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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1962, p. 1

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OMes At Ct'nentenoniat Services, The Centennial observance at the Oi-ono Unitedi Churdli over thc past! week-end miarked another highlighti ,,C th~e one hundred years of its eç-1 istance ini the Village of Orono. Thleï obser-vance Was hcld duing Friday, Sýaturday and clîmaxed wi'th two Cen- tennial services on Sunday. Many visited the Village during Uic weekend and mucli cnthusiasm was cecýatecd in flic renewing of acquain- tances withi former members o!flice churcli and residents o!flhc Village, A Centennial Smorgasboed Supperl was held on Friday evening la ic basement of Uic Churcli whicli sawe a-ood attendiaxce. The menue forUil ocasion nluded turey, ham casý-e seroles, pies, cake etc and was sevd bufffet style fromi a centre table. 1n-1 divid4ial tables for thie diners wern 1 se-pon ither side of the SuindavI seolroom. The supper was un-der, thle auspices of the United Cliureh Pictures of flic historical events of Morton and flic late Mr. and Mes. Albert Taxnblyn. Rev. WNe ft e Nwtonville charge and Prcsidecnt of Prcsbytcry broughit messages o! cong-ratulations fr om both lis charge and Presbytery,.1 Rcv. Long, minister o!f ic Orono Un- itcdl Chuech, conducteci both services. 1The Division o! Zoonoses and Ds- cases of Wildlife o! the Ontario Vet- erinary College is doing a survey" 0f Deper in Ontario this fali. They arc trying to obtain a biood ;sample froni Deer shot during. the hunting scason. Whien possible a fresh kidney is aLso requested. We are particularly in- tcrested in obtaining specimens from the agricultural areas o! Durhamn and CG.1.T. News Wc opened our meeting wiQith Uic C.G.I.T. Purpose. Quer Devotional study was read by Our president, Carol Vag-g and closedý with Prayer and was fnllowed by ai story about our Bible. Recording Secretary Linda Pearsý read tlic minutes of our last m,-eetingyi and becauise the treasurer, Shirleyi Sharron was away sick, Mes. Couvier gave the report and collection wasi Digs Wolf Out of Den Nets Bounty Northiumberland. During our business discussioni, thel Hunerswisin toassstin'iiî ýrls told Mrs. Couvier thiey woul i e Local Deer fHuntfl[tn teCGIT Vse evc surlvey are asl<ed to .collect blood i tn ten h ..IT epr evc aI dan dy oti ad utt~sin Oshawa fils year and we then11M dlosed with taps and then whIile somre Foi Three Days alonig with kidnýy ila aplastic bag for o h -rsfiile asneL-nltung hreuto!tre Nused NIE LgtuE aTTrcoigatreo Comnciag this Monday, Novem- pick-_up. idneys must bc picked.up 0ftegrsfnshdsm1ntig ber 5Ui and for thece days until and 11Inmeditl.Val n lsicbg ao inciuding Uic 7th an open season, for, for specimiens cani be obtamnedflfrom deer~~~~~~~ il chednUiUntdCu-aVeterinarian, Conservation Officer sMe.Amsrngldtoha e Ucrew,,ard 0f a bounty o! $50.00 for' anue frýom ielocal game wardenr, tics. 'This will also beienl effect in the of the Dept. of Lands and Foresfs at, and our pianist Peggy Hancock was tî2srceamitous redents 0f ctearad Doug Powell.- Towý%nship.of Clarke wherc the huint- 01 awýay sick, we were unable to have Miljjtoný1 Wannan. Don Lycctt and Milt' mief for, whicli a bounty is offéred by in c eer wi) liepritted fI or UciThis survey is being undert s 1-vl1 P aken to liceigsng eld e InutsVannan on inspýcting a Chiita h onisl h mut0 5.O thece day ny eemn h rsneo ETSI !tligtgte a Civc1 tree plantation just east of Enterprise jThis gives proof to thc !act that re.