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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1962, p. 5

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!- -1 m - ,~ gI~?fl~TjI ~~~u~irT .V 'PflflrR THTJBSDAY, NOVEMBER 1tl 1062 wide loodTranfusio Serice0fj the Canadian Red Cross Society, Red Cross Bood Donarswhole blood plasma and blood by- OA NW ~prodticts are provided FRRE of M.adMs o ucnadMs 1** 7th CHARGE ~~~~to ail persons »eeding themn. M.adMs o Dna fdM N)money is needed to obtaîn Il-is Clarence Duncan of Ottawa visited Cluic iovember't ýHPu Plas hve eencomletd b th tat ay eanthediferece etwenlife-giving fluid. Red Cross throug'h friends in Orono over the weekend ilas aebencniýtd y*te ta aynen l edfernebewe their area blood banks keeps a con- and attended the Centennial Celebra- EomnvleRed-Cross Branch forj hf e and death to some person. The stant supply o 0 lod 0f al types on tions at Orono United Church. theý Biood Donor Cltnic to be held on a ctual donation Une is about ten min- hiand. However this free service can- Miss Ruth MeCleflan of Toronto Wednesday, November 7th, at the ute,"s foflowedi by refreshments and alot be maintained %without sufficient spent the weekend with Mrs. H., losCentre, FBowmvranvlfle. Mrs. Wm.cýýihat w1th your neighbouirs. Just a feW volunteer donors to repienish the1 Bowen. Rudelcinic- supervisor, reports thaýt moments of your day - May mean as1, iy1 0 fresh blood. Bow"manville an- eýfficient staff will again be on hand lifeimeii to somieone els. an distict cliniýs hv been mrostý Mr. and Mrs. Bax:ter, Hamnilton with rcess doinors as quickly and comn- suce mfl n he pstan i i hoedMr ndMr. çWr!. Amrn o fortaiy a possble.Not tolong ago it %vas necessary to tatlca itz-swilag Pltr oiweekend. rly 30 minutes of yol--r tlne are pay as 1 - s2 high as $25 er bottie for bîood 1P suiient numb ,ers 1-'ù reach u Mr. and Mrs. Wa, y e Hooey and led to provide a donation of blood trasfson. o ,houghi the nto-qoa Miss Edra Best, Toronto, spent the Any person in goneat etween -eekend with Mr. nM rs. Horace' ________________________________________________________I "(2gS 0f 1-n1 5iseiil to don- Best and famiiy. ate eveýry three months. A telephore ailutoMA 3-882 MA 2-2313 or New-, Re.and iMr>s. A. E. Eustace, wvhile castie 51 -,T roide'l ree tlrn- tattending the Centennial Services in portation to and from t-he clinic. 1ii()setteNekn ihN n ---- PLEA~S E --join yu rinsandOronspent.the weekndwt r n neighbours (11in fact ol"'ad lup your. cars, Dr. and Mrs. L. McKenzie, Toronto, i c andbyracks wivth as!)anr and Mrs. Geo. Cole, Port Hopje /IPNI>he is Centre, Beech Ave., Bow ,,iand Mý,iss Audrey Billings, Oshaa 7-- r lonm 1:30 p.m. 10c 4:30 thel Mvrs. Carl Biliings and attended theý f ~ IJ f lrnon and 6:30 to) 9:00G in the ev rono United Church Centenniai ueî- ening. Do yor goodeedfor thie vices. / day put our cffee beak 1 work Miss Myrtie Smith and issMrl DO DN E TO sTHrt / am help save a lfe!!i Tamblyn, Toýro)noatene ChuLrch servicein Or rono on Suniday and vis- 6 - 0BIRLTH ANONEET ited friends. Mr. ajiiNd'Ms. laa Scoenak - ae hpp 10anoune te irt IViitinig with Mr. John Patton an d ther onFrdere ria, n Oto Mr. and rs Roy Patton for a fýew erjdýays iast, week was thieir cousin Mr. 22d 96,a emra o1iaE tv Tait, Tornto, and withi thein mavle'nal.A bohrfrvsited friends hin Mîllbrook, Kendal YvoneandJaet.a- ad Cobourgg and attendced thle turley 'IDSupper in Kendal on Wýedlnesdlay even- -ORNISH, Elizabe -- In Victoria ng ~~ ~~ B. C. o Otobe 8hEiaeth Cor Soine of the mnyfrens'endiag nis, wfeo h aeAtu av the Orono United Ghurch Centennia and dear mo'r0 ea(r.PrServices were Mr. anci Mrs. John 5er) VcoiB.. ueiand Ger Keane and famly, WUtrdwir aid GrndePrareAib a nd eeuand Mrs. Sain Keane and Mrs. A n Necaste. Se wa in er 9th Keane, Oshawý. iMr.