THURSDAY, NOVE31BER, 3,114i2 TIWIRDAY, NOVEMBER Ist, 196 Thne Breârak-Through In Higpl"h Pricd Meat Barrie Is Taking; Place At CORNISH'S RED&wIIITE VES OUR VOLUME1 WARRANTS A PRICE DEOINE AN]) WE ARE PASSiNG TIS SAVL1XG ON TO TOIT, TH E CONSUM1ER - Drop ln and sec us tisl week-end -WE KCNOW YOU WILL DE MHAPPY WITU THE QUALITY AND LOW LOW PICES ON OUR MEATS! -WE'LL APPRECIATE A VISIT FROM YOTJ! TOP QUALITY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF Boaelde-sa Round, Sirloin, Porterhouse, T-Boie '&LL -STEAKS l b Smac LEAN iFRESHILY GROUND NM"ineý-ed BEEF 2 Ibs 89c PORK LIVER PRESU PIG AB LEAN ;TASTV 84OULDER, Lamb, Chops Ib 59c LAMB. lb 119c' 3 5 FLAVOURFUL SLICED Tren4d Breakfast Bacon lb 89c MeQUAIDE'S Heat and Eat Tasty Meat Pies FORK SALE Choice Tender Yi-ung Rib Portion LOIN O' PORK FOR ROASTLýIO. lb 49c Loin Pork Chops lb 69c Mild Seasoned PURE PORX SAUSAGE lb tray 49c lb tin 59c Save 6ct. - Pink Seal SalImon Habitant Pea and V'egetable.. 28-oz. Tins SCUFS 2 for 35c 2 lbs 53,c 2-1b. Cello Pkg. 2 for 69c SAVE M6 - 37e off ]Pak King Size - ""g 97c SURF Supreme Fancy -Bave 22e Biscuits 3 f or 89c, DIS~OTJNT PRICES Tablet5 - ;R.. Uc Anacin 60 for 69c Nasal Nist and Tablets -Xeg. $.1 Dristan riow 99c, Hair Conditioner P.ieg. $1,50 Resdan now $1.19 2for 29c _____________________ _________________________ ___________________________________I KENDALI »EWS !Elizabeth Aun Reid --n November the seventh Mrý3. John r.Jackson celebrated her 9811,hrhu F e -Giass and at one tirne lived in Rendal OnOcobe 2th A thur n. nSt frecn -eji h er husband, [n the house nyw Johln's Ohapel, Fort Prince of Wales, o edby Mr. W. H. FBoster. Henier, Gerniany, against a pretty Corpci 14r, Reg Eliiott and Mr. Bill and setting of pink gladioii anid so sars (P] Pf>,ob-- Winn have gonie northi to Powas- candlelight, Elizabeth Ann Reid, groomw, mn t hun th dee. Hoe-c Mr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A.we $ Ivoss Pattoiiaand Mr. David Mercer Reid, North Orôno, exchanged xed BaseM twen hutin atK,'tal arî i~on-ding vows with Corporal Arthur Fred, mny day no*n and got a fine deer at erick Oakiey, Royal Canadian Arniy ister, M ybornd Mvedicai Corps, attached to lst )BN., beautifu 1Queen's Own Rifles o! Canada, son of' member Miss C. W. Stewr,tMes. PLFilintti StaIff Set.and M2ilFfl rfç,ii(-.)ale-, 1 t 'stood Weds in the receiving Uine. Zvts. Oak- I erickO0 Scarnations. ;pnd Mrs. L. Greenwood, Miss l,,nt Caýmp Borden, Ontario. Padre Harold 41 and7ý Mr. McMahon ail attended th Robbtns officiated. usswr eeýe o h rdl bdolast FIiday. The bride walke4 4own the aisie on, ~ ;s y r.j .En Te crs Insbtý ituem eeting A at S car-1jiIath r ofM .J G.' wjp .j ia ng a d e fg e n," o n a d Mm. obt Sion f Ohaw leC5.~'of Hemer- Senior Sehool, wearîng a creani Ita'lian jwq1wihdep u IvZ for lier father Mr. Robt. Morgan plain white sain g owNmeut on a simple 110ckline and bracelet lengt seee4 fU el.princes une ith ligh, round necl< Her accessories were chocolatu On Saturday evening, November - and long, pointed sleeves buittoxzed at bronand she wore a corsage of yel. teýe slxth line friends and neiglibours the -wrists. A plain, f lat bow added gatere~ a Uc hme f r. nd Irl back interest -to the Iloor-Ifen low rose. Sgt. and Mrs. Earl Oakley, ra-ph McMackzin to honour Mîr. and shghtly fiared sjkirt that formed a anuut and uràcle of the graoom l Mme. Paul MeMaekin who were mar- smn-all train. -Ber veil was the beailti- ?ried Otocber 5 o! this year in King-! ftul authlentic w;edding Mantjilla o Lo.Gamnes were enjoyed uintil Mr. Spain, knee-length