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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1962, p. 8

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B ~ UNWANTED HAIE ?OPPY SALE Vanished aWray witih SACA-PELO. 1 Poppies wiil be on sale in 0Oroncon01 SACA-PEILO is different. It does i~Ot Th-ursday 'and Friday evenings and di.ssoIve or remove liair from the sur- on Saturday. - face, but penetrates and retards gro&th 0ýf UNWVANTED HAIR. Ijor- Be'er Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Grarnville SFA WANTED St., Vancouver'., B.C. p-10 Phone 33r6, C-oo . a-. Hlealth Unit Report For 1962 Communicable Disease There were 25 cases reported, 13 of these being mumps and 7 whoopiug Tuberculosis Two new cases wene reported dur-1 1-pg the montb. One person was ad- mnitted to sanatorium forn treatmeut, andl one person was discharged. liiilmuiztioný Preparations were made for four days of Sabin vaccine clinics, te have been held during the first week 0f October. Following the decision cof the Departm-ent of National Health and Welfane, these were çaucelled for the tirne beiug, the public being- advised teý make certain that their vaccination against poliomnyelitis with Salk vac- cine la Up to date. Regulan cho iinmunization clinics will be contin-1 uied as well as the clinies hield iu cou- junction with the .'-.ild Health Cou-ý ferences. Duriug September, 21 clinics were àheld foir iminunization of infants, and presohoolehlrn Sehool Health lu September, mnany of these chool cblîdren are re-assembled iu class- omadifferent from those they leftý ,n June, -and some have moved to or f rom other areas. Each child ha a aca.demic record and a health record11 ,hat follows him from school to school. In larger schools it takes some timie toe get tflese sorted out. Imipetigo, scabies and ringworn- have occurr"edi to somie extent this y-ear. At the request of the principal, ,-e public healthi nurse înspecta the children in affected classrooma, and aeshome visita. In April, MY-ay and Junle, and up to t-e end of Septembler, nur-ses had la- sued miedical exain ,ination record c7ards teo the parents of 1851 children utarting school in Septeomber. 0f these, 927 have been examlued by thelr doc- tors and the cards returued. Faily Healtli Visiting Public heaith nurses visited 581, famnilies duririg Septemben. Aufdlometry Tie audiomieter prograram-e re- sumed in these chools, thse last weeR .nu Septemibei, following su'mmer va- cations. Ag-aii this terni, as was the pro- 'cedure two years ago wbeu thse pro- gram'me was inîtiated, ailoff the pupis 1lu the rural oue to tbree classroom schools are being testedl. lu the_ urban1 schoola, the general procedune 0wtst ing beginuens, grade 3 and grade 7 will be continued. A special survey will be included this year on ail of'the pupils repeatiug grades at sobool. This will help dîeter- mine ini how many cases poor hlearing mnight have contributed to the cbild'sý, missing bis school year. Already tbis terra, eighit new hear- ing defects have been discovered. The parents of these children will be Poti- fled immediately and it is hoped the defect can be corrected before it af- fects the child's school work. Sanitation 'rhere was the usual faîl demand for building lot approvals in preparation by 'builders for their wluter wonk. Seveuty-four lots were approved. 1 Um DIE]D JJ1U.01 TiAvL. BRUNT-At his residence, RR 2, Of Antque and Modern Furalture Newcastle on 'Tuesday, November 6, ln the Orange Hall, Poutypiool, onI 1962, Wellington T. Brunt, )beloved Saturday, November lOth at 1:00 ýp.m. husbanid of Feru Brown, dear Mher Jack Payne, Auct4oneer of Shirley (Mrs. Win. Gordon), Col-______________ umbus; Arvilla (Mrs. John Part- ridge), Orono; Byron, , rowmanvile L E FR N and Donna (M~rs. Vernu Joues, New- T castie. Iu bis 67th year. Resting at BEALTOR the Morris Funeral Cliapel, Bowmaui- 177 Church St. Bowmanville ville, Service in the Chape! ou Thurs- day at 2 o'clock. interment BolJy ?IrooNe mde unalw,, villebed1'ooiTI5 recreation rûoom, fire- ilCemietery. place, large double garage, larg-e lot. Lîow dowýn payment. S70,00 a DIED . month 'carnies. LAMB-At Meniorial Hospital, BOW owmanville-Near Hospital, 6 rooms manville, on Suuday, Novemrber 4th, uew furuace. $7500.0f), Only $1000. 