- 'hotgins Lare lod only and rifles R -SIS lm Deer, a form of aborfion fhanked us for cominig out on sud a, on Satueday obscrved a wolf which cent repDorts from th-e area haveT ar er.t-piritted to lie used. A dccc which can lie contacted by dlomestice ainy night, and remlinded usMe. ook te ifs dcn almost imimediately. saedta wle:aei tcdstt, 11c-e Is a ý lso- necessary cattie. Arinstroilg las asked us to go f0 hier Don recruited the assistance of- hisA number o! farmers have reporfed nom on- ve -ng I L iKf -W.br1 he- an-are. -t1shoelsa'isi lteaiasw-i tcsnv flice church were also dlsplayed on the wals0 the Sunday School and sone' 0f the casses diating back to the' turn 0f the century were included in this,-,, a h s A - a i g r 3hojwingý. The era of 1949 and 1950 werei porrayd hrogh heuse of; ilcLre otn-tp dtvtis Aîppoýinted Fo ior Hockey laj and of the church of this period. ________________ P"ictures wvere also on display of those active la church work and ln the coin- The b1ockey committee of the Oeonio1 miunity dating back fromi the present Amiateur Athldtic Association isnear- dal Teains Aniiongr ïo as early as 1S65. This display cre- ing the completion of its plans for pro- * a,,eed a great deýal of interest for flot moting hockytipitr taron Q)nly the present nembers of the meieting a league was estabiished forTrpy rt es ~clurch but also for formier residentstheBanamdiv':sioni in which the Or. The anniual eanquet of the Lake-! of tlie Village. onol team hasbeen etered with Zion,shr Minor Basebal Association Sa1turd1ay evening- the activities of Ajax,, south--ward 0f Bowmnanville and wa1s fheld in the Elmhunrst Hotel, New- the Cenitennlial celebration conitinuied S't. reo0f Oshawa. There is aiso csi on October 26th. Twent-i'y-eight wihthe staging 0f an amateur show, a pssibjlity that a team fvrmPort nmen weee present includiig Mr. Jack aloheldin te te basement of the: Hopema enter this league. Ail Elbheck 0f the Programi De-pt. of thec church. Som-e 250 were in attendance games will be played in the Orono andi Departmient of Education, Torontoý to e etetaled it a arid ro-Necastle -rinks and weather permnit- and Jais. Crombie, presidento h g om f dramaý,1 music, reciting and ung tîhe leajguje wil 1 start Decembr Laksh-ore Basebali Associa-tio-n ( Two.,( Centennial services 0f worship TeTohe and Crests wr pre- wrhedon Suindýay wîth twformer AiOrr '-oe ae:wl i ýte-;t: Juveile - Kendal; mIni steis beingget speakers. Th pl,)ave.d on Lhe Orono, ice and to date Mde oor hucifor then morning- ser-vice was eleven boyýs fromi the Village have fled to capacity with a good congre- oined [lie local i clU. The Ordn6 hooiùe}Batnýcbor ece Wee (A & B) - Port Hope gation prýesent for the afteeaoon ser, g es will lie played on Friday even- pee Wee (C. D.) - Kenda1 vice. -ig fromn 7 to 8.- The othier gamesý Rev. A. E. Eustace was the guest wich ariie to be played in New;%castle A Tiophy was presented to the As- speaer t te monin sevicewlt~~ illbe on Saturda y evýeing fp-rom 6scatn by Wmi. Tueansky of Kendal is pic berý e iring na fere na' for Tykes: This was won by Kendal. in,1 the aftbernoond ervice rv J ri- h lca oceycmmttear rests were presented to ýCourtice as -, -' atý,-non srvic Re. J Grf- c1,,ý,, hokeyconniUee runniiierýs-up )in the Mîdgc:;t Division, !lith waotegus spea e takiga lsohoeflfa narageens This Association is to join the Ontar- listopc 'he essge f Rconcil fr thie other divisions in i 4e sport. b Bseal Association. Delegates w)-, raion." ueyBte omn Ormo 'ior an atboh sl' T iý jfý l sýocitin i t aainp01'1edwpointed wereowmiiý The Chor sng t bth cr- Th loal ssoiaton s t 1aginville., Ned Foster, Kendal; Jack Ryan1 viceýs and offered an anthem on both onsrfortem being the Atomis, Coor;adC .Creh fi occasions s Me. Jone FordwsgetPeWeBnam n gt s 5ouldhappen these cannot go, Blake, solta ad an "Ple ol Cty Cacesand managers h1ave b)een- Gunter, laýckstock, Jack Thomnpsoin, dmmgte mrigservice &ldý!în td fr iltamis and aýre as 1WenISurvey t'he Wonidrouis Cross":olw-Kna n edWtsS.aet o .at the aftý-rnconi service. Ten i,Hig-i Special mention was made to Mr. Scholg ia 's aded to the tervio Atoswhr two teamns are expe )et- J kRya an boys whoý won the On- la~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ th onn hnte edrda~R o'seTmCx ogA-tai lo Championship - Bantam Cass number anda duet by MUrs. A. Druma- le,iia1rvin Lunn, Ross Gilbart and' Mr. Jack Eilbcck cxplained hiow the mondand Mrs. . Crson was sung o Hazelden.loa commnunities could be assistcd inl rat the afiernoon ser.vice. PeeWees: Lloyd 1Tayvlor,, Juniorer sports