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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1962, p. 4

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ORONO WE!EKLY TMES TRURSDAY, NOVEMI3ER 8, 1962 itemns specially selected for Christmias giving, ýtre tvailable Free 1for IGACash Register Tapies or, for added eonvenience, tapes plus cash. To ai oid the Chisti"ktsrush, place your order riow with your IGA Dealer. For ait even greater 'varlety of Chlristrmas gift suggestions ch~eck youir IGA Gift Catalogue. IGA BONUS BOOSTER TAPES Eac1x week- a number of food features are selected as "BONUS BOOSTERS- . When youi purchase these products you are given "BONUS TAPES" whlch have -a catalogue value of ý$6.O, $1.00 or $e2."4 each. Just save these Tap)es lat your folder with the regular IGA reg. ister tapes. Dole R~oyal Ouest IGA CF FE" Paramlourt iEvaporated CARNATION M!L iI PRICES EFFECTIVE -NOVEMlýBER 7, 8, 9, [0 We Reserve The Right Te lmit Quantities 48 oz tin 29e i lb bag 63c ~2 tins 85c 4 tai1 tins 55e Safrds - Cherry or -Bluieberry' Chieken Nocodie or Tometo Nyegetable PIE FILLER 20 oz tin 2 for '69c LIPTON SOUP' plnes- ke JBox Jar 4PEANUT BUTTER Twinkle PouclhJigk - Ciocolate, White, Glagerbread York Blanched CAK I 3 lfor55,c PEANU TS 4 for 49c 6 oz jar 69C 13 oz bag 39c Serve. Smoked SHv'LDER 3ete Frésh Chteei ut Legs or Breasts lb 5'9eC Royal Ouest Rindless 1½2lb. p$kg. Sliced Side Bacon 69c Economical and Nutrtious Sliced Pork Liver 29c_________ 1ý2-orz, Cat 45c IGA Squeeze Bag M argarin~e, 2 lb 49c Hiospitally - Thurs. Fni. Sat. OnlY Cherry Pie each 45C Clisnm-on Sunbeam l3urs pk 3]c 12-oz. Pkgl. 5for $ 1 EXTRA a total of $36 iii Bonus Tapes FIECEIVE OffEN BONUS TAPES WTTH D)EODOi,2NT;' - Fiorient Assorted ech (~IARETE - opuarBrands etn, of ZOO HIALO SHA7iMOQ- 1 egý Olxat Size RECEIVE $'.O N BONUS TAPES WITH BEEKIST WHiffTE HONEY i-lb. Tub G~AY »ETïe-,-(UINT - 7c off Liquid .12-oz. CHI~EiO ox TWINKLE CEREAL pg RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITHI F1ROZEN STUAWVBERRIES - Libbys 15-oy. NO. 1 GRADE CARROTS 3-lb cello »ag PARTY TIE CRUBS - Tablerite 8-oz. Freslh No. i Grade S*pinach Elliperor Califoyrniiia Fl t Grapes floida New Crp Oranges lO-oz. Bage 2 for 29c 2 lbs 29c dozen 39c Undaunted by the loss of former th-e best costumnes. Harry Cuff WCYx gaines, our football teamn tried Ia'rd the coke drinIking contest With a ýWa to score tite necessary points to W., 'snipp1e on th~e end of the bottle, against the Bowmnanville SQu1ad, blt, 9o tife, Brian shi, leith Swvîr- failed to get those touchdown.s wecre needed. caidetieraelou Congratulations to each plae~r !ê î T1is dance p"oyed tjole one of~e '~sfine, efforts which lie put fox'*i mi ejt(,,, dýnces wc ýe j inou very*v game. Mr. Lowry 1s also to W-e school. onrauatdfor the wvork lie did Jim Wlo vththe team. Don't worry boys! Next year 3'ou On Thursday, Novembher, f irst, "ice ~'ill do better after liaving a year'S vollevball teamis fromi Clarke p!ziýed' experience. a ga nttetas0 jax ï4igh- On October thirty first, the Stu- School and Henry Street H2ihS~o ' ent's Counicil spoxnored the CoI'n1 in Wlitby. ,Both our junior and -enl Stalk Twvist. The decorations consist- ior teams played well but we*(re -1a7 Iec of Jic~OLenwths kel- l"-ted îin al attemnits. e- ~ te i tons, streamers and cornt stalks. fuitur-eholds better lu'ck for our gries.i The winners of the twist contest The Cilarke Higli ;hSchool junior ~n ,,eire Kathy Scoftt and Ron Good. The senior volleyball teams payedtem rîze for thbe -grl with the best cos- from Courtice on Wednesday, Ot~e turne was won by Candy Storks, whoý 31. Our junior g-ils won two gaRInes'; was dressed as a Roman. The prize out of thÉo'e. The larite senior for the boy was, won Iby Jim- West'- were dlefeited but'tried their liard;est. -heuser, dressed asý a youing lady.v- Each and every girl put forth lhir be8t Mary Lycu iiBailey and Jim Weithieus,-l foot andi( played a very good garne., er won the prise for the couple with SandraJontn OroDn9- Bible Study Grroup Plato pointý,ecl out lonig ago, -that scrn o live a continnally tragi i , duainwas niot a miatter of telling mayi, through, a sense of injust1(c 1! people new things, but consistecdiIn btcnslash eeit in a dlbrt t extracting fromi their mremiories thiat tempt to destroy anythîng good 'la whlich they alrcad 'y knew. Titis lnay 1 is niear, him. If we have lived a hl- 5e debatable, but, Piato was a notable ered 1f e, wve may not r ealize 'o personage,. and thougli ancient, biis many potentiall1y fine people ar s o opinions are still considered. 