YINBR37THURSIDAY, NOVEMIER 8thl, 1962, OIRONO, 0-NTAR-10 mneyer Voices Need Mrs. J. T. MorrisofiRecord Attendance At r4rs. J. T. Morrison, widow of tI For Provincial DIirection awy rcenty i her 89th year att rIf igli C Grod& an illness olf two years. neyer guet sp~kerThc Hîgl C Graup lad a record ai n- Liberal meetingN Minnie, as she was kn ' o~tadn~o wenvsxo ud VOLUME 2t, Ni- Wiinter 'gi~~> ~ Miss Purdon was a member of the gIo we arch, Trinity United Church, Bownanville,I lov ièk. Icon% he was secretary of the »uwnian- p~ta ~uidbeville Recreation Association, s"ero- bo~ia yo ardyof O tOn e e t ri s A ci Lif soul-searching ordo ntal erato sol Eventhouli ~ations, secretary of the EGast Centralî answer the pur- Ontario Art and Craft Asscaina ci ad eenac-lMe member of th e Simcoe Out r thikin abut nd CilafI Association and a yri-nberl e thinin.- a out!)ftbe Bowmanville Choral Sooriety. Surviving relatives are a sister, L %vth the Bene-,Margaret of! .owmanviLle a-nd a ure readiag and brocther, Harold af Markbam., ýpI<ton, The funeral service was leld frain Diîane Gilbart the Northcutt and Smith Fha HmBOwmanville Friday, Novera- Gets ber 2 at 2 p.rn. The service waS con- luctd b Rev W.K. Houslander, minîster of the Trinity United Churdli Indu t y reniation took placet the St, James btaiaeda w ,hemical proces-1Sabw for its products, r's tine it will Contsruotion is to start on tneo new ,d aienanad Wo- factory a!ter Novemnber 1lStb. The deterlgent produc't, wblch will: wvas imade bybe pnocessed will be la plastie botcies Hughes, .chair. andci WiIl be on the grocers' sl elves' conmi'ttee, at a'. hortly, ouncil. Thoextew piant will be located1 on the ie comrpany will Base Lina noaid with 427 fojot f-otage Sweet Comipaay oniUighiway 40JI. The property v/as! the trade namnie sold by Williain Lycett. Bc Properly Registered te of the O.A. Ono-no if arrangemi-ents cni be xaade.ý art that 23 boys Ia onder txi giva the boys in tiiese Atomi and 19 ian rupwho are anxious/, to play, a whicb shiould teani, we have been trying to bring sting seasoni as'ia boys frora another centre for bothý ~stosfor the Bantai iand AMidget ages. ns niext Febru- We want every boy ini Orono to play, Midget but must remnind them i at a motion Mî1e groups was passed at a meeting of Q.A.A.A. )ry with 10 boys lt et inter, followiag the trouble en, l~idgts. Severýal countered collectiag lbirth certificates ih proMseS o!' and monley, that no boy would be ai- eir birth <iotif' 1lowèch ta play or practice at tbe nhn yet these have this ,vinter until these requirements had been met and his co verage wîtb ,king arrange- insurance was. la effect. ieacb of these This is the sit uation, registration ams ail set toi ay bas come and gonie, and if these ýated tirae by 1b oys or aay other' boy 'ia the district 6 p.m. to 730 tot play hockey la Orouio thls, nr Midget hiock- seasoni, tbey anust contact John Mof- eing played la fat NOW. ferreci wte i enu eIý'I le*,, i Prime Minister of OlitanÏo'. 'Lbel ais FIe ct. Officers 1For 'l 9 62z- ticLiberal eeting la Orano lahI wwek a - ofItea!OffinerS for the anty Associafiami was elected hcin Pat Pe,îeît, . R.Love7-kin - President, ienolE.Hge lstiVice President, fllirry Wadle cn iceuPresienW. J. Bragg 3rd icePreidet, ohnRickand 41 iee sîdntRgriltrc Mn. eaU0f ope awnhipChair- - ~Npenentd îlelito!ticers. Mn. E. J-,Woodyai Cd s eturning o!- eer r ic electian ,lo! a canididate. ïy pititoOP1,Ltil Qi eafl o ol IVunIipIDCU vvurer v MuaI work lias been done at thel Oshawa ,L ki Club aver the summier, Ê%à but miost ip br as b n he G nerolletin On Dee clbsnew propeity. This uindeovadhgl dietdby Ennie- Gomme, *,ill be The Orono Police Trustees at m genienal election la Docember. that to er comn-p1eted la tume for the skiing sea- special mneetinig__on. Monday, paSsed 1 The request was pnesented to the lieacoont so.a resolution askiag the Townlshlp Of; Cianke T1owiiship) Council. on Tuesday t Uommînisi It wîll enable these people to ski Clankýe to hold a vote for Municipal iaftennoon atý their negularn mail the reque ohm hlis whi( .ree uaatn itb- "'Later ia Uic Vilage of Orono. The etn.The necessary 'by-law -,vwasiTe-r ttbig 0 hllaig wile t oe wsrequested ta-)be beld W itigven ilire readJings aad on coýnditin igas b roeitselif nmade of nylon, %vill b& heannuial election, on Decem4ber 3rd. -ita ample time is availabiie ta hiold! a-i the ne lighter, stroager and more durable The i1esolution was rOnoved byJ.L 1Ite vote it 15 10 be heid oneccnie Villaý ilia antbin usd l thepas. Ilwhh n-ery aaid seconded by H. M. Mer- Sd Legal ,advice is b)eiag -obLtained l in -f2fty no.beaesatuirated wiUiwtr ncn.sconon. brougtm warm dlays, as did the manmilla rp, lii rhis connection Uic Police Tru-- On Mon)dajy the Police 1atthýe-; l,- ii anis amuch less lihely ta mark a tees necivTed a leVIer frnanicOro011o al S o t wtheCutisRa Cm ,aaie 