o! hand-w<woen silk î,, Greenwiood called Pau' and Marion lace,. sighItly scalloped around tic zCsi in the scat of honour. An ilium- edg-e and gathered Qfl a Plain satin inated ad&fress was tii iad. It re ring headpiece. She wore a, peari baýrK lerred to the tme twelve years ago' Pin belongirig to i her mother and ca- O RNl Nxheni Paul came to the littie red ried a bouquet «f redi roses and whito sehebo house te wlft honours there, j ca rnations. aýnd later ti wi schoarshipa. that 'elped hlm to obtain his dlegree.1 H4er' sole attendant, lier sister B'ar- Sk !Twwe are -lad to weicome hn-z bara ' wore a Street-lèngth dress of S eet Maeta baek as a high scho-ol teach-er of the deep green Satin, iperneaueJ boys and girls o! this neîghbourhood. Wi-'th shýirt laring from thýc hip. Match, A good teacher must be seliolar, in'g sh'oes, short lace overjackýet and counisellor and friend. A partner wa,ý satin petal-shaped hat cor.p1etedj theM a e t -needed in this great work. So wve took, ensemble and glhe carried abouquet, ùbis opportunity to welcôm aro and wish them many hiappy years ~îî h ut ekb on I J V IN~ An end-- table and a plant was noww ýpresented to thehappy couple. Paul replied very fitcingly and Marion invited al these kind peoplel Io visit them in Orono. Lunch wasl ten evd Miss C. W. Stewart, Mr John Mc- Xelvey and Mr. and Mrs. John Stark, xnotored to Toronto on Sunday to visit Mise Marion McKeivey after lier 'eeeratïon ini the East General Ho- Miss Ruth Gordon miotored home fol the Weekend from Dtunnvi.lte Vhere she is learning liow to operatej 1 te dial telephone switchhboard. We were deeply shocked io hear of the sudden .passing of z)Ltr healtni nus Dis~ora Purdonl. She was 3o, interesterj in the childreni and farmiie,s' under hier care. The youing niothersý fýound. her sr)lrelp!ul. She weikr about doing good." I l and R 1 who sel fs-,iistail. and qtara,-- CARMAN PLUMBING &, HEATING Phone 14à Orono ~1N S HOPI al Producta o Or der ï SUPPLIES ,epairsi B-H PAINTS etc. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Orono, Ontario Iey wore a lighit green printed silk, jacket, burgundy shoes and handbag with dark green bat, brown accessor- and a red rose corsiage. ies and a corsage o! yeIIlow roses, Ç.uests present at the weddiîng in- cludn r ed: Mrs. Leonard Cid ameron, sis- Highuigiht of the reeepticobdinhiex of othne groom, Corporal Brueeý was the wedding cake sent by the Oakley, unele, Trooper and Mrs. Gor- bride's family. Cablegrams -of "Oc on Oakley. gratulatiolis were read during the Leonard Cameron of Canada's lat Air The previous day~ the ýouple wereý Division Europe, Baden-Badre.n, Ger- i narried in a ci-,% ceremony, therebý, dinner., complying with the laws of the Fed- eral Republio of West Gerymany. T1heit l'or travelling, the bride choseal honeymooned in Hoiland and M.i~l charcoal grey suit with loose-fittigI~ live in Hemner until they return t i Canada in 1963. ROYALBowmanville ROYALMA.3- 558-4' Thîs Fmri. Andi Sat.. 7 P.11-. Last compiete 8:U Sunday to Wed. Starts 7-30 - Feature '7:45 ACADEMY AWARD Reiffl.d !.1., UMTEATIo mm Ali-Star Cast Spencer Tracy Judy Garland Richard Widniark Marlene Dietrich BlurtLancaster Montgomery Cit ýmaximilil nSeheli Save 15e - Snowflake Shortening Save 'Je - Lancia Spaghetti PIORK HOCKS23c. Phone 11816 N N N N N N j' N N N N N N N N N j' N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N. N N s N s N N N .5 N N s N N N N N N N s N N 's N s N N N N N N N s N s s N s s s N s s s 's s s s' s s N s N N s N N N N N Y N N s' N 's s 's N s N ~ N N N 4 's 's N s s s k