by hclp) from lis depart,-I Following both serVi1ces lunch was West, mi. anagers; Waýynep Bailcy and; ment. ser-ved in) the liasemient of the chiurch Raili enned1y, -coaches. ________________ wvhere acquinten.ancýes ,vereerenewe'I I Bantamis: Bert Elack and Horace sistaý,nts, Terry Myles. Ross Tamblyn, ithfoi-ie neribrsofth curliBest, imanagers; Keith West and Doug Seir and lnanmany instances this was a high- jcýel cahs Don't forget the registration thisR light of the centennial celebration. oel oce.weckend at 'the Oroiio Comfmunity Flowers adorning the church wer(oh Midgets: Manag-ers Bob Taggart, i Centre on both Feiday and Saturday. in mcm oryo the late Mr. Ab r ak Reîid; Coach, Don Mercer, as- 1It is a great help to thc Athletic whien Former Bible Clciss Sings At Centennial Concert È_>Px ",à-"' stt15 iiie onJfUe. i f0 right tliey are Ethel care t&, and do a bit more smockirg. a guxl proceeded to dig for Uic animal.1 believed that damiage to livestrck ha*j Press Sec. Shirley Sharron Threce houes laïter thcy made the cap- j been the work of these bcasts. BIG CHANGE IN POLICY Djurhami Medical Reduce And To Extend Medici A mrajor policy change wvas endorsed and would bc considerably cheaper at the annual meeting of the Durhiam than PSI. The addition o! the Home Cont o-operativeMeca Services and Office Calis is a nc.w feature of on 'I'Tuesday evening whcn th meet- the Co-op and as soon as Ucacs ýng- gave approv,ýýal for tic Board cf Dir- saryý number subscrilic f0 sudh a plan ectors tô geoup xitn medical plans it will come into force. and f offee w planls . . a semiý package planj and a full package plan. The membees also approved a ccc- 'Plis step m'as taken la order Iliat a om-lmendation o!flice Board o! Direc- fulleýr medical service cýould be pr o-1 tor's for a rate reduction in thc coming, vidied to the miembers and to gene th-e1 year o! 10 percent and this will apply Co-opcratiefr opttinfo year of 10 percent on Surgical and ?s Premiums al Coverage Junior Gardeners Enter Pumfpkins In Contest The regular monthiy Ymeeting of 1the Junior Gardener's Club was hl Thursday, October 25th ýwith L8 m iembers present. The president, othr pans iMajor £Vedca. This woul d eel,$ 1Mes. Fai.reother, weicomied al neyn- tive f, reo poelict-at -lad becin in ~fi bers and congrattiiated thieiy, on bringe- A4t the present Une the Co-op is in 1961 aIu l jave continucl. 'Pieý rea- li offeeig three plan:s: rgcal, Morsoning bchind l hs move was f0 use,-gSOmn pmkist M-edical andLI-Hospita,,l MediaiCare. 1upi)the surplus eamced during th e ,s ' hecne ïithese threce plans will now be con-.yrf rom peatol e.'Rbeet I A special work-sh1op maeeting is f tained in one plan and it-wHIlbli cora- Moffat poInted out that Sec surplus 011 be lieid Novemiber -8th at 7 é o'clock te- pulsoey to lave ail three. Unider the the Coop wias somiewbraf above that as ihlp rparecostuies for the San'a preset conditisif is possible fta recommended. 'Ple nt savings foriC, u parade la Bowm-anvillc. The clhoose one aor two o!flic th*e las, Uic ear amiounted .to $9095.11. Paf- p0 deitiuoredflc n1n)is D£ but unider the ncw 8ct-up a me mber D oag ans lanUSe amount of $119.80 Fhe invitation ta the Ji, Gardeners miust subseribe tlC package o! and duc in 1971 arc also f0 bc paid off club to enter a float laiflic parade. flirce. The cost of Surgical wvas $3W.O, ïsyeIbTeKiis ycui are Isupplyig - us Major tMedicai $10.00 and LisHospital «SJ t a ractor and %wagon. Care $1200. 'Phis- semii-packýage plan 'le decrease la the Surgical and Wil contain a prcmduiumof $600. Major Medinal would li cacrried on A Ieftteo acceptance was rend by f ,or a yenr period with fli semni and oli secretary, Mtrs. Challice f rom ic 'Ple second plan Which was a"sofil package plan.OooSno ilesCu efi npproved at flic annual maeeting in:Crstn Party f0 b lie hcid Novem-beïr Y7elvcrton on Tucsday niglit wHIl con' Another recommnendation approvcd 2nd tain thle sem-i-package plan aiong witI by licSeeting was loýwering o!flice Home aýad Office calis. Tlic p-remium dduta nilaMajo)r Medical front Ple Tu idntagain stres.secd Uiim- for the fuli package plan is cxýpccted $Iý20000 f0 $100.00 and fhis will bc etcfporamce o! ail boys and girls toai f0 bc Th.0. Pis plan, if was Stafed, fective lainthe, two new package plan. nlay courteous and rcýspectful o! ail would gIve value for flic premilum paid (Continucde( on page 3) Se. etincS. 