< and Ms ly year. The funerýal was hd fromn thQ King, Woodlvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M'CliFueri om o Otober 30. Gamsby and daughter, Oshawa. MIr and Mrs. Alan Strike, Bowmianville TGWNHIP 0F CLARKE Unit 3 of the United Church Womnen Cler's otie 0 Fist ostiig will meet at the homne of Mrs. J. . of Voter's List Cornish on Tuesdlay s,.fernfoon, Nov.' NOW 111s THEVoter's LÀ-, 1962, Township of Clarke cmber 6th at 2:30-oclock.1 NO W IT'S IR intkie Coutyof Durharti Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P. P. for ,d"unm Emý -ew3 w aL ic-tntThqvý IT'S 30% FASTER!1 ROLPH HARDWARE ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 143 - - "WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE SELECTION 0F RECONDIIlONED SAWS compl!ied with Section 9 0if the Voter'sl uis!, Actand tht,1 hav posted Up at ni,; offic e at Oronno-on the 30thi day of October, 1962, the iýist of ail per. sons entitled to vt in the said mun- icýipality at miunici-J pal eclections and that sucbi list remnains th ere for inspec- tion. And 1 herebyea upon ail voters to tLake imdaeprocceedJings to have any omissions or erro-crs corrected ac- codig 0 aw. 'The last day for'appea] being the .13th da cy of November, 1962. Dated this 3th day o! October, 1962. H. E. Milison, ClIerk of the Tonh o f Clarke ru PLAID SHIRTS Cottn FinnelShits, anfoized Hads0imeý assrte paterstre woven thjriugh, neot prited. Brwgre~rd bnred edmntn Size S, M and L. Speciall$S295 LACED PtUBREýR BOA1T.S '-eyelet Bots o! ýftop quailty rubber, warmuly llned ithk heavy rayon pile. Remvabe einl- seeýs, treadedf rubbersoe.or witheut shees. sizes 6 îb 12. ýPRICE $.5 fiNSULATED HI1-CUT BOOTS Kfan"Kintreadis" en1sure cmfr afoot whatever the tempelfratuire. Oltandcowlude u-ppersý with 1cn-wèeaiag treaded irubber soles ami~ ~~~~~G okmisoeSie teIL PRIGE» $16.5o Opten AIl ' A rm'lmt Wedriesday A e , PARKA COATS Hleavy duck cents with detachabie hooDd and warmi quilted lining. Two big patch pockets and sterm ceuffs. Gr',een mnly. Sizes 16 te 46. PRICE '02.50 NYLON COATS 10%Nylon iCoats mwiith warm ptile lining, water repellent, detachabie hood(, storm etftwo slash pYeekets. Navy with red. Sizes, 38 to 4?. PIRICE $7 HUNTINO CAPS c rsblevap, ofgrieen ,«t(ýto tiîlwilh Reverss to rlt red, 106% yftail oi paiddy u PRiCE $6.953.9 Drawers - $!.95 to $3.95 HELAVY WOOL SOCKS LINED WORK PANTS SWVEATERS LINED LEATHIERGOE a t re O e ongs M ondayi 3 the committee on man-power training, to meet with representative., of the Quehec Goverment on their policy with respect to mnan-powe(r triniinlg and vocational education in that prov- ince. The comm-ittee mieets Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ùIf thiýs The front of the building ln wrich the Oror4o Weekly Timbnes is located, is undergoing a face-lifting this week. The oid style windows have been re- moved and