1962 Lily Joues, îu ber 83rd year, $60.00 a wonth carries. wife of the late Christie Lamub, dear BOwmianville - 3 room b ouse, $400.00 mkbther of Clive and Lois (Mrs. Wmr. dowu. $40.00 a nonth cari-es. Lycett, Bowmianville, Kier, Whitby Taunton Road - 3 miles to Oshawa, and Audrey, London, Ontai. 3-bedroo<m uglw bath>room naud Service qwas hield lu the Mor-ris Fuan- oil furnace. Receutly reuovated. eral Chapel, Bowuuýanville, ou Tues- $8000.00. Onîy $1000.00 down. $6500' day, November 6th, at 2 o'clork. In- a mnonth carnres. terment Bowmanville Cemetery. l. nna A ra -Nm odern IN MEMORIAM OORNISHI-In loving memory 0fEl Twenty-one refuse disposai sites izaoetn 0. uorrnsn wno passed away were inspected for the pux'pose .,f dir- Novemiber llth, 1959. ecting 'unsatisfactory conditions to theI We who loved you saclly miss ,you, municipalities and to make recon-I As it dawns another year. menclations. Nine field tests using Ini our lonely hours of thin1kirg fluorescein were made to determnine! Thoughts of you are ever near. a bouse having the sanitary fixtujres Ever remiem-bered by Lj1e family. drained to a storm sewer. a-p The dernand for chemical naysCR 0 sAK of private water supplies ïncreases Membr FTAK steadily with 15 samples being for- I 0bes f St. Saviouris Anglican warded this month to The Ontario 'Church are very grateful to al. who Watr RsoucesLabratry or n-'attended their sale of aprons, home alysis. - cooking and afternoon tea. It was a veysuccessful afternoon. a-p 0f 812 animiais inspected, 13 wvere TnesWne c7 oremnsd. ludnd7i there Were For snow ploug-hing and snow re- 27 orton oendem n7176 anim i-tovctl for Clarke Sehool. specify have bng ipe ed ineth b si-e ndtype of eqipment available ginnng 0 th yea. . nd he rate per hour. General Eemiarks JDetails m nay lie discussed wmith the On September-9'24 - 27, Miss Evelyn 1 Principal at the school. Tenders Flax7ýmani, Senior Nurse-, attended ai should b'ý ý-e mailed to the schlool by. conferenc e on Supervision rane ovme lt.a-c 1by the Ontario lepartment of HeLtth,. - OSHAVA TO HAVE A CAR MUJSEUM Oshiawa is to have an antique aultoi museumi as a permanent attr.action. A tentative date for the openugla been set for early Spring 1963. Thel. nu-seum i-s to be located in a 20,000, square-<foot building at 99 Simcoe St.l The museum will be operated un-1 der the auspices of the Oshmva C of C whose presideut, Gordon Rieil] mnade the announcemienrt this week, easy Lwork... ~ when The NU-1 7 i the only corni- polchoin sW.For o Iow investment, Ii qucýiiy com- paict wiH MJ?2e e0s, work of ail your oduîn hrs See it lodcy. A demcýonsîtrc- ion w;iil p7rove ils e-rctiility acnd si,-.plicily ol' opera.tion. Thecopt NU-l7-comn- pletewih1'atahel $1 P7 PIONEUR SAWS TO ORON, WTA RO At the Du'rh-anm County Sales Arena Orono -on Monday, Novemnber l2th at 1:30 p.m. Durham, Hereford and Au- gus year-olds, 2 year-olds and ;stock calves. Terms cash, no reserve. Jack Reid, Auctionleer COMING EVENT Reserve Saturday, December lst for the annual Heathe Rebekah Lodge Homremade Christmas Cah<es for sale. Orders taken by Mrs. Betty Ma- jor- and Mrs. Velma Watson, FOR SALE Two quilts, by Unit 7 of the Orono U.C.W. Contact Mrs. E. Quantrill, NURSINCO HO0MEa- Lyntonhurst Manor Nursing Hoime bas' warm comifortable acconimocla- tion for bed and up patients. Reason- able rates. Phone Orono 1308. 