250 Attend CentennialI Amateur Contestý Thie Amateur show held in conjunce- Gladys Brown, Grace Reid, Gladys tio wih te Cntnnil clebatin amsby, Kay Chapmnan, Elsie Jones lfite Orono United Church ýwashedand Ethel Tyrreil. Emima Lunn as Saturday evening in the basement of played the part of a coloured mamnmy the Chu1-rch 'with 2-50 persons present .1 and brought mluchi laughter to the aud- Mr. Ross Gilbart acted as master of! jence. ceremones for the concert which vias Miss Sheila BarraJ3all entertained 3ponsorüd by thec Couples Club of Or ithtp dancing anid a guartette (A ono. Dale, Donna and Doretta C-hilice and The show,ý opened i ;th the Oronio eenBrn sang threesog.r. Pyespresenting their umrusWmEunting played three selections one-act pla.y "Between the Soup an)n the violin being accompanied by the Savoury". Again the players pre- Mr. Bun!tilg 0on the piano. sented a fi'ne performance with Glad~ys Mr Bob) Johnson, in reciting the Aslett, Ma-ureen Johnson and DianIe )pplatr -Albert and the Lionreae Gilhart enacting the character parts. a o-lot 01agtra teatwsms M.Dick Morýton, with Mrs. Mo,1rton entertainin.g. The Country Four wverel at thie piano stimulat"'d a co-munty',also in g-ood voice and their close har- siIng-song- with ýsoine off tne popular mnony mnet with approval by ail pr-es- o1ld tLunes.,Jent. -he Scýarlet Dan cers, . a group of Mr s. R. Gibson gave a recitation la youg quae anersfrm he re, lier usuial for- Mr. D. Morton fur- anid under the direction of Mr. H. thiered the entertalamient with a tromn- nisberry, then enterta;ined Wi7th two bn solo copyilng the style of Tommy squares. The dancers were Steven Dorsey. West, Fred Bunt;in, Ba1rryHzedn Jimm-y Partner, Marilyn West, Lyndaý Added to the program' was a femnale McLareni, Suzanne Eunting and Ruth' and maie choral groupwh provided Henderýson. Mrjj. anld Mr. untinglý a number of musical nubes.Those ,uppliui elcmusic for tflidacs Eleven mebruff tlicOrono Goo)d Wil BbleGlss o!fom wetyyars agopreentd fire deligliffl lmusical! numnbers. Tlcy were dircctedi by Mers. f Drumnmonfi with mes. M.LH.l, Sitaples,3 3at 1Uic1pin. Those in flic choral-;Toil, rrday: left 1ra e Reî, Cl Brown, Ethe Lyctt, wce r Mary Milie, Cora Canfre,, ýreli, Elsie Maf rgaret Hancock, Coca Canrei ndMagrt anck Ehe Lytf 1Gamnsly, MryMilie, Jeanne Staples, Elaine Mlerucr, Maur- enJolinson, Betty Chatterton and Ku<ay Guster-. Those in Uic maile group weeLes Aslett, Bob Johinson, Car- man Cornish, Charles Airmsfron,,g, Bruce Guster and Don Staples. A popular numiber with the latter group was flic singing of *"Doni't Give 'Up 'Ple AnteJorgea.seni was then con- gratulated on lieé s;Icndid work in fc club ai-d iaform-ed fliat she will lic a ncw assistant to Mes. Fairlirofler in Uic future. Plans wcrc flien made for Uic Chiristmas Party and commÉitte cf Clive and Caroline Johinson and Mes, Cliallice are fo blinl charge of tîI, programme. Encli Club member was then given ageranium cutting and instructions as5 to planting. 'Phere werc 12 pumnpkins entcred mu lecýorating- class nnd pizcs wcrc as follows: 1. "Pinik Lady" - Carol Ana Caldwel-- 2. "Old Man" - Evelene Brown 3, "Ch',inan" ' Margaret Mitchell, Honourable mention - Annettec Jor- genson and Bibi Caldwell. 'Ple president then gave ail mcmn- beris specniintrcton a f al Clirisfmas arneet f0bce ýntredI ni our pat"y. Ail 1mernbtrs are urged 0 dlieck cnrcfiully v wýitîfergre Annette Ienclosdcd or eetngby lnigus in eue Pray1,er andGrd Please remember our special meet- ing ovemer8 a.nd licusure f0 attend.( 'Ple Coupfles realizcd over one hufi- dred dollars from fthc concert WÉhi was also part o!flihecQcntenial week- end o! Uic Orono Unitecd Chiurcli. -4

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