3o, 1burideccd Then, a turning to and ýex- credîting thîs statemient, isn't it in- îressing 0 f Christ is the only w Ict tercsiting and encouraging to, reflect prohibit titis perversion. We epes titat 'even though ve cdo cvil apparent- Ch1rist, throuigh God's love and g~e ly without being taught, we have with- to the dnegrce that we experience in us the potential for good that e- To that degrcc aflso, wýe ms ins quips us for victorions living, and wve to Hlmi, stifi under His giac~lr nieed only to extract titis material by we miust avoid any possible p4e,1ýýr- xpressing it, oyr pressing it out, sion of outr good w,ýitness. l mýi b -On being asked "How mrany be- 1e vdto 'De fruitful. lieve in thte devil?" a limited numberj If' e e spenit too miuc t;rtio oaa- of the group indicated their affirma- sidering the negative things wear tive opinion, and found out that by so up against in lîfe, and try to jrmedjy doing, they had possi'bly established them OUrs9elves, we would run out cf his headquarters nlot too far, from n Or- timi-e for the positive things. The be ono. Perish the thouiglt! gives us pi'inciples by which to ve Tihis is really a serious and most but even with this amoûunt of lgt important subjeet, for it is aceording wE fnd W/e tnust be led by OirUýt -I to thle way ecd individual feels, just 'der to achileve, pro-.ýressiv , , 6h l how lie or site will organize titeir not enougit to lcarn and to teaceh some titinking and cliannel ticiîr actions. good thouglits, wc nleed tiche FR-,4yN', Is the deviii a person, or a power o fofolw, aind quite evideint>Iy G cvil? Some have difficulty' in secing in hre to save as from cniui hlmii as a person, just as some cannot 9rils ludrn. A flith, living laM titink of God as a "'person", butAtley'~ 0~l had been swimmir.2 a I ertainly tiink of Hlmr as a 'personal' round quite uxno ncdly inbi'e- God. To titcm, tite classification of eral living habits, whle.n suddenly, c prn'is restricting-, lt creates lm- IaY, lie re,1ized that tbhere lie'as itations, but could tliis be becaiXse we Ilth ah tinat water uinder itim anci lie keelp forgettlag that the real 'peraon' would surcly fali right 1 own to ticý lis the soul of personality, and »n ot otomn if lie didn't 'do somethling a- jwhat ive sec wit our eyes. Such an, bout it. Se lie grabbed his tail iii1 hieý k~Iidividual nmay feel titat the devil is ottan t Ai ocrce &i inot positive'ly a person, but is an ex- 'Tis 'Went on 'for somne tinetc i i fi- istlng nYegative condition of depart.ure ally tite ocean asked hlm what hl ,Vw,1 ffim God; and ini sudh a condition don,gYrattinig like titat; so te it j hey are plagu ed witit unwý,antedl and' told the ocean, lic was saving hi'msclf; apparently uncontrollable perverse- and the gentle reply was ".I an li ness. you; unidcr you; over you; an« a-zï Jesus titougitit of cvil as a positive' rounid you; you can't go ,vliere 'f arn influence, and reacted to tic preseùnce 1flot; wvliY donlt you j'ust relax, and of sometiting that was very wrong rest in me, and ]et me look alter whiether it-was a 'deron o r Ynot M ay -1 you. 'rmrsi h çv ril lic we are like tepeople of hio O are ntiti~e olccniso days, witen we believe ia persdri ofinen11tob devils; Jesus itaci to deal witlh thc ea ed, so that the su~bjecot my jpersonali evils of others in ternis tiat penhid The r'eaIlfy ofecvii, wt th y ou d i de st aIilis a ttnding lîs, is te ne cl u theywoud unersand andi if thcy b»- fact that wc miust deal With a i lleved titey were cemon-pDosscssed, then lHe iad to exorcise titose dcmons1 Uties, aa we Wve touch 0on this rta 80o the host could "*sec" tliem dcpart. poli fe-,fi l ee May'be tie people of that day, like aconup'nedifrnds;l lot of ourselves, were slow to uLnder- stand fl1that "dcmno-posscssion"' could be simiply a miental clothing of our B01F separation froni God, ilala form m'el are more likci]y t eonie 2 Do we as Christian misifionaries, struggle against, actively positive cvii whiii evcry practising Christian la, localUy? In titis commuiniiity, that is. Tecolective opinion was ycs, as in j any other community, some is unin- WEETEOYWH tentional; somie is rcally initended to 'P7E THE 810C 'V'1110 .destroy; some miay lic a resuLùt of tIX OTCL feeling inferjor; somne is definitely op-, BR/A'G IN HEA T position to anything that la good; sometim-es it is ani unconscious figit against the dcsire to bec ood and acceptablc; and sonie is Juat plain -' contrariness. Intelliectual superiority 1'1 is no guarantce against titis perverse-1 ness involved, because people in al.! levels of life fid thieselves repeat- ing thc foolisi and wicked things they resolve neyer to do again. Didd send Christ to saVe us from-r doing wrong tings, wrhen wve want to do riglit thing.? Evil can bel f ~ 7 most positive whien good lias, beeni per- I vre.For example a person wivito -'z leA 16 oz 39c ÏNSTANT (OFFEE ' Royal Gold ,Mild Cheese Birdiscye Fro)zén F an cy Peas 10 lb 29c baýy2 % g- lu

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