51-P The Chain Saw Season is lHere1 See' the New 1963 Mo1dels HIOMELITE CADIEN R~EMINGTON Saws ai; Baulch Air Cooled Motors Where Service and Parts are Always Avallable Lak-eshore R.,Port Hope TU. 5-2760 PH-ONE 129 C0,NTRAITORS FOR FAMand HIOUSE Fre stimates APPLIANCESALES to ýai! kindas of E-lectrical Equipmeî-i Such at Metors - Water Heaters -rV, - Radlios - Stoves - Irons roomr Bungalow, owner anxiojus to seil. Immediate possession, Onlyl $1500.00 down.1 Oronoj District - 3 bedroom Bungalow,, furnace, ýbath, good weil, large lot. Only $8,000.00. $1,000.00 down. Orono - 3 Bedrooms, new furnlace, good well. Only $6.500.00. $,00 down, $60.00 nionth carnies. LIST OR BUY PHOTO CO-OP THROUGH OUR OFFICE Many other listings throughout Dur- <tam Coýunty and Oshawa. A. J. McGILL Phione 14101, Orono Local Representative i..aulyuur- )icensed Pluinbing &. 'Mechanical Contractor Who selfs, instails I and euarantees B PN:- ERVIE LICENSED PLUMBERS Monteith, Monteith Riehi & Co. CIIARTERED ACCOTJNTANTS 135 'Sireoe St. North, Oshawa Telephonie: 7C8-7527 whitby, 668-4131 Ajax 942-0890 FOR PAINTING -DECORATINOg gBUILDING -CUPBOARDS0 g REPAIR AND FINISH g FURNITURE f gCali DON SIMPSON Phione 203, Oronog PUMPING OUT- SEPTIC TANKS WRITE WASHIING STABLES 'Bert Totnpkins Phone Newtonvilîe 4721 Barnes and By'am 0PL", MBING and HEATINGr fiSales and Servicee f S24 HOUE BURNER SERVICE B-A FINA.NCINCG fi Low Ltrs ae 0 Hampton CO. 3-2288 Tyrome CO 3-2650 iOtviIIe Chatterton Electical Contracting 1 Electrie Illeatinge 1 and Service I Phone 1031 Orono, OntarÎo B3ox 133 Mo. à8552 Stafford Brothers 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby, Ont. MNanufacturers of Cemetery Memonials Dealers in Domiestic & Foreign Granites and M1arbles - Inscriptions Cui and Cemetecry Repair Woj-k ~ nsurance Servilceg 0 Insurance in ail its Branches Auto, Package and Composite f Policles, Fire, Farmn, Life, Burglary, Liability, Marine, fAccident and Sickness, Wind, fi Bolier, Ficlelity Bond, Etc., f Sadie Hamnilton Phione Orono IR16 0 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANSo Buliding a House? or remocleîling your prescrit oe then contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono Electric lMnotors wiligRepairedg fizullg Brushes, 1eri ng:aut ra, O AppiauceMotors g g Work Gaate Phone:, 1176, Orono g Prefebsiqmal fliect.ry ORONO LMEDICAL CENTRE A. F. McKENZIE.. M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEOY Phonie 136 Bes. 147 MAPIAN A. KILPATRICK, e Phone 193 OFIFICE HOUES 2:00 t4:1)np.m. 7:00 to S:OOP,.l WEDNES1DAYS and SATURDA", .qY APPOINTMENT ONY DR. R. J. TAGGART VETEF-dMRY SURGEON .Phone 1(416 Ores., i Lawrence C. Mason, B.A Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Pliones: Off ice MA 3-5688 Nome MA 3-553 W. KAY LYCETI, L9I Darlistej-. Selicitor In the Offices or 'WR R. WadIdell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Telepbonre 1-38 Orono. 'MERRILL D. BROWN Il o (Civil) Onitarlo Land surveor f Bo)wmanville, Ontario Telephone 623-7251 iChartered Accountant "BY APPOIN{T3ENT ONLy'l M%1ain street ORONO P.O. Box 43 Tel. 138 I-NSURAÀNCE General & Life SE E FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAiN ET,, ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11710 JACK IREID Orono's Licensed Aýuctioneer and Valuator Specialize ini Farm anti .Furniture Sales Consuit nie for ternis andi dates Phone 5 r 18 Orone, TEl) JACKSON, Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Aur-tion Sales of al aies and at reasonable rate$ Communicate wîth himn at Prm Perr'- OntarloW Our quality and service feaves' noth-ïig. to be desired Ask the person who bought f rorr us. a nieighbour, friend or reatve The RUJTTER 1.GRANIÎE COM31PANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largeest Display in Secutheru Ontario"

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