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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1962, p. 5

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ORONOWJIELY TMES---------------- , 1~ The Corporation of the Township of Clarke Notice to the Elzectors Take notice that the Cotinçil of the Corporaition of the Towý%nsbtp of Clarke by its By-law No. (ft.eeetroftejojeVlaeo n1405 passed on thie Sîxth day of November, 1962, lutis enaeted thiat there be submitted to a vote ut te eectrs f te Plic Vilag utOroo aQuestion of which the followlng is a true copy: for a contract betw%>eeu the Corporation oft The Townsh-ip of Clarke on behaif of fthc Trustees of the Police Village of Oronio and the Ontario Water Resources Commis- sion for a complete municipal water sys ten belng installed in the said Police Village or Orono at an etlmated ceost of $175,ffl00.O And take notice that the said Coundil by Ils By-law No. 1406 passed on the sixthi day ut Novem- ber, 1962, lias appointed t"at the vote of the said electors on the said Question shahllie taken oit Monday lte ThtIrd day of Decemiber, 1962, between the..hours (et 10 o'clock oftfthe forenoon and 7 o'cloc1(xk of the atternoon, Eastern Standard Timne, at the following place, at tihe Municipal Election if any, and iy lte foluüwlng deputy returnlng officer and poli clerk: DEPUTY RETTJRNING OFF ICER MUS. 1BRUCE IMERGER POLL CLERK MUS. JAMES RICKABY POiLUNG PLACE ORONO MUNICIPAL BUILDING And take notice that on WedÉnesday the Twenty eighth day of November, 1962, at, the hour of Tiiree o'ct(lck u the atternoon, Eastern Standard Timie, aitlthe Councvil Chambers ilitheTownship Hiall at Orono the head uf the said Coumdil or amem-ber onf it appointed for that purpose by its resolution, will attend foýr the purpose of appolating, if so requestcdl, lwo persons lu attend at the final suimmlng up ufthtie votes on the said Question by the Clerk and une person to attend at the polling place on lichait uoftthe persons iterested lai and desirous of promulting vuting in the af- firmative on tlic sald Question and a like number on behaîf of lte persons interetsted in and de- sirous uf promoliag vojting la inhe neg-ative un lte said Questionl. And take notice ltaI un Monday lte Tiid day of Decembeibr, 1962, at the hour uf Nine o'ciock of the aflernloun IaI lite CoIuncil Chambewrs ln the Townýisitip Hall aI Orono the Clerk utf the Munici- .pality %WNilI atted and sum n p the number of votes given lanlte affirmative and Ïfegaitixt and de- clare te resuit ut the voling on lte said Queýstion. And lake n tic hal a tenant who desires lu vole on this atter must deliver to the Clcrk, H. E. Mihi1son, aI the Townsitip Hall aI Orono, nutlaiter titan lte Tenth day before lte day appoinled for lakili,;te Vote, a declaratiol n made la accordanc ewit the provisions of sulisection 4 uf section 26G etf The -Municipal iA-et, RSO 1960, Chap. 249 and Amiendmenls therelo. And lake notice ltaI any Corporation wising lu appoint a nomtinelu lie a dded lu lite voting lisl Must, accordinig lu law, file with lte Clerk aI Orono an appoinîmient liitnagnul later titan lte Tenlh day bel ore lte date un wbich lte said vote shahlieb taken. Ani lake notice aI any limne nul laler titan Five day-ýs lefore tLhe day appointed for, taking the vÔte, a judge, uipon Ilhe application ut any person whose name la entered on thc list 0f voters prepareci for the ClerIk or ut aaky person eatilled lu lie entercd on that liqt, niuay strîike from the list the name of any person who is dead or whuse namne has been wrongfuflly entered on il, ý.nd may add lu lte Eist te namie ut any person whose naine has licou wrongly uillted fro lte list or wito, if a tenant, thougit he liai nol made lte declaration prescribed by sulisection A ut sectiun 260, establishes ltat lie