a new brick front is 10 bel installed during the wveek. The Orono Firefighlters heid their annual masquerade dance on Friday evening of last week with sorne forty couples in attendance. Round and square dancing was enjoyed in the Town Hall. In judging the costurnes five prîzes were awarded. These prizes went 10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hazelden as the best dressed couple with Bruce Gus-, ter, Mr. Callice of Millbrook and Mvrs. j Leslie Aslett as single wvinners ;n the rernaining classes. A fifty-fifty draw was held which was won by Mr. W. J. Riddell. 'hel 1prize money amnounted 10 $40.00. The, Orono Baind beid ils annuai m1eeting, on Tuesdlay evening- of thisl Iweek. In the eleetion of officers rU.! D ck Morton was returned as presi. dent. Mr. 'Ceeul Alidred of PBowmvani- vill ws lecteci 10 the office 0f sec- retary-tre-asurer. Mr. MU. J. Tamblyn xiii be thie 1onourary band leader and Mr. Doi nn mmth'e band leader. In reviewin the financial position of thie ba1nd il was reilorted thlat a bi ance 0of $1077.72 existed. The band are considering holding- a g-et-together for ils members and ladies. Nothing defin- ite wjs done in tbis mannmer. Mr. and NMrs. Robert Moffat and Mrs. Robt. Chater of the Durhama Med- ica Srviesattendled the annual meeting of the oeaie Medica(ýl Federation *in Kitchener issiwe Mr. and Mrs. ibu Da1vis 0f Roch- ester, N.Y.,spnteweknd ih her aunt, Mrs. C. L. Powers UNITED ~UC Y' ~ Oronio Pastoral wRev B. E. Long SUJNDAY, NOV'EMBER 4t, CHURCH SERVICES Or-ono - 11:00 ar. Leskardi 1:45 p.m. Kir-by -- 3:00 p.m. SUTNDAY SCHOOL Or-soii - 10:00 a.m. Leskard - 1:45 p.m. Kirby - 2:00 p.m. t'- FREE 36 DAY SUPPLY WITH EACH EBOTTLE 0F 144 TABLETS AT TH'E REGULAR PRECE AU FOR $799 6 DAY IUPPLY wth baffle 't b4l 9 VITAMINS AND EXTRA MINERALS INCLUDING LIVER und IRON IN EACH bAILY TABLET 72 TABLETS (10 weeks' supply) ...4.98 (with an extra 18 days' supply FREE) 288 TABLETS (ecoorny bottle) ...1398 1(with art extra 10 wçek' supply FREE) JM. 16 or. LIQUID (with 40oz. FREE). .. $6.98 STUTTS PHARMACY- ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 168J N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -o N -o N N GeRAHAM'S Esso Service Higlxway 115, South of Orone Licenised* Mech-anic E General Repairs Motor Overbauls to Cars and Trucks P'hone: Garage, 1621,1 Res IR jTHIS WEEK AT THE ORONO 5c to $1 STORE Special - Exclusive Hosiery, Substandards, Seam- less mesh, 400 needle, 75 denier. Sizes 9 to 11. NOTE THE PRICE.......... .. 2 pair for 75c. Children's Cardigans, Dupont Super Orlon kni, l;twith colored trim, madle in Canada Sizes 2? to 3x. Priced each.............. $298 Dutch Bulbs, Hyacinths and] Daffodils only. Clearing price.......... 3f or 2.5c. Childre' Rbber B-)oots, sizes 6 to 10, color of re rblack. Priced pjer pair-. ...........$4 Mens Fl-utWoven Sporýt Sh-irts, -Permia-stays fusd cllas.A large assortrnenit of SatPt tento choose fromi.bidividuially boxed. Smnall, miediumn or larige. An ideal Xmnas gift .....$2.9S IBo's Wool Blend Toques, assorted hockey team- New- Shipm-ent of Plants, PhilodlendrQ ls,> Ivies, Won-1 derng ewand Cacti:Your choîce..... ... 49. Ladies' E1arniwlette print Pyjamas, tailoired style, assorted patt(,-iinýs and colours. Size S'4 to 40. $2.39 ý fbanxin WEEKLT TIMES

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