTER GURA NITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "lLargest Display ini Southorii DUM IZL11COUNTY LIBEP.AL ASSOCIATON ANiN U AL MEE-TI1N G AND NOIMINATION CNETO Thursday5 -,Nov. 1, 8.00 pm ORNO TOWýýN HALL GiUEST PS P ,ýERE - JOH N WITN T ER 31E YE R 'Contracting E! UticeaI Elpectric Hleating and Service Phane 1031 Orono, Ontario This coupon is worth $1.00 $ on the purchase of any new Pioneer chasin saw. Trade-ins are accepted on thîs offer whic.h expires Oct. 31, 1962. e Uiý- ý--V commumum f 77