lias the qualification pyrescribed by that scct*oôn. Aad lak-e notice ltaI if lte assent ofthlie eleclors is olilained lte Question set out herein will lie taken inlu c-onsideratiun la regular meeting of Counicil conmenclag aI Two o'clck lanlte after- n(oua on Friday lte Fourteentit day of Deemnber, 1962, lu lie held lanlte CouinciliChtambers lan te Townisitip Hall aI: Orunto, Ontario. An~d furtlier take notice ihtaI 1, lhe-undersigned, hbèreby certfiy lte above Question te lie a correct stalemeal t fte Question Submiitted, Daled titis 8tit day of Noývemrber, 1962. if- Ladies ninter Welgitt Car Coals Jin different materials. Orlon pile and raylon lned. C~olours brown, green, red, blaek. PRICED PROM $1.5 29.50 Ladies .Slims la WooI Plaids, Double Knlts, Stretchin lual sizeN 8-20. PRICE $N - $16.98 (ien-ayr KitIon Sweaters - A tabulous unie uf perfectly ma.teh- ingSwatesSkirts and Slints. Pullovers and Cardigans. 100% pure ool. PRICE $7.95 - $9.M8. 10%Pure %WoolNublby Tweed. Colour Goid and Brown PRICE -,$19.98 L~I4 MoairChanel Jacket Cardigan binie. PRICE $16.9ý8 SPu~~1tlfover & ardigans in Bani-Lon. PRICE$79-.8 Idimweight bulky Orlon cardigans, long sîceves, ftl tashioned uwith cyeiet fl.ahinasmall coliar. Colour whtite, green, yevowIPiced at S12.98 Ladis' eathr «oves, 'mvool lined, ulorstan, IroWn ~.and black. PRICE $.Oand $(j.50 ~ ~Ladies' thrlee,-qujarter length Ban-Lon lovssh4rrcd top. ..~...'C~ in coours ofwhite, gold, broun and tlack. PRC 24 . . . . . ..........1....... e -:..\~ brown, white and black. PRICE $249ý Ladieýs' Builky Orlon Mifsfclours of whitet and liro,ýt whfite and red. PRICE $L.95 Aiso other styles in aI-wol initts -andgle. Wjool Skirts la i plaids, checks and plaïin çjclors. AUdierl styles. Size 10 to 40« PRICE $(;.95 lu $I14.98 Hadasenuuxne Leather, coorif blackl and brown $19 Oblong.' ure Sllk FloiàIScarfs. Also nylon In plain shades Culour tfurquoise, white, green, bine, red, g, purlple, leafl and bine.. PRICED AT q,5c., 51.95 52.5 Ladies' Flannelette Pyjamas and NSighlgowns. Size,, nalmedium and large. . PIICE $2.95.-and $3.95. Open Ail Day Wednesday Armstrong s Suore OPen Moniday *LOCAL NEWS Miss Ethel Rutherford dieci sucide- îy on Saturday, Nevember 3ird at the hnie uoflier sister, 3 Yule Ave., 'for- onto. Miss Rutherford was formrerly a resident of Oron-o living on Park St. The funcral service was helci Munday avening. Interment was miade in t11w NevtonvilIle Cemctery, 11:00, Tuesday mnoining. Mr. and i Ms. E. H. Samnuel are spendiing four wceeks travellIng in England andi Europe. Local Deer Hunt N/eets With Successi From ail reports thc local deer huftin V the Unitedi Counties ut North- umberlandi andi Durham was success- fuli as far as the hunters were con- cerncd. Hunting was opencd in the arca tis year by the Department as the deer population is on the increase and it was feit ativisable that a har- vest siiould býe made. It hias aiso, been repoi-ted that a large inuniiber utf hunters from ah over Ontario came to the area on MIonday to participate in thc first open. sa son for deer in tlic area. bocal )iun- ters found success and tis reporteri noteci Bruce H-ancock rcturniag froni the local huat around il1:30 witli a deer atop his car. Considerable opposition in suime quarteis -was registered against Uhc hunit in te Uniteci Counties andi tive mnunicipal councils passeti regulations latopping the sliooting ut tfirearmsi- witin their m-unicipalities during thec period o.f UIch open deer season. During ic thrcee days of Uic huait Hope Township Counicil hati four spe- cial constables sworn in te patrol thie Township to enforce Uic Township býy- law of nu hunting. The b-laIw prohi- I biting the firtng uoft reamrs in Uic Township was passeci by Council whenloa farmiers ýiid residents ub- jected to the irount be'.ig held ina