01acket on water,. Ca uera ommerýce vho aske-d formisin -hn the Ml-ianStreet li--.n miii At he ouher Otano Si onea oteon aîr a tecarliest . î tersection ws vlie'w,,ed wîth Uic Trus- wt a rc mleetLin,hleld h Qhn a ct13-14, ij(ýîcdate.,ites skTing thýÏat Itle Stop Siga be - ment of li saaClub succ(ýeedeýd la Obi1 tnigpermission ta hold the Juior 'T"e rusee feit that a smnaîî sav- p)Laed on Main tret It wspainited setmlg ufý ')Lt!t-a the Trustees by the conimittce This mcce Four-Way Chaiaasilpsirs hene. 1V îs ingi Uic hecastIof holding Uic vote recogaized as the biggest ski mufet l nîîfld hebcobtiained with the watier vote bat besgawa,-s now erected ac- afternoon- Sautliern Ontario. being hel tîe same tirnoam tletcnigt i oaisb-a n ulig rote vvirnl 'bar 3rd ý--3lBER 37 Alan Beer, 42, of Betbany, was9 chosen on Thursday evening by the Durham County Liberals as theli: candidate in the next provincial el-1 ection. He won the nomination on the] 'irst ballot over Weston B annister Out Campbellcroft and GIen James of! Port Hope, Mr. Ber noin.ifated by Howard ~Malcolm and Roger K1ikpatrick of Port Hope, is a Manvers tTownship Miss Dora Purden Dies In Hllspitai Miss Dora Purdon, a public Healtli nurse for the Nrhnbrad)r hain Health Unit, -die~d suddenly on Wednesday, October 3lst in the Mein- anial Hospital Bowmianville. Miss Purdlon wvas well Inown in 'the area1 as she Visited the public sehools and, miany hoiies in bier cluties to the pub- lic. Shiewas in hier 47th year. The daug-hter of Mr. and -Mrs. John Purdon, she was born in York County MIarch 25, 1916. She had lived in Bowmanvllle for. the t14eas Pr-evi:osly she lived in Toronto. fariner who also works at Gaea Motors in Oshawa. He lias bc-en a member of the Manvers Towimshiji Counci*l as~ well as deputy and fteeve of the Townsbip. In 1955 be was war- den of the 'United Counties of Nrh uimferland and Durham, He r ried and bas two eidren, 3ruee Beer, a brother of the Durham~ candi- date,. was elected in Peel Cowity teor the jiberals in the last f ederaî et- ection, Four were nominated to runfo the candidacy on Thur.3day evenlng being Allan Beer, Glen James, West- on Bannîster and Diclc Lovekin. Mr, Lovekin, a Iawyelr frofli Newcastle de7- olined bis nofilnation& leaving a three-way battie for the position v) represent the Durlbani.County LÀi- erals at the next Provincial election. In bIs nomination speech, Mr. ert. stated that lis Municipal experiencçe had led him to the position in wbiicl he found himnseif ton!,ht. 1Ris fagiii y.r hie said, was behind bis moveç to seeIý!- the 1nminýation and Uthi-bfeitwa i speaking of Mr. Wintermeyeýr and t'le Liberal party tue candlidate. claimed tbeir leader to bc a mian o conv.icýtion1 and sincerety. Mlr. Beer said tliat equality and justice for al were Liberal d1oetrin-e T.oý whicli he aubscribeci 4uly, -,aýid lie was pleased to be assooiated WiLh.~ a pairty that bad taken a, stand oD educational problenxs, greatpe Wti.- versity farile4,s,' and fthe probem (>t crime ln the province. He said bc thougbt bis f axrm aLU labour experience gave him -an u- derstanding of the probleme 0of botà groups. The Liberal party is workiflg tao re- ate a better enviroanent in trie prov- ince, for cbildren, the candidate said. He aiso praised its appra'ï o mnedicare plan as sound ýwcice it wa directed at one third 0f the )pýtJon not oovered by voluntary insurd*ce thliough w) ofallt of their -Ùwi, Mr. Beer said tbat ha stootl for the3 t!hings the pioneers and Fatlwprs of Con! ederation and the soldiers w1ho gave their lives in two world %vars had fought for, nam)ely the dernocrat- ic sysItemn and a futuire for tboir childrein- He said is was the duty of the pres- ent generation to huild on the, fo»ui4a- tion that tho,,e who had gone before hiad laid a great sacrifice, MP. janes was protosed by Dr. W. T. Beatty and seconded by P. W. Me,,- vaiboili of Port Hlope. He told the convention that ht was time the Lib- erals piceod a winner iii Drbani County, son-ethiing they h4d faileci lu dlo ,)rovin(cially in 20 years, he added> T he reason for this lack of siucces, he said, was that Liberýal canjdida-ites were not well known. They ineeded1 popular support since people voted for the Iman as well as the party. Mn. James ,subnmtted that iewa weLýl-known 1throughou 'L the Countýy. "Idefy anyone to walk Durbxxu. County, and shakýe Lands and s-ille ai moepeople than I 1have done. 1 vos- pectfully subinit 1 airn your man," Mrn James s'aidÀ the da", for fence- rý(ii nad puSSYfooting- were gone. "Let',s pick a ine, eecli- e cnddaesaid he stood forý economuy la goverrnent and help for tlhe sinail businessman and farm- er who would becZ ntwitthout as- s:stance in 15 years. He aleo question-. cd Why Durham with --o nii-ich to) o!- fer had not been able to attraot more hnuviry. If eleùoted to Queen's Park, M. James said lie would not be known, là