Uic ýTownship. Thie nmaýinoijectlons came fro m the tact tlial cattle wvere ,tili out on) pasture andti tat farmiers wcre btiil wrigon the landi. Cavan Township followed suit uofCihe tive others andi closeti out bunting in tbe Townshiip on te last,,day 0of Uic hunt, that being Wednesday. Hunting ui the Township of Clarke was allow-! ed -during the full Uircc days and we kltow ofne organizcd group whc sought lu have te Irnt cancelicti in Clarke. P. W. Swanson ofthtie Departmeint ut Landsand Forests in addressing Uic Hope Couxncil and delegation ot cili'zens pe>.tcd out tVhat with Hoe paissing t'he 'nu sbuoting' reguietion thalt a toiliof five Township hati stop- ped the hunm in «Uic UntcdConis la speaking with the local Game IWarden, Deug Powell, he re.oorted ithat the hunt went well andi that tiiere stil ,are plenty of ticer roaming thle cotryside. He knew et no damage' done by àunteýrs duig the threGe day open sea5on. îGarinet iRic Aid ein- inig Frm11 C U Ci Garniet Riûkard, Darlington Town-I ship, reeve, officially announced tins week that lus 17 years oft tewýnsh-lp serviceý will end titis ycar. M~r. Rickard oici council in Hamp- ton that he wl not lic a candidate for any oiffice in the township clection this year. He said hie lad given a lot of thuighit 'to ibis reiremient from towa- shiip politics but bnci accepteci the nminiation as Progressive Conserva-I tive candidate for Durhiam ridlng ili the next federal election, andi felt, that a conflict of ires--onsibiiies Would resuit.1 Hec aise said that lie was r-eluctant tco step do-wn because -l think tlier-e la a big future in store for Darlinglo-n' UNITED CHRCH Orono Pastoral Charge Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, NOVEMBER Il CHfURCH SERVICES Orono - 11:00l a.m. Lýeakarid - 1:45 p. K.rby -- 3:00 p.m. SUNI)AY SCHOOL- on!o - 10:00 a.m. Lsrd- 1:45 pan. Kirby- - 2:00 pj.m. GRAHAM'S EssoSer vice Highway 115, South of Orono -24 IOUR TOWING SElýVICE I Phione: Garage, 16214 Licensed Mechanie General Repairs Motor Overhauls to Cars, and Trucks Res. hIIR1 g. EACH BOTTLE 0F 144 TABLETS AT THE REGULAR PRICE 9 VITAMINS * AND EXTRA MINERALS SUPER INCLUDING LIVER and MRON PLENAMINS ~g IN EACHDbAILY TABLET "~6DY 72 TABLETS 4'10 weelcs' supply) ....$4.98 TA BLETS UPL (with an extra 18 days' supply FREE) -wth boffu 288 TABLETS (econotuy bottle ...$13.98 ' "" of 144 (wlth an extra 10 week' supply FREE) JRFOR.UQI (ih o.798) .39 JR. 8 oz. LIQUIO (with 2 oz. FREE) .._S6.98 STUTT'S PHARMACY ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 168j, TIS WEEK AT THE OROINO 5c to $1 STORE Men and Youth's Vinyl Gloves, will not crack or peel. Fiilly lined. Slip-on style. Black, grey or browni. Pair for ................ ..... $1.09 DON'T -MISS THIS-Every Day Cards, box of M4 to 21 beautifuil Cards. Birthday, Get-Well, Anniversary, etc. etc............... box 39c. Kiddlies' lird Cover Storyv Books, titles Bozo the Clowni-, The Runaway Pancake, Christopher John Pockets, etc. Special price . . 19c. or 2 for 35c Special - Turtie Bo-wl, Turtle iFood and Greenc-i Turtie. Reoguýlarý $1.19 this'week complete for- 97c, Play Furnituire for her Dol l ouse, Furnviiture for rooms, 2.5 pieces in cello bag ..........88c. Molasses Kisses, regular, 25C. bag for.....15C. Paperwhites for easy indoor growing. Bag with J3 bulbs and instructions for- growing. Bag .. 35c. Do It Yoiursellf - Plastic Storm Wind-ow\s, complete and readlv for installation. Single size 26 inchÏes by 79 inclies. Package for........23e. Double size 36 in. by 144 inches. Package .... 37c, Foaim P-11ows vwith white cotton cover-ing. A limi- ted quantity allowed us at this special price.. $1.33. N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N w? N N N N N N N N N N N N OBONO